Tory Infighting Thread #331,998

Started by Dynamis, September 01, 2020, 01:41:10 PM

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Quote from: Dynamis on September 22, 2020, 08:59:49 AM
I think saying Cummings/Bojo are ruling by decree can only be interpreted as a shot across his bow.

You would.

You dont like cummings or johnson , so inevitably you interpret anything said as being the worst about them.

We are told one minute by the british left that johnson has to rule by decree over covid 19 , and react fast to events as they unfold.

Now we are being told he mustnt rule by decree , and has to have lengthy debates about covid 19 restrictions , and by the time the deabtes have finihsed , the covid event will either be over or morhped into something bigger , in which case he will further get grief for not acting sooner.

Its  a no win situation for him. Labour and starmer would not do any better and would be in the same boat with the same criticisms. Same as sturgeon is being critiscised for acting like a little hitler according to labour types in scotland , and treating the daily covid announcement on tv as her personal relaity show and other such nonsense.

Covid 19 is a no win situation for any government
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

I think saying Cummings/Bojo are ruling by decree can only be interpreted as a shot across his bow.

It's true that the policy used last time has obviously failed, so why repeat it. But hey..tell Bojo and guys like Hypospray Quack Quack that, or many others in stuffy 'home counties' England and see how far you get.



Quote from: Dynamis on September 22, 2020, 05:34:04 AM
Graham Brady head of 1922 Committee says Govt 'rule by decree' over C19 draconian measures..

QuoteA senior Tory has accused the government of "ruling by decree" for "imposing" new coronavirus restrictions without proper debate and voting procedures.

Graham Brady, chairman of the 1922 Committee of Conservative backbenchers, told the BBC that ministers were treating the British people "like children", as regulations such as the "rule of six" have not been subject to sufficient scrutiny by MPs.

How is that an example of tory infighting?

Seems sensible  to me, and the fact most tories dont like the loss of freedom the covid 19 pandemic is bringing along with much of the population.

Remember the uproar in labour regarding I.D cards?

Regualtions invloving the loss of or restrictions on freedom arent popualr in any political party. Calls for debate and sensible comment arent an exmaple of infighting.

I think the tories are more healthier in terms of internal debate than labour.  Starmer cant even announce policy or comment without fear of upsetting the hard left and destroying his party in the process.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Graham Brady head of 1922 Committee says Govt 'rule by decree' over C19 draconian measures..

QuoteA senior Tory has accused the government of "ruling by decree" for "imposing" new coronavirus restrictions without proper debate and voting procedures.

Graham Brady, chairman of the 1922 Committee of Conservative backbenchers, told the BBC that ministers were treating the British people "like children", as regulations such as the "rule of six" have not been subject to sufficient scrutiny by MPs.


QuoteWith a general election announced, and HBC leader Peter Chowney the Labour parliamentary candidate for Hastings & Rye, I have made the decision to go public. I think it is important that voters are aware of my experience of a culture of ignorance and antisemitism in the Labour Party here in Hastings.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Sheepy on September 05, 2020, 03:40:38 PM

Like Dynamis was just telling us the other day, he can't work out why traditional Labour places like Hastings don't vote Labour,

feckin stope it sheep.

I cant think why either? :D

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on September 05, 2020, 03:29:21 PM
Quote from: Sheepy on September 05, 2020, 02:17:22 PM

I must have told them morons in Parliament at least 20 times, they ain't some cartel that are the only show in town. If they didn't learn that before the election which they were sent fair warning then bigger fool them.

Its alright sheep. If labour get in , they promise to help the ordinary poor man with wonderfull mundane socialist policies such as cramming the unelected lords with more labour robber barons.

175 of them at present , and starmer vows to increase the number....

Labour Peers
Bns (Irene) Adams of Craigielea
Rt Hon L (Andrew) Adonis
L (Charles) Allen of Kensington
L (Waheed) Alli
Rt Hon Bns (Valerie) Amos
Rt Hon L (Donald) Anderson of Swansea
Bns (Kay) Andrews
Rt Hon Bns (Hilary) Armstrong of Hill Top
L (Willy) Bach
Bns (Joan) Bakewell
Rt Hon L (Steve) Bassam
L (Jeremy) Beecham
L (Tony) Berkeley
Bns (Angela) Billingham
Rt Hon Bns (Tessa) Blackstone
Bns (Christine) Blower
Rt Hon L (David) Blunkett
Rt Hon L (Paul) Boateng
Rt Hon L (Keith) Bradley
L (Melvyn) Bragg
L (Clive) Brooke of Alverthorpe
L (Des) Browne of Ladyton
Bns (Pauline) Bryan of Partick
L (Dale) Campbell-Savours
L (Patrick) Carter of Coles
Bns (Shami) Chakrabarti
V (Tom) Chandos
L (Tony) Christopher
Rt Hon L (David) Clark of Windermere
L (Tony) Clarke of Hampstead
Bns (Janet) Cohen of Pimlico
L (Ray) Collins of Highbury
Rt Hon Bns (Jean) Corston
Bns (Christine) Crawley
Rt Hon L (Jack) Cunningham of Felling
L (Neil) Davidson of Glen Clova QC
Rt Hon L (Bryan) Davies of Oldham
L (Quentin) Davies of Stamford
L (Meghnad) Desai
Bns (Rita) Donaghy
L (Bernard) Donoughue
Bns (Jeannie) Drake
Rt Hon L (Paul) Drayson
L (Alf) Dubs
L (John) Eatwell
L (Murray) Elder
L (David) Evans of Watford
Rt Hon L (Charlie) Falconer of Thoroton QC
L (Richard) Faulkner of Worcester
L (Geoff) Filkin
Rt Hon L (George) Foulkes of Cumnock
Bns (Anita) Gale
L (Anthony) Giddens
L (Maurice) Glasman
Bns (Llin) Golding
Rt Hon (Peter) Goldsmith QC
Bns (Mary) Goudie
L (John) Grantchester
L (Leslie) Griffiths of Burry Port
Rt Hon L (Bruce) Grocott
Rt Hon L (Peter) Hain
V (Stephen) Hanworth
L (Toby) Harris of Haringey
L (Lyndon) Harrison
L (Simon) Haskel
L (Willie) Haughey
L (Alan) Haworth
B (Dianne) Hayter of Kentish Town
Bns (Anna) Healy of Primrose Hill
L (John) Hendy
Bns (Ruth) Henig
Bns (Jenny) Hilton of Eggardon
L (Clive) Hollick
Rt Hon L (Alan) Howarth of Newport
L (Doug) Hoyle
Bns (Beverley) Hughes of Stretford
L (Bob) Hughes of Woodside
L (Julian) Hunt of Chesterton
Rt Hon L (Philip) Hunt of Kings Heath
Rt Hon L (John) Hutton of Furness
Rt Hon L (Derry) Irvine of Lairg QC
Rt Hon Bns (Margaret) Jay of Paddington
Rt Hon L (Barry) Jones
Bns (Maggie) Jones of Whitchurch
L (Bill) Jordan
L (Frank) Judd
Bns (Helena) Kennedy of The Shaws QC
L (Roy) Kennedy of Southwark
L (Jonathan) Kestenbaum
Bns (Denise) Kingsmill
Bns (Glenys) Kinnock
Rt Hon L (Neil) Kinnock
Rt Hon L (Jim) Knight of Weymouth
Bns (Doreen) Lawrence
L (Richard) Layard
L (Sandy) Leitch
L (Chris) Lennie
L (Michael) Levy
Rt Hon Bns (Helen) Liddell of Coatdyke
L (Roger) Liddle
L (David) Lipsey
Bns (Ruth) Lister of Burtersett
L (Hector) MacKenzie of Culkein
Bns (Ann) Mallalieu QC
Rt Hon L (Peter) Mandelson
Bns (Doreen) Massey of Darwen
L (John) Maxton
L (Jon) Mendelsohn
L (Tommy) McAvoy
Rt Hon L (Jack) McConnell of Glenscorrodale
Bns (Margaret) McDonagh
Bns (Genista) McIntosh of Hudnall
L (Bill) McKenzie of Luton
L (Iain) McNicol of West Kilbride
L (Parry) Mitchell
L (John) Monks
Bns (Eluned) Morgan of Ely
L (Kenneth) Morgan
Bns (Sally) Morgan of Huyton
Rt Hon L (John) Morris of Aberavon QC
Rt Hon Bns (Estelle) Morris of Yardley
Rt Hon L (Paul) Murphy of Torfaen
Bns (Sue) Nye
Bns (Martha) Osamor
L (Bhikhu) Parekh
Rt Hon L (Tom) Pendry
Bns (Jill) Pitkeathley
L (Raymond) Plant of Highfield
L (Fred) Ponsonby of Shulbrede
Rt Hon L (John) Prescott
Rt Hon Bns (Dawn) Primarolo
Bns (Margaret) Prosser
L (David) Puttnam
Rt Hon Bns (Joyce) Quin
Rt Hon L (Giles) Radice
Bns (Meta) Ramsay of Cartvale
Bns (Gail) Rebuck
Rt Hon L (John) Reid of Cardowan
Rt Hon L (George) Robertson of Port Ellen
L (Richard) Rogers of Riverside
L (Richard) Rosser
L (Ted) Rowlands
Rt Hon Bns (Jan) Royall of Blaisdon
L (Tom) Sawyer
Rt Hon L (Robert) Sheldon
Bns (Maeve) Sherlock
V (Jan) Simon
Bns (Angela) Smith of Basildon
Bns (Elizabeth) Smith of Gilmorehill
L (Peter) Smith of Leigh
L (Peter) Snape
L (Clive) Soley
L (Wilf) Stevenson of Balmacara
Rt Hon Bns (Liz) Symons of Vernham Dean
Rt Hon Bns (Ann) Taylor of Bolton
Bns (Glenys) Thornton
L (John) Tomlinson
L (Don) Touhig
L (David) Triesman
L (Denis) Tunnicliffe
L (Les) Turnberg
Bns (Diana) Warwick of Undercliffe
L (Mike) Watson of Invergowrie
L (Dave) Watts
L (Alan) West of Spithead
Bns (Margaret) Wheeler
Bns (Janet) Whitaker
Rt Hon L (Larry) Whitty
Bns (Debbie) Wilcox
Rt Hon L (Michael) Wills
L (Robert) Winston
L (Stewart) Wood of Anfield
L (Ken) Woolmer of Leeds
Bns (Barbara) Young of Old Scone
L (Tony) Young of Norwood Green
sounds like another one of them get rich quick schemes. Like Dynamis was just telling us the other day, he can't work out why traditional Labour places like Hastings don't vote Labour, because they are populists now, they have had enough of Labours nonsense. One vote one person.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on September 05, 2020, 02:17:22 PM

I must have told them morons in Parliament at least 20 times, they ain't some cartel that are the only show in town. If they didn't learn that before the election which they were sent fair warning then bigger fool them.

Its alright sheep. If labour get in , they promise to help the ordinary poor man with wonderfull mundane socialist policies such as cramming the unelected lords with more labour robber barons.

175 of them at present , and starmer vows to increase the number....

Labour Peers
Bns (Irene) Adams of Craigielea
Rt Hon L (Andrew) Adonis
L (Charles) Allen of Kensington
L (Waheed) Alli
Rt Hon Bns (Valerie) Amos
Rt Hon L (Donald) Anderson of Swansea
Bns (Kay) Andrews
Rt Hon Bns (Hilary) Armstrong of Hill Top
L (Willy) Bach
Bns (Joan) Bakewell
Rt Hon L (Steve) Bassam
L (Jeremy) Beecham
L (Tony) Berkeley
Bns (Angela) Billingham
Rt Hon Bns (Tessa) Blackstone
Bns (Christine) Blower
Rt Hon L (David) Blunkett
Rt Hon L (Paul) Boateng
Rt Hon L (Keith) Bradley
L (Melvyn) Bragg
L (Clive) Brooke of Alverthorpe
L (Des) Browne of Ladyton
Bns (Pauline) Bryan of Partick
L (Dale) Campbell-Savours
L (Patrick) Carter of Coles
Bns (Shami) Chakrabarti
V (Tom) Chandos
L (Tony) Christopher
Rt Hon L (David) Clark of Windermere
L (Tony) Clarke of Hampstead
Bns (Janet) Cohen of Pimlico
L (Ray) Collins of Highbury
Rt Hon Bns (Jean) Corston
Bns (Christine) Crawley
Rt Hon L (Jack) Cunningham of Felling
L (Neil) Davidson of Glen Clova QC
Rt Hon L (Bryan) Davies of Oldham
L (Quentin) Davies of Stamford
L (Meghnad) Desai
Bns (Rita) Donaghy
L (Bernard) Donoughue
Bns (Jeannie) Drake
Rt Hon L (Paul) Drayson
L (Alf) Dubs
L (John) Eatwell
L (Murray) Elder
L (David) Evans of Watford
Rt Hon L (Charlie) Falconer of Thoroton QC
L (Richard) Faulkner of Worcester
L (Geoff) Filkin
Rt Hon L (George) Foulkes of Cumnock
Bns (Anita) Gale
L (Anthony) Giddens
L (Maurice) Glasman
Bns (Llin) Golding
Rt Hon (Peter) Goldsmith QC
Bns (Mary) Goudie
L (John) Grantchester
L (Leslie) Griffiths of Burry Port
Rt Hon L (Bruce) Grocott
Rt Hon L (Peter) Hain
V (Stephen) Hanworth
L (Toby) Harris of Haringey
L (Lyndon) Harrison
L (Simon) Haskel
L (Willie) Haughey
L (Alan) Haworth
B (Dianne) Hayter of Kentish Town
Bns (Anna) Healy of Primrose Hill
L (John) Hendy
Bns (Ruth) Henig
Bns (Jenny) Hilton of Eggardon
L (Clive) Hollick
Rt Hon L (Alan) Howarth of Newport
L (Doug) Hoyle
Bns (Beverley) Hughes of Stretford
L (Bob) Hughes of Woodside
L (Julian) Hunt of Chesterton
Rt Hon L (Philip) Hunt of Kings Heath
Rt Hon L (John) Hutton of Furness
Rt Hon L (Derry) Irvine of Lairg QC
Rt Hon Bns (Margaret) Jay of Paddington
Rt Hon L (Barry) Jones
Bns (Maggie) Jones of Whitchurch
L (Bill) Jordan
L (Frank) Judd
Bns (Helena) Kennedy of The Shaws QC
L (Roy) Kennedy of Southwark
L (Jonathan) Kestenbaum
Bns (Denise) Kingsmill
Bns (Glenys) Kinnock
Rt Hon L (Neil) Kinnock
Rt Hon L (Jim) Knight of Weymouth
Bns (Doreen) Lawrence
L (Richard) Layard
L (Sandy) Leitch
L (Chris) Lennie
L (Michael) Levy
Rt Hon Bns (Helen) Liddell of Coatdyke
L (Roger) Liddle
L (David) Lipsey
Bns (Ruth) Lister of Burtersett
L (Hector) MacKenzie of Culkein
Bns (Ann) Mallalieu QC
Rt Hon L (Peter) Mandelson
Bns (Doreen) Massey of Darwen
L (John) Maxton
L (Jon) Mendelsohn
L (Tommy) McAvoy
Rt Hon L (Jack) McConnell of Glenscorrodale
Bns (Margaret) McDonagh
Bns (Genista) McIntosh of Hudnall
L (Bill) McKenzie of Luton
L (Iain) McNicol of West Kilbride
L (Parry) Mitchell
L (John) Monks
Bns (Eluned) Morgan of Ely
L (Kenneth) Morgan
Bns (Sally) Morgan of Huyton
Rt Hon L (John) Morris of Aberavon QC
Rt Hon Bns (Estelle) Morris of Yardley
Rt Hon L (Paul) Murphy of Torfaen
Bns (Sue) Nye
Bns (Martha) Osamor
L (Bhikhu) Parekh
Rt Hon L (Tom) Pendry
Bns (Jill) Pitkeathley
L (Raymond) Plant of Highfield
L (Fred) Ponsonby of Shulbrede
Rt Hon L (John) Prescott
Rt Hon Bns (Dawn) Primarolo
Bns (Margaret) Prosser
L (David) Puttnam
Rt Hon Bns (Joyce) Quin
Rt Hon L (Giles) Radice
Bns (Meta) Ramsay of Cartvale
Bns (Gail) Rebuck
Rt Hon L (John) Reid of Cardowan
Rt Hon L (George) Robertson of Port Ellen
L (Richard) Rogers of Riverside
L (Richard) Rosser
L (Ted) Rowlands
Rt Hon Bns (Jan) Royall of Blaisdon
L (Tom) Sawyer
Rt Hon L (Robert) Sheldon
Bns (Maeve) Sherlock
V (Jan) Simon
Bns (Angela) Smith of Basildon
Bns (Elizabeth) Smith of Gilmorehill
L (Peter) Smith of Leigh
L (Peter) Snape
L (Clive) Soley
L (Wilf) Stevenson of Balmacara
Rt Hon Bns (Liz) Symons of Vernham Dean
Rt Hon Bns (Ann) Taylor of Bolton
Bns (Glenys) Thornton
L (John) Tomlinson
L (Don) Touhig
L (David) Triesman
L (Denis) Tunnicliffe
L (Les) Turnberg
Bns (Diana) Warwick of Undercliffe
L (Mike) Watson of Invergowrie
L (Dave) Watts
L (Alan) West of Spithead
Bns (Margaret) Wheeler
Bns (Janet) Whitaker
Rt Hon L (Larry) Whitty
Bns (Debbie) Wilcox
Rt Hon L (Michael) Wills
L (Robert) Winston
L (Stewart) Wood of Anfield
L (Ken) Woolmer of Leeds
Bns (Barbara) Young of Old Scone
L (Tony) Young of Norwood Green
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on September 05, 2020, 02:11:58 PM

They asked for a last chance and were given one, that don't mean they can make me a stranger in my own land. Take it with both hands or don't take their pick.

Remainers seem to think if they stop brexit by getting rid of johnson , and brexit gets "martyred" , it somehow goes away.


In that scenario , i could see the brexit party doing an snp and sweeping the board.
I must have told them morons in Parliament at least 20 times, they ain't some cartel that are the only show in town. If they didn't learn that before the election which they were sent fair warning then bigger fool them.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


They asked for a last chance and were given one, that don't mean they can make me a stranger in my own land. Take it with both hands or don't take their pick.

Remainers seem to think if they stop brexit by getting rid of johnson , and brexit gets "martyred" , it somehow goes away.


In that scenario , i could see the brexit party doing an snp and sweeping the board.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on September 05, 2020, 02:02:00 PM
Quote from: Sheepy on September 05, 2020, 01:35:41 PM
Well it is Britons magic Thomas, same thing we used against the Romans, everybody loves a bit of magic.

I have said this for a long time now , this is the tories last chance , and if they dont brexit at the end of the year , then hell mend them .
They asked for a last chance and were given one, that don't mean they can make me a stranger in my own land. Take it with both hands or don't take their pick.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on September 05, 2020, 01:35:41 PM
Well it is Britons magic Thomas, same thing we used against the Romans, everybody loves a bit of magic.

I have said this for a long time now , this is the tories last chance , and if they dont brexit at the end of the year , then hell mend them .

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Well it is Britons magic Thomas, same thing we used against the Romans, everybody loves a bit of magic.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Thomas on September 05, 2020, 12:19:22 PM
Quote from: T00ts on September 04, 2020, 09:07:53 PM

I hope you are right but let's face it I wouldn't put my head above the parapet now. It must be hell on earth struggling with the current situation trying to drive a path through something that is like thick fog with no end as yet. I am sure they are trying to maintain a holding game until someone somewhere comes up with an answer. Russia seems to be holding out the most hope as yet unluckily. Apparently Sunak  is eyeing up his chances. There is always Gove of course among others but I am not convinced.

i wouldnt listen to patman toots.

Like every small c tory remainer , he has been dismayed since johnson took charge of the party  and won the general election by a landslide securing brexit.

This stuff about johnson at the minute seems to be the last gasp of the anglo remainers trying to topple him , and get another brexit transition in place before december.

Johnson seems to have a record of being attacked and ridiculed as a buffoon not up to the job , yet winning against the odds time and again.

I wouldnt count him out yet.

If england doesnt leave the eu in 17 weeks time , and the whispering remainers topple johnson , then without a doubt it shows there is no democracy in your country .

Once the ballot box fails the ordinary people , you are then in a bad place.
If the ballot box fails which they told us, they believed in democracy and all those who had fought and died for it, as well as being maimed and every other fallout from standing their ground for it, they wouldn't fecking dare. Crazy as a fox with rabies they might well be, but they know that would be the final nail in the coffin.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!