Time-wasting UK makes post-Brexit deal unlikely, says Barnier

Started by Dynamis, August 26, 2020, 08:09:43 PM

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Quote from: Dynamis on September 01, 2020, 12:14:23 AMTo be fair Gerry, the next referendum was the 2019 election. And the hard right Brexiters sadly won that with an emphatic victory, which is shite but it is what it is.
No debating that, from the outside looking in to me it came across that people were just fed up with the whole proceedings, just wanted brexit done and Johnson was making all the right moves in that regard.
He says what people want to hear, but that can only get him so far, he agreed the WA which was basically the same as T.Mays deal which put a border in the Irish Sea, his handling of the negotiations has been non existent, or maybe he always wanted a hard brexit. It's all talk until the UK effectively leaves in January, as things start to pinch that's when Johnson will be under the spotlight. My money is on him stepping down (running for it) by March.

Borg Refinery

Quote from: GerryT on September 01, 2020, 12:08:33 AM
Quote from: Thomas on August 31, 2020, 08:31:30 PMSinn fein were the ones standing on a ticket to take ireland out the uk and they got 46.9% of the vote and from memory it won them 71/100 irish seats.

52% voted brexit , and that is what is happening in the uk in 17 weeks time gerry.
Another way of looking at it, Unionists got less than 30% of the vote, Sinn Fein were not the only Nationalist party. Most voting for the union were in NI, that area being populated by UK protestants during land grabs from Irish people. IF you looked at what became the republic of Ireland Sinn Fein got 65% of the vote.
Now to finish this side topic, 25 of the seats taken were in Sinn Fein strong holds, Unionists didn't contest these seats, if they did and the votes were added it's beig guessed that Sinn Fein would have taken up to 60% of the vote on the island.

Ignoring all the stats, the country with a massive majority voted to leave, the only area that was divided was NI. But it still wanted to leave.

I disagree regarding the UK, practically half the country wanted to stay, if at the next election "remainer's" got the next govt there is no going back. The UK has left and it won't be rejoining, the price would be too high. Dumping Sterling, joining Schengen, no financial rebate (£4.5b), and a good few other opt outs would be lost. This divide is not like a typical general election, but no doubt with time this will resolve itself but I expect a turbulent couple of years to come when reality of being out bites.

To be fair Gerry, the next referendum was the 2019 election. And the hard right Brexiters sadly won that with an emphatic victory, which is shite but it is what it is.


Quote from: Thomas on August 31, 2020, 08:31:30 PMSinn fein were the ones standing on a ticket to take ireland out the uk and they got 46.9% of the vote and from memory it won them 71/100 irish seats.

52% voted brexit , and that is what is happening in the uk in 17 weeks time gerry.
Another way of looking at it, Unionists got less than 30% of the vote, Sinn Fein were not the only Nationalist party. Most voting for the union were in NI, that area being populated by UK protestants during land grabs from Irish people. IF you looked at what became the republic of Ireland Sinn Fein got 65% of the vote.
Now to finish this side topic, 25 of the seats taken were in Sinn Fein strong holds, Unionists didn't contest these seats, if they did and the votes were added it's beig guessed that Sinn Fein would have taken up to 60% of the vote on the island.

Ignoring all the stats, the country with a massive majority voted to leave, the only area that was divided was NI. But it still wanted to leave.

I disagree regarding the UK, practically half the country wanted to stay, if at the next election "remainer's" got the next govt there is no going back. The UK has left and it won't be rejoining, the price would be too high. Dumping Sterling, joining Schengen, no financial rebate (£4.5b), and a good few other opt outs would be lost. This divide is not like a typical general election, but no doubt with time this will resolve itself but I expect a turbulent couple of years to come when reality of being out bites.


Quote from: GerryT on August 31, 2020, 08:11:04 PM

You may say remain lies were well documented, what were they then, how did the mislead the electorate the way brexiteers did ? I don't remember the big red bus 350m a week....how turkey was joining, more immigrants...the easiest trade deal in human history....the UK economy is very strong and will be better outside the EU....there is no single market for services....on the border no forms, no checks, no barriers....the union will be stronger if we leave....there will be no barriers to trade-mercedes/vw/BMW will be knocking down Merkels door....we will get a deal in 11 months.
The list goes on, what was the remainer's list like.

It was all well documented  , and discussed at the time.

Its over now gerry let it go , the uk is leaving in 17 weeks and its a pointless political excercise raking back over and over old old brexit ground.
Nice try saying IRL left the UK on a vote of 46.9%. IRL didn't have a yes/no vote in 1918, we had a general election and Sinn Fein took 69% of the seats, another 6% of seats were taken by the Irish parliamentary party, that's 75% voting for Nationalist parties.

Sinn fein were the ones standing on a ticket to take ireland out the uk and they got 46.9% of the vote and from memory it won them 71/100 irish seats.

52% voted brexit , and that is what is happening in the uk in 17 weeks time gerry.

Quotethe UK to move forward it needs to fix the divide between the two camps,

No it doesnt. Every election there is a divide between different camps in the aftermath of the result , and democracy carries on , and so does life.

Remainers had the chance umpteen times to stop brexit , right up to last december in a free and fair vote ,and they couldnt. Party over , time to get on with it now.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Dynamis on August 28, 2020, 05:16:47 PMIn fairness Thomas, Gerry's country is going to suffer from no deal Brexit quite badly as I recall.


It seems logical for him to oppose it, and for what it's worth I hate the idea of the folks down south losing out. Just saying is all.
Yes IRL will loose out, but since 2016 our exports have fallen from 18% to near 11%. Imports are below 10% and also falling but until there are barriers put in place it's full impact won't be felt.
New Trade routes by sea have been opened, but even after all the prep, there will be a hit.


Quote from: Thomas on August 28, 2020, 07:04:59 AM
Quote from: GerryT on August 28, 2020, 01:14:40 AM

Now there was a large number of lies during the leaving process, no need to list them but so many.
Yes the electorate did say leave but the UK was divided, it wasn't a clear mandate, roughly a 50/50 split.

I cannae believe you are still on here trying , and failing to punt this auld shite gerry.

How many times do we need to go over this "lies" issue , as though only brexiters lied? Remain lies was well documented , indeed you couldnt get more of a remainer than the snp Alec Salmond , and he told the english remainers like cameron to tone down the lies and the rhetoric and overall scaremongering about remaining in the eu in case it backfired on them , which it spectacularly did.

The pro remain campaign in england was feckin woefull. I say the pro remain in england because remain won in northern ireland and scotland.

They lied though their teeth , totally over egged the pudding  , and the english and welsh voter predictably stuck two fingers up to them.

People like you focus on boris johnson and farage etc , but the fact of the matter is the pro remain camp in england gifted brexiters the referendum result with the bollocks they talked , and still spout today in bitterness.

By continuing to scaremonger , english remainers are empowering brexiters. Sitting on the edge of their seats choking to say "i told you so " in the hope things turn bad will do nothing more than ensure england never rejoins the eu no matter what , nor does a deal that in any way accepts any eu rules and regualtions. You are gifting the more extreme brexiters a hard brexit and swwitching off the popualtion to any form of measured discussion. Its feckin pitifull watching it.

QuoteYes the electorate did say leave but the UK was divided, it wasn't a clear mandate, roughly a 50/50 split.

You have some feckin neck coming out with this shite. You , an irishman , whose country left the uk off the back of a mandate in the 1918 general election where the party standing on a leave ticket , sinn fein , only managed to get 46.9% of the total irish vote , which was enough you tell us for ireland to leave the uk , now telling the uk 52% of the vote isnt a mandate to leave the eu?

This is laughable remainer shite. You have been listening to remainers zealots too much.

The rules of the ref , where we all agreed 50+1 was a majority were well known before voting commenced.

If brexiters had won 60 or 70 % , there would still be the anti democrats bleating about there being too big a remain minority for the uk to brexit.

This constant raking over the coals in bitterness is getting feckin silly now.

The uk is leaving  , and we will see what we will see january onwards. No amount of crying over spilt milk is going to change  that.

You may say remain lies were well documented, what were they then, how did the mislead the electorate the way brexiteers did ? I don't remember the big red bus 350m a week....how turkey was joining, more immigrants...the easiest trade deal in human history....the UK economy is very strong and will be better outside the EU....there is no single market for services....on the border no forms, no checks, no barriers....the union will be stronger if we leave....there will be no barriers to trade-mercedes/vw/BMW will be knocking down Merkels door....we will get a deal in 11 months.
The list goes on, what was the remainer's list like.
Nice try saying IRL left the UK on a vote of 46.9%. IRL didn't have a yes/no vote in 1918, we had a general election and Sinn Fein took 69% of the seats, another 6% of seats were taken by the Irish parliamentary party, that's 75% voting for Nationalist parties. And I didn't say the UK shouldn't leave, I basically said for the UK to move forward it needs to fix the divide between the two camps, which look to be getting further entrenched and further away. The UK has left and unless Johnson does another surrender monkey about turn it will be a hard brexit.


Quote from: Baff on August 30, 2020, 12:17:50 PMIf you want it, you can afford it.

That's such a relief. I haven't been shopping for such a while and the list is growing and this comment is really encouraging!


Quote from: Thomas on August 29, 2020, 01:19:37 PM
Quote from: Sheepy on August 29, 2020, 01:10:12 PM

yes you do, because he knows the SNP are making a full meal of it and he needs to get Brexit done first, which the SNP think now is their moment. Before brexit is done, because if we make a success of it, the SNP wil have lost the moment. It is only politics.

ahh i see. That old trope popping up again , lost the moment? ;D

I think boris isnt really the brightest though when you think about it.

Cameron was much more brighter dont you think?

Back in 2014 , he told us england subsidises scotland , and i wll give you a referendum in the process to prove it.

Thats made us jocks think "could this be true?" Are we getting a good deal?


Johnsons no referendum policy to scotland only confirms what the snp have been saying , scotland subsidises england and johnson is too cowardly for england to stand on her own two feet without scotland money , and the scottish public see this hence the 54/55% yes to independence. ;D

I don't really think this is true.
But I also don't really think this about money either.

Even thopugh I think the UK does subsidise Scotland over England. And indeed all the farthest regions...
I don't think Scotland is a poor country that can't go it alone financially.

If you want it, you can afford it.


Quote from: papasmurf on August 29, 2020, 02:35:43 PM
Quote from: Borchester on August 29, 2020, 02:23:20 PM

The locals would have probably agreed with them, Most of the population of the smaller Orkney islands consists of English incomers who moved up in the sixties and seventies to work the marijuana plantations.

Have you any evidence for that please, (I am seriously interested.)

aye pappy all 150 of them...

QuoteIn 2018-19, Orkney Islands had the joint 23rd highest level of net migration out of the 32 council areas in Scotland, with a net total of 150 people. This is a decrease of 100 from 250 people in 2017-18.
In Orkney Islands, the net migration rate decreased from 11.4 people per 1,000 population in 2017-18 to 6.5 in 2018-19.

They dont stay very long as they dont like the weather unfortunately for borkie. :D

Why pappy?

Could this be your next entreprenurial move?

Selling the cornish mansion for a few quid and migrating to kirkwall?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester on August 29, 2020, 02:23:20 PM

The locals would have probably agreed with them, Most of the population of the smaller Orkney islands consists of English incomers who moved up in the sixties and seventies to work the marijuana plantations.

Have you any evidence for that please, (I am seriously interested.)
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Borchester on August 29, 2020, 02:23:20 PM

The locals would have probably agreed with them, Most of the population of the smaller Orkney islands consists of English incomers who moved up in the sixties and seventies to work the marijuana plantations.

Happy days.  :)

Unfortunately the new migrant population from eastern europe now outnumber them twenty to one borkie , the scottish parliament are offering them the vote in the next indyref . :D

On top of that,  there are devious plans affoot to move the entire ugandan population of govanhill up to kirkwall.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on August 29, 2020, 01:57:27 PM
Quote from: Sheepy on August 29, 2020, 01:53:37 PM

LOL yeah it does because the crazy feckers are getting crazier by the day.

Boris was just saying to the residents of orkney the other day that thank feck england had the union in 1970. Without it , england could only have claimed 4% of north sea oil  and maggie couldnt have sold smurfy his council house in hertfordshire for the pennies he paid in 1980 without scottish subsidies and mineral wealth.

The locals would have probably agreed with them, Most of the population of the smaller Orkney islands consists of English incomers who moved up in the sixties and seventies to work the marijuana plantations.

Happy days.  :)
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Sheepy on August 29, 2020, 01:53:37 PM

LOL yeah it does because the crazy feckers are getting crazier by the day.

Boris was just saying to the residents of orkney the other day that thank feck england had the union in 1970. Without it , england could only have claimed 4% of north sea oil  and maggie couldnt have sold smurfy his council house in hertfordshire for the pennies he paid in 1980 without scottish subsidies and mineral wealth.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!