Tory Voters More Likely 'Dont care' if Scot Indy Happens

Started by Dynamis, September 14, 2020, 05:23:11 AM

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Good old

Quote from: patman post on September 15, 2020, 06:00:40 PM
Quote from: Good old on September 15, 2020, 02:02:10 PMIs that all you can say, to the generations of people of all the countries of the U.K. that have given life and limb, for the preservation of the U.K. I wish I could revise history as the should never have wasted life on you.
That belief appears to assume that "the generations of people of all the countries of the U.K. that have given life and limb, for the preservation of the U.K." knew what the UK would become and how the aspirations of their descendants would adapt to world changes.
There are/were generations of those who also gave life and limb trying to regain their independence. The history of central rule over the peoples of the British Isles is bloody and oppressive...

They only knew they were defending their homes , country, and way of life.  They could never have known that the future was only going to create a nation of what our Australian, cousins, always knew as whinging poms.
Yes it was at times bloody and oppressive. Do you really think all of that would be put in reverse simply by encouraging the  breaking up of the U.K.

Good old

Quote from: Dynamis on September 15, 2020, 05:31:34 PM
Quote from: Good old on September 15, 2020, 03:45:44 PM
And people like you think you  have a firm grasp of what it actually means to be poor working class. Nationalistic,
You think you have a perfect right to guess what my background is in every respect.

I said you despise working class people actually.

You may or may not come from that background I don't know or care, but you sure do despise them..

QuoteWhen the reality is you know F all beyond your own tight little version of what you would like to imagine it to be.

Ha ha, imagine to be? I wish. I come from a rough upbringing, and based on your presumptive defensive stance mr "good old" boy, I'm pretty sure you are middle class, you sound middle class.

QuoteYou ask what I have given the U.K. no detail I have no need to boast, but let's say eighty years so far. And I learned to fight early.

80 years of what?

Lecturing shite at people?

QuoteObviously I totally reject your bollocks mate, and as for troll , look at yourself, you trolled my first statement ,you don't even get that right.

You responded with some aggressive yet empty Unionist bollox in MY thread. I'm not going to accept it.

You can despise the people that fought two world wars to keep this country together all you like

Quote where I said that, you complete liar...?
, describe everything in terms of Empire, despise that as well

Absolutely do I despise empires.

It's not just me either. Are you going to go on some rant about traitors when your hero Blair sold out the country so bad, that even WWII vets said they were ashamed of having fought to preserve what he'd created?

QuoteUse as the excuse you do to ignore what real working class nationalists gave for you.

You are both a terrible liar and a useless troll.


QuoteBut if your pleased to be here you should be aware they had everything to do with it. I am not going compete with the juvenile name calling that you have used here. Because the sort of insult you have used doesn't describe how I see you . I would be banned if I went there. But of course you can F O.

No sort of insult in the English language can describe how I see you, but those I used are maybe 1% the way there.

Needless to say, your opinion on me is utterly irrelevant to me in the first place.

Just take along hard look at yourself and the sort of anti-democratic sentimental shite you spout non-stop. No one is interested.

1. I despise people like you that think you will create a working class utopia by breaking up the U.K.
2 So you don't recognise a South London , born in a Bermondsey  Slum boy then.  Why am I not surprised .
3.Thats the retort of a fifteen year old. Is that what you are?
4You responded to my first post, With feck this, feck that'. What was I,?Oh! yes, a nasty little scrote,. A scrote  Troll. What . I didn't use any invective toward you at that stage, So I ask again who is the Troll here?  Obviously you confuse having a nerve touched with me trolling you.
You been listening to your school master to much.
5You did not have to say it . You clearly say you despise the defence of the Empire,. What the hell do you think they were doing in both world wars. You can't have it both ways , although it's all the rage today to try and do just that.
6 As said , yes you do, don't you.
7Well your certainly happy to dismiss the the efforts of your ancestors to maintain the U.K.
8First of all I have barely touched You with an insult. As much as possible I leave the insults to you. What I think of you is irrelevant agreed. I am a firm believer in the U.K. democratic system, as it was intended to function. I will never agree to referendum as a way to run the political affairs of the U.K.  Oh!by the way I believe fervently in the Union. But if the Scots ever decide to go their own way I will respect that in every way possible,. I would prefer they could find their destiny within a Union with England. As that union has been built on the blood of every nation in it.

patman post

Quote from: Good old on September 15, 2020, 02:02:10 PMIs that all you can say, to the generations of people of all the countries of the U.K. that have given life and limb, for the preservation of the U.K. I wish I could revise history as the should never have wasted life on you.
That belief appears to assume that "the generations of people of all the countries of the U.K. that have given life and limb, for the preservation of the U.K." knew what the UK would become and how the aspirations of their descendants would adapt to world changes.
There are/were generations of those who also gave life and limb trying to regain their independence. The history of central rule over the peoples of the British Isles is bloody and oppressive...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Good old on September 15, 2020, 03:45:44 PM
And people like you think you  have a firm grasp of what it actually means to be poor working class. Nationalistic,
You think you have a perfect right to guess what my background is in every respect.

I said you despise working class people actually.

You may or may not come from that background I don't know or care, but you sure do despise them..

QuoteWhen the reality is you know F all beyond your own tight little version of what you would like to imagine it to be.

Ha ha, imagine to be? I wish. I come from a rough upbringing, and based on your presumptive defensive stance mr "good old" boy, I'm pretty sure you are middle class, you sound middle class.

QuoteYou ask what I have given the U.K. no detail I have no need to boast, but let's say eighty years so far. And I learned to fight early.

80 years of what?

Lecturing shite at people?

QuoteObviously I totally reject your bollocks mate, and as for troll , look at yourself, you trolled my first statement ,you don't even get that right.

You responded with some aggressive yet empty Unionist bollox in MY thread. I'm not going to accept it.

You can despise the people that fought two world wars to keep this country together all you like

Quote where I said that, you complete liar...?
, describe everything in terms of Empire, despise that as well

Absolutely do I despise empires.

It's not just me either. Are you going to go on some rant about traitors when your hero Blair sold out the country so bad, that even WWII vets said they were ashamed of having fought to preserve what he'd created?

QuoteUse as the excuse you do to ignore what real working class nationalists gave for you.

You are both a terrible liar and a useless troll.


QuoteBut if your pleased to be here you should be aware they had everything to do with it. I am not going compete with the juvenile name calling that you have used here. Because the sort of insult you have used doesn't describe how I see you . I would be banned if I went there. But of course you can F O.

No sort of insult in the English language can describe how I see you, but those I used are maybe 1% the way there.

Needless to say, your opinion on me is utterly irrelevant to me in the first place.

Just take along hard look at yourself and the sort of anti-democratic sentimental shite you spout non-stop. No one is interested.


Good old

Quote from: Borchester on September 15, 2020, 02:46:19 PM
Quote from: Dynamis on September 15, 2020, 02:35:12 PM
Quote from: Good old on September 15, 2020, 02:02:10 PM
Quote from: Dynamis on September 15, 2020, 11:47:56 AM
Quote from: Good old on September 15, 2020, 10:20:26 AM

As our fore fathers fought tooth and nail to preserve not just our democracy , but our  United Kingdom.It should be no surprise some of us still would honour their sacrifices, . If a large percentage of Tories , don't support the efforts of their ancestors, maybe they should start refraining from waving the union flag at every unwarranted opportunity.

f**k that.

The Scots have been given a raw deal, just like the Irish and Welsh, and people like you want to revise history to preserve the 'union', which I find sickening.

You really are no better than any Tory.

Is that all you can say, to the generations of people of all the countries of the U.K. that have given life and limb, for the preservation of the U.K.

Oh feck off with your nationalistic sentimental bollocks. People fought in colonial wars to preserve the 'empire' and you cheered them on you nasty little scrote. That's why you Nu Lab types are 1000x worse than any Tory, you are despised by everyone, and I mean everyone.

You're anti-nationalist and yet try to act populist and pretend to be nationalist when it suits you, you despise the working class and white van men. Then you celebrate 'proggy' politics and the dissolution of the UK and welcome federalism, then pretend you didn't.

So I reject your bollocks, and yes you are a troll...exactly as I said early on.

What have you ever given for the 'UK'?

QuoteI wish I could revise history as the should never have wasted life on you.

Your words only reflect back on you, troll.

I'm not the only one who thinks you're a troll btw.. you post purely to wind people up and to project your bile.

I'll bet you do want to revise history like the historical revisionist scrote you are to get rid of anyone who disagrees with your Blairite shite.

f**k, I have just agreed with Dynamis. I hope that does not become a habit.

Take a look at my reply to the post of the fella you agree with , it's for you as well.

Good old

Quote from: Dynamis on September 15, 2020, 02:35:12 PM
Quote from: Good old on September 15, 2020, 02:02:10 PM
Quote from: Dynamis on September 15, 2020, 11:47:56 AM
Quote from: Good old on September 15, 2020, 10:20:26 AM

As our fore fathers fought tooth and nail to preserve not just our democracy , but our  United Kingdom.It should be no surprise some of us still would honour their sacrifices, . If a large percentage of Tories , don't support the efforts of their ancestors, maybe they should start refraining from waving the union flag at every unwarranted opportunity.

f**k that.

The Scots have been given a raw deal, just like the Irish and Welsh, and people like you want to revise history to preserve the 'union', which I find sickening.

You really are no better than any Tory.

Is that all you can say, to the generations of people of all the countries of the U.K. that have given life and limb, for the preservation of the U.K.

Oh feck off with your nationalistic sentimental bollocks. People fought in colonial wars to preserve the 'empire' and you cheered them on you nasty little scrote. That's why you Nu Lab types are 1000x worse than any Tory, you are despised by everyone, and I mean everyone.

You're anti-nationalist and yet try to act populist and pretend to be nationalist when it suits you, you despise the working class and white van men. Then you celebrate 'proggy' politics and the dissolution of the UK and welcome federalism, then pretend you didn't.

So I reject your bollocks, and yes you are a troll...exactly as I said early on.

What have you ever given for the 'UK'?

QuoteI wish I could revise history as the should never have wasted life on you.

Your words only reflect back on you, troll.

I'm not the only one who thinks you're a troll btw.. you post purely to wind people up and to project your bile.

I'll bet you do want to revise history like the historical revisionist scrote you are to get rid of anyone who disagrees with your Blairite shite.

And people like you think you  have a firm grasp of what it actually means to be poor working class. Nationalistic,
You think you have a perfect right to guess what my background is in every respect. When the reality is you know F all beyond your own tight little version of what you would like to imagine it to be. You ask what I have given the U.K. no detail I have no need to boast, but let's say eighty years so far. And I learned to fight early.
Obviously I totally reject your bollocks mate, and as for troll , look at yourself, you trolled my first statement ,you don't even get that right.
You can despise the people that fought two world wars to keep this country together all you like , describe everything in terms of Empire, despise that as well,. Use as the excuse you do to ignore what real working class nationalists gave for you. But if your pleased to be here you should be aware they had everything to do with it. I am not going compete with the juvenile name calling that you have used here. Because the sort of insult you have used doesn't describe how I see you . I would be banned if I went there. But of course you can F O.


Quote from: Borchester on September 15, 2020, 02:46:19 PM
Quote from: Dynamis on September 15, 2020, 02:35:12 PM
Quote from: Good old on September 15, 2020, 02:02:10 PM
Quote from: Dynamis on September 15, 2020, 11:47:56 AM
Quote from: Good old on September 15, 2020, 10:20:26 AM

As our fore fathers fought tooth and nail to preserve not just our democracy , but our  United Kingdom.It should be no surprise some of us still would honour their sacrifices, . If a large percentage of Tories , don't support the efforts of their ancestors, maybe they should start refraining from waving the union flag at every unwarranted opportunity.

f**k that.

The Scots have been given a raw deal, just like the Irish and Welsh, and people like you want to revise history to preserve the 'union', which I find sickening.

You really are no better than any Tory.

Is that all you can say, to the generations of people of all the countries of the U.K. that have given life and limb, for the preservation of the U.K.

Oh feck off with your nationalistic sentimental bollocks. People fought in colonial wars to preserve the 'empire' and you cheered them on you nasty little scrote. That's why you Nu Lab types are 1000x worse than any Tory, you are despised by everyone, and I mean everyone.

You're anti-nationalist and yet try to act populist and pretend to be nationalist when it suits you, you despise the working class and white van men. Then you celebrate 'proggy' politics and the dissolution of the UK and welcome federalism, then pretend you didn't.

So I reject your bollocks, and yes you are a troll...exactly as I said early on.

What have you ever given for the 'UK'?

QuoteI wish I could revise history as the should never have wasted life on you.

Your words only reflect back on you, troll.

I'm not the only one who thinks you're a troll btw.. you post purely to wind people up and to project your bile.

I'll bet you do want to revise history like the historical revisionist scrote you are to get rid of anyone who disagrees with your Blairite shite.

f**k, I have just agreed with Dynamis. I hope that does not become a habit.
A bit of an awakening perhaps.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Thomas on September 14, 2020, 03:31:08 PM
Quote from: Borchester on September 14, 2020, 03:14:56 PM

Could be, but the indications are that most folk south of the border don't give much of a toss either way.

pretty much borkie.

Shame your grasping and ungracious parliament didnt have the same attitude , and then we would be well on our way.

I suspect that the current government is dragging its feet because it has still got to tie up the loose ends with the EU and only wants to fight one war at a time. Come the New Year it will be up to Wee Krankie to rally the troops and demand a second referendum. And if she wins that I can't see Boris doing much to stop independence. Despite all that has been said, Scotland will still want to trade with the UK and vice versa. About the only ones to suffer will be the EU which will end up with another hole in its tariff wall.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Dynamis on September 15, 2020, 02:35:12 PM
Quote from: Good old on September 15, 2020, 02:02:10 PM
Quote from: Dynamis on September 15, 2020, 11:47:56 AM
Quote from: Good old on September 15, 2020, 10:20:26 AM

As our fore fathers fought tooth and nail to preserve not just our democracy , but our  United Kingdom.It should be no surprise some of us still would honour their sacrifices, . If a large percentage of Tories , don't support the efforts of their ancestors, maybe they should start refraining from waving the union flag at every unwarranted opportunity.

f**k that.

The Scots have been given a raw deal, just like the Irish and Welsh, and people like you want to revise history to preserve the 'union', which I find sickening.

You really are no better than any Tory.

Is that all you can say, to the generations of people of all the countries of the U.K. that have given life and limb, for the preservation of the U.K.

Oh feck off with your nationalistic sentimental bollocks. People fought in colonial wars to preserve the 'empire' and you cheered them on you nasty little scrote. That's why you Nu Lab types are 1000x worse than any Tory, you are despised by everyone, and I mean everyone.

You're anti-nationalist and yet try to act populist and pretend to be nationalist when it suits you, you despise the working class and white van men. Then you celebrate 'proggy' politics and the dissolution of the UK and welcome federalism, then pretend you didn't.

So I reject your bollocks, and yes you are a troll...exactly as I said early on.

What have you ever given for the 'UK'?

QuoteI wish I could revise history as the should never have wasted life on you.

Your words only reflect back on you, troll.

I'm not the only one who thinks you're a troll btw.. you post purely to wind people up and to project your bile.

I'll bet you do want to revise history like the historical revisionist scrote you are to get rid of anyone who disagrees with your Blairite shite.

F@@@, I have just agreed with Dynamis. I hope that does not become a habit.
Algerie Francais !

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Good old on September 15, 2020, 02:02:10 PM
Quote from: Dynamis on September 15, 2020, 11:47:56 AM
Quote from: Good old on September 15, 2020, 10:20:26 AM

As our fore fathers fought tooth and nail to preserve not just our democracy , but our  United Kingdom.It should be no surprise some of us still would honour their sacrifices, . If a large percentage of Tories , don't support the efforts of their ancestors, maybe they should start refraining from waving the union flag at every unwarranted opportunity.

f**k that.

The Scots have been given a raw deal, just like the Irish and Welsh, and people like you want to revise history to preserve the 'union', which I find sickening.

You really are no better than any Tory.

Is that all you can say, to the generations of people of all the countries of the U.K. that have given life and limb, for the preservation of the U.K.

Oh feck off with your nationalistic sentimental bollocks. People fought in colonial wars to preserve the 'empire' and you cheered them on you nasty little scrote. That's why you Nu Lab types are 1000x worse than any Tory, you are despised by everyone, and I mean everyone.

You're anti-nationalist and yet try to act populist and pretend to be nationalist when it suits you, you despise the working class and white van men. Then you celebrate 'proggy' politics and the dissolution of the UK and welcome federalism, then pretend you didn't.

So I reject your bollocks, and yes you are a troll...exactly as I said early on.

What have you ever given for the 'UK'?

QuoteI wish I could revise history as the should never have wasted life on you.

Your words only reflect back on you, troll.

I'm not the only one who thinks you're a troll btw.. you post purely to wind people up and to project your bile.

I'll bet you do want to revise history like the historical revisionist scrote you are to get rid of anyone who disagrees with your Blairite shite.


Good old

Quote from: Dynamis on September 15, 2020, 11:47:56 AM
Quote from: Good old on September 15, 2020, 10:20:26 AM

As our fore fathers fought tooth and nail to preserve not just our democracy , but our  United Kingdom.It should be no surprise some of us still would honour their sacrifices, . If a large percentage of Tories , don't support the efforts of their ancestors, maybe they should start refraining from waving the union flag at every unwarranted opportunity.

f**k that.

The Scots have been given a raw deal, just like the Irish and Welsh, and people like you want to revise history to preserve the 'union', which I find sickening.

You really are no better than any Tory.

Is that all you can say, to the generations of people of all the countries of the U.K. that have given life and limb, for the preservation of the U.K. I wish I could revise history as the should never have wasted life on you.


Quote from: Dynamis on September 14, 2020, 05:23:11 AM

According to YouGov polling 20% of voters for the Conservative and Unionist Party would be pleased to see Scotland independent and 29% would not be bothered if it happened. A total of 49% are unfazed by the prospect of Scottish independence. Only a minority of Tory voters (48%) would be upset. That means Tories are more sympathetic to Scottish independence than the average voter. When asked how they would feel about Scotland leaving, only 15% of English people and 16% of Welsh people saying they would be pleased to see the back of Scotland.

Ironically, given the party leadership's staunch pro-union stance, it is Tory voters who are the most likely to say they would be pleased for Scotland to break away (apart from SNP voters of course). 59% of Labour voters support the union...
I think that a lot of this is down to the fact that for decades Scotland has been a reservoir of anti-Tory MPs from one party or another. For Labour the loss of public support came much more recently, and at least in some corners of the party there is a greater willingness to work with the SNP under some circumstances. Tories have long seen Scotland as an albatross around their necks, delivering mostly anti-Tory MPs.

It doesn't take thinking of genius proportions for some of them to have figured out that without Scotland, Tory majorities in the rest of the UK should be easier. Political self interest undermining unionist sentiment for some.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Good old on September 15, 2020, 10:20:26 AM

As our fore fathers fought tooth and nail to preserve not just our democracy , but our  United Kingdom.It should be no surprise some of us still would honour their sacrifices, . If a large percentage of Tories , don't support the efforts of their ancestors, maybe they should start refraining from waving the union flag at every unwarranted opportunity.

f**k that.

The Scots have been given a raw deal, just like the Irish and Welsh, and people like you want to revise history to preserve the 'union', which I find sickening.

You really are no better than any Tory.

Good old

As our fore fathers fought tooth and nail to preserve not just our democracy , but our  United Kingdom.It should be no surprise some of us still would honour their sacrifices, . If a large percentage of Tories , don't support the efforts of their ancestors, maybe they should start refraining from waving the union flag at every unwarranted opportunity.


Quote from: Nick on September 15, 2020, 09:24:06 AM

For nasty see don't agree with their point of view.

Nasty is nasty, point of view has no influence.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe