Met caught out targetting Black drivers..?

Started by patman post, August 18, 2020, 05:46:20 PM

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Not according to figures out today, but then fair play on the Scots if they can get away with it by voting SNP.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Dynamis on August 26, 2020, 07:56:08 PM
You have to remember that Labour cheated Scotland for well over 80 years; I mean really badly, where they stole money from the pockets of starving mothers (that's not hyperbole).

Successive English governments have shafted Scotland since 1706/7.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe

Borg Refinery

You have to remember that Labour cheated Scotland for well over 80 years; I mean really badly, where they stole money from the pockets of starving mothers (that's not hyperbole).

Thomas opened my eyes to just how badly Labour have acted in Scotland, if it wasn't for his lively style of pushing the point, I mightn't have looked; it's important that people realize just how corrupt Labour were in Scotland.

It is different if you're from England, we don't have a party like the SNP sadly.

The truth is, need a new party that represents the working class. Not a socialist party per se; a pragmatic one like the SNP. It's clear as JoG, sampan, papa and myseof and countless others have pointed out, that Labour under Starmer is completely controlled by corrupt special interest groups.

As for the topic at hand:

Pick your favourite source. The Daily Mail, Sun etc is buried within there.


QuoteJeremy Corbyn's Followers Are Stuck in the 1970s
After a devastating election loss, the U.K. Labour Party has maintained the delusion that it won the argument, while dismissing those who voted against it as morally inferior.

QuoteUK: Can Corbyn Sell Britain on His Hard Left Turn?

In three weeks British voters decide on the fate the biggest left-wing political offer made in a western democracy since 1981.

The list goes on , but no matter what SRB ignores , or trys to spin , the hard truth is corbyn and "moderate" labour had to bites of the general election cherry over the course of two years , and lost both of them , the last to their worst defeat in a century with corbyn himself ( and not just hime , his hard left henchmen and union men around him) was the most unpopular labour leader in history since polls began.

...........its all a big blairite conspiracy i tell you. ;D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


QuoteJeremy Corbyn's hard-left blueprint revealed
Labour leader wrote for a paper that lamented Brighton bomb did not kill Thatcer
Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell were little-known backbenchers when they took the helm of the Labour Party in 2015, but they have long been leading lights in the obscure sects of the far left.

Their decades of activism have been previously uncovered in records of the Morning Star communist newspaper at the British Library, the political collections held by the London School of Economics, and the Greater London Council files at the London Metropolitan Archives.

The most unpopualr labour leader if not opposition leader in half a century.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: srb7677 on August 25, 2020, 10:23:02 PM

I have posted evidence too. Including rock solid and incontrovertible polling evidence regarding the policy by policy popularity of much of our 2017 manifesto, demonstrating that it was not these policies - none of them the least bit hard left - that lost it for us. It just gets ignored as inconvenient.

Your whole argument with me has focused on the 2017 general election to the extent of completely whitewashing everything else such as the last GE , anti semitism , public view of corbyn himself and labours momentum backed leadership , while dismissing everything said to you as some "blairite conspiracy".

A 12 000 people delta pol said...

QuoteJeremy Corbyn's opposition did not win a majority and could never win a majority because millions could not vote for the incompetent and indecent Jeremy Corbyn. It's that simple.

I am not just repeating anecdotal evidence from Labour MPs and canvassers. A vast poll of 12,000 voters, released tonight, showed Jeremy Corbyn was by far the single biggest reason voters gave for deserting Labour.

You hide behind "popualr policy"  , blaming brexit and blairte , but i posted you gov polls which said on labour policy...

QuoteBut the party clearly struggled with other policies as well

With Brexit dominating the discussion so far, it is also important not to forget the importance of other policy areas, which was mentioned by 16% of those who abandoned Labour.   

In most cases, this was to do with the economic policies proposed in the manifesto and a feeling this time around that they are undeliverable and would cost too much.

Policies which were underliverable and would cost too much..............labours age old problem as the party of tax and spend. You ignored it.

QuoteThis is consistent with polling before the election, which showed that the majority (63%) thought that Labour's policies are not realistically deliverable, and that the party would not deliver on its promises.

this article sums up your head in the sand rhetoric.....
They didn't listen and they didn't learn.

For years, Corbynites were warned that their leader was electorally toxic. All evidence showed that voters not only didn't see Jeremy Corbyn as a strong or credible leader, but didn't see him as trustworthy either - supposedly one of his strong suits.

During Corbyn's four years as leader, his leadership ratings were only strong for a handful of weeks in the immediate aftermath of the 2017 general election.

Quote This became a kind of creation myth for his supporters - proof that he could upend the supposed rules of elections. No matter how bad his ratings were during the tabloid-strewn years between elections, they could polish his profile for the big campaigns.

Last night the myth was blown to smithereens - and Britain's future prospects with it. Labour's catastrophic night saw the party sink to a worse defeat than 1983, with the Tories securing their largest majority in more than 30 years.

I doubt you are even reading anythng that is being put to you , with lame excuses of being worn out with work  etc etc etc.

Blind faith is the loss of reason. So it is proving with you SRB.

QuoteFar from reflecting on the causes of Thursday's electoral disaster, online Corbynites have already defaulted to blaming centrists, Remainers, the media - pretty much anyone but their leader.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: DeppityDawg on August 25, 2020, 09:36:43 AM
Quote from: srb7677 on August 24, 2020, 09:42:29 PMThomas you are talking a pile of poop as ever.

SRB, he has put pages of evidence to you, but you've failed to engage with any of it - you don't have to agree with him, but you can't turn around and claim he's talking shite if you won't engage.
I have posted evidence too. Including rock solid and incontrovertible polling evidence regarding the policy by policy popularity of much of our 2017 manifesto, demonstrating that it was not these policies - none of them the least bit hard left - that lost it for us. It just gets ignored as inconvenient.

And much of his evidence is just Blairite shit argued by Blairites, whom he seems to love. It is by it's very nature disingenuous in the extreme. I have read some of it and it is shit. Thomas seems to agree totally with the Blairite assessment of everything. And cites Blairites as evidence. I don't buy what he's selling. It's a pile of poop.

Anyway, I honestly don't have the time for politics this week. Too much work going on. I certainly don't have the time nor energy for prolonged point by point to and fros in response to overly long posts. If I were retired with all the time in the world perhaps. But I am someone who still has to work for a living and this week in particular I have a very heavy workload.

So anyone expecting me to engage with very much at all is asking too much right now. I might just take a complete break from here until saturday. All I can summon the time and energy for is brief responses to short and simple posts. I cannot really do this forum justice right now.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: srb7677 on August 24, 2020, 09:42:29 PM
Quote from: Thomas on August 24, 2020, 07:11:34 AM

ahh yes moderate momentum. Zealots always try and put a "moderate" face on their behaviour .

You can bleat all you want , but the ordinary voter see through all your lame excuses , and gave "moderate hard left labour" a right kicking.

The way you talk about people in your own feckin party is absolutely disgusting for not towing your zealot line and cobynista principles of the hard left.

You mere democratic socialists hounded out every single blairite mp or supporter you could from your party along with many jewish ones.

Aye a very tolerant group of moderates. :D
Thomas you are talking a pile of poop as ever.

But some of us have to work for a living. I am doing 60 hours in five days plus commuting time, so if you have an ounce of understanding you will appreciate that I have neither the time nor the energy nor the desire to carry on this tit for tat, and engage with your wilful misrepresentations. Am just too tired.

Go shove your head in a bucket or something
We need to put you on the list, of burnt out by politics.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Thomas on August 25, 2020, 09:41:38 AM
QuoteEDITORIAL: Most Black Americans don't want to abolish the police

QuoteTo gauge from the media coverage of police reform, it might seem as if the vast majority of Black Americans believe cops are the enemy. A recent Gallup survey finds the opposite and lays bare a false progressive narrative that has largely gone unchecked since the death of George Floyd.

"When asked whether they want the police to spend more time, the same amount of time or less time than they currently do in their area, most Black Americans — 61 percent — want the police presence to remain the same," an Aug. 5 Gallup release revealed. Only 19 percent of Blacks surveyed said they want the police to spend less time in their neighborhoods. The other 20 percent favor an increased presence.

In other words, a whopping 81 percent of Black Americans aren't interested in kicking law enforcement out of their communities, let alone in abolishing police departments, as some of the more radical Black Lives Matter activists demand.

The poll also found that 61 percent of Blacks are generally confident that the police will treat them with respect. That number is lower than responses for other groups — whites were at 91 percent, Asians at 78 percent and Hispanics at 77 percent — yet probably far higher than many might guess given national coverage of the issue.

I mean the list goes on and on showing the absolute pish these people and their minority of supporters talk.

Most folk every where want to reform and constantly improve the police . This is nothing new or radical , and certainly not in any way unique to the black or ethnic minority community in evey country.

This has been a feature of both glasgow and wider scotland going back as far as i can remember , the police constantly coming in for criticism and calls for improving policing. Long before anyone had heard of george floyd .

The idea of abolishing the police that many in BLM seem to think popular is feckin crazy.

It should be treated with the derision and contempt it deserves.

...and will be.
I doubt they do want to abolish the police, but from what I read from everyday Americans they do believe they need reform and better training and a nationwide set of rules, it is difficult because, the police are a political force, who enforce the law by those who make the laws, not always for the best reasons or fair. BLM are also a political force who have seized upon those rules that tend not to be fair and think once the Anarchy has done its job they can take over and create little enclaves of communist run cities or states, genuine gripes have been blown completely out of all proportion for political reasons as usual. At the start they were warned they could end up with something much more controlling and in a worse position from where they started. But then Americans love a drama probaly more than the rest of us.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


QuoteEDITORIAL: Most Black Americans don't want to abolish the police

QuoteTo gauge from the media coverage of police reform, it might seem as if the vast majority of Black Americans believe cops are the enemy. A recent Gallup survey finds the opposite and lays bare a false progressive narrative that has largely gone unchecked since the death of George Floyd.

"When asked whether they want the police to spend more time, the same amount of time or less time than they currently do in their area, most Black Americans — 61 percent — want the police presence to remain the same," an Aug. 5 Gallup release revealed. Only 19 percent of Blacks surveyed said they want the police to spend less time in their neighborhoods. The other 20 percent favor an increased presence.

In other words, a whopping 81 percent of Black Americans aren't interested in kicking law enforcement out of their communities, let alone in abolishing police departments, as some of the more radical Black Lives Matter activists demand.

The poll also found that 61 percent of Blacks are generally confident that the police will treat them with respect. That number is lower than responses for other groups — whites were at 91 percent, Asians at 78 percent and Hispanics at 77 percent — yet probably far higher than many might guess given national coverage of the issue.

I mean the list goes on and on showing the absolute pish these people and their minority of supporters talk.

Most folk every where want to reform and constantly improve the police . This is nothing new or radical , and certainly not in any way unique to the black or ethnic minority community in evey country.

This has been a feature of both glasgow and wider scotland going back as far as i can remember , the police constantly coming in for criticism and calls for improving policing. Long before anyone had heard of george floyd .

The idea of abolishing the police that many in BLM seem to think popular is feckin crazy.

It should be treated with the derision and contempt it deserves.

...and will be.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: DeppityDawg on August 25, 2020, 09:36:43 AM
. Is this what the destruction of capitalism looks like? Because it looks awfully like hate and intimidation to me?

Capitalism appears to be in the process of destroying itself.  If it continues to impoverish people at the current rate there won't be any customers left to sells it products to.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: srb7677 on August 24, 2020, 09:42:29 PMThomas you are talking a pile of poop as ever.

SRB, he has put pages of evidence to you, but you've failed to engage with any of it - you don't have to agree with him, but you can't turn around and claim he's talking shite if you won't engage. You know his style - it hasn't changed in the years he's been posting, so why bother in the first place if you won't answer his points? You've done the same to me - you won't answer my points, then claim I've 'lurched to the right', and basically aren't worth 'saving' from myself? "Blairite scum", shitrag papers and 'moderate policies' isn't an argument, its just a series of excuses not to have to actually refute points put to you

Can I ask your opinion on the video I posted? Can I ask how you feel about a mob with megaphones intimidating people in their own homes and telling them to 'leave'? Lets forget for a moment what the skin colour of the mob is. How is this different from mobs intimidating Catholics in Belfast or Muslims in Bosnia?

Yes, the subjects of intimidation here are white, and they probably are middle class, but this isn't the answer. Regardless of skin colour for the moment, this is a far left influenced mob attempting to intimidate people out of their homes -  the same kind of people that have in recent times hijacked the party from the "blairites" under Momentum and Jeremy Corbyn - under the flag of "Black Lives Matter". One of the objectives is the "destruction of capitalism". Is this what the destruction of capitalism looks like? Because it looks awfully like hate and intimidation to me?


QuoteFew Americans want to abolish police, Gallup survey finds

QuoteThe concept of eliminating police departments does not enjoy wide support across the United States, according to the survey. Abolishing the police was not a majority opinion held by any group in the poll, including when examined by race, age or political affiliation.

Quote"People realize they need the police" while "looking for the police to be more accountable and transparent," said Suffolk University professor Brenda Bond-Fortier, an expert in policing practices who was not involved in the survey. Involving young people can improve relations between police and communities, she said. "We want to be thinking about where can kids interact with the police in situations outside of a 911 call — schools, maybe, playgrounds or community events.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: DeppityDawg on August 24, 2020, 08:54:49 PM

. Does Patman Post, the guy who claims to have a "property portfolio in one of the most expensive cities in the world, imagine that "Black Lives Matter" demands aren't going to apply to "Black Capitalists", only to White ones? Or that his Property Portfolio would survive a Marxism mob like the ones in Portland, without a fecking Police force? The only thing bigger than his ego is his stupidity

Good point.

Seems to be his naivety showing through as ever .

I remember a customer of mine  ( black guy) talking about this mythical black solidarity worldwide that pat seems to believe in. Years ago he went to new york on holiday and tried to give it the "bruv" thing with the local black yanks , and they told him to feck off  , who the feck are you.?

Of course , you only need to see black solidarity is a feckin myth in these islands when you look at london , where they seem to spend the best part of each and every day chopping feck out of each other relentlessly.

When BLM succeed in getting rid of the london polis , whose house in stoke newington does he think they will be round doing a creeper on ?

If one bit of evidence shines through as we have said from america , its the disporportionate amount of black on black criminality and violence from places like london never mind america which shows the absolute fallacy of "getting rid of the polis" for stoke newingtons peter stringfellow.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: srb7677 on August 24, 2020, 09:42:29 PM
Thomas you are talking a pile of poop as ever.

course i am SRB.

Outwith the reams of information being provided to show how the voting public feel about marxist labour and their splinter groups on this obscure interwebby forum by us mere mortals , we have the small fly in the marxist ointment that was the general election result only last december , out of which you are desperately trying to rake over the coals to find a glimmer of hope.

Blairites fault. Brexit fault. The voters loved jeremy honest.

You are past the point of being in denial , and are now into the realms of fantasy and utter delusion.

QuoteBut some of us have to work for a living. I am doing 60 hours in five days plus commuting time, so if you have an ounce of understanding you will appreciate that I have neither the time nor the energy nor the desire to carry on this tit for tat, and engage with your wilful misrepresentations. Am just too tired.

Most of us on this forum work and are all in the same boat except auld tories like pappysmurf with his large investments keeping him more than comfortable and in the luxury he is accustomed to in the tax haven of the duchy of cornwall.

No one is forcing you to engage , do as you please.

QuoteGo shove your head in a bucket or something

Now that your "moderate" mask hasnt just slipped ,but has completely fell off , i suggest taking a long break and rest until you can come back and debate without screeching and wailing.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!