FT: Bojo to override WA

Started by Dynamis, September 07, 2020, 04:20:38 AM

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Quote from: Dynamis on September 12, 2020, 01:08:26 PM

And what would you do differently if you were Prime Minister papa?

This isn't a trick question, I'm keen to know.

There would never have been a referendum in the first place because as I pointed out before the referendum, the Irish problem was always going screw up any attempt to leave Europe.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Dynamis on September 12, 2020, 01:08:26 PM

And what would you do differently if you were Prime Minister papa?

This isn't a trick question, I'm keen to know.

Smurf would be the stop the tories prime minister.

He doesnt know any policy or how he would deal with day to day issues , but all he does know is that he would stop the tories ruling.

oh , and force everyone into solitary confinement till coronavirus magically disappears out of existence.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: papasmurf on September 12, 2020, 12:55:02 PM
Quote from: Borchester on September 12, 2020, 12:48:49 PM

The point is that none of this really counts. At the end of the day we are arguing over fishing rights and the Irish border. There are probably more fish caught in the Grand Union Canal than by our antiquated fleet and no one knows or cares what the Micks want. So let us walk away and sort things out in the New Year.

It is politicians with attitudes like yours who start wars.

And what would you do differently if you were Prime Minister papa?

This isn't a trick question, I'm keen to know.


Quote from: Dynamis on September 12, 2020, 01:03:43 PMYes it has been tested, remember the fishing nightmare in February

No remind me!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: T00ts on September 12, 2020, 12:38:44 PM
Quote from: Dynamis on September 12, 2020, 12:24:14 PM
Quote from: T00ts on September 12, 2020, 11:52:40 AM
Are we saying we are not able to squabble with the best of them? A stiff upper lip is fine in certain circumstances but in the big wide world we have to be prepared to stamp our feet and have a tantrum before we will be listened to.

No. Tantrums and stampy feet? Thatcher actually had it down the best - she was naturally confident, assertive and had the ability to convince with a certain menacing undertone; I'd say her and Churchill were the most authoritative and assertive leaders we've had.

..And I cannot stand Thatcher, but I recognize her skill in those areas.

Now show me the same natural confidence and assertiveness in Bojo?

Show me the same ability to charm and convince people, but assertively with a "do not defy me" menacing undertone?

You will struggle.

At best, he can be amusing and convincing, but it all washes away and the insecure little boyish buffoon-trying-to-sound-big thing just don't work on adults. Not for any length of time.

..His charade has no staying power; Thatcher's did, so did the other guy.

And before you mention "my champ" Corbyn, I agree, he wasn't the world's most charismatic fellow but he could be charming and amenable, which is also a quality.

I agree with you, Thatcher saw the men at the EU table for what they really were and since then all the PMs have been more concerned with their EU image (men amongst men all mates together).


And that's it - she saw straight through people. You see, despite my intense dislike of virtually everything she ever did whilst in power, I can recognize that straightaway, I don't believe in the stars but she was a metal ox apparently, that may mean something to you.  :D

QuoteDon't underestimate BJ, the fop, as with Rees-Mogg hides a clever mind. He is not stupid

I'm not suggesting either him or Moggy are 'stupid' in the all encompassing sense, Moggy for sure has had business successs since he was 8 years old and got feat'd in the FT (IIRC).

Bojo read classics at Oxford, he knows some Latin, he can bluff the Eton RP+Confidence thing ok enough. It's not enough.

It also is imho irrelevant as his primary aim whilst in govt appears to be to hold on to power. I honestly don't think he cares that much what happens as long as him and his mates make lots of money, he retains power and cements some legacy for himself.

When he was mayor he called for an amnesty for 'illegals', now he says cut them all off. He's done such big flip flops over anything and everything. Peter Hitchens calls him the heir to Blair - he absolutely is, he's another neoliberal general-appeaser populist that has no firm stance on anything as far as I can see.

Quoteand will have recognised what is needed here. He is instinctive rather than a strategist I feel, and it may well transpire that knowing the EU as he does, knows full well that they only function under pressure. I could quite believe that Covid or not he was willing to let them set the pace through the year and subside into their usual complacent notion that they had us by the throat. Interesting times.

You mention his 'charade not having staying power'. Has it actually been tested yet? You may be in for a surprise.

Yes it has been tested, remember the fishing nightmare in February?



QuoteBecause by an even bigger margin (59-41), the people of England are also willing – on those numbers one might go so far as to say "eager" – to dump Northern Ireland if it gets them out of the European Union.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester on September 12, 2020, 12:48:49 PM

The point is that none of this really counts. At the end of the day we are arguing over fishing rights and the Irish border. There are probably more fish caught in the Grand Union Canal than by our antiquated fleet and no one knows or cares what the Micks want. So let us walk away and sort things out in the New Year.

Pretty much borkie.

Its the exact same strategy we have been seeing from remainers since 2016. All they do is keep throwing barriers in the road to stop you brexiting.

"what ifs" coupled with predictions of doom gloom and fire and floods.

Eventually , the northern irish will hold a referendum on uk membership , and will probably vote to leave and rejoin the rest of ireland. I have said this for four years now , the idea 6 counties on another island  , of whom a large amount of the popualtion dont want to be british anyway , are going to hold england in the eu is laughable fantasy.

I posted poll after poll that showed how desperate england is to leave the eu , that they would rather ditch northern ireland than have it tie  the uk to the eu in any way.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester on September 12, 2020, 12:48:49 PM

The point is that none of this really counts. At the end of the day we are arguing over fishing rights and the Irish border. There are probably more fish caught in the Grand Union Canal than by our antiquated fleet and no one knows or cares what the Micks want. So let us walk away and sort things out in the New Year.

It is politicians with attitudes like yours who start wars.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: T00ts on September 12, 2020, 12:38:44 PM
Quote from: Dynamis on September 12, 2020, 12:24:14 PM
Quote from: T00ts on September 12, 2020, 11:52:40 AM
Are we saying we are not able to squabble with the best of them? A stiff upper lip is fine in certain circumstances but in the big wide world we have to be prepared to stamp our feet and have a tantrum before we will be listened to.

No. Tantrums and stampy feet? Thatcher actually had it down the best - she was naturally confident, assertive and had the ability to convince with a certain menacing undertone; I'd say her and Churchill were the most authoritative and assertive leaders we've had.

..And I cannot stand Thatcher, but I recognize her skill in those areas.

Now show me the same natural confidence and assertiveness in Bojo?

Show me the same ability to charm and convince people, but assertively with a "do not defy me" menacing undertone?

You will struggle.

At best, he can be amusing and convincing, but it all washes away and the insecure little boyish buffoon-trying-to-sound-big thing just don't work on adults. Not for any length of time.

..His charade has no staying power; Thatcher's did, so did the other guy.

And before you mention "my champ" Corbyn, I agree, he wasn't the world's most charismatic fellow but he could be charming and amenable, which is also a quality.

I agree with you, Thatcher saw the men at the EU table for what they really were and since then all the PMs have been more concerned with their EU image (men amongst men all mates together). Don't underestimate BJ, the fop, as with Rees-Mogg hides a clever mind. He is not stupid and will have recognised what is needed here. He is instinctive rather than a strategist I feel, and it may well transpire that knowing the EU as he does, knows full well that they only function under pressure. I could quite believe that Covid or not he was willing to let them set the pace through the year and subside into their usual complacent notion that they had us by the throat. Interesting times.

You mention his 'charade not having staying power'. Has it actually been tested yet? You may be in for a surprise.

The point is that none of this really counts. At the end of the day we are arguing over fishing rights and the Irish border. There are probably more fish caught in the Grand Union Canal than by our antiquated fleet and no one knows or cares what the Micks want. So let us walk away and sort things out in the New Year.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Good old on September 12, 2020, 10:35:06 AM

There will be no deal, if  he convinces the party to back him ,so  they would be putting the integrity of the entire country on the line for no purpose . If he seriously wants a deal, yet believes the deal on offer is not in good faith , then don't accept it. No agreement reached. National integrity intact. The GFA, will remain in serious danger of being infringed , no matter what the actual reasons are for no deal. He has returned this whole business to miserable squabbling. What other label can you put on this attempt to blatantly interfere with what was in his own words an oven ready agreement.

He is doing what theresa may should have done years ago.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: T00ts on September 12, 2020, 12:38:44 PM
Don't underestimate BJ, the fop, as with Rees-Mogg hides a clever mind.

Both are as much use as chocolate spanner and completely out of touch.
Speaking bullshine in received pronunciation cannot get around that.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Good old on September 09, 2020, 10:02:08 AM
1. Your previous posts , held no water.

First of all you tell me you dont know what my point was , as though im not making sense , now you tell me my previous posts hold no water? So you do know what my point was , its just you are now saying you disagree with me?
2. Law can be changed, not ignored . I don't say in this case the law can not be changed. Another of your diversions.

What are you gibbering about now?

Why would you need to ignore any law if all you have to do is rescind it  , change it or remake it ? What actual law in your opinion has been ignored anyway?
That Crew had no right to make such promises ,no right in law,

Shall we get parliament to ask your approvel next time? ;D

They had every right , cameron stood on a mandate to get elected in 2015 by offering to hold a brexit ref. He got elected , and parliament passed legislation to hold a ref , which as we know duly happened and you lost.

The time for whinging anglo remainers like you to argue the case was before  , not after the referendum. If you all disagreed that strongly with holding one , a tactic you could have used was to refuse to take any part in it , but you couldnt even manage to do that to destroy any legitimacy in the status of the referendum.

So since then , all we have heard is non stop bleating that democracy isnt fair when you lose. Tough.

My heart feckin bleeds for you.

Quotethat has led to the total mess the country has been plunged into

What mess?

From what i can ee covid 19 had caused more damage to society across the world than brexit ever could. Stop being a drama queen good old.

Do you seriously think you caould have sat on eu membership for ever more without giving the people a say? I think eventually had both labour and tory ignored the eurosceptic feeling in england , farage and his party would have smashed FPTP like the snp did , and taken power.

Same old british left as ever , try and ignore problems and hope they go away :D
Parliament allowing a referendum, may have given the impression ,Cameron's promise held water , so not blameless, it never did, all that held water was the people had a say

can you translate this unadulterated pish into english please? WTF are you going on about?
No rights were ever being dished out.


Parliament passed into law an act in 2015 to aske the people of the uk and gib about eu membership. The right was clearly dished out for people to make the decision to leave or stay , and leave won.

Parliament could of course have ignored this  , but politically it was suicide as we saw for them to do so. No amount of wriggling about in the dirt is going to change people mind on this fact .

Parliament can pass all the feckin laws it wants , but it only rules by the people allowing it  to do so. To go to all this trouble , and promise the earth , for then to turn around and say you dont have the right to leave the eu would have caused the ending of the rule of that institution.

Parliament can only rule by the peoples consent.

Quote4 I want to leave with honour.

Who cares how you want to leave? You didnt and dont want to leave originally from what i remember , so trying to tie up some BRINO and hiding it behind leaving with honour is laughable.

QuoteAnd parliament , confirmed all that said in 3.

No it didnt.

Parliament had to be dragged kicking and screaming to implement the referendum over the course of four years , and we still havent properly left yet.So what are you on about now?

QuoteSo parliament won.


You do realise parliament is a building mate , and it s the people inside it , elected by the people outside it , that matters?

The people outside it won. They told parliament their decision in 2016 , elected them to enact that decision in 2017 , and kicked out the anti democrats who wouldnt enact it in 2019.

The people , and demcoracy won good old. Much to your bitter disapointment.

Not a big fan of this democracy lark are you?

Quote5. No, trying to trample on and even avoid the laws that support the good governance of this country.

You will have to elaborate on what you mean here?

Quote6. Complete rubbish , I have made it clear on previous pages , I want out, for me there is no deal, Starmers or anybody else ,s that would satisfy me. There is no way I would lower myself to ask anybody for something they can not give, and that's what we do. So as usual you grasp the wrong end of the pole.

:D ;D

Dont tell me , you dont vote labour and do not and never have supproted the british left? ;D

QuoteI want out, for me there is no deal

What you crying about then?

You are about to get your wish in 16 weeks time , so just sit back and be patient.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Dynamis on September 12, 2020, 12:24:14 PM
Quote from: T00ts on September 12, 2020, 11:52:40 AM
Are we saying we are not able to squabble with the best of them? A stiff upper lip is fine in certain circumstances but in the big wide world we have to be prepared to stamp our feet and have a tantrum before we will be listened to.

No. Tantrums and stampy feet? Thatcher actually had it down the best - she was naturally confident, assertive and had the ability to convince with a certain menacing undertone; I'd say her and Churchill were the most authoritative and assertive leaders we've had.

..And I cannot stand Thatcher, but I recognize her skill in those areas.

Now show me the same natural confidence and assertiveness in Bojo?

Show me the same ability to charm and convince people, but assertively with a "do not defy me" menacing undertone?

You will struggle.

At best, he can be amusing and convincing, but it all washes away and the insecure little boyish buffoon-trying-to-sound-big thing just don't work on adults. Not for any length of time.

..His charade has no staying power; Thatcher's did, so did the other guy.

And before you mention "my champ" Corbyn, I agree, he wasn't the world's most charismatic fellow but he could be charming and amenable, which is also a quality.

I agree with you, Thatcher saw the men at the EU table for what they really were and since then all the PMs have been more concerned with their EU image (men amongst men all mates together). Don't underestimate BJ, the fop, as with Rees-Mogg hides a clever mind. He is not stupid and will have recognised what is needed here. He is instinctive rather than a strategist I feel, and it may well transpire that knowing the EU as he does, knows full well that they only function under pressure. I could quite believe that Covid or not he was willing to let them set the pace through the year and subside into their usual complacent notion that they had us by the throat. Interesting times.

You mention his 'charade not having staying power'. Has it actually been tested yet? You may be in for a surprise.

Borg Refinery

Quote from: T00ts on September 12, 2020, 11:52:40 AM
Are we saying we are not able to squabble with the best of them? A stiff upper lip is fine in certain circumstances but in the big wide world we have to be prepared to stamp our feet and have a tantrum before we will be listened to.

No. Tantrums and stampy feet? Thatcher actually had it down the best - she was naturally confident, assertive and had the ability to convince with a certain menacing undertone; I'd say her and Churchill were the most authoritative and assertive leaders we've had.

..And I cannot stand Thatcher, but I recognize her skill in those areas.

Now show me the same natural confidence and assertiveness in Bojo?

Show me the same ability to charm and convince people, but assertively with a "do not defy me" menacing undertone?

You will struggle.

At best, he can be amusing and convincing, but it all washes away and the insecure little boyish buffoon-trying-to-sound-big thing just don't work on adults. Not for any length of time.

..His charade has no staying power; Thatcher's did, so did the other guy.

And before you mention "my champ" Corbyn, I agree, he wasn't the world's most charismatic fellow but he could be charming and amenable, which is also a quality.