Tory Voters More Likely 'Dont care' if Scot Indy Happens

Started by Dynamis, September 14, 2020, 05:23:11 AM

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Quote from: Good old on September 16, 2020, 04:31:44 PM

Nothing but vindictive shite, as usual. You talk about lecture . You never stop  It's all you ever hand out. And you can't even do it with good grace.  Obviously if the whole population  of Scotland , agreed with your assessment of the effects of union on it. They would have left when they had a very clear chance to do so.

Well , you appeared to insinuate we were all bwitish earlier on .

62% of the scottish popualtion in the census said they werent , their national id was scottish only. Only 6% took your view of being british only.

55% of scotland want to leave the union , but arent allowed to do so as your happy friendly family of nations wont allow them to. Back in 2014 , we came close , and you swung it at the last minute not be selling the uk  , but by telling scots , who love the eu more than the union with you , we had to vote to stay in the uk to stay in the eu.

So what are you talking about?

QuoteIt would seem it has taken them a good long time to come to terms with their own history.

in what way?
You are really are  not worth giving any time time to.

or anyone else who disagrees with you. Bye then. I accept your surrender .
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on September 16, 2020, 04:07:31 PM
Quote from: Good old on September 16, 2020, 03:57:29 PM

As ever you misinterpret

No im not. What im saying is learn a bit of your countries history before lecturing others and talking cac.

Quotewhat I don't say as  , my not knowing. Yes ok I was lazy in accepting Scotland , had been conned . Let's just say the dealings where not strictly honest and above board.

Who cares?

We are where we are , and are now trying to deal with it.

QuoteI don't think there is any real muddle in what I say  or a .retreat.

course there is. Not only your poor english , but you are certainly on the retreat  yet agin on this thread as you dont once more have a feckin clue what you are talking about.

QuoteI clearly suggest obvious dangers in a disintegration of the present states of Europe.

couldnt give a feck .im not the worlds policeman , and neither are you , and you still can't acknowlege nearly half the worlds countries have come into being over the last 75 years , and life has went on so what are you gibbering about?

QuoteThat should come into any decision making.

No it shouldnt .Keep yer beak out of other countries affairs , and the world might be a better place for us all.

QuoteBut that doesn't mean I can not regret it feels the need to turn its back on what has been a very close relationship.

Feckk off. ;D

The union with england has been the greatest disaster in my countries thirteen hundred year history.

This isnt the fault of the englsih  people , but that parliament of yours.

Economically politically demographically linguistically culturally etc etc we are worse now than we would have been had we remained independent.

A very close one sided relationship you feckin mean.

Nothing but vindictive shite, as usual. You talk about lecture . You never stop  It's all you ever hand out. And you can't even do it with good grace.  Obviously if the whole population  of Scotland , agreed with your assessment of the effects of union on it. They would have left when they had a very clear chance to do so.  It would seem it has taken them a good long time to come to terms with their own history. So stick to lecturing them. . Because they are taking a hell of a time to catch up with you that is.
Get back to having a row with yourself. Or is it practising your vindictive lectures in a mirror. You seem to have this effect on most that I have seen get involved with you. You are really are  not worth giving any time time to.


Quote from: Good old on September 16, 2020, 03:57:29 PM

As ever you misinterpret

No im not. What im saying is learn a bit of your countries history before lecturing others and talking cac.

Quotewhat I don't say as  , my not knowing. Yes ok I was lazy in accepting Scotland , had been conned . Let's just say the dealings where not strictly honest and above board.

Who cares?

We are where we are , and are now trying to deal with it.

QuoteI don't think there is any real muddle in what I say  or a .retreat.

course there is. Not only your poor english , but you are certainly on the retreat  yet agin on this thread as you dont once more have a feckin clue what you are talking about.

QuoteI clearly suggest obvious dangers in a disintegration of the present states of Europe.

couldnt give a feck .im not the worlds policeman , and neither are you , and you still can't acknowlege nearly half the worlds countries have come into being over the last 75 years , and life has went on so what are you gibbering about?

QuoteThat should come into any decision making.

No it shouldnt .Keep yer beak out of other countries affairs , and the world might be a better place for us all.

QuoteBut that doesn't mean I can not regret it feels the need to turn its back on what has been a very close relationship.

Feckk off. ;D

The union with england has been the greatest disaster in my countries thirteen hundred year history.

This isnt the fault of the englsih  people , but that parliament of yours.

Economically politically demographically linguistically culturally etc etc we are worse now than we would have been had we remained independent.

A very close one sided relationship you feckin mean.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on September 16, 2020, 03:34:14 PM

The make up of the National make up of the Union has never been in dispute . No one is telling you otherwise,.
My original post was , that if you actively unreservedly support the independence of Scotland, whereby it removes its self from the U.K.,. Then don't wave the union flag. And that  goes for Tory , and others.

Who is waving the butchers apron but you?

Thats seems to be what dynamis is having a pop at you over?#

QuoteAnd an awful lot of blood from both sides of the border has gone into the maintenance of the union. No fecking lectures, just  a few observations.

the maintenance of the union?

A hell of a lot more has been spilt fighting against it.

England and scotland were at non stop war for since the dark ages , from the late 6th century onwards.

Even for the first 120 years of the union , right up till the last armed uprising in 1820 , blood was being spilt trying to end the hated union.

Thats not a lecture , just historical fact , something you clearly arent able to comprehend wiht your throw away brit nat comments.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on September 16, 2020, 03:23:40 PM
Quote from: Good old on September 16, 2020, 03:08:56 PM

I think it goes without saying that the formation of the U.K. was in its truest sense a case of  England, taking some advantage of all the other component parts.

Sure , but clearly its something you dont understand. Genuinely , i think there is a flaw in the english education system , somewhere , and this isnt me being rude.

For some strange reason , you seem to think constitutionally scotland is the same as wales.

England through military might , conquered Ireland , and wales. Both countries became part of the english kingdom , and today wales is literallt legally part of england. Scotland isnt , and never has been. Hence ...."the united kingdom(s).

QuoteScotland , was almost certainly conned as you put it.

Scotland wasnt conned. The majority of the 167 uni caramel scottish parliament were bribed , and process repeated by the westminster parliament in ireland a century later.

Just to be on the safe side , the english army and navy sat along the scottish border in case the bribery didnt work.

QuoteNot just in a financial manner either.

Well yes. Scotland received £300 000 pounds judas money , and was saddled with 2half million of english debt , so immediately a large net loss to the scottish taxpayers.

On top of that the scottish economy had been growing at around 2.5% per annum for decades up till 1707 , and from 1707 , our economy went into freefall for the next century.

Not just financially indeed.

QuoteIt only really reflects the history of political evolution world wide. The whole of Europe ,is made of various unions , all centred on a dominant state.. it's been a never ending process,

Sure , and i dont think anyone disagrees with that. The uk was formed out of empire , like many european states , and now is ending now the empire is no mre , and splitting back into its consituent parts with ireland already long gone.

So you agree its a never ending process , so do i. Over 200 countires round the world , and  nearly half of them came into being after the second world war . Nothing lasts forever , especially unfair constructs like the uk.

The remainder of your post seems to be a bit muddled and a bit of a retreat considering all you have said earlier.

As ever you misinterpret . What I don't say as  , my not knowing. Yes ok I was lazy in accepting Scotland , had been conned . Let's just say the dealings where not strictly honest and above board.
I don't think there is any real muddle in what I say  or a .retreat.. I clearly suggest obvious dangers in a disintegration of the present states of Europe. That should come into any decision making. And I clearly say don't wave the union flag if the union is not important to you. Thomas, I wish Scotland well I really do. But that doesn't mean I can not regret it feels the need to turn its back on what has been a very close relationship.

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on September 16, 2020, 03:01:15 PM
Quote from: Good old on September 15, 2020, 02:02:10 PM

Is that all you can say, to the generations of people of all the countries of the U.K. that have given life and limb, for the preservation of the U.K. I wish I could revise history as the should never have wasted life on you.

Is this you being given yet another lecture in reality good old........this time not from me , but from people in your own country?

You really do inhabit some fantasy new labour british nationalist bubble with all the trimmings dont you?

The united kingdom ( the clue is in the feckin name.........)is not and never ever has been a single nation. Its is by the uk governments very own words at the united nations , a multi national state made up of two countries , a principality and a province.

You new labour types sit on here telling the english they cannot leave the european union , and that the EU isnt some incorporating union seeking to absorb them and strip them of their nationality and culture , so nothing to see here move on.......while at the same time telling the scots irish and welsh and english you arent individual people and natns , you are "british " and you are in an incorporating union that has assimilated you.

National identity is a personal thing , and  you dont  get to tell people what their nation is. Clearly brexit should have taught you that.........if people dont want to be in a union , then they wont be one way or the other.

...but before you lecture others , i suggest you do a bit of learning about your own "nation". Clearly you know feck all about it.

Oh, hello Mister Angry.
The make up of the National make up of the Union has never been in dispute . No one is telling you otherwise,.
My original post was , that if you actively unreservedly support the independence of Scotland, whereby it removes its self from the U.K.,. Then don't wave the union flag. And that  goes for Tory , and others.
And an awful lot of blood from both sides of the border has gone into the maintenance of the union. No fecking lectures, just  a few observations.


Quote from: Good old on September 16, 2020, 03:08:56 PM

I think it goes without saying that the formation of the U.K. was in its truest sense a case of  England, taking some advantage of all the other component parts.

Sure , but clearly its something you dont understand. Genuinely , i think there is a flaw in the english education system , somewhere , and this isnt me being rude.

For some strange reason , you seem to think constitutionally scotland is the same as wales.

England through military might , conquered Ireland , and wales. Both countries became part of the english kingdom , and today wales is literallt legally part of england. Scotland isnt , and never has been. Hence ...."the united kingdom(s).

QuoteScotland , was almost certainly conned as you put it.

Scotland wasnt conned. The majority of the 167 uni caramel scottish parliament were bribed , and process repeated by the westminster parliament in ireland a century later.

Just to be on the safe side , the english army and navy sat along the scottish border in case the bribery didnt work.

QuoteNot just in a financial manner either.

Well yes. Scotland received £300 000 pounds judas money , and was saddled with 2half million of english debt , so immediately a large net loss to the scottish taxpayers.

On top of that the scottish economy had been growing at around 2.5% per annum for decades up till 1707 , and from 1707 , our economy went into freefall for the next century.

Not just financially indeed.

QuoteIt only really reflects the history of political evolution world wide. The whole of Europe ,is made of various unions , all centred on a dominant state.. it's been a never ending process,

Sure , and i dont think anyone disagrees with that. The uk was formed out of empire , like many european states , and now is ending now the empire is no mre , and splitting back into its consituent parts with ireland already long gone.

So you agree its a never ending process , so do i. Over 200 countires round the world , and  nearly half of them came into being after the second world war . Nothing lasts forever , especially unfair constructs like the uk.

The remainder of your post seems to be a bit muddled and a bit of a retreat considering all you have said earlier.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Dynamis on September 16, 2020, 01:00:33 AM
Quote from: Good old on September 15, 2020, 08:59:48 PM
Quote from: patman post on September 15, 2020, 08:36:23 PM
Quote from: Good old on September 15, 2020, 07:11:02 PMYes it [the UK's history] was at times bloody and oppressive. Do you really think all of that would be put in reverse simply by encouraging the  breaking up of the U.K.
I'm not suggesting history could or should be stricken from the record. But neither do I believe it's useful to make it a straight jacket for the future. The UK has voted to leave the EU. Regions currently within the UK would like to leave the UK. If they can mount compelling-enough arguments to get support, why shouldn't the majority get their wishes?
I have relatives who came to Britain to join up in  WWII. I think they share in a proud history. But I wouldn't want to be living in the Britain that existed before I was born...

I understand  where you go there. But what I see is a desperate response to the fact that the U.K. now virtually stands alone. It's not a recipe for a better future Just a retreat into a condition left behind three hundred years ago.
I think it's a bit much to equate the continuance of the U.K. with a life in the past. Every modern  nation is built to one degree or another on the past.  Let's face it  breaking the Union is retrograde to some extent. The whole of Europe could leap back to its past simply by breaking up Germany , Spain Italy, even France.

But Scotland was unfairly conned.,1004.msg23769.html#msg23769

Then there's Wales..

Don't get started on the bloody suffering imposed on the Irish.

Then there's the Cornish too...
QuoteConflict with Wessex   Edit
The Battle of Deorham in 577 saw the separation of Dumnonia (and therefore Cornwall) from Wales, following which the Dumnonii often came into conflict with the expanding English kingdom of Wessex. The Annales Cambriae report that in 722 AD the Britons of Cornwall won a battle at "Hehil".[33] It seems likely that the enemy the Cornish fought was a West Saxon force, as evidenced by the naming of King Ine of Wessex and his kinsman Nonna in reference to an earlier Battle of Lining in 710.[34]

The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle stated in 815 (adjusted date) "and in this year king Ecgbryht raided in Cornwall from east to west." and thenceforth apparently held it as a ducatus or dukedom annexed to his regnum or kingdom of Wessex, but not wholly incorporated with it.[35] The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle states that in 825 (adjusted date) a battle took place between the Wealas (Cornish) and the Defnas (men of Devon) at Gafulforda. In the same year Ecgbert, as a later document expresses it, "disposed of their territory as it seemed fit to him, giving a tenth part of it to God." In other words, he incorporated Cornwall ecclesiastically with the West Saxon diocese of Sherborne, and endowed Eahlstan, his fighting bishop, who took part in the campaign, with an extensive Cornish estate consisting of Callington and Lawhitton, both in the Tamar valley, and Pawton near Padstow.

In 838, the Cornish and their Danish allies were defeated by Egbert in the Battle of Hingston Down at Hengestesdune (probably Hingston Down in Cornwall). In 875, the last recorded king of Cornwall, Dumgarth, is said to have drowned.[36

I think it goes without saying that the formation of the U.K. was in its truest sense a case of  England, taking some advantage of all the other component parts. Scotland , was almost certainly conned as you put it. Not just in a financial manner either.
It only really reflects the history of political evolution world wide. The whole of Europe ,is made of various unions , all centred on a dominant state.. it's been a never ending process,
The history of Cornwall, in its self explains the shifting sands  of dominance in national terms. The experience of ancient Cornwall ,was repeated at various times all around the world.And certainly in Europe as a whole.
Leaving Europe, the indigenous peoples of N America, S America, Australia, N Zealand. All Conned amongst other far more serious crimes committed against them.  Even the state of Israel, is the subject of a 2,000  year territorial dispute.
It is what it is. Scotland , Doesn't need my opinion , but has every right in my opinion , to pursue its own destiny.
That could be said for any number of states wanting independence from an existing unified state, certainly around Europe,. If the present formation of Europe, was to disintegrate in that manner , How would that stack up ,against the fact that to the East is a gigantic Empire,. That may or may not prove friendly to its collection of minuscule neighbours .
Of course Scotland is not silly, she will if at all possible rejoin the EU ,which is a form of unity that won't be open to the rest of us. I  regret the lengths gone to by all people's of the U.K. to keep it from disintegration may well prove to be to no avail. But I imagine the idea of independence is an exciting prospect even for the uncertain, and I wish them well.
Going back to my very first post , to this thread,  I still say if anybody unreservedly wishes for Scots independence, then don't wave the union flag as if you worship it. Tory or otherwise.


Quote from: Good old on September 15, 2020, 02:02:10 PM

Is that all you can say, to the generations of people of all the countries of the U.K. that have given life and limb, for the preservation of the U.K. I wish I could revise history as the should never have wasted life on you.

Is this you being given yet another lecture in reality good old........this time not from me , but from people in your own country?

You really do inhabit some fantasy new labour british nationalist bubble with all the trimmings dont you?

The united kingdom ( the clue is in the feckin name.........)is not and never ever has been a single nation. Its is by the uk governments very own words at the united nations , a multi national state made up of two countries , a principality and a province.

You new labour types sit on here telling the english they cannot leave the european union , and that the EU isnt some incorporating union seeking to absorb them and strip them of their nationality and culture , so nothing to see here move on.......while at the same time telling the scots irish and welsh and english you arent individual people and nations , you are "british " and you are in an incorporating union that has assimilated you.

National identity is a personal thing , and  you dont  get to tell people what their nation is. Clearly brexit should have taught you that.........if people dont want to be in a union , then they wont be one way or the other.

...but before you lecture others , i suggest you do a bit of learning about your own "nation". Clearly you know feck all about it.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Good old on September 15, 2020, 08:59:48 PM
Quote from: patman post on September 15, 2020, 08:36:23 PM
Quote from: Good old on September 15, 2020, 07:11:02 PMYes it [the UK's history] was at times bloody and oppressive. Do you really think all of that would be put in reverse simply by encouraging the  breaking up of the U.K.
I'm not suggesting history could or should be stricken from the record. But neither do I believe it's useful to make it a straight jacket for the future. The UK has voted to leave the EU. Regions currently within the UK would like to leave the UK. If they can mount compelling-enough arguments to get support, why shouldn't the majority get their wishes?
I have relatives who came to Britain to join up in  WWII. I think they share in a proud history. But I wouldn't want to be living in the Britain that existed before I was born...

I understand  where you go there. But what I see is a desperate response to the fact that the U.K. now virtually stands alone. It's not a recipe for a better future Just a retreat into a condition left behind three hundred years ago.
I think it's a bit much to equate the continuance of the U.K. with a life in the past. Every modern  nation is built to one degree or another on the past.  Let's face it  breaking the Union is retrograde to some extent. The whole of Europe could leap back to its past simply by breaking up Germany , Spain Italy, even France.

But Scotland was unfairly conned.,1004.msg23769.html#msg23769

Then there's Wales..

Don't get started on the bloody suffering imposed on the Irish.

Then there's the Cornish too...
QuoteConflict with Wessex   Edit
The Battle of Deorham in 577 saw the separation of Dumnonia (and therefore Cornwall) from Wales, following which the Dumnonii often came into conflict with the expanding English kingdom of Wessex. The Annales Cambriae report that in 722 AD the Britons of Cornwall won a battle at "Hehil".[33] It seems likely that the enemy the Cornish fought was a West Saxon force, as evidenced by the naming of King Ine of Wessex and his kinsman Nonna in reference to an earlier Battle of Lining in 710.[34]

The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle stated in 815 (adjusted date) "and in this year king Ecgbryht raided in Cornwall from east to west." and thenceforth apparently held it as a ducatus or dukedom annexed to his regnum or kingdom of Wessex, but not wholly incorporated with it.[35] The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle states that in 825 (adjusted date) a battle took place between the Wealas (Cornish) and the Defnas (men of Devon) at Gafulforda. In the same year Ecgbert, as a later document expresses it, "disposed of their territory as it seemed fit to him, giving a tenth part of it to God." In other words, he incorporated Cornwall ecclesiastically with the West Saxon diocese of Sherborne, and endowed Eahlstan, his fighting bishop, who took part in the campaign, with an extensive Cornish estate consisting of Callington and Lawhitton, both in the Tamar valley, and Pawton near Padstow.

In 838, the Cornish and their Danish allies were defeated by Egbert in the Battle of Hingston Down at Hengestesdune (probably Hingston Down in Cornwall). In 875, the last recorded king of Cornwall, Dumgarth, is said to have drowned.[36

Good old

Quote from: patman post on September 15, 2020, 08:36:23 PM
Quote from: Good old on September 15, 2020, 07:11:02 PMYes it [the UK's history] was at times bloody and oppressive. Do you really think all of that would be put in reverse simply by encouraging the  breaking up of the U.K.
I'm not suggesting history could or should be stricken from the record. But neither do I believe it's useful to make it a straight jacket for the future. The UK has voted to leave the EU. Regions currently within the UK would like to leave the UK. If they can mount compelling-enough arguments to get support, why shouldn't the majority get their wishes?
I have relatives who came to Britain to join up in  WWII. I think they share in a proud history. But I wouldn't want to be living in the Britain that existed before I was born...

I understand  where you go there. But what I see is a desperate response to the fact that the U.K. now virtually stands alone. It's not a recipe for a better future Just a retreat into a condition left behind three hundred years ago.
I think it's a bit much to equate the continuance of the U.K. with a life in the past. Every modern  nation is built to one degree or another on the past.  Let's face it  breaking the Union is retrograde to some extent. The whole of Europe could leap back to its past simply by breaking up Germany , Spain Italy, even France.

Borg Refinery

I can't even read that jumbled mess, gives me eye strain.

Just give it a rest with the lying about what I didn't say about WWI or II vets or either war. Such only reflects back on the person doing it.


Good old

Quote from: Dynamis on September 15, 2020, 07:21:02 PM
Quote from: Good old on September 15, 2020, 07:02:10 PM
1. I despise people like you that think you will create a working class utopia by breaking up the U.K.

Yeah, you despise democracy.

Read pat's post.

"2 So you don't recognise a South London , born in a Bermondsey  Slum boy then.  Why am I not surprised ."

You still.look down on the working class, end of, betrayed ya roots.

3".Thats the retort of a fifteen year old. Is that what you are?"

Well a fifteen year old retort for an 80 year old with the mind of a 3 year old seems appropriate.

"4You responded to my first post, With feck this, feck that'. What was I,?Oh! yes, a nasty little scrote,. A scrote  Troll. What . I didn't use any invective toward you at that stage, So I ask again who is the Troll here?  Obviously you confuse having a nerve touched with me trolling you.
You been listening to your school master to much."

Boring, troll. 0/10.

You trolled with "shouldnt have wasted life on you".

Maybe you're a bit like Biden and forget what you said..

"5You did not have to say it . You clearly say you despise the defence of the Empire,. What the hell do you think they were doing in both world wars. You can't have it both ways , although it's all the rage today to try and do just that."

Nope. I never said I despise those who fought in any war, certainly not WWII.

You see, you are just a lying troll aren't you. You can't help it..

"6 As said , yes you do, don't you."


"7Well your certainly happy to dismiss the the efforts of your ancestors to maintain the U.K. "

You're repeating yourself.
8First of all I have barely touched You with an insult. As much as possible I leave the insults to you. What I think of you is irrelevant agreed. I am a firm believer in the U.K. democratic system, as it was intended to function. I will never agree to referendum as a way to run the political affairs of the U.K.  Oh!by the way I believe fervently in the Union. But if the Scots ever decide to go their own way I will respect that in every way possible,. I would prefer they could find their destiny within a Union with England. As that union has been built on the blood of every nation in it.

As much as possible, I leave the trolling to you as you're now almost trolling yourself, you are like Biden or something.

The Union was built with the blood of poor soldiers who fought to defend an empire that bathed in other nations' blood.

WW2 was different (mostly) so don't even dare to conflate it with other wars. WWI was mostly about Empires trying to expand, of course you are so brainwashed and ignorant of history.

1 What democracy is it I despise? Your version I take it.  2No If I look down on anyone it's people like you that think and act as if only you know f—k all about the working class and whilst we are at it anything special about democracy.
3.Oh dear A three year old with enough wit to rattle your cage, sad or what.. 4 Boring because it's true A. 5  Yes that's what I said in reply to your insults and un-needed over baring response to my post.  6. You sad git, thats  a remark that sums you up  well and truly.
7You have clearly registered the fact you despise the Empire, and don't believe in the Union .  So how do you equate that with the people that fought the wars that defended both? 7. All of the wars and conflicts I referred to including as you well know, WW1 WWII were in defence of both. What did I say about wanting it both ways.?
8You have been trolling from your first reply to my post. 9.  I don't deny the history. No reason to want the U.K. broken up , it would alter nothing. 10.  WWII was no different? Singapore, Burma , parts of Africa, Malaya , Egypt, India. All defended  with varying degrees of success. What are you on?   

patman post

Quote from: Good old on September 15, 2020, 07:11:02 PMYes it [the UK's history] was at times bloody and oppressive. Do you really think all of that would be put in reverse simply by encouraging the  breaking up of the U.K.
I'm not suggesting history could or should be stricken from the record. But neither do I believe it's useful to make it a straight jacket for the future. The UK has voted to leave the EU. Regions currently within the UK would like to leave the UK. If they can mount compelling-enough arguments to get support, why shouldn't the majority get their wishes?
I have relatives who came to Britain to join up in  WWII. I think they share in a proud history. But I wouldn't want to be living in the Britain that existed before I was born...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Good old on September 15, 2020, 07:02:10 PM
1. I despise people like you that think you will create a working class utopia by breaking up the U.K.

Yeah, you despise democracy.

Read pat's post.

"2 So you don't recognise a South London , born in a Bermondsey  Slum boy then.  Why am I not surprised ."

You still.look down on the working class, end of, betrayed ya roots.

3".Thats the retort of a fifteen year old. Is that what you are?"

Well a fifteen year old retort for an 80 year old with the mind of a 3 year old seems appropriate.

"4You responded to my first post, With feck this, feck that'. What was I,?Oh! yes, a nasty little scrote,. A scrote  Troll. What . I didn't use any invective toward you at that stage, So I ask again who is the Troll here?  Obviously you confuse having a nerve touched with me trolling you.
You been listening to your school master to much."

Boring, troll. 0/10.

You trolled with "shouldnt have wasted life on you".

Maybe you're a bit like Biden and forget what you said..

"5You did not have to say it . You clearly say you despise the defence of the Empire,. What the hell do you think they were doing in both world wars. You can't have it both ways , although it's all the rage today to try and do just that."

Nope. I never said I despise those who fought in any war, certainly not WWII.

You see, you are just a lying troll aren't you. You can't help it..

"6 As said , yes you do, don't you."


"7Well your certainly happy to dismiss the the efforts of your ancestors to maintain the U.K. "

You're repeating yourself.
8First of all I have barely touched You with an insult. As much as possible I leave the insults to you. What I think of you is irrelevant agreed. I am a firm believer in the U.K. democratic system, as it was intended to function. I will never agree to referendum as a way to run the political affairs of the U.K.  Oh!by the way I believe fervently in the Union. But if the Scots ever decide to go their own way I will respect that in every way possible,. I would prefer they could find their destiny within a Union with England. As that union has been built on the blood of every nation in it.

As much as possible, I leave the trolling to you as you're now almost trolling yourself, you are like Biden or something.

The Union was built with the blood of poor soldiers who fought to defend an empire that bathed in other nations' blood.

WW2 was different (mostly) so don't even dare to conflate it with other wars. WWI was mostly about Empires trying to expand, of course you are so brainwashed and ignorant of history.