Have I lost the plot?

Started by T00ts, August 31, 2020, 02:20:13 PM

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Quote from: Streetwalker on September 03, 2020, 03:33:50 PM

You just dont get it do you beelbug ?  Its got nothing to do with the fecking fish but the principle that we control our own territorial waters .

It is no use controlling our own territorial waters if we end up with no market for premium fresh fish and live shellfish.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: BeElBeeBub on September 02, 2020, 09:38:34 PM
Quote from: papasmurf on September 02, 2020, 07:47:07 PM
Quote from: BeElBeeBub on September 02, 2020, 07:42:04 PM

As i keep saying, having all the fish in the world is no use if you can't sell it.

Quite and little of the premium fresh fish and live shellfish caught by "day boats," in UK waters is sold in the UK because there is little demand for it.
The bulk is shipped to France and Spain seamlessly currently. ANY delays at ports spoils it and makes it worthless.

Let's not forget that over half the UK's waters are Scottish waters.

If Brexit leads to Scottish independence, English vessels may lose the right to fish there....

You just dont get it do you beelbug ?  Its got nothing to do with the fecking fish but the principle that we control our own territorial waters . 


Quote from: papasmurf on September 02, 2020, 07:47:07 PM
Quote from: BeElBeeBub on September 02, 2020, 07:42:04 PM

As i keep saying, having all the fish in the world is no use if you can't sell it.

Quite and little of the premium fresh fish and live shellfish caught by "day boats," in UK waters is sold in the UK because there is little demand for it.
The bulk is shipped to France and Spain seamlessly currently. ANY delays at ports spoils it and makes it worthless.

Let's not forget that over half the UK's waters are Scottish waters.

If Brexit leads to Scottish independence, English vessels may lose the right to fish there....


Quote from: BeElBeeBub on September 02, 2020, 07:42:04 PM

As i keep saying, having all the fish in the world is no use if you can't sell it.

Quite and little of the premium fresh fish and live shellfish caught by "day boats," in UK waters is sold in the UK because there is little demand for it.
The bulk is shipped to France and Spain seamlessly currently. ANY delays at ports spoils it and makes it worthless.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: T00ts on September 02, 2020, 04:03:55 PM
There I go giggling again. Someone only has to question the EU failings and there are plenty who try to shift the blame. Interestingly Papa who is a diehard Europhile as I understand, shows only too clearly how the decimation of our fishing industry was achieved. I don't think we need to search too far to find other examples. I would suggest that the EU desperation for us to follow rules has something to do with the hope of using the same ploy that Papa suggests to wreak further havoc on these shores.

I could say that you wear blinkers but no doubt you would throw the same dig at me so it's pointless. Covid 19 hasn't yet cast it's full shadow over any of us by all accounts, so it will be interesting to see how the EU situation pans out as much as our own. I sincerely hope that those of you that cling so hard to the EU coat tails will eventually recognise the con that it really is. Until then it's fun to watch the desperate defence continue.
to try and stay on fishing point amidst all the other handbagging going on this thread....

Ultimately the EU has it's red lines and interests as much as the UK does.

A failure to reach agreement will be unfortunate for their fishing industry.  They will no longer be able to fish in certain areas (but then the UK boats won't be able to fish in their areas either.

But for the UK fishermen it will be devastating.  A large chunk of their market will become more difficult to sell to.  If things become really heated it's likely they won't be able to sell at all.

Keep in mind the UK fish processing industry (that imports a lot of foreign fish and then re-exports it) is roughly 3x bigger than the UK fish catching industry.

As i keep saying, having all the fish in the world is no use if you can't sell it.


QuoteThomas (+ 1 Hidden)

(top of the page.) Tell me dyno why do you always have to stay hidden when reading posts , then slink around the forum like a thief in the dark?

I wont bite mate honest.

carefull or you and patman post might bump into each other while you are in disguise sneaking around.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Dynamis on September 02, 2020, 06:25:07 PM
You just got totally shown up as being 100% utterly full of shit and you're trying to ignore it? It won't go away you know.  ;D

I'll requote another one you tried to ignore -

PS: Between here, FB (which you admit you use) + any other social media you use, all the other scot indy forums and blogs you admit you post on, it prolly vastly exceeds the time stated in the stats which is 5 days, and your post count is way above 2nd highest on here too. :D And you've been doing it continuously for years.. and I don't have facebook or anything like that and avoided posting much online from about '16 til '19, I'll bet you didn't. I only usually use one other forum since '19 at a time.

So you can take your good half-haggis, half-aberdeen angus self and shove your head straight up a shetland pony's ass where it belongs..if it's not firmly lodged up there already.  ;D


Give it up, honestly..no one makes a bigger prat of themselves on here than you do.

What on earth are you talking about now?

I thought we were talking about brexit and how the world is going to end in 17 weeks as you remainers who didnt have the courage to vote remain , but just like to spam forums with anti brexit propaganda , were going full on economic meltdown and re hashing the same arguments of the last four years in the hope they work at some point in the next 2 months?

I can see anger creeping in and frustration in your posts.

Calm down hen. Its only brexit.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

You just got totally shown up as being 100% utterly full of shit and you're trying to ignore it? It won't go away you know.  ;D

I'll requote another one you tried to ignore -

PS: Between here, FB (which you admit you use) + any other social media you use, all the other scot indy forums and blogs you admit you post on, it prolly vastly exceeds the time stated in the stats which is 5 days, and your post count is way above 2nd highest on here too. :D And you've been doing it continuously for years.. and I don't have facebook or anything like that and avoided posting much online from about '16 til '19, I'll bet you didn't. I only usually use one other forum since '19 at a time.

So you can take your good half-haggis, half-aberdeen angus self and shove your head straight up a shetland pony's ass where it belongs..if it's not firmly lodged up there already.  ;D


Give it up, honestly..no one makes a bigger prat of themselves on here than you do.


Quote from: GerryT on September 02, 2020, 03:51:47 PM

Sounds like a real painful time for people. where the UK govt for the want of a better expression "sold off" the UK fishing, handy the EU was there to blame.

Not really gerry.

Labour and the brit left moaned in the seventies that heath sold off the brit fishing fleet to join the EEC , and we all survived , and then 40 odd years later , moan johnson is selling out the brit fishing fleet to get "out" of the eu.

Life will go on.

Scotland lands two thirds of the uk sea food , so england isnt really going to be damaged that much.

Unionists on the british left told us though four years ago that this was a price we ( in scotland) had to pay to stay in the uk.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Dynamis on September 02, 2020, 05:36:47 PM

Just give it a rest mate..that's how we know you're full of it FFS!

But you told us you are "neutral" ( no laughing at the back please ) on brexit , didnt have the guts to vote for or against brexit , like the eu but arent a remainer , then spend all day long posting anti brexit anti tory posts on the forum.?

What are we to make of it dynamis?

A weak kneed coward with no faith in the english people , who want foreigners to rule england , and doesnt have the courage of his convictions to stand tall for what he believes in , instead slithers about like a typical brit lefty trying to knife everyone in the dark.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: papasmurf on September 02, 2020, 05:33:56 PMThe government sold off nothing the quota belonged to each boat/owner.
Appreciate that, but who allowed that to happen and allowed the owner/boat to be passed on to others (with a profit I'm sure). The Govt indirectly enabled that to happen, I'd hazard a guess that connected people made a pretty profit.
Simular happened in IRL regarding Taxis, originally you had to get a taxi lisc from the dept. of transport, if you weren't using it you gave it back and the next on the list got one, there was a cap on the number of plates issued per area. But that changed and with time taxi plates were being sold by taxi drivers, long story but like fisheries the IRL govt enabled this to happen. It got to a stage that taxi plates were selling for well over 60k, crazy money. The practice was stopped and deregulation happened.


Quote from: papasmurf on September 02, 2020, 05:33:56 PM
Quote from: GerryT on September 02, 2020, 03:51:47 PM

Sounds like a real painful time for people. where the UK govt for the want of a better expression "sold off" the UK fishing, handy the EU was there to blame.

The government sold off nothing the quota belonged to each boat/owner.

...and the EU kept moving the goalposts - no doubt heavily lobbied by those due to benefit - to facilitate their demise.

Borg Refinery


... Spends all day everyday spamming the forum?


Time spent online: 4days 2h 46m
Top ten posters: Thomas 2nd: 2665

Just give it a rest mate..that's how we know you're full of it FFS!


Quote from: GerryT on September 02, 2020, 03:51:47 PM

Sounds like a real painful time for people. where the UK govt for the want of a better expression "sold off" the UK fishing, handy the EU was there to blame.

The government sold off nothing the quota belonged to each boat/owner.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Dynamis on September 01, 2020, 01:54:14 AM
The bedbug craps are really trying to push the fishing argument even though they want to sacrifice it completely - Bojo has hinted as much. Yes the Tories in govt are pushing that argument that they want to 'save' fishing but simultaneously lying to your face.

It is true - it is worth too small a % of GDP to be worth saving according to them.

Beetlejuice is correct, and this backs up his points;

Here's the Brexiteers' dishonesty. Each country is free to share out its national quota as it chooses – but free-market Britain, unlike others, let fishers sell their quotas abroad. The Dutch ship Cornelis Vrolijk, registered in Caterham, owns 23% of the entire UK quota. "Slipper skippers" sold their quotas abroad – it was easier to put their feet up than to fish. Could Gove seize it back post-Brexit? No more than Jeremy Corbyn could seize back rail or energy companies from foreign owners without hefty compensation. It's not prevented by the EU, but by basic property law.

As hard Brexiteers want no deal, fishing is their perfect pretext – though no deal would be the fishermen's apocalypse

Gove could redistribute quotas between our own big ships and small boats. In Britain, 77% of the boats are less than 10 metres long, employing most of the UK's 12,000 fishers, yet owning just 4% of local quota. A key article in the CFP says quotas should be allocated transparently and objectively, and include "social, economic and environmental criteria". Small boats matter most for coastal life and do least environmental harm, so should take priority. Talk to Joy long enough about all the complexities of different fish quotas and treaties, and his most pressing need is for the British government to take from the big boats and give to the under-10m flotilla


is this you dynamis , spamming the forum with yet more anti brexit propaganda? ;D

You  , the man who told me he didint even vote for or against brexit , is highly neutral and impartial , but somehow manages to spens all day everyday on this forum spamming us with anti brexit anti tory propaganda.

Brexit is happening in 17 weeks mate....embrace it.

You had your chance to vote against it , and you chickened out.

No one respects a coward.

At least many of the remainers on here wear their EU support on their arms with pride , unlike you who slither around the forum pretending and failing to appear "impartial" or "politically neutral".

62% of the uk seafood is caught in what is classed as the scottish EEZ. England alone doesnt even have a third of the current uk wide EEZ , and its fishing is tiny in comparison .

I would say england in terms of the fishing industry is going to have very little damage in terms of brexit. Most of the damage will happen in scotland , so from a unionists point of view trhis might be a bad thing , but overall we know the majority of english are happy to ditch the union to get brexit.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!