All Governments incompetent?

Started by T00ts, September 18, 2020, 09:43:30 AM

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Quote from: HDQQ on September 19, 2020, 02:58:23 PM

The other is making the wrong decision but in good faith, e.g. moving frail elderly people back into care homes from hospital in the erroneous belief that was the safer option.

pretty much all governments across europe did this , including labour  , tory and snp governments across wales england and scotland.

QuoteOne is getting priorities wrong because of a government's political ideology, e.g. putting the economy before public health

Dont agree.

When it became quite apparent this wasnt the bubonic plague , but merely the chinese sniffles , the elderly and vulnerable should have been shielded while the rest of us were allowed to go back to work and carry on .

This virus isnt a storm you can wait out , and my criticism of all governments is they reacted too strongly regarding covid in shutting everything down.  They were being led by media hysteria and squabbling scientists.

Pubic health was never in danger to the extent of the original wild claims.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: HDQQ on September 19, 2020, 02:58:23 PMI think the scottish and uk public have dodged a bullet over the last ten years keeping these clowns out of power and away from  our money.

And hit by the Tory Brexit rocket-propelled grenade instead.   
Formerly known as Hyperduck Quack Quack.
I might not be an expert but I do know enough to correct you when you're wrong!


With covid-19 and other serious situations, incompetence can take at least two forms.

One is getting priorities wrong because of a government's political ideology, e.g. putting the economy before public health or doing a 'Bolsonaro' and ignoring the problem.

The other is making the wrong decision but in good faith, e.g. moving frail elderly people back into care homes from hospital in the erroneous belief that was the safer option.
Formerly known as Hyperduck Quack Quack.
I might not be an expert but I do know enough to correct you when you're wrong!


Another way labour parties PFI contracts hammered the public was over council tax increases.......

"Five authorities planned council tax increases to meet PFI costs. One authority planned an extra 1% on council tax each year between 2006/07 and 2017/18, followed by a further 0.7% in 2018/19, so that by 2018/19, council tax was expected to be 13.5% higher than it would otherwise have been without the PFI project: this higher level would then continue. Given that the Scottish government is now operating a freeze in council tax rises, these councils will have to find other means to meet their PFI funding obligations

Remember the labour party were consistently calling on the scottish government for years to end the council tax freeze so labour run scottish councils could fund PFI contract shortfalls.

I think the scottish and uk public have dodged a bullet over the last ten years keeping these clowns out of power and away from  our money.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on September 19, 2020, 12:53:46 PM

The lack of facilities , contributed to by constant cuts over the whole period , across the board.  Are now playing no small part in this governments inability to respond fully to many of the problems thrown up by Covid.
"Prior to the May 2007 election, the Scottish ( LABOUR) Executive maintained that its acute services eview across the Scottish NHS would not be distorted by PFI expenditure and affordability problems, but would be motivated by the health care needs of local communities. But it is clear that the high cost of PFI, and the huge increase
in its scale that is envisaged, will place a burden on the non-PFI parts of the NHS estate, and provide pressure for closure of services within them."

just read that last line again good old.....

But it is clear that the high cost of PFI, and the huge increase
in its scale that is envisaged, will place a burden on the non-PFI parts of the NHS estate, and provide pressure for closure of services within them."

I would say its labour party PFI chickens coming home to roost when you talk about lack of facilities and budget cuts affecting dealing with covid 19.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester on September 19, 2020, 01:58:27 PM

Macrea also said that the best thing for governments to do would be nothing because they would just end up supporting dying industries and padding out the public payrolls and bringing the next recession that much closer. This made such good sense that the Labour government took no notice at all and just ran around printing money and running up debt because the natural impulse of all governments is to run around like blue bummed flies and do anything however stupid, because their greatest fear is of being ignored.

This country does not need competent government, it just needs it to piss off.

Pretty much borkie.

Labours big achillies heel is their economic record as everyone knows. They simply canne be trusted in charge of the cash coffers.

They remind me a bit of my brother. He is feckin hopeless with money , and you know if you lend him a few quid , dont expect to ever see a penny of it back.

So thats why i dont lend the cant money , and dont vote labour into government. ;)
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: T00ts on September 19, 2020, 01:59:40 PM
Quote from: Thomas on September 19, 2020, 01:49:19 PMA party of disingenuous liars

Nooooooo! Labour supporters are simply misguided


Thats very polite , but good old isnt , and i have proved on many occassions he has done all the things i listed above.

QuoteThe lie is that Utopia exists. It is something that we all aspire to but experience has shown that it is unattainable and the methods promoted to achieve it simply antagonises those who 'have'. That sets off consequences where those who feel they are hard done by simply remove themselves from the source of annoyance because they can. There are many who 'have' because of sheer hard work and pay the dues that they must while avoiding what they legally can. There are those who have inherited what looks like wealth but their hand made leather shoes have holes in the soles. Utopia doesn't exist outside of Heaven.

Exactly , i have worked damn hard for what i have , like many others , and i started off like others on here( deppity dawg for one) from  a very low base.

Now we are all getting accused of being right wingers and all other manner of nonsense simply because we all to a man and woman see through labours fantasy they have been peddling for years.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on September 19, 2020, 01:49:19 PMA party of disingenuous liars

Nooooooo! Labour supporters are simply misguided. The lie is that Utopia exists. It is something that we all aspire to but experience has shown that it is unattainable and the methods promoted to achieve it simply antagonises those who 'have'. That sets off consequences where those who feel they are hard done by simply remove themselves from the source of annoyance because they can. There are many who 'have' because of sheer hard work and pay the dues that they must while avoiding what they legally can. There are those who have inherited what looks like wealth but their hand made leather shoes have holes in the soles. Utopia doesn't exist outside of Heaven.


Quote from: Thomas on September 19, 2020, 01:31:12 PM
QuoteNorth Lanarkshire Council announces 'worst-ever' cuts that could see 1300 jobs axed

THERE are further fears that the £105m of cuts could just be the beginning with other councils expected to announce spending slashes.

Labour ran north lanarkshire council signed the PFI contract in 2006 , and by 2012 had to axe thousands of jobs and make millions of cuts not because of tory austerity , but because the same labour council has signed up the north lanarkshire taxpayers into a murderously unfair and over the top pfi contract that would cost £30 million a year up til 2037 , two decades after the initial build cost was payed back.

....but its tory austerity that is to blame why we have no facilites and can't deal with covid... :D ;D

Which introduces a rider that I would like mention before Nalaar throws his usual strop and closes the thread,  in 1996 or 97 Norman Macrae made the point that the UK and world was coming out of the then depression and that it would be about ten years before the next.

Macrea also said that the best thing for governments to do would be nothing because they would just end up supporting dying industries and padding out the public payrolls and bringing the next recession that much closer. This made such good sense that the Labour government took no notice at all and just ran around printing money and running up debt because the natural impulse of all governments is to run around like blue bummed flies and do anything however stupid, because their greatest fear is of being ignored.

This country does not need competent government, it just needs it to piss off.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: T00ts on September 19, 2020, 01:44:30 PM
Quote from: Thomas on September 19, 2020, 01:24:20 PMToots the guy is talking absolute nonsense.

Thomas - the difference between you and I is that I try not to upset people. I didn't agree with all he posted and certainly am well aware that the hardship encountered since Brown threw everything away and Blair jumping before being pushed has been because Labour New or Old did what they always do. They reduced unemployment by putting anyone and everyone on the Public payroll with fictional jobs with trendy titles. They pretended that they were philanthropists while flogging our reserves at bargain basement prices and tying all our new builds to contracts that no-one with half a mind would contemplate. They only asked how high when the USA said jump and had fawning Bambi eyes every time a missive came over the hot wires. It was a mess yet until those who could see the coffers emptying managed to see the light, Blair was far off hiding his cash stream and Brown limped back to Scotland. I really don't envy you that resident.

The difference between you and I Thomas is that I would not have posted that to Good Old.  :)

i know toots and i respect that , but sometimes i am a great believer in telling people it straight.

I get really heartily sick to death of the lies , misrepresentations , double speak and all the rest from these labour supporters.

Most of all , its because i think they really do believe the voting public are stupid and will swallow any old cac they come out with.

What would labour do different?

Not one of them can tell us , but all they do want to do is throw mud at the snp and tories , while running away from their own despicable record when last in power.

A party of disingenuous liars.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on September 19, 2020, 01:24:20 PMToots the guy is talking absolute nonsense.

Thomas - the difference between you and I is that I try not to upset people. I didn't agree with all he posted and certainly am well aware that the hardship encountered since Brown threw everything away and Blair jumping before being pushed has been because Labour New or Old did what they always do. They reduced unemployment by putting anyone and everyone on the Public payroll with fictional jobs with trendy titles. They pretended that they were philanthropists while flogging our reserves at bargain basement prices and tying all our new builds to contracts that no-one with half a mind would contemplate. They only asked how high when the USA said jump and had fawning Bambi eyes every time a missive came over the hot wires. It was a mess yet until those who could see the coffers emptying managed to see the light, Blair was far off hiding his cash stream and Brown limped back to Scotland. I really don't envy you that resident.

The difference between you and I Thomas is that I would not have posted that to Good Old.  :)


When it comes to government incompetence , the labour party are in a feckin league of their own.
Over its two Holyrood administrations from 1999, Labour had managed to under-spend the Scottish block grant to the collective tune of £1.5bn – money which was returned to the Treasury at Westminster because, incredibly, Donald Dewar, Henry McLeish and Jack McConnell just couldn't think of anything to spend it on.

(£1.5bn would have been enough in 2006 to build the Glasgow [£210m] and Edinburgh [£500m] Airport Rail Links and upgrade the entire A9 to dual-carriageway [£600m], spreading the benefits around the country and with £190m still left over.)

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


To show how bad the labour parties PFI contract was in this instance ( among many) someone wrote...

QuoteIf that £150m of capital had been borrowed from a bank in March 2007 at an interest rate of 6% and paid back at £29m a year, it would have been cleared next June at a total borrowing cost of £30m. If the council had put the bill on a Royal Bank of Scotland "Private Black" Mastercard (for incomes over £100,000) at an APR of 14.9%, it would have been paid in full by 2017 at a total borrowing cost of £128m.

But rather than spend £30m or £128m on borrowing the money needed to improve the area's educational facilities, Labour inexplicably chose to blow over half a billion pounds of public money, crippling future councils with the debt for a generation

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


QuoteNorth Lanarkshire Council announces 'worst-ever' cuts that could see 1300 jobs axed

THERE are further fears that the £105m of cuts could just be the beginning with other councils expected to announce spending slashes.

Labour ran north lanarkshire council signed the PFI contract in 2006 , and by 2012 had to axe thousands of jobs and make millions of cuts not because of tory austerity , but because the same labour council has signed up the north lanarkshire taxpayers into a murderously unfair and over the top pfi contract that would cost £30 million a year up til 2037 , two decades after the initial build cost was payed back.

....but its tory austerity that is to blame why we have no facilites and cant deal with covid... :D ;D

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: T00ts on September 19, 2020, 01:06:59 PM

I can agree with a lot of what you have posted here. However when we had massed voices shouting against party policy we had mayhem in Westminster with what looked like mutiny to many outside. There comes a point I feel when there must be unity - this is why coalition governments can be so disastrous. Our voting system flawed as it is at least doesn't throw us into the situation often found say in Italy where there is no government for months while they hammer out a workable mix or face repeated elections.

Toots the guy is talking absolute nonsense.

Johnson as we know isnt in charge of scotlands covid 19 response ,and these same labour muppets are on scottish forums saying the same thing about the snp governments repsonse to covid 19.

I watched a labour muppet being absolutely ripped apart recently talking about "lack of facilities" in scotland , when we started talking about how labours PFI scandal has cost the scottish taxpyer tens of billions of pounds , and crippled local government across scotland FOR DECADES with labours crippling PFI extortionate financial legacy.
Fury at £729m bill to build schools worth a fifth of that amount

TAXPAYERS will be saddled with debut until 2036-37 after North Lanarkshire Council entered into the Private Finance Initiative.

EDUCATION chiefs are paying private firms £729million to build schools worth just a fifth of that amount, it was revealed yesterday.

( LABOUR RUN) North Lanarkshire Council were accused of saddling a generation of taxpayers with a "damaging legacy" by entering into a 31-year Private Finance Initiative to build 24 schools.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!