Why Labour lost.

Started by srb7677, August 20, 2020, 10:40:32 AM

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Borg Refinery

Thanks for offering me some of your prozac hen.

Thanks   but I think you should keep having it instead. ;D


Quote from: Dynamis on September 02, 2020, 06:21:59 PM
You got 'clowned' as they say in America, give it a rest,

Tell you what dyno hen , talking about the yanks , if trump gets re elected again i will be ready and waiting to offer assistance with some prozac for you. :)
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Dynamis on September 02, 2020, 06:21:59 PM

Honestly, is that your best attempt at trolling? Try to brush off and ignore what was said? You got 'clowned' as they say in America, give it a rest, and take your head out of that shetland pony's ass once in a while. ;)


My god cant you just use some plain old language from your own country?

You must hate england so much .

I can think of many good politicians in my humble opinion who would be good to run england. Boris is doing a fine job , but rishi sunak seems quite capable.

I know , i know  you would rather have a foreigner as you dont like the english  ,and they must be punished for voting brexit and tory.

You are so spitefull dyno arent you? :D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery


Honestly, is that your best attempt at trolling? Try to brush off and ignore what was said? You got 'clowned' as they say in America, give it a rest, and take your head out of that shetland pony's ass once in a while. ;)


Quote from: Dynamis on September 02, 2020, 05:53:16 PM

I would like Sturgeon or someone like that to give independence back to England

she doesnt have to. Nigel farage and boris johnson are giving england independence in 17 weeks.

The independence you dont want england to have , where you constantly spam the forum all day long with anti brexit messages and propaganda , then slither about this forum hidden from view like a thief in the dark.

Thank christ the english have true patriots like boris johnson to enact democracy and give them freedom instead of weak kneed cowards like you dyno eh?

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Dynamis on September 02, 2020, 05:53:16 PM
The only one who's trolling as usual is you Thomas, but ok you keep telling us in England what to do and demanding we stay out your affairs and all the other usual garbage..nearly 5 days worth of it. :)

I would like Sturgeon or someone like that to give independence back to England as sell as Scotland by abolishing FPTP and intro'ing STV+AMS system for voting.

Your mind can't handle these mildly different opinions without convlusing and you going into a fit of rage can you? It's ok, it's not your fault.

55 million people in one of the greatest countries in the world ( england) , the second largest legislature in the world , and you cant name me one person who you would like to run your country from your country.

Instead , you name a foreigner who doesnt even sit in your parliament.


Its a sad day when a scotsman has to stand up for the people of england against a so called english man.

Especially one like you who hates his own people ,and has no faith in them to the point of where you want foreigners in control.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

The only one who's trolling as usual is you Thomas, but ok you keep telling us in England what to do and demanding we stay out your affairs and all the other usual garbage..nearly 5 days worth of it. :)

I would like Sturgeon or someone like that to give independence back to England as well as Scotland by abolishing FPTP and intro'ing STV+AMS system for voting.

Your mind can't handle these mildly different opinions without convulsing and you going into a fit of rage can you? It's ok, it's not your fault.

PS: Between here, FB (which you admit you use) + any other social media you use, all the other scot indy forums and blogs you admit you post on, it prolly vastly exceeds the time stated in the stats which is 5 days, and your post count is way above 2nd highest on here too. :D And you've been doing it continuously for years.. and I don't have facebook or anything like that and avoided posting much online from about '16 til '19, I'll bet you didn't. I only usually use one other forum since '19 at a time.

So you can take your good half-haggis, half-aberdeen angus self and shove your head straight up a shetland pony's ass where it belongs..if it's not firmly lodged up there already.  ;D


Quote from: T00ts on September 02, 2020, 05:36:07 PM
Quote from: Dynamis on September 02, 2020, 05:07:47 PM
Quote from: T00ts on September 01, 2020, 10:26:05 PM
I don't really understand why there are so many theories as to why Labour lost and will continue to do so. It's simple.

The women saw through them. They watched as Corbyn promised the earth. They saw how unstable he was and that he could only lose his temper if crossed. They recognised a man who although skilled in whipping up a young audience gave little else and had only one script. They saw someone not fit to be PM on all sorts of fronts. His lack of respect to those institutions held dear in this country, his lack of statesmanship (although BJ can fudge that one well enough), his lack of tolerance and the risk of a party that had no effective leader and who played both sides to the middle on Brexit. They saw a party battling with itself and then they worked on the menfolk by pointing out in clear terms the Labour failings.

Many recognise the female ability to see character or lack of it. Labour lacked and women lead the country in their vote.  :-* My mother voted Labour all her adult life - I am pretty certain that even she would not vote for Labour now. She was a very good judge of character.

It was wurzel v wurzel, the difference is that Corbyn's got some compassion even though he was very flawed, whereas Bojo is ruthless, incompetent and a buffoon all at once. Hey 2 out of 3 is better where that's concerned, when we're talking Corbyn.

I feel vindicated by Bojo's terrible actions..

Oh no I really can't see any way to justify that. Corbyn is a nonsense! His 'compassion' is highly selective and reserved for those whom he sees as the underdogs and fuel for his communist leanings. Power was his god not for the sake of the country but as validation of his ideology. He duped many with his dear old man facade which was designed to conceal his true incompetent, indecisive self. I thank our good luck and massive national common sense that he was not in No 10 to oversee Covid, because the puppeteers pulling his strings while Labour leader were even worse than him.

You heard dynamis above toots.

He hates the english people that bad ( presumably as punishment for voting brexit) he would rather you ruled by a foreigner (s) in edinburgh or brussells than an english person .
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: T00ts on September 02, 2020, 05:36:07 PM
Quote from: Dynamis on September 02, 2020, 05:07:47 PM
Quote from: T00ts on September 01, 2020, 10:26:05 PM
I don't really understand why there are so many theories as to why Labour lost and will continue to do so. It's simple.

The women saw through them. They watched as Corbyn promised the earth. They saw how unstable he was and that he could only lose his temper if crossed. They recognised a man who although skilled in whipping up a young audience gave little else and had only one script. They saw someone not fit to be PM on all sorts of fronts. His lack of respect to those institutions held dear in this country, his lack of statesmanship (although BJ can fudge that one well enough), his lack of tolerance and the risk of a party that had no effective leader and who played both sides to the middle on Brexit. They saw a party battling with itself and then they worked on the menfolk by pointing out in clear terms the Labour failings.

Many recognise the female ability to see character or lack of it. Labour lacked and women lead the country in their vote.  :-* My mother voted Labour all her adult life - I am pretty certain that even she would not vote for Labour now. She was a very good judge of character.

It was wurzel v wurzel, the difference is that Corbyn's got some compassion even though he was very flawed, whereas Bojo is ruthless, incompetent and a buffoon all at once. Hey 2 out of 3 is better where that's concerned, when we're talking Corbyn.

I feel vindicated by Bojo's terrible actions..

Oh no I really can't see any way to justify that. Corbyn is a nonsense! His 'compassion' is highly selective and reserved for those whom he sees as the underdogs and fuel for his communist leanings. Power was his god not for the sake of the country but as validation of his ideology. He duped many with his dear old man facade which was designed to conceal his true incompetent, indecisive self. I thank our good luck and massive national common sense that he was not in No 10 to oversee Covid, because the puppeteers pulling his strings while Labour leader were even worse than him.

Well said toots. Whatever differences we have in our politics , i think both scotland and england dodged a bullet with that man corbyn and his party last december.

Just remember when all is said and done , labour and those on the british left tried , and failed to stop democracy.

They did the same in scotland in 1979 , when robin cook thought up the grand plan to stitich up the devolution referendum , then repeated it in 2014 , when they stood shoulder to should with the conservatives who they tell you they hate and told scotland they would rather scotland ruled by the conservative party than independent.

Their anti democracy is famous , and duplicity is famously foolish.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Dynamis on September 02, 2020, 05:07:47 PM
Quote from: T00ts on September 01, 2020, 10:26:05 PM
I don't really understand why there are so many theories as to why Labour lost and will continue to do so. It's simple.

The women saw through them. They watched as Corbyn promised the earth. They saw how unstable he was and that he could only lose his temper if crossed. They recognised a man who although skilled in whipping up a young audience gave little else and had only one script. They saw someone not fit to be PM on all sorts of fronts. His lack of respect to those institutions held dear in this country, his lack of statesmanship (although BJ can fudge that one well enough), his lack of tolerance and the risk of a party that had no effective leader and who played both sides to the middle on Brexit. They saw a party battling with itself and then they worked on the menfolk by pointing out in clear terms the Labour failings.

Many recognise the female ability to see character or lack of it. Labour lacked and women lead the country in their vote.  :-* My mother voted Labour all her adult life - I am pretty certain that even she would not vote for Labour now. She was a very good judge of character.

It was wurzel v wurzel, the difference is that Corbyn's got some compassion even though he was very flawed, whereas Bojo is ruthless, incompetent and a buffoon all at once. Hey 2 out of 3 is better where that's concerned, when we're talking Corbyn.

I feel vindicated by Bojo's terrible actions..

Oh no I really can't see any way to justify that. Corbyn is a nonsense! His 'compassion' is highly selective and reserved for those whom he sees as the underdogs and fuel for his communist leanings. Power was his god not for the sake of the country but as validation of his ideology. He duped many with his dear old man facade which was designed to conceal his true incompetent, indecisive self. I thank our good luck and massive national common sense that he was not in No 10 to oversee Covid, because the puppeteers pulling his strings while Labour leader were even worse than him.


Quote from: Dynamis on September 02, 2020, 05:20:20 PM

Are you denying that you implied that I want to stop Brexit?

This is laughable mate.

You do , and i stand by that. You try and fail to be very carefull with what you say , but i pointed out on the other thread how remarkable it is you spend all day posting anti tory anti brexit comments.

QuoteSo you're making up things again, quote where I said I'm unbiased or neutral?

How can someone who hates the Tories possibly be unbiased or neutral?

Do you read your own posts?

You claimed you are neutral on brexit ,to the point you didnt even vote on it , and then spend all day posting anti brexit propaganda.

The cowardly brit left , who dont have the courage of their covictions.

QuoteIt's none of your business what we do in England remember! ;P

it is when it affects scotland.....you know like brexit?

Or the uk reserved matters?


QuoteIdeally Sturgeon.

You just told me it isnt our business in scotland , now you want the scottish first minister to stand as your countries leader? She doesnt sit in your parliament or stand in and english consituency.

Cant you on the Anglo brit left think up someone of your own?

Quote.But we can't unless we assemble a super army soldier team with Gary Kemp to kidnap her, takeover westminster and forcibly install her.

You are trolling the thread now mate.

Dynamis. Boris is a buffoon.

Thomas, Who else do you have to replace him?

Dynamis # some foreign countries leader# waflle waffle.

You dont have much faith in your own people mate.  Maybe thats why the english dont like you or your politics. A coward who pisses on his owns peoples back , and wants johnny foreigner , wether in edinburgh or brussells to rule over hi mand his country .

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas on September 02, 2020, 05:12:10 PM
Quote from: Dynamis on September 02, 2020, 04:55:56 PM

(bangs head against wall)

You were on our forum before the general election result , and like many on the "left" , were hopefull that brexiters were going to get a kicking the the GE and the anti democrats stop brexit.

So how does that translate into this?

Quote from: Dynamis on September 02, 2020, 08:16:28 AM

Where did I state that Corbyn should just "stop" Brexit?

You will have to quote me.

Where did i say that you said corbyn should just stop brexit?

Quote me please.

Are you denying that you implied that I want to stop Brexit?

This is laughable mate.

I hate the Tories more than papa, if they remained with Cameron's shitty deal, I'd probably be criticizing them just as much and maybe a bit more.


Ah ok , so you are just a politicaly neutral impartial forum member who hates the tories in what is effectively a two party race in your countries politics?

So you're making up things again, quote where I said I'm unbiased or neutral?

How can someone who hates the Tories possibly be unbiased or neutral?

Do you read your own posts?

QuoteAre you saying they handled things well?

What i said was if i were in your shoes in england , given the binary choise between labour and conservative , i would have voted the conservatives into power.

Especially as they respected democracy , unlike the "brit left".

It's none of your business what we do in England remember! ;P

Quote from: Thomas on September 02, 2020, 05:13:19 PM
Quote from: Dynamis on September 02, 2020, 05:07:47 PM

It was wurzel v wurzel, the difference is that Corbyn's got some compassion even though he was very flawed, whereas Bojo is ruthless, incompetent and a buffoon all at once. Hey 2 out of 3 is better where that's concerned, when we're talking Corbyn.

I feel vindicated by Bojo's terrible actions..

You keep saying johnson is a ruthless incompetent buffoon. Who would you have in charge then realistically? ;D

Ideally Sturgeon. :)

But we can't unless we assemble a super army soldier team with Gary Kemp to kidnap her, takeover westminster and forcibly install her.


Quote from: Dynamis on September 02, 2020, 05:07:47 PM

It was wurzel v wurzel, the difference is that Corbyn's got some compassion even though he was very flawed, whereas Bojo is ruthless, incompetent and a buffoon all at once. Hey 2 out of 3 is better where that's concerned, when we're talking Corbyn.

I feel vindicated by Bojo's terrible actions..

You keep saying johnson is a ruthless incompetent buffoon. Who would you have in charge then realistically? ;D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Dynamis on September 02, 2020, 04:55:56 PM

(bangs head against wall)

You were on our forum before the general election result , and like many on the "left" , were hopefull that brexiters were going to get a kicking the the GE and the anti democrats stop brexit.

So how does that translate into this?

Quote from: Dynamis on September 02, 2020, 08:16:28 AM

Where did I state that Corbyn should just "stop" Brexit?

You will have to quote me.

Where did i say that you said corbyn should just stop brexit?

Quote me please.

Is this you twisting things like when i said the majority of scots dont want a left wing utopis , just and ordianry country where we get to choose , you twisted that in to me saiyng the snp were centre right , then when pushed couldnt back it up?
I hate the Tories more than papa, if they remained with Cameron's shitty deal, I'd probably be criticizing them just as much and maybe a bit more.


Ah ok , so you are just a politicaly neutral impartial forum member who hates the tories in what is effectively a two party race in your countries politics?

QuoteAre you saying they handled things well?

What i said was if i were in your shoes in england , given the binary choise between labour and conservative , i would have voted the conservatives into power.

Especially as they respected democracy , unlike the "brit left".

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: T00ts on September 01, 2020, 10:26:05 PM
I don't really understand why there are so many theories as to why Labour lost and will continue to do so. It's simple.

The women saw through them. They watched as Corbyn promised the earth. They saw how unstable he was and that he could only lose his temper if crossed. They recognised a man who although skilled in whipping up a young audience gave little else and had only one script. They saw someone not fit to be PM on all sorts of fronts. His lack of respect to those institutions held dear in this country, his lack of statesmanship (although BJ can fudge that one well enough), his lack of tolerance and the risk of a party that had no effective leader and who played both sides to the middle on Brexit. They saw a party battling with itself and then they worked on the menfolk by pointing out in clear terms the Labour failings.

Many recognise the female ability to see character or lack of it. Labour lacked and women lead the country in their vote.  :-* My mother voted Labour all her adult life - I am pretty certain that even she would not vote for Labour now. She was a very good judge of character.

It was wurzel v wurzel, the difference is that Corbyn's got some compassion even though he was very flawed, whereas Bojo is ruthless, incompetent and a buffoon all at once. Hey 2 out of 3 is better where that's concerned, when we're talking Corbyn.

I feel vindicated by Bojo's terrible actions..