Met caught out targetting Black drivers..?

Started by patman post, August 18, 2020, 05:46:20 PM

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patman post

Quote from: Streetwalker on August 19, 2020, 03:14:58 PM
I would add to Thomas's post that the reason police stop out of town cars is because there is a big problem in London and I dare say other City's of cloning . This is done by gangs  by having a car stolen to order and changing the plates  to match a similar car from a different city . You then get a good number of cars driving about with no tax or insurance and some poor sod in Leeds getting a summons for speeding on the M23

This is why plod stop cars from out of town .
Doesn't ring true as an excuse. Mine is a new leased car. I've just checked, and its reg is for the Chester area. But I'm the registered keeper on the V5C with an address in N16. Glancing up my road, it looks like under 20% of residents' vehicles have an L London registration. Maybe suppliers use linked and associate companies around the country to source new vehicles from. Used vehicles are distributed around the country and won't change their reg numbers...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...

patman post

You worry about a lot of things.
Would concerning yourself with how to keep pictures to reasonable dimensions and not blocking the thread be a useful addition to your collection...?
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: patman post on August 19, 2020, 04:40:23 PM
a strategy learned from the then Angican Bishop of Stepney, John Sentamu, who went public after his eighth stop 20 years ago. We're fooling ourselves if

I would be worried that a serving metropolitan  police office did not recognise John Sentamu.

Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe

patman post

The police officers are painfully polite, reply #19
Exactly one of my points. Police politeness during a stop is often excessively and slowly played out to elicit a reaction. The way to deal with it is to remain calm and be polite back — a strategy learned from the then Angican Bishop of Stepney, John Sentamu, who went public after his eighth stop 20 years ago. We're fooling ourselves if we believe much has changed since then...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: Streetwalker on August 19, 2020, 03:14:58 PM
I would add to Thomas's post that the reason police stop out of town cars is because there is a big problem in London and I dare say other City's of cloning . This is done by gangs  by having a car stolen to order and changing the plates  to match a similar car from a different city . You then get a good number of cars driving about with no tax or insurance and some poor sod in Leeds getting a summons for speeding on the M23

This is why plod stop cars from out of town .

same here mate.
Warning over car cloning

A big rise in the crime of car cloning is making motorists' lives a misery and costing them dearly.

QuoteThieves stealing Ford cars using cloning devices
Thieves have been stealing Ford cars in Falkirk using cloning devices to override the vehicles' computer systems.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Streetwalker on August 19, 2020, 03:14:58 PM
I would add to Thomas's post that the reason police stop out of town cars is because there is a big problem in London and I dare say other City's of cloning .

Not just cities. A few weeks ago, there was a car acting suspiciously near where I live.  It was a BMW, BUT a check on the registration on the DVLA website and the reg was supposed to be on a Lexus.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


I would add to Thomas's post that the reason police stop out of town cars is because there is a big problem in London and I dare say other City's of cloning . This is done by gangs  by having a car stolen to order and changing the plates  to match a similar car from a different city . You then get a good number of cars driving about with no tax or insurance and some poor sod in Leeds getting a summons for speeding on the M23

This is why plod stop cars from out of town .


Quote from: johnofgwent on August 19, 2020, 12:48:38 PM

Nice of you to pretend the apology to Dawn Butler was for stopping her for being BLACK whilst the apology was in fact for inputting the INCORRECT car reg number into their useless f**king computer system and thus being told the car was actually not what it was.

Although that claim itself is interesting as how many ways can you f**k up entering your car's registration number and still return the description as a car of the same make and colour ?

Dont know if you have read this john ....?


Dawn Butler's dodgy racism story

There's no evidence whatsoever that the police were racist towards Butler.

QuoteDawn Butler is famous for her bullshit. She once claimed that 90 per cent of giraffes are gay. She has insisted that babies are born without a biological sex. She claimed she was endorsed by Barack Obama – it later transpired that the 'Obama endorsement' letter was in fact written by her own aides. She boasted about having reduced by 3,000 the number of rough sleepers in her constituency of Brent in London. Which would be truly mind-blowing considering there are only around 5,000 rough sleepers in the whole of the UK. Did Brent really have two-thirds of Britain's rough sleepers before Ms Butler came along?

So it isn't surprising that people were sceptical when Butler claimed to have been a victim of police racism when the car she was in was stopped by cops in Hackney yesterday. She whetted the appetite of her Twitter followers with an all-caps declaration: 'I JUST GOT STOPPED BY THE POLICE DRIVING THROUGH HACKNEY... MORE DETAILS TO FOLLOW...@metpoliceuk.' Then she said, 'I recorded the whole incident'. It was like a trailer for a reality-TV show. Tune in and watch the racist filth harass a black member of parliament. People couldn't wait.

Only, the final reel, the heavily edited video eventually released by Butler and played across the media, turned out to be a whole lot of nothing, a major nontroversy. There are no expressions of racism. The police officers are painfully polite, especially the young white man who does much of the talking to Butler. And yet his image has now been shared by Butler to the myriad middle-class cop-haters and antifa muppets who make up 'activist' circles on social media. In fact, it is Butler who is being rude in the video – arrogantly waving her hand at the officers and telling them off for being patronising – while the officers nicely explain the situation. Brexit voters will be familiar with the haughty, dismissive Butler style, of course: she once said there is something wrong with you if you don't hate Brexit and agitated for the overthrow of 17.4million of our votes.

What was the real situation in Hackney at the weekend? Was this really a case of racism? Were Butler and her driver – whom she describes as a black man – really stopped because of the colour of their skin? There was 'no other reason' for the stop, she said, 'other than the colour of our skin'. Actually there was another reason. The real reason. Which wasn't racism but the fact that the police made a simple error. Prior to stopping Butler and her companion's car, a police officer entered the registration number into a database, apparently as part of a routine search for any out-of-town cars in this high-crime part of London. But the registration was entered wrongly, meaning the car showed up as being from Yorkshire. So the police stopped it and asked some questions. The error was spotted and all was well, or should have been.

Now, we can question the wisdom of a police policy that scours the roads for out-of-town cars, as if driving from one part of the country to another is somehow a problem. That smells authoritarian, and – in part thanks to 13 years of government by Ms Butler's own notoriously illiberal Labour Party – we have quite enough authoritarianism and ASBOs and controls on speech already, thank you. But racism against Ms Butler and her friend? There is no evidence for that whatsoever. And yet Butler rushes to the internet and the TV stations to tell anyone who will listen that the police are institutionally racist and she was their latest victim.

Her experience proves, she said, that 'you cannot drive around and enjoy a Sunday afternoon whilst black'. That's not true. Black people drive uninterrupted every single day. White people sometimes get pulled over too. What purpose is served by exaggerating this one incident? Butler is potentially spreading fear among black communities, who may feel they aren't safe around the police, and may well help to damage relations between the police and local communities in London, too. Is that really something an MP should be doing?

It seems pretty clear what happened here: Dawn Butler could not resist the lure of the victim narrative, the badge of having suffered from 'institutional racism', and so she blew her encounter out of proportion with little regard for the potential consequences. This is identity politics summed up: the needs of the self supersede the reason and sense of responsibility that are essential to community life.

Another black person chasing after the victim narrative .
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on August 19, 2020, 12:12:14 PM
OK Thomas

No Thomas I didn't try to qualify it,I actually did

You did , which is my point.

You came out with this pish earlier

Quote from: cromwell on August 18, 2020, 08:32:40 PM
what I do know is that there is a narrative that practically all claims of racism are false,clearly they're not,to believe so is as ridiculous that all claims are true.
Somewhere alongthe line balace has been lost

where you say something in my opinion you truly believe....

Quote from: cromwell on August 18, 2020, 08:32:40 PM
what I do know is that there is a narrative that practically all claims of racism are false,

Then try and qualify this absurd statement with this rubbish to ward off any criticism...

Quote from: cromwell on August 18, 2020, 08:32:40 PM
clearly they're not,to believe so is as ridiculous that all claims are true.
Somewhere alongthe line balance has been lost

We already know from previous discussion with you ( many claims of racism are true in your opinion) that you arent in any way shape or form balanced on this issue. Your bias is clearly in favour of those making claims of racism.

Not only can you not put a figure onto these absurd claims of yours , but clearly your bias in favour of the accuser making claims of racism goes against the very bedrock western society is built on , that is innocent till proven guilty.

I choose to believe that the majority of claims of racism are false until proven otherwise , you believe opposite. Certainly in this story , it appears to be yet another black man playing the race card with the met police having investigated and found zero evidence of racism involved.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: johnofgwent on August 19, 2020, 12:48:38 PM

Although that claim itself is interesting as how many ways can you f**k up entering your car's registration number and still return the description as a car of the same make and colour ?

Not often.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: patman post on August 18, 2020, 05:46:20 PM
Now a black police inspector is suing the Met Police for racial harassment after being stopped in his car by two white officers.

One comment is just on the button: "...police officers pretending to be polite whilst falsely accusing me without any evidence whatsoever of having committed serious criminal and road traffic act offences."

The way to deal with this is to be even more polite than the officers. Odds are they'll then tire of trying to get a reaction.

News of this stop follows the recent high-profile vehicle stops of Dawn Butler MP and British sprinter Bianca Williams. Both have received apologies...

Nice of you to pretend the apology to Dawn Butler was for stopping her for being BLACK whilst the apology was in fact for inputting the INCORRECT car reg number into their useless fucking computer system and thus being told the car was actually not what it was.

Although that claim itself is interesting as how many ways can you F@@@ up entering your car's registration number and still return the description as a car of the same make and colour ?

<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


OK Thomas

Quotenow you claim there is a narrative that all claims of racism are false?( aye i know you then tried to qualify this ,
No Thomas I didn't try to qualify it,I actually did

QuoteI fully agree. The balance has been lost , and you are part of the problem.

can't you see posting empty throw away comments about many claims of racism being true and lamenting about a mythical narrative of claims of racism being false without providing any context or fact is part of why the balance has been lost in terms of debating racism?

You are taking a preconceived postition without knowing all the evidence and facts , and your mind is closed on the matter. This in turn leads others to take a contrary position to what they see as your unfair comments.

Both sides get entrenched  , all minds become closed and further debate is pointless. You then moan balance has been lost , which to me comes across as a euphemism for people dont agree with you?
My mind is closed? No Thomas it's yours to any alternatives. Then what do we have "People who don't agree with me?"

I have had this before,it's a forum why should I be surprised that some or even many don't agree,so I supposed to be bothered?
IMO it's you that have the greater problem when anyone disagrees with you because rather than discuss it you get personal or claim diversion because you have no answers.

QuoteBlack folk arent above the same laws that apply to the rest of us , and if we get to a stage where they are , then society really will break down if the police fear to go anywhere near a black person for fear of being accussed racist.

Targetting black drivers isnt necessarily racist.
Sorry Thomas but you are attributing things to me I've never said,please quote where I've ever said black or any other people are above the law or that I believe targeting Black drivers is necessarily racist.

QuoteBy the way cromwell , the police said there was nothing wrong in this case , to echo the opposite of somethng you said the other day regarding the case in cyprus  , so the police in this instance dont agree with you.( many claims of racism being true? Not in this case it isnt according to the MET
I've never said the MET (in this case did believe it was racist)to the contrary I said this
QuoteWell since I wasn't there I don't know what is true or not,
so why is the post about a Met officer in court for being a member of a proscribed right wing organisation being mentioned by you in relation to that,if I or anyone else did this you would be posting diversion in answer wouldn't you? and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: patman post on August 18, 2020, 05:46:20 PM
Now a black police inspector is suing the Met Police for racial harassment after being stopped in his car by two white officers.

One comment is just on the button: "...police officers pretending to be polite whilst falsely accusing me without any evidence whatsoever of having committed serious criminal and road traffic act offences."

The way to deal with this is to be even more polite than the officers. Odds are they'll then tire of trying to get a reaction.

No, the way to deal with it is to wait until there has been a full investigation before you decide to burn down Stoke Newington, although admittedly, that might be an improvement
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: patman post on August 18, 2020, 10:00:56 PMBut you're assuming the reason for the stop is always a traffic offence. Many times it's just to inconvenience and the play games.

Yep, which is why I described it as a dangerous game for the police to play - abuse of power to inconvenience and play games is a good way to become an ex-police officer.
Don't believe everything you think.


Quote from: patman post on August 18, 2020, 10:00:56 PM
Quote from: Nalaar on August 18, 2020, 09:07:27 PMTrue, but then the officer would have to imagine up some other reason, which the dashcam couldn't refute.
If they can get a reaction — which is often played for — it's a bonus...
Well not always, because they can get the wrong re-action in their worldly view, which with enough people can create a backlash they didn't reckon on. Which usually means a political upheaval of one kind or another.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!