Time-wasting UK makes post-Brexit deal unlikely, says Barnier

Started by Dynamis, August 26, 2020, 08:09:43 PM

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Quote from: Nick on August 27, 2020, 11:14:42 PM
Quote from: GerryT on August 26, 2020, 11:59:03 PM
Quote from: Sheepy on August 26, 2020, 08:13:04 PMSays Barnier who rode us around in a taxi going nowhere for 4 years, we told him time and time again, who cares we don't. cool as a cucumber.
You've a selective memory. The UK stalled the whole process, delayed everything and had to ask for extensions. Delayed the first stage in agreeing the financial settlement, showing up to talks with no preparation, then May agreeing the withdrawal agreement only to say no PM could agree to it a couple of months later. Then Davis thinks by ignoring the EU would be the way to go, meeting Barnier 2 in 8 mhs. Then Johnson spends time frustrating things, trying to force a hard brexit by calling an election - forgot May did that also. Johnson wins and does agree the WA but guess what, it's practically a replica of May's deal from what 16Mths previous.

You do realise you could have left straight away, why did you stick around, extensions and transition period, none of that was needed and all requested by the UK.

All through the process the EU kept quiet and didn't highlight the UK govt failings, allowing the UK politicians to play to their public and spout all sorts of nonsense. But it now looks like as crunch time gets closer Barnier is making sure the UK people know what's going on.

Absolute bollox.
Remainers stalled the whole process not Brexiteers, both in parliament and in the courts. Bercow should be hung for what he did, complete cock.
They suffer short memory syndrome when it suits Nick.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: GerryT on August 28, 2020, 01:14:40 AM

Now there was a large number of lies during the leaving process, no need to list them but so many.
Yes the electorate did say leave but the UK was divided, it wasn't a clear mandate, roughly a 50/50 split.

I cannae believe you are still on here trying , and failing to punt this auld shite gerry.

How many times do we need to go over this "lies" issue , as though only brexiters lied? Remain lies was well documented , indeed you couldnt get more of a remainer than the snp Alec Salmond , and he told the english remainers like cameron to tone down the lies and the rhetoric and overall scaremongering about remaining in the eu in case it backfired on them , which it spectacularly did.

The pro remain campaign in england was feckin woefull. I say the pro remain in england because remain won in northern ireland and scotland.

They lied though their teeth , totally over egged the pudding  , and the english and welsh voter predictably stuck two fingers up to them.

People like you focus on boris johnson and farage etc , but the fact of the matter is the pro remain camp in england gifted brexiters the referendum result with the bollocks they talked , and still spout today in bitterness.

By continuing to scaremonger , english remainers are empowering brexiters. Sitting on the edge of their seats choking to say "i told you so " in the hope things turn bad will do nothing more than ensure england never rejoins the eu no matter what , nor does a deal that in any way accepts any eu rules and regualtions. You are gifting the more extreme brexiters a hard brexit and swwitching off the popualtion to any form of measured discussion. Its feckin pitifull watching it.

QuoteYes the electorate did say leave but the UK was divided, it wasn't a clear mandate, roughly a 50/50 split.

You have some feckin neck coming out with this shite. You , an irishman , whose country left the uk off the back of a mandate in the 1918 general election where the party standing on a leave ticket , sinn fein , only managed to get 46.9% of the total irish vote , which was enough you tell us for ireland to leave the uk , now telling the uk 52% of the vote isnt a mandate to leave the eu?

This is laughable remainer shite. You have been listening to remainers zealots too much.

The rules of the ref , where we all agreed 50+1 was a majority were well known before voting commenced.

If brexiters had won 60 or 70 % , there would still be the anti democrats bleating about there being too big a remain minority for the uk to brexit.

This constant raking over the coals in bitterness is getting feckin silly now.

The uk is leaving  , and we will see what we will see january onwards. No amount of crying over spilt milk is going to change  that.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: johnofgwent on August 28, 2020, 05:42:45 AM
Quote from: Dynamis on August 26, 2020, 08:09:43 PM
Michel Barnier has accused the British government of "wasting valuable time" and warned that a post-Brexit deal between the EU and the UK looks "unlikely".

You seem to be confused.

Don't you mean

Euroarselickers desperate to turn attention away from the fact Britain put two fingers up to their federation and and told them to go f**k themselves are now getting ever more desperate to find reasons to blame us for the CERN sized black holes in Brussels and Strasbourg that will no longer be propped up by English Pounds and thus will pretty soon implode ?

What about our black hole?



As for level playing fields, in sole areas we got a better deal than other nations. That's just how it goes.


Quote from: Dynamis on August 26, 2020, 08:09:43 PM
Michel Barnier has accused the British government of "wasting valuable time" and warned that a post-Brexit deal between the EU and the UK looks "unlikely".

You seem to be confused.

Don't you mean

Euroarselickers desperate to turn attention away from the fact Britain put two fingers up to their federation and and told them to go F@@@ themselves are now getting ever more desperate to find reasons to blame us for the CERN sized black holes in Brussels and Strasbourg that will no longer be propped up by English Pounds and thus will pretty soon implode ?

I see Eurostar wants to offer us cut price rides to Amsterdam. Strange that ever since it is open it has been more expensive to travel on the thing if you buy your tickets in Britain, than if you buy them anywhere else in the EU,and even stranger that it is **ALWAYS** cheaper to book TWO journeys one ending at Lille and the next going wherever else you want to go. Level playing field my arse.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>

Borg Refinery



Quote from: Nick on August 27, 2020, 11:14:42 PMAbsolute bollox.
Remainers stalled the whole process not Brexiteers, both in parliament and in the courts. Bercow should be hung for what he did, complete cock.
Remainers are from the UK, the point to sheepy was it wasn't Barnier dragging things out and delaying the process. There was so much talk on here at the time with talk of May delaying things in an effort to keep the UK in.


Quote from: Sheepy on August 27, 2020, 05:26:16 PMIt is what everybody wants including the EU, I don't know why we have messed around for years pretending we even like each other, we were conned into the EU in the first place by blatant lies and political wool pulling, the electorate have spoken clearly just get on with it. The EU was a political invention from thin air anyway.

Going over old ground but a number of things here.
If the EU didn't want a deal it wouldn't have granted an extension and it wouldn't have put up with all the nonsense that's being going on through the transition period. The EU and also the UK want a deal, trying to agree that has proved difficult.
The UK wasn't conned into the EEC/EU, it would appear the UK tried to stay out but as the EEC members were doing so much better the UK over the starting number of yrs they decided to join. France was blocking it but with persistent requests the UK got in. Not really arm twisted to join.
Now there was a large number of lies during the leaving process, no need to list them but so many.
Yes the electorate did say leave but the UK was divided, it wasn't a clear mandate, roughly a 50/50 split. It's still not resolved the issues between both camps, the UK Has left, there is no going back. Hopefully a blame game does't start in Jan when things start to go wrong,


Quote from: GerryT on August 26, 2020, 11:59:03 PM
Quote from: Sheepy on August 26, 2020, 08:13:04 PMSays Barnier who rode us around in a taxi going nowhere for 4 years, we told him time and time again, who cares we don't. cool as a cucumber.
You've a selective memory. The UK stalled the whole process, delayed everything and had to ask for extensions. Delayed the first stage in agreeing the financial settlement, showing up to talks with no preparation, then May agreeing the withdrawal agreement only to say no PM could agree to it a couple of months later. Then Davis thinks by ignoring the EU would be the way to go, meeting Barnier 2 in 8 mhs. Then Johnson spends time frustrating things, trying to force a hard brexit by calling an election - forgot May did that also. Johnson wins and does agree the WA but guess what, it's practically a replica of May's deal from what 16Mths previous.

You do realise you could have left straight away, why did you stick around, extensions and transition period, none of that was needed and all requested by the UK.

All through the process the EU kept quiet and didn't highlight the UK govt failings, allowing the UK politicians to play to their public and spout all sorts of nonsense. But it now looks like as crunch time gets closer Barnier is making sure the UK people know what's going on.

Absolute bollox.
Remainers stalled the whole process not Brexiteers, both in parliament and in the courts. Bercow should be hung for what he did, complete cock.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Dynamis on August 27, 2020, 01:16:11 AM
Quote from: GerryT on August 26, 2020, 11:59:03 PM
Quote from: Sheepy on August 26, 2020, 08:13:04 PMSays Barnier who rode us around in a taxi going nowhere for 4 years, we told him time and time again, who cares we don't. cool as a cucumber.
You've a selective memory. The UK stalled the whole process, delayed everything and had to ask for extensions. Delayed the first stage in agreeing the financial settlement, showing up to talks with no preparation, then May agreeing the withdrawal agreement only to say no PM could agree to it a couple of months later. Then Davis thinks by ignoring the EU would be the way to go, meeting Barnier 2 in 8 mhs. Then Johnson spends time frustrating things, trying to force a hard brexit by calling an election - forgot May did that also. Johnson wins and does agree the WA but guess what, it's practically a replica of May's deal from what 16Mths previous.

You do realise you could have left straight away, why did you stick around, extensions and transition period, none of that was needed and all requested by the UK.

All through the process the EU kept quiet and didn't highlight the UK govt failings, allowing the UK politicians to play to their public and spout all sorts of nonsense. But it now looks like as crunch time gets closer Barnier is making sure the UK people know what's going on.

"should be one of the easiest deals in human history" - lol.

Trouble is chaps is that you are confusing the Conservative party with those who voted leave . The Conservative party were a remain party ,the government of the day that sent a leaflet to every household in the country telling us to remain in the EU along with stories about the end of the world if we voted leave .

What they say or have said about Brexit is irrelevant to me and many leavers who came from across the political spectrum . Just get the job done  its what the chancers  were elected to  do .


Quote from: GregB on August 27, 2020, 05:14:42 PM
No deal it is then, sounds good to me.
It is what everybody wants including the EU, I don't know why we have messed around for years pretending we even like each other, we were conned into the EU in the first place by blatant lies and political wool pulling, the electorate have spoken clearly just get on with it. The EU was a political invention from thin air anyway.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!



Quote from: Sheepy on August 27, 2020, 12:01:29 AMWell you would say that, because you are so far up the EU's backside it is hilarious.
Yep, rammed right up there, what's your point though. Are you disputing what's being said ?

You do know the reason the UK are now complaining is because the EU wants to run difficult issues in parallel, so that talks on several key items that are difficult to agree are dealt with at the same time. That seems the logical way forward, but no, Frost isn't happy, he want's to just twiddle along, no focus, one thing at a time.

Borg Refinery

Quote from: GerryT on August 26, 2020, 11:59:03 PM
Quote from: Sheepy on August 26, 2020, 08:13:04 PMSays Barnier who rode us around in a taxi going nowhere for 4 years, we told him time and time again, who cares we don't. cool as a cucumber.
You've a selective memory. The UK stalled the whole process, delayed everything and had to ask for extensions. Delayed the first stage in agreeing the financial settlement, showing up to talks with no preparation, then May agreeing the withdrawal agreement only to say no PM could agree to it a couple of months later. Then Davis thinks by ignoring the EU would be the way to go, meeting Barnier 2 in 8 mhs. Then Johnson spends time frustrating things, trying to force a hard brexit by calling an election - forgot May did that also. Johnson wins and does agree the WA but guess what, it's practically a replica of May's deal from what 16Mths previous.

You do realise you could have left straight away, why did you stick around, extensions and transition period, none of that was needed and all requested by the UK.

All through the process the EU kept quiet and didn't highlight the UK govt failings, allowing the UK politicians to play to their public and spout all sorts of nonsense. But it now looks like as crunch time gets closer Barnier is making sure the UK people know what's going on.

"should be one of the easiest deals in human history" - lol.


Quote from: GerryT on August 26, 2020, 11:59:03 PM
Quote from: Sheepy on August 26, 2020, 08:13:04 PMSays Barnier who rode us around in a taxi going nowhere for 4 years, we told him time and time again, who cares we don't. cool as a cucumber.
You've a selective memory. The UK stalled the whole process, delayed everything and had to ask for extensions. Delayed the first stage in agreeing the financial settlement, showing up to talks with no preparation, then May agreeing the withdrawal agreement only to say no PM could agree to it a couple of months later. Then Davis thinks by ignoring the EU would be the way to go, meeting Barnier 2 in 8 mhs. Then Johnson spends time frustrating things, trying to force a hard brexit by calling an election - forgot May did that also. Johnson wins and does agree the WA but guess what, it's practically a replica of May's deal from what 16Mths previous.

You do realise you could have left straight away, why did you stick around, extensions and transition period, none of that was needed and all requested by the UK.

All through the process the EU kept quiet and didn't highlight the UK govt failings, allowing the UK politicians to play to their public and spout all sorts of nonsense. But it now looks like as crunch time gets closer Barnier is making sure the UK people know what's going on.
Well you would say that, because you are so far up the EU's backside it is hilarious.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on August 26, 2020, 08:13:04 PMSays Barnier who rode us around in a taxi going nowhere for 4 years, we told him time and time again, who cares we don't. cool as a cucumber.
You've a selective memory. The UK stalled the whole process, delayed everything and had to ask for extensions. Delayed the first stage in agreeing the financial settlement, showing up to talks with no preparation, then May agreeing the withdrawal agreement only to say no PM could agree to it a couple of months later. Then Davis thinks by ignoring the EU would be the way to go, meeting Barnier 2 in 8 mhs. Then Johnson spends time frustrating things, trying to force a hard brexit by calling an election - forgot May did that also. Johnson wins and does agree the WA but guess what, it's practically a replica of May's deal from what 16Mths previous.

You do realise you could have left straight away, why did you stick around, extensions and transition period, none of that was needed and all requested by the UK.

All through the process the EU kept quiet and didn't highlight the UK govt failings, allowing the UK politicians to play to their public and spout all sorts of nonsense. But it now looks like as crunch time gets closer Barnier is making sure the UK people know what's going on.