The Internal market bill

Started by T00ts, September 15, 2020, 01:16:05 PM

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Quote from: GerryT on September 16, 2020, 10:01:49 PM

Unfortunately from what I can see on the UK side there is an impression that the WA is as good as in the bin. The EU don't share that opinion.

ok Gerry , i take on board what you are saying , but unfortunately in the time i have been debating you  online, you have merely went around in circles in terms of your stance , while at every stage , you have lost the political argument in real life.

I have told you time and again , northern ireland getting its cake and eating it is causing the conservative government a massive headache for all the reason i have given previously.

I also told you that there is no way the 6 counties are going to keep the uk in the eu customs union ( or "a" customs union as the labour muppets would have it).

Johnson and his government will aim to try and fudge a middle way through  , but he knows fine well , with farage watching his every move , if he pisses off the english brexiters , then he and his party are in big big trouble.

To be honest there isnt really anything new to say , we are merely going over old ground we have went over for a number of years now , and the clock is ticking down on your position , hence why you seem to be getting increasingly desperate.

15 weeks till the uk is finally out of the eu at the end  of the transition period , without a deal in sight , and in about four weeks time we could see the WA completely ripped up .

If it comes down to the tories choosing between pissing off the eu and irish , or pising off the english electorate , then i think they are going to choose you. Just my opinion.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Nick on September 16, 2020, 10:56:56 PM
Quote from: GerryT on September 16, 2020, 10:40:14 PMhow peace was brokered.

Peace wasn't brokered. SI had one of the fastest growing economy in the world so the Provo's were told to wind it in and not damage the economy. Businesses were flocking to SI. With loads of money sloshing around they turned to drugs and prostitution, the occasional fire cracker to ensure their friends in Boston still contributed, but in essence they swapped trades, the GFA was just a convenient way of keeping face.

A few of the staunch members still want to rise up but the appetite has gone.
The IRA lost their war militarily and formally declared NI part of the UK in the Good Friday Agreement.

About this time 9/11 took place and they lost their US backers. (Including both Donald Trump and Bill Clinton).
The leaders of the IRA accepted plum jobs in the UK and NI parliaments.

Peace was achieved down the barrel of a gun.


Quote from: Nick on September 16, 2020, 10:56:56 PM
Quote from: GerryT on September 16, 2020, 10:40:14 PMhow peace was brokered.

Peace wasn't brokered. SI had one of the fastest growing economy in the world so the Provo's were told to wind it in and not damage the economy. Businesses were flocking to SI. With loads of money sloshing around they turned to drugs and prostitution, the occasional fire cracker to ensure their friends in Boston still contributed, but in essence they swapped trades, the GFA was just a convenient way of keeping face.

A few of the staunch members still want to rise up but the appetite has gone.
Just shows what you know about IRL. I'd forgive your ignorance but NI is part of the UK, you should know it's history. The troubles in NI never really spilled over into ROI and certainly had zero effect on business down south. What you don't seem to understand or know is the Nationalist people of Ireland under the GFA could freely travel north/south without any border checks. That's a lot when you consider the UK had at the height of the troubles 27,000 troops in NI. Secondly every person born in NI by birth can claim Irish citizenship. Third the GFA brought self govt. in stormont, finally a land owner could have property straddle the border, he could work and move his animals freely, no checks. It was these changes that brought an end to the troubles. The UK decided on brexit without a single thought for NI, only ROI and the EU were looking out for NI, trying to keep the the agreement intact.

The EU have conceded on a a lot to allow this to happen, NI can remain effectively in the EU while being part of the UK single market. All the joint committee was doing this yr was to figure out which goods were at risk of travelling into NI and then on into ROI. BUt the UK would prefer to lie and spoof, the USA can see straight through the crap.

When you look at trump, and you think what a fool. Now you know what people outside the UK think when they look at Johnson and most of his hench men.


Quote from: GerryT on September 16, 2020, 10:40:14 PMhow peace was brokered.

Peace wasn't brokered. SI had one of the fastest growing economy in the world so the Provo's were told to wind it in and not damage the economy. Businesses were flocking to SI. With loads of money sloshing around they turned to drugs and prostitution, the occasional fire cracker to ensure their friends in Boston still contributed, but in essence they swapped trades, the GFA was just a convenient way of keeping face.

A few of the staunch members still want to rise up but the appetite has gone.

I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: GerryT on September 16, 2020, 08:58:47 PM
Quote from: Sheepy on September 16, 2020, 08:31:07 PMWould that be when they said we got more back than we gave the EU? until we produced the EU's own figures proving it was a blatant lie?
No that would be when Johnson the liar said the UK gave the EU 350m a week which is 18.2billion a yr. Until the EU pointed out that the UK gave about 7.5billion net. But for you to say that "they" who ever "they" are, gave more to the UK than received is another blatant lie. Unless you can show that.

Wake up and spell the coffee.

For a start the UK net contribution in 2019 was about 10 billion not 7. After the rebate, the rest is just wasted money as it goes into developing stuff they tell us we have to build. There is a 200 room office building 10 miles from my house that has a big sign saying 'Partly funded by the EU', not a single office has been ever occupied. 5 years it has stood there and will eventually be demolished and houses built on it cause they already dodged round the green belt laws thanks to the EU.

I'll give you £100 and then tell you you have to spend £50 on cigarettes even though you don't smoke. Europhiles will tell you that you only paid £50. No you've spent £100 and got £50 back in cigarettes that are useless, like the office block. Mr corner shop is making a killing selling unwanted fags, MARVELLOUS!!

They are pissing on all of us and at the same time selling us umbrellas, WAKE UP.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


And to add, Joe Biden has also re-iterated what Nancy said in a new tweet. If the UK breaks it agreement under the GFA and causes damage to the GFA then forget about a USA-UK trade deal.

Brexit Just keeps giving

"Britannia waives the rules"


Quote from: Baff on September 16, 2020, 10:25:12 PMSounds like the IRA cheerleading for peace.
Righto. ROFL.
Annexing NI to SI or the EU is not upholding the GFA.
As well you know.
It is breaking it.
Lets back up and remember how peace was brokered. The GFA, this has a seamless open border on the island. The main element of the agreement was giving some rights to the nationalist community, to bring them somewhat on a level par with the unionist community. There is no Annexing of NI from GB, that's just utter Bullsh1t from Johnson, do you even understand what the Joint committee are doing, if you did you wouldn't be parroting the same lies. The only people talking about reintroducing the border in IRL is Johnson, and to do that he has to first bring in legislation to break the WA. You couldn't make this stuff up.

Quote from: Baff on September 16, 2020, 10:25:12 PMAnd the IRA aren't the only people in NI who will fight.
As well you know.
But you don't give a shit about the GFA.
It gets in the way of what you want.
What you want is an excuse to end it.
What I want is the UK to honour their commitments in the GFA, it's that simple. There are currently border checks between GB and NI, in January there will be more. Grow up, get used to it. That won't change anything for the people in NI.
You prob don't even know that NI ports in no way can handle all the deliveries NI get, over 60% of NI shipping goes from Dublin.


Quote from: GerryT on September 16, 2020, 10:01:49 PM
Quote from: Thomas on September 16, 2020, 09:00:41 PMGerry it disnae matter now pal. Lets get to the end of the year and see what happens.

You arent gonnae change a single thing at the minute.

The WA is toast as far as i can see.

Unfortunately from what I can see on the UK side there is an impression that the WA is as good as in the bin. The EU don't share that opinion.
There are provisions within the WA to settle disagreements/disputes, first an independent arbitration panel with a binding result. Why the UK didn't use this if they felt there was an issue with the WA joint committee work. If the UK were to ignore the outcome of the arbitration panel then the EU can take further actions including breaking any treaty it had or will have in the future, imposing sanctions etc.. This would be all done legally. This stage of the process introduces hefty financial fines also.
Why the UK would think the EU would just standby while the UK carries on like a banana republic is hard to understand.

Wonder how Rabb is getting on in the States. He's meeting with Nancy Peloci. I caught some of Rabb's "speech" on twitter, what a load of old sh1t he was coming out with, lies, lies lies. Taking a leaf out of Johnson's book. In a nutshell he's saying the EU are putting a border in the Irish sea....edjit.

Nancy released a press statement just 30min ago, I think this puts Rabb back in his box and I'm sure he's been sent packing.

Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued this statement following her meeting with Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab of the United Kingdom, joined by Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal:

"The Good Friday Agreement is the bedrock of peace in Northern Ireland and a beacon of hope for peace-loving people throughout the whole world.  Whatever form it takes, Brexit cannot be allowed to imperil the Good Friday Agreement – the stability brought by the seamless border between the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland.

"In our meeting today with the Foreign Secretary, Chairman Richie Neal and I welcomed his assurances but reiterated the same message that we delivered to the leaders of the U.K. in London last year: if the U.K. violates its international agreements and Brexit undermines the Good Friday accord, there will be absolutely no chance of a U.S.-U.K. trade agreement passing the Congress.  The Good Friday Agreement is valued by the American people and will continue to be proudly defended in the United States Congress."

In a nutshell, Johnson is walking the UK into a massive hole, a perfec storm. How people in the UK can't see this is bewildering
Sounds like the IRA cheerleading for peace.
Righto. ROFL.

Annexing NI to SI or the EU is not upholding the GFA.
As well you know.
It is breaking it.

And the IRA aren't the only people in NI who will fight.
As well you know.

But you don't give a shit about the GFA.
It gets in the way of what you want.

What you want is an excuse to end it.

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Sheepy on September 16, 2020, 09:10:47 PM
Quote from: Dynamis on September 16, 2020, 09:02:59 PM

If you discount the 6ft Russian dudes getting very aggressive, the extreme racist Chinese fella saying Corbyn and anyone who likes him is a terrorist who needs taking out, and other Greek folks, not to mention all the angry English folks who don't like being questioned over Brexit, even politely...

....then sure nobody has threatened me over politics.

I await my bap on the head with a baguette. ;D I like the tesco brand myself.
LOL well what are you doing trying to talk politics with the Russian mafia and random Chinese dudes?

They initiated it, mostly.

Perhaps I didn't mention, 'here' is a rough bit of st leopards on sea. ;)


Quote from: GerryT on September 16, 2020, 06:21:04 PM
Quote from: Sheepy on September 16, 2020, 06:13:08 PMJust another politician shafting us all, just like all of the rest of them. nice try though.
That's ok, I'm starting to understand you. The UK has been consistently shafted by lying UK politicians who blame the EU. And rather than trying to elect a different type of politician you go with the same and then you yourself blame the EU for everything. Because it's easy.

Thats maybe closer to the truth than you realise Gerry  . The people of the United Kingdom have been shafted by our politicians for decades  in their acceptance of EU encroachment on our sovereignty.
We DID try electing a different type of politician and the 2014 European elections when UKIP 'won' the first national election not won by a mainstream party frightened the fecking bejesus out of them so much they conceded to the referendum .  That even turned remainers like Johnson  into leavers (never trust a tory ) and the rest is history .

We dont give a toss about the Labour party , the Conservative party or the party party . When we leave the EU for good  some of us will find new targets and  new quests to fight . It will be easier having our enemies closer to home and maybe for some that is the whole point .


Quote from: Thomas on September 16, 2020, 09:00:41 PMGerry it disnae matter now pal. Lets get to the end of the year and see what happens.

You arent gonnae change a single thing at the minute.

The WA is toast as far as i can see.

Unfortunately from what I can see on the UK side there is an impression that the WA is as good as in the bin. The EU don't share that opinion.
There are provisions within the WA to settle disagreements/disputes, first an independent arbitration panel with a binding result. Why the UK didn't use this if they felt there was an issue with the WA joint committee work. If the UK were to ignore the outcome of the arbitration panel then the EU can take further actions including breaking any treaty it had or will have in the future, imposing sanctions etc.. This would be all done legally. This stage of the process introduces hefty financial fines also.
Why the UK would think the EU would just standby while the UK carries on like a banana republic is hard to understand.

Wonder how Rabb is getting on in the States. He's meeting with Nancy Peloci. I caught some of Rabb's "speech" on twitter, what a load of old sh1t he was coming out with, lies, lies lies. Taking a leaf out of Johnson's book. In a nutshell he's saying the EU are putting a border in the Irish sea....edjit.

Nancy released a press statement just 30min ago, I think this puts Rabb back in his box and I'm sure he's been sent packing.

Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued this statement following her meeting with Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab of the United Kingdom, joined by Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal:

"The Good Friday Agreement is the bedrock of peace in Northern Ireland and a beacon of hope for peace-loving people throughout the whole world.  Whatever form it takes, Brexit cannot be allowed to imperil the Good Friday Agreement – the stability brought by the seamless border between the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland.

"In our meeting today with the Foreign Secretary, Chairman Richie Neal and I welcomed his assurances but reiterated the same message that we delivered to the leaders of the U.K. in London last year: if the U.K. violates its international agreements and Brexit undermines the Good Friday accord, there will be absolutely no chance of a U.S.-U.K. trade agreement passing the Congress.  The Good Friday Agreement is valued by the American people and will continue to be proudly defended in the United States Congress."

In a nutshell, Johnson is walking the UK into a massive hole, a perfec storm. How people in the UK can't see this is bewildering


Quote from: GerryT on September 16, 2020, 08:58:47 PM
Quote from: Sheepy on September 16, 2020, 08:31:07 PMWould that be when they said we got more back than we gave the EU? until we produced the EU's own figures proving it was a blatant lie?
No that would be when Johnson the liar said the UK gave the EU 350m a week which is 18.2billion a yr. Until the EU pointed out that the UK gave about 7.5billion net. But for you to say that "they" who ever "they" are, gave more to the UK than received is another blatant lie. Unless you can show that.
Seen the latest news I gather.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Dynamis on September 16, 2020, 09:02:59 PM

If you discount the 6ft Russian dudes getting very aggressive, the extreme racist Chinese fella saying Corbyn and anyone who likes him is a terrorist who needs taking out, and other Greek folks, not to mention all the angry English folks who don't like being questioned over Brexit, even politely...

....then sure nobody has threatened me over politics.

I await my bap on the head with a baguette. ;D I like the tesco brand myself.
LOL well what are you doing trying to talk politics with the Russian mafia and random Chinese dudes?
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Thomas on September 16, 2020, 08:57:31 PM
Quote from: Sheepy on September 16, 2020, 08:53:00 PM
Quote from: Thomas on September 16, 2020, 08:51:02 PM
Or hit dynamis with your baguette my french friend?
LOL no need, if he keeps writing dubious stuff on American political sites he is more likely to get a visit from them.

Ah right , i wonder if SRB had had a word with the mometum boys and told dyno to start towing the party line as he voted wurzel last year? ;)

Never been to hastings sheep , but it sounds an interesting place. As you know im a history buff , so maybe one day take the caravan down and have a look around .

The wife likes shopping  , and me and the kids can have a look at all the history stuff.

Just dont start talking all french ok  Garcon!
Well obviously full of history around here and plenty of nice camp sites. We can talk cadac recipes. In French obviously.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!