Tory Infighting Thread #331,998

Started by Dynamis, September 01, 2020, 01:41:10 PM

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Good old

Quote from: Thomas on September 03, 2020, 03:22:54 PM
Quote from: Good old on September 03, 2020, 02:03:36 PM

From what I have seen Starmer doesn't need to be in to much of a rush , until we get beyond ,this faze of  covid, , and into brexit and its realities.

Well sorry good old , but i havent laughed so hard on this forum since pappy smurf told us he was hiding in his bedroom from covid 19.

This is the great strategy of the british left to get into power?

Sit back , let brexit/covid 19 etc take its toll on the tories and the voter will be running into your arms at the next election?

Talk about being bereft of vision and making the same mistake over and over again.

This is a variation of the same thing the british left , and their representatives her majesties british imperial labour party have lived off the back of all my life.

Labour - we know we are shit , we have no policies or political vision for the future ( blah blah blah invented welfare state a century ago) but vote for us cause yer faither voted us.

Or vote for us to stop the tories.

This is labours great plan is it?

No policy no vision , simply sit back and throw mud at the tories and snp and hope for the best?

You see this is where i say the brit left are completely clueless. This might have worked years ago , when the voters were far less politically engaged , and the whole of the yookay was participating fully in the two party stitch up.

Its a different ball game now.

Usually a new leader will bring a bounce to his party in the polls. What has starmer done?

Despite the scottish and englsih government fully focused on brexit and covid , and both snp and tory having been in power now for a decade or more , war weary and struggling on with political lifes pressures , starmer has labour down on 17% in scotland , flitting between third and fourth , and barely on a level with the tories in england. According to the electoral calculus , if a uk wide general election was held tomorrow ,  the tories would have a thirty seat majority.

A thirty seat majority.

I think this is pretty pathetic from the leader of the opposition , he hasnt been tested in any meaningfull way , wont disclose any policy or position , and has nothing to offer the yookay voter .

No wonder england is on the slide fast if this is the best you can come up with. 55 million people from a nation that once had an empire within living memory , and despite telling us boris johnson is shite , his only alternative is mr charisma , sir keir knight of the realm champagne socialist starmer.

Why make policy Statements at a time when the future is on hold? There is plenty of time for policy when we know the size of whatever mess this country is in ,in three years time. Starmer can only prod at this time, why make promises , for people like yourself  to ridicule when circumstance has made them undoable.
The gap has closed between parties, and  polls now show Starmer, as being more popular than Johnson. That's a bounce. admittedly at the expense of events as much as policy matters.
The fact remains Starmer is already on top of  Boris, as witnessed in the house, and it's early days in particular for Starmer.  Policy should come when it matches the situation, and that is not going to be until we get into the latter years of this administration. So laugh , at what ever. Good to see you can in these troubled times.
You take pleasure in highlighting the size of England's problem in getting rid of Tory, rule . There is a hill to climb, but not insurmountable if  Labour , shows real unity . And the Tories , continue to inspire nothing other than a downward trend.


Quote from: Good old on September 03, 2020, 02:03:36 PM

From what I have seen Starmer doesn't need to be in to much of a rush , until we get beyond ,this faze of  covid, , and into brexit and its realities.

Well sorry good old , but i havent laughed so hard on this forum since pappy smurf told us he was hiding in his bedroom from covid 19.

This is the great strategy of the british left to get into power?

Sit back , let brexit/covid 19 etc take its toll on the tories and the voter will be running into your arms at the next election?

Talk about being bereft of vision and making the same mistake over and over again.

This is a variation of the same thing the british left , and their representatives her majesties british imperial labour party have lived off the back of all my life.

Labour - we know we are shit , we have no policies or political vision for the future ( blah blah blah invented welfare state a century ago) but vote for us cause yer faither voted us.

Or vote for us to stop the tories.

This is labours great plan is it?

No policy no vision , simply sit back and throw mud at the tories and snp and hope for the best?

You see this is where i say the brit left are completely clueless. This might have worked years ago , when the voters were far less politically engaged , and the whole of the yookay was participating fully in the two party stitch up.

Its a different ball game now.

Usually a new leader will bring a bounce to his party in the polls. What has starmer done?

Despite the scottish and englsih government fully focused on brexit and covid , and both snp and tory having been in power now for a decade or more , war weary and struggling on with political lifes pressures , starmer has labour down on 17% in scotland , flitting between third and fourth , and barely on a level with the tories in england. According to the electoral calculus , if a uk wide general election was held tomorrow ,  the tories would have a thirty seat majority.

A thirty seat majority.

I think this is pretty pathetic from the leader of the opposition , he hasnt been tested in any meaningfull way , wont disclose any policy or position , and has nothing to offer the yookay voter .

No wonder england is on the slide fast if this is the best you can come up with. 55 million people from a nation that once had an empire within living memory , and despite telling us boris johnson is shite , his only alternative is mr charisma , sir keir knight of the realm champagne socialist starmer.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: T00ts on September 03, 2020, 02:24:47 PM
Quote from: Good old on September 03, 2020, 02:03:36 PM
I didn't watch PMQs. But anyway what  I said was meant to convey the fact that bringing Starmer into Tory infighting was no excuse  for Boris  own goals.  From what I have seen Starmer doesn't need to be in to much of a rush , until we get beyond ,this faze of  covid, , and into brexit and its realities.

I agree. His strength lies in the waiting game. While he keeps quiet on the major issues he can steadily build his standing  while not really showing his hand. Corbyn tried a similar strategy I believe.

It's only a strength because the situation freely gives him time.  Four difficult years to go . This is why the Tories will review their leadership  at some point if things don't look up in Boris,s performance. I will say Boris, inherited ten years of austerity , which did nothing for handling COVID, but then he did play his part in that. Foresight might have helped at some point in those years of cuts on cuts.
Corbyn,was easy work for the Tories and their media machine, undeserved some would say. But he didn't perform well in the house, regardless of what he had to offer. And his past baggage was never going to be completely explained.
Starmer doesn't have the brash style of Boris ,though he   has been a top advocate, he will know when to move in and expose the brashness as nothing much beyond that, Corbyn, never did.  The vibes coming from Tory quarters would suggest they too know Boris, is about to get found out.


Starmer barely has to do anything. Spaffwaffle is exposing himself as the dishonest, unprincipled and hopelessly incompetent buffoon he always was. All Starmer has to do is throw in the occasional awkward question and let him carry on.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: Good old on September 03, 2020, 02:03:36 PM
 I didn't watch PMQs. But anyway what  I said was meant to convey the fact that bringing Starmer into Tory infighting was no excuse  for Boris  own goals.  From what I have seen Starmer doesn't need to be in to much of a rush , until we get beyond ,this faze of  covid, , and into brexit and its realities.

I agree. His strength lies in the waiting game. While he keeps quiet on the major issues he can steadily build his standing  while not really showing his hand. Corbyn tried a similar strategy I believe.

Good old

Quote from: papasmurf on September 03, 2020, 01:28:13 PM
Quote from: Good old on September 03, 2020, 01:21:55 PM
Well Starmer has done nothing to impress,

Obviously you did not watch PMQs yesterday.

I didn't watch PMQs. But anyway what  I said was meant to convey the fact that bringing Starmer into Tory infighting was no excuse  for Boris  own goals.  From what I have seen Starmer doesn't need to be in to much of a rush , until we get beyond ,this faze of  covid, , and into brexit and its realities.


Of course there is party infighting. It's always the same. There are many with brilliant hind sight who didn't have the hot seat and have to make the decisions. I should think many MPs are struggling with how to cope too. There is no answer to the current situation. There is no way to avoid u-turns as they are so wrongly described. People were not happy with the total shut down and the only alternative is to follow the virus around and take appropriate action as it increases until someone can come up with a definitive answer on just how dangerous it still is. Would you expect an aircraft to fly into a hurricane or take avoiding action?

We have spent a fortune, it will have to be found in future. It's reality. Taxes will have to rise, we as a people will have to put our backs to it as we have in the past and rise to the occasion. We can't have it all ways. Sit on our butts and expect the rest of the world to provide. Time for a woke reality check.


Quote from: T00ts on September 03, 2020, 10:03:54 AM
Quote from: Thomas on September 03, 2020, 07:48:52 AM
Quote from: Sheepy on September 03, 2020, 07:25:12 AM
Quote from: patman post on September 02, 2020, 07:48:32 PM
If today's performance at PMQs is anything to go by, Johnson has lost the dressing room...

(PS: just wanted to bring in a football expression for anyone who's going to miss their aging Sky pundits...)
Which would be known as a sly dig from a distance.

It does seem sheep that certain people just can't change their tactics.

I have watched for over thirteen years as the brit left and others attacked Salmond and Sturgeon relentlessly , as though by removing them , the rest of scotlands yes movement who put the snp in power would dissappear.

Its the same here with johnson and brexit.

By constantly attacking johnson , trying to ridicule him , and claiming small but meaningless victories , they think this will somehow stop brexit.

What actually is starmers policy on the major issues of the day?

I have yet to hear any of them. He has been largely conspicuous by his absence since he became leader , and seems to psend most of his time fighting the SRB types in his party and staying out fo the limelight of the press than anything else.

There comes a point where starmer the anti democrat will have to put his head above the parapet and start telling us labours policy and position if they ever want to try and get elected.

I don't necessarily agree with everything you post but have to agree that so far Starmer is another political disappointment. My instinct is that a new broom usually sweeps clean. Now perhaps he has started in the toilets or somewhere out of the public eye but I see little in the lustre department as yet.  I have just posted elsewhere that he has offered nothing original yet and I just wonder if there is any real depth to him. BJ is his own worst enemy and I fear is physically struggling. He needs to be careful.

good post toots will try and reply in depth later...
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: papasmurf on September 03, 2020, 01:28:13 PM
Quote from: Good old on September 03, 2020, 01:21:55 PM
Well Starmer has done nothing to impress,

Obviously you did not watch PMQs yesterday.

I didint , but i have watched starmer many times and he comes across as completely underwhelming. Very wooden in his delivery , and generally silent on the major issues of the day , except of course his anti democratic stance on brexit.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!



An SNP man rushing to the defence of Tory Johnson.

In scotland , the labour party go into coalition with the tories.

QuoteI'll take no lectures in politics from you (not that I ever did of course).

You have taken plenty of lectures of me on politics , with barely a hard left whimper in reply.

Don't you think the incompetant buffoon has long since had enough rope to hang himself with played out?

the question is , what would your party leader starmer have done different over covid 19 , and what actually is his stance on things like migrants in dinghies in the channel , Scottish independence , brexit , and a whole other manner of issues affecting the disunited kingdom today?

QuoteOr are you some kind of SNP Tory?

labour have spent my entire life callng the snp the tartan tories.Your hero wurzel was accusing us of being tories in diguise not that long ago , and whimpering we were privatising everything in scotland.

What did the scottish public think of labour?

They gave you a kicking.

QuoteYou and Johnson are in danger of looking like two cheeks of the same arse with posts like this.

Yawn. Thats rich coming from a labour party member whose party goes into coalition with the tories in scotland , stands shoulder to shoulder with them on british nationalism , and spends all their time and energy attacking the snp and refusing to form left wing coalitions at westminster with us.

...and treat the scottish public as nothing more than voting fodder.

Anyway the thread is about infighting in political parties. How is your hatred for starmer and the blairites coming along mr momentum?

Have you got the knifes out for him yet?

Anyone on the hard left to replace him? :P
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on September 03, 2020, 01:21:55 PM
Well Starmer has done nothing to impress,

Obviously you did not watch PMQs yesterday.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe

Good old


Johnson , comes under fire from his own party , after being in the job for about a year, rightfully in my opinion. And up comes  the defence. Well Starmer has done nothing to impress, after six months in the job. Future developments have taken something of a back  to COVID being the big game in town, with Brexit bubbling quietly in the corner as far as the media are concerned. Not as far as the Tory party are concerned methinks.
None of this is about Starmer, he isn't in the Tory party yet. It's about Boris, and ultimately about his party.


Quote from: Thomas on September 02, 2020, 06:35:31 PM
Not another anti tory thread dyno?

Give the man a chance in government will you? :D
An SNP man rushing to the defence of Tory Johnson. I'll take no lectures in politics from you (not that I ever did of course).

Don't you think the incompetant buffoon has long since had enough rope to hang himself with played out? Or are you some kind of SNP Tory?

You and Johnson are in danger of looking like two cheeks of the same arse with posts like this.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: T00ts on September 03, 2020, 10:03:54 AM
He needs to be careful.

Given the number of Brutus's in the Tory ranks he needs to wear a stab proof vest.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Thomas on September 03, 2020, 07:48:52 AM
Quote from: Sheepy on September 03, 2020, 07:25:12 AM
Quote from: patman post on September 02, 2020, 07:48:32 PM
If today's performance at PMQs is anything to go by, Johnson has lost the dressing room...

(PS: just wanted to bring in a football expression for anyone who's going to miss their aging Sky pundits...)
Which would be known as a sly dig from a distance.

It does seem sheep that certain people just can't change their tactics.

I have watched for over thirteen years as the brit left and others attacked Salmond and Sturgeon relentlessly , as though by removing them , the rest of scotlands yes movement who put the snp in power would dissappear.

Its the same here with johnson and brexit.

By constantly attacking johnson , trying to ridicule him , and claiming small but meaningless victories , they think this will somehow stop brexit.

What actually is starmers policy on the major issues of the day?

I have yet to hear any of them. He has been largely conspicuous by his absence since he became leader , and seems to psend most of his time fighting the SRB types in his party and staying out fo the limelight of the press than anything else.

There comes a point where starmer the anti democrat will have to put his head above the parapet and start telling us labours policy and position if they ever want to try and get elected.

I don't necessarily agree with everything you post but have to agree that so far Starmer is another political disappointment. My instinct is that a new broom usually sweeps clean. Now perhaps he has started in the toilets or somewhere out of the public eye but I see little in the lustre department as yet.  I have just posted elsewhere that he has offered nothing original yet and I just wonder if there is any real depth to him. BJ is his own worst enemy and I fear is physically struggling. He needs to be careful.