FT: Bojo to override WA

Started by Dynamis, September 07, 2020, 04:20:38 AM

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Quote from: Baff on September 13, 2020, 09:02:14 AMThe threats to ban UK goods from being sold in NI however, is not an act of good faith at all and that in itself is a breach of WA agreement.
The breach of the WA agreement that has precipitated this new bill.
The EU has "broken international law" and the UK is responding accordingly.
I'm out and about, on my phone. The eu is not threatening the uk with a ban on goods in ni and nor has anyone said the eu is breaking international law. There are however many saying the uk is on course to do so. Including many uk mps and 2 former uk pms
The WA states goods going uk-ni-uk are without checks. Goods going uk-roi-uk are subject to check. Finally goods going ni-roi-ni are without checks.
Two issues with this, a good going ni to roi must comply with eu rules/standards and that means ni continues to follow eu rules, otherwise it can't work. Second issue any good going uk-ni, could then get to roi without checks and that leads to smuggling  so the wa  covered this by saying goods need to be listed that might fall into this category. Example goods going to a manufacture in Belfast won't need checks as those parts won't be sold individually. However say clothes going uk-ni could very easily find themselves in ROI and then freely move anywhere in the eu. These goods are checked.
This requires a border, its not a full blown border but border light. This is what the uk agreed to.
The joint committee are working on classifying goods and movements at the moment, in parallel with the trade deal talks.


Quote from: Good old on September 13, 2020, 10:18:45 AM

Now you are joking, that's issue , above any other cursed Blair's political career , There was outrage in the eyes of people across the political spectrum.  And would only go some way to  warn politicians to take great care in their treatment of international opinion and law.


......but ....but i thought you said the uk was well known internationally for its honour and integrity , and mr johnson is really bad , and the only person in the british government ever to break international law in the whole history of mankind?

So you agree then johnson is merely doing what many other uk prime ministers have done and ignoring international law when it suits?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on September 13, 2020, 10:12:05 AM
Quote from: Good old on September 13, 2020, 10:08:43 AM

More waffle to avoid very simple facts .  Not only two wrongs don't make a right, no end of wrongs , with another added , do not make wrong right. Breaking law to suit a point of view doesn't make it right. So keep looking for justification it's not there.

Tony blair broke international law over the iraq invasion.

Kofi annan said it was against the un charter and illegal.

No a cheep about it from you though , just more bleating two wrongs dont make a right which is brit left code for labour can do it , torys can't , or do as we say not as we do.

United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan stated in September 2004 that: "I have indicated it was not in conformity with the UN charter. From our point of view and the UN Charter point of view, it [the war] was illegal", explicitly declaring that the US-led war on Iraq was illegal

Now you are joking, that's issue , above any other cursed Blair's political career , There was outrage in the eyes of people across the political spectrum.  And would only go some way to  warn politicians to take great care in their treatment of international opinion and law.


Quote from: Good old on September 13, 2020, 10:08:43 AM

More waffle to avoid very simple facts .  Not only two wrongs don't make a right, no end of wrongs , with another added , do not make wrong right. Breaking law to suit a point of view doesn't make it right. So keep looking for justification it's not there.

Tony blair broke international law over the iraq invasion.

Kofi annan said it was against the un charter and illegal.

No a cheep about it from you though , just more bleating two wrongs dont make a right which is brit left code for labour can do it , torys can't , or do as we say not as we do.

United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan stated in September 2004 that: "I have indicated it was not in conformity with the UN charter. From our point of view and the UN Charter point of view, it [the war] was illegal", explicitly declaring that the US-led war on Iraq was illegal

Elizabeth Wilmshurst, Foreign Office legal expert, resigned on the eve of the 2003 Iraq War in protest at Tony Blair's secret last-minute decision to overturn her official advice that it broke international law.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on September 13, 2020, 10:05:59 AM
Quote from: Sheepy on September 13, 2020, 10:00:53 AM

It wasn't my contribution, it was the EU's. Don't try and put it back on me. If we are finger pointing lets get stuck in, there are plenty of other skeletons in the EU cupboard.

Exactly sheep. Where were the eu when spain was breaking international law on catalonia?
fecking hypocrites get right up my nose, I was keeping pretty much out of it, until it became all about how fecking righteous the EU is. Bollox.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on September 13, 2020, 09:59:19 AM
Quote from: Good old on September 13, 2020, 09:50:31 AM

You can wriggle as much as you like . If you believe Britain's past record , on issues of trust and international law ,

I keep telling you britain doesnt have a past record of "trust" on international law.

Thats why the world constantly talks about "british exceptionalism".
give Boris, the right to break trust and international law ,

Boris johnson has the right to do what he thinks is in his countires interests , just like tony blair broke international law and took britain to war in iraq over some spurious make believe claim of non existant WOMD.
Is breaking international law at all acceptable. When we are supposed to be a country that exists by the rule of law?   Understanding why a law is broken, is no excuse for breaking it.

You dont exist by the rule of law , so what are you talking about?

Britain waives the rules is a famous saying mocking the very fact britian hasnt lived by the rule of law over the years , and when i constantly point this out ,you run away or divert.

When spain recently broke international law by abusing the catalan people , what did your heroes do in the eu?

Stand by  , turn a blind eye and say its an "internal matter".

Boris should tell the eu the same overt northern ireland , the border is an internal uk matter so keep yer beak out and stop bleating about internaitonal law when is suits. ;)

More waffle to avoid very simple facts .  Not only two wrongs don't make a right, no end of wrongs , with another added , do not make wrong right. Breaking law to suit a point of view doesn't make it right. So keep looking for justification it's not there.


Quote from: Sheepy on September 13, 2020, 10:00:53 AM

It wasn't my contribution, it was the EU's. Don't try and put it back on me. If we are finger pointing lets get stuck in, there are plenty of other skeletons in the EU cupboard.

Exactly sheep. Where were the eu when spain was breaking international law on catalonia?

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on September 13, 2020, 09:58:34 AM
Quote from: Sheepy on September 13, 2020, 09:53:12 AM
Quote from: Good old on September 13, 2020, 09:50:31 AM
Quote from: Thomas on September 13, 2020, 09:27:54 AM
Quote from: Good old on September 12, 2020, 10:43:25 PM

Your such a man of the world Thomas,. 

Im not claiming to be. I can though tell when someone is talking shite.

QuoteI have lived through a good deal of the events you rattle on about. And more. You talk as if your perception of those events holds some special significance.  There is no Empire to defend .this is not an insurrection to put down

This is nothing but one big diversionary sentence.

You made a laughable claim , and i told you why it is bullshit.

The uk has never been known for its integrity. Not now , not in the past. Empire or no empire.

As i said , the uk `s mythical integrity might sound good on a bbc broadcast for the gullible , but the reality is no one in the world actually believes it.

QuoteIts a frigging trading deal , that we can only ask for

We know that.

Johnson wants a trade deal no? What he doesnt want is strings attached , the whole argument from brexiters over the past four years is they want a "free" trade deal with the eu , and the eu keeps coming back and saying this is the price for that trade deal , which brexiters reject.

Do keep up good old.

QuoteAfter rejecting close co-operation with the body we now seek a deal with.

Thats correct. The people evaluated this in 2016 , came to a conclusion , and rejected "close cooperation" with the eu.It was a democratic decision , so deal with it and stop moaning.
In particular if they should blatantly ignore accepted international law

The uk government on occasion has always ignored international law. They are ignoring international law over the chagos islands , they ignored internationl law over iraq , they ignored it in northern ireland  and so on and so forth.

Stop trying to make out johnson is unusual in this respect simply because you dont like the man and dont agree with brexit.

QuoteI keep telling you two wrongs will never make a right

im not claiming they do.

You are making the insinuation johnson behaviour is somehow unusual  , while im pointing out its the norm for a british pm.
On top of that I can not wait to get out . No squealing from me, all in your overactive imagination.. I'm afraid.Thomas,.

Brilliant im sure you will be cheering on hogmanay with you glass in hand when its finally all over and the uk hard brexits.

QuoteI was more than happy that referendum did not become the way to rule this country.

The referendum was a great way to rule these countries. It was the biggest excercise in democracy the yookay has possibly ever seen.

I know democracy terrifies you in the labour party and the general british left , but many of the rest of us welcome democracy.

More of it i say.

Rule of the people  , by the people  , for the people.
There is no deal for me, and there is no going back.

Well we just have to keep labour away from the reigns pf power because starmer will certainly try and tie the uk to the eu if he ever gets in.

Leopards dont change their spots.

QuoteSo I say to you and Boris, stop frigging about reinforcing the idea  that Hastings ,description of you is 100% accurate and get the hell out without improving on the fact that offering  the electorate an oven ready deal was a lie. And if you are going to lie don't make it blatant. Thomas, you only prove to me you are someone who will accept a law breaker and a lie,  if it imposes what you want.  Now do another of your long winded replies . For me to ignore.

You ignore what you like , and we will carry on championing democracy.

Brexiters are thanking their lucky stars that they have someone in charge prepared to fight their corner in johnson , rather than some labour party surrender monkey like sir keir starmer who would long ago have capitulated to every demand the eu made and sold his people down the river.

You can wriggle as much as you like . If you believe Britain's past record , on issues of trust and international law , give Boris, the right to break trust and international law ,.then you clearly believe that two wrongs do make for a right.
At every point here you have only done what you do on every issue , throw  as much mud as you can in the water, so as to divert from what is a very simple question. Is breaking international law at all acceptable. When we are supposed to be a country that exists by the rule of law?   Understanding why a law is broken, is no excuse for breaking it.
Bollox, I didn't hear you jokers shouting and screaming about International law when the EU were upto their necks in the Maiden.

Thanks for the contribution , I repeat two wrongs don't make a right . And it does Boris, and our country no credit , If they contribute to the idea that it ever will.
It wasn't my contribution, it was the EU's. Don't try and put it back on me. If we are finger pointing lets get stuck in, there are plenty of other skeletons in the EU cupboard.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Good old on September 13, 2020, 09:50:31 AM

You can wriggle as much as you like . If you believe Britain's past record , on issues of trust and international law ,

I keep telling you britain doesnt have a past record of "trust" on international law.

Thats why the world constantly talks about "british exceptionalism".
give Boris, the right to break trust and international law ,

Boris johnson has the right to do what he thinks is in his countires interests , just like tony blair broke international law and took britain to war in iraq over some spurious make believe claim of non existant WOMD.
Is breaking international law at all acceptable. When we are supposed to be a country that exists by the rule of law?   Understanding why a law is broken, is no excuse for breaking it.

You dont exist by the rule of law , so what are you talking about?

Britain waives the rules is a famous saying mocking the very fact britian hasnt lived by the rule of law over the years , and when i constantly point this out ,you run away or divert.

When spain recently broke international law by abusing the catalan people , what did your heroes do in the eu?

Stand by  , turn a blind eye and say its an "internal matter".

Boris should tell the eu the same overt northern ireland , the border is an internal uk matter so keep yer beak out and stop bleating about internaitonal law when is suits. ;)
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Sheepy on September 13, 2020, 09:53:12 AM
Quote from: Good old on September 13, 2020, 09:50:31 AM
Quote from: Thomas on September 13, 2020, 09:27:54 AM
Quote from: Good old on September 12, 2020, 10:43:25 PM

Your such a man of the world Thomas,. 

Im not claiming to be. I can though tell when someone is talking shite.

QuoteI have lived through a good deal of the events you rattle on about. And more. You talk as if your perception of those events holds some special significance.  There is no Empire to defend .this is not an insurrection to put down

This is nothing but one big diversionary sentence.

You made a laughable claim , and i told you why it is bullshit.

The uk has never been known for its integrity. Not now , not in the past. Empire or no empire.

As i said , the uk `s mythical integrity might sound good on a bbc broadcast for the gullible , but the reality is no one in the world actually believes it.

QuoteIts a frigging trading deal , that we can only ask for

We know that.

Johnson wants a trade deal no? What he doesnt want is strings attached , the whole argument from brexiters over the past four years is they want a "free" trade deal with the eu , and the eu keeps coming back and saying this is the price for that trade deal , which brexiters reject.

Do keep up good old.

QuoteAfter rejecting close co-operation with the body we now seek a deal with.

Thats correct. The people evaluated this in 2016 , came to a conclusion , and rejected "close cooperation" with the eu.It was a democratic decision , so deal with it and stop moaning.
In particular if they should blatantly ignore accepted international law

The uk government on occasion has always ignored international law. They are ignoring international law over the chagos islands , they ignored internationl law over iraq , they ignored it in northern ireland  and so on and so forth.

Stop trying to make out johnson is unusual in this respect simply because you dont like the man and dont agree with brexit.

QuoteI keep telling you two wrongs will never make a right

im not claiming they do.

You are making the insinuation johnson behaviour is somehow unusual  , while im pointing out its the norm for a british pm.
On top of that I can not wait to get out . No squealing from me, all in your overactive imagination.. I'm afraid.Thomas,.

Brilliant im sure you will be cheering on hogmanay with you glass in hand when its finally all over and the uk hard brexits.

QuoteI was more than happy that referendum did not become the way to rule this country.

The referendum was a great way to rule these countries. It was the biggest excercise in democracy the yookay has possibly ever seen.

I know democracy terrifies you in the labour party and the general british left , but many of the rest of us welcome democracy.

More of it i say.

Rule of the people  , by the people  , for the people.
There is no deal for me, and there is no going back.

Well we just have to keep labour away from the reigns pf power because starmer will certainly try and tie the uk to the eu if he ever gets in.

Leopards dont change their spots.

QuoteSo I say to you and Boris, stop frigging about reinforcing the idea  that Hastings ,description of you is 100% accurate and get the hell out without improving on the fact that offering  the electorate an oven ready deal was a lie. And if you are going to lie don't make it blatant. Thomas, you only prove to me you are someone who will accept a law breaker and a lie,  if it imposes what you want.  Now do another of your long winded replies . For me to ignore.

You ignore what you like , and we will carry on championing democracy.

Brexiters are thanking their lucky stars that they have someone in charge prepared to fight their corner in johnson , rather than some labour party surrender monkey like sir keir starmer who would long ago have capitulated to every demand the eu made and sold his people down the river.

You can wriggle as much as you like . If you believe Britain's past record , on issues of trust and international law , give Boris, the right to break trust and international law ,.then you clearly believe that two wrongs do make for a right.
At every point here you have only done what you do on every issue , throw  as much mud as you can in the water, so as to divert from what is a very simple question. Is breaking international law at all acceptable. When we are supposed to be a country that exists by the rule of law?   Understanding why a law is broken, is no excuse for breaking it.
Bollox, I didn't hear you jokers shouting and screaming about International law when the EU were upto their necks in the Maiden.

Thanks for the contribution , I repeat two wrongs don't make a right . And it does Boris, and our country no credit , If they contribute to the idea that it ever will.


Quote from: Good old on September 13, 2020, 09:50:31 AM
Quote from: Thomas on September 13, 2020, 09:27:54 AM
Quote from: Good old on September 12, 2020, 10:43:25 PM

Your such a man of the world Thomas,. 

Im not claiming to be. I can though tell when someone is talking shite.

QuoteI have lived through a good deal of the events you rattle on about. And more. You talk as if your perception of those events holds some special significance.  There is no Empire to defend .this is not an insurrection to put down

This is nothing but one big diversionary sentence.

You made a laughable claim , and i told you why it is bullshit.

The uk has never been known for its integrity. Not now , not in the past. Empire or no empire.

As i said , the uk `s mythical integrity might sound good on a bbc broadcast for the gullible , but the reality is no one in the world actually believes it.

QuoteIts a frigging trading deal , that we can only ask for

We know that.

Johnson wants a trade deal no? What he doesnt want is strings attached , the whole argument from brexiters over the past four years is they want a "free" trade deal with the eu , and the eu keeps coming back and saying this is the price for that trade deal , which brexiters reject.

Do keep up good old.

QuoteAfter rejecting close co-operation with the body we now seek a deal with.

Thats correct. The people evaluated this in 2016 , came to a conclusion , and rejected "close cooperation" with the eu.It was a democratic decision , so deal with it and stop moaning.
In particular if they should blatantly ignore accepted international law

The uk government on occasion has always ignored international law. They are ignoring international law over the chagos islands , they ignored internationl law over iraq , they ignored it in northern ireland  and so on and so forth.

Stop trying to make out johnson is unusual in this respect simply because you dont like the man and dont agree with brexit.

QuoteI keep telling you two wrongs will never make a right

im not claiming they do.

You are making the insinuation johnson behaviour is somehow unusual  , while im pointing out its the norm for a british pm.
On top of that I can not wait to get out . No squealing from me, all in your overactive imagination.. I'm afraid.Thomas,.

Brilliant im sure you will be cheering on hogmanay with you glass in hand when its finally all over and the uk hard brexits.

QuoteI was more than happy that referendum did not become the way to rule this country.

The referendum was a great way to rule these countries. It was the biggest excercise in democracy the yookay has possibly ever seen.

I know democracy terrifies you in the labour party and the general british left , but many of the rest of us welcome democracy.

More of it i say.

Rule of the people  , by the people  , for the people.
There is no deal for me, and there is no going back.

Well we just have to keep labour away from the reigns pf power because starmer will certainly try and tie the uk to the eu if he ever gets in.

Leopards dont change their spots.

QuoteSo I say to you and Boris, stop frigging about reinforcing the idea  that Hastings ,description of you is 100% accurate and get the hell out without improving on the fact that offering  the electorate an oven ready deal was a lie. And if you are going to lie don't make it blatant. Thomas, you only prove to me you are someone who will accept a law breaker and a lie,  if it imposes what you want.  Now do another of your long winded replies . For me to ignore.

You ignore what you like , and we will carry on championing democracy.

Brexiters are thanking their lucky stars that they have someone in charge prepared to fight their corner in johnson , rather than some labour party surrender monkey like sir keir starmer who would long ago have capitulated to every demand the eu made and sold his people down the river.

You can wriggle as much as you like . If you believe Britain's past record , on issues of trust and international law , give Boris, the right to break trust and international law ,.then you clearly believe that two wrongs do make for a right.
At every point here you have only done what you do on every issue , throw  as much mud as you can in the water, so as to divert from what is a very simple question. Is breaking international law at all acceptable. When we are supposed to be a country that exists by the rule of law?   Understanding why a law is broken, is no excuse for breaking it.
Bollox, I didn't hear you jokers shouting and screaming about International law when the EU were upto their necks in the Maiden.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on September 13, 2020, 09:27:54 AM
Quote from: Good old on September 12, 2020, 10:43:25 PM

Your such a man of the world Thomas,. 

Im not claiming to be. I can though tell when someone is talking shite.

QuoteI have lived through a good deal of the events you rattle on about. And more. You talk as if your perception of those events holds some special significance.  There is no Empire to defend .this is not an insurrection to put down

This is nothing but one big diversionary sentence.

You made a laughable claim , and i told you why it is bullshit.

The uk has never been known for its integrity. Not now , not in the past. Empire or no empire.

As i said , the uk `s mythical integrity might sound good on a bbc broadcast for the gullible , but the reality is no one in the world actually believes it.

QuoteIts a frigging trading deal , that we can only ask for

We know that.

Johnson wants a trade deal no? What he doesnt want is strings attached , the whole argument from brexiters over the past four years is they want a "free" trade deal with the eu , and the eu keeps coming back and saying this is the price for that trade deal , which brexiters reject.

Do keep up good old.

QuoteAfter rejecting close co-operation with the body we now seek a deal with.

Thats correct. The people evaluated this in 2016 , came to a conclusion , and rejected "close cooperation" with the eu.It was a democratic decision , so deal with it and stop moaning.
In particular if they should blatantly ignore accepted international law

The uk government on occasion has always ignored international law. They are ignoring international law over the chagos islands , they ignored internationl law over iraq , they ignored it in northern ireland  and so on and so forth.

Stop trying to make out johnson is unusual in this respect simply because you dont like the man and dont agree with brexit.

QuoteI keep telling you two wrongs will never make a right

im not claiming they do.

You are making the insinuation johnson behaviour is somehow unusual  , while im pointing out its the norm for a british pm.
On top of that I can not wait to get out . No squealing from me, all in your overactive imagination.. I'm afraid.Thomas,.

Brilliant im sure you will be cheering on hogmanay with you glass in hand when its finally all over and the uk hard brexits.

QuoteI was more than happy that referendum did not become the way to rule this country.

The referendum was a great way to rule these countries. It was the biggest excercise in democracy the yookay has possibly ever seen.

I know democracy terrifies you in the labour party and the general british left , but many of the rest of us welcome democracy.

More of it i say.

Rule of the people  , by the people  , for the people.
There is no deal for me, and there is no going back.

Well we just have to keep labour away from the reigns pf power because starmer will certainly try and tie the uk to the eu if he ever gets in.

Leopards dont change their spots.

QuoteSo I say to you and Boris, stop frigging about reinforcing the idea  that Hastings ,description of you is 100% accurate and get the hell out without improving on the fact that offering  the electorate an oven ready deal was a lie. And if you are going to lie don't make it blatant. Thomas, you only prove to me you are someone who will accept a law breaker and a lie,  if it imposes what you want.  Now do another of your long winded replies . For me to ignore.

You ignore what you like , and we will carry on championing democracy.

Brexiters are thanking their lucky stars that they have someone in charge prepared to fight their corner in johnson , rather than some labour party surrender monkey like sir keir starmer who would long ago have capitulated to every demand the eu made and sold his people down the river.

You can wriggle as much as you like . If you believe Britain's past record , on issues of trust and international law , give Boris, the right to break trust and international law ,.then you clearly believe that two wrongs do make for a right.
At every point here you have only done what you do on every issue , throw  as much mud as you can in the water, so as to divert from what is a very simple question. Is breaking international law at all acceptable. When we are supposed to be a country that exists by the rule of law?   Understanding why a law is broken, is no excuse for breaking it.


Quote from: GerryT on September 13, 2020, 02:01:28 AM

I do get your point about transition but there's no denying the UK has all ready left.

I deny it.

We are in a transition which means the uk has ended its parliamentry representation , but still contributes billions to the eu budget , accepts the four freedoms ,is part of the customs union , all of which and more brexiters voted to end in 2016.

As it stands , these things will finally end at hogmanay , after a long four year battle by anti democrats to find a way to stop the uk leaving against the will of the people ,or at least tie the uk to some BRINO.
The EU could very easily and rightly cancel the WA once that bill is passed, possibly next week then it would be 1 week to go

Im sure the uk would be delighted gerry , and would cancel all future payments , acceptance of eu rules and law , and refuse to pay the 40 billion final payment into the bargain.
The mindset in IRL and around the EU is the UK has left,

This is irrelevant gerry as no one cares. The mindset that matters is here in the yookay , and the yookay voters dont believe the uk has fully left the eu , so will be keeping the pressure on till it does in december.

Quotewhether there's a trade deal or no trade deal gets as much attention and news as does the current EU trade discussions with Vietnam or Australia. Which is very little attention.

FFS gerry , it obviously has your full attention as you are on here practically ever yday demanding the uk either stays in the eu or does a deal that ties it in some way to the eu.


QuoteDon't underestimate the NI importance,

Im not , im telling you you are overestimating it , as i have told you and yer pal conor for a number of years now.

Northern ireland wont tie england or the wider uk to the eu , and if it does , it will cause johnson a lot of political grief. The question is for him which is the least bad option.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on September 12, 2020, 10:43:25 PM

Your such a man of the world Thomas,. 

Im not claiming to be. I can though tell when someone is talking shite.

QuoteI have lived through a good deal of the events you rattle on about. And more. You talk as if your perception of those events holds some special significance.  There is no Empire to defend .this is not an insurrection to put down

This is nothing but one big diversionary sentence.

You made a laughable claim , and i told you why it is bullshit.

The uk has never been known for its integrity. Not now , not in the past. Empire or no empire.

As i said , the uk `s mythical integrity might sound good on a bbc broadcast for the gullible , but the reality is no one in the world actually believes it.

QuoteIts a frigging trading deal , that we can only ask for

We know that.

Johnson wants a trade deal no? What he doesnt want is strings attached , the whole argument from brexiters over the past four years is they want a "free" trade deal with the eu , and the eu keeps coming back and saying this is the price for that trade deal , which brexiters reject.

Do keep up good old.

QuoteAfter rejecting close co-operation with the body we now seek a deal with.

Thats correct. The people evaluated this in 2016 , came to a conclusion , and rejected "close cooperation" with the eu.It was a democratic decision , so deal with it and stop moaning.
In particular if they should blatantly ignore accepted international law

The uk government on occasion has always ignored international law. They are ignoring international law over the chagos islands , they ignored internationl law over iraq , they ignored it in northern ireland  and so on and so forth.

Stop trying to make out johnson is unusual in this respect simply because you dont like the man and dont agree with brexit.

QuoteI keep telling you two wrongs will never make a right

im not claiming they do.

You are making the insinuation johnson behaviour is somehow unusual  , while im pointing out its the norm for a british pm.
On top of that I can not wait to get out . No squealing from me, all in your overactive imagination.. I'm afraid.Thomas,.

Brilliant im sure you will be cheering on hogmanay with you glass in hand when its finally all over and the uk hard brexits.

QuoteI was more than happy that referendum did not become the way to rule this country.

The referendum was a great way to rule these countries. It was the biggest excercise in democracy the yookay has possibly ever seen.

I know democracy terrifies you in the labour party and the general british left , but many of the rest of us welcome democracy.

More of it i say.

Rule of the people  , by the people  , for the people.
There is no deal for me, and there is no going back.

Well we just have to keep labour away from the reigns pf power because starmer will certainly try and tie the uk to the eu if he ever gets in.

Leopards dont change their spots.

QuoteSo I say to you and Boris, stop frigging about reinforcing the idea  that Hastings ,description of you is 100% accurate and get the hell out without improving on the fact that offering  the electorate an oven ready deal was a lie. And if you are going to lie don't make it blatant. Thomas, you only prove to me you are someone who will accept a law breaker and a lie,  if it imposes what you want.  Now do another of your long winded replies . For me to ignore.

You ignore what you like , and we will carry on championing democracy.

Brexiters are thanking their lucky stars that they have someone in charge prepared to fight their corner in johnson , rather than some labour party surrender monkey like sir keir starmer who would long ago have capitulated to every demand the eu made and sold his people down the river.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Dynamis on September 12, 2020, 09:58:48 PM

You are a fan, like me, of Connolly aren't you?

Do you not think he was a romanticist - a dreamer, an idealist who dreamed of a better way both for the Scots and the Irish? Don't you think that's the ONLY way in an insane world?

You can't be a realist in an unrealistic world - you can't do things sanely in an insane world. I'm 100% certain you agree on those last points at least, c'mon.. you know it's the truth.   :D


Thats modern era left wing drivel, from the labour party and many others who have tried to claim connolly and live off the back of his exploits.

Connolly was a visionary and a realist. He knew fine well the harsh brutality of life , and the "lack of purity" of human nature.

You are the one who says you believe politics has to be "fair". Connolly knew politics wasnt fair  , and was prepared to work with in that unfairness to get what he wanted.

You talk about cheating and wrongdoing , connolly was both of those things. He deserted from the british army , and killed british soldiers .

The guy had a hard brutal upbringing , served for years in the army  , and did what would be classed to day unspeakable crimes.

The fantasy picture idolising him that left wing groups tend to paint today is exactly that.Fantasy.

He was a nationalist , as well as a socialist , who famously said the only foreign enemy ireland has is the british government.

His death  , when he was brought in on a stretcher  , strpped to a chair and executed was said to be the turning point of the irish rebellion , where irish public mood swung behind the rebels.

Mustnt forget , as someone once told me ,while the brit labour party idolise him today , they were among the first to cheer his execution in the commons  when they heard the news.

So no , i dont agree with you. James connolly didnt sit back wistfully lamenting how unfair the world was. He went out and tried to do something about it , and accepted the reality of the world around him.

You dont appear to dynamis.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!