But wait the EU is just a trade body

Started by Sheepy, September 18, 2020, 06:50:51 PM

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Quote from: GerryT on September 21, 2020, 02:06:51 PM
Quote from: Thomas on September 19, 2020, 05:23:07 PMim enjoying reading a lot of stuff at the minute written by this guy
He's up there with the likes of people that were saying
"they need us more than we need them" 
"the German car industry won't let this happen" 
"the EU always leave it until the 12th hour to do a deal"
"We will be happy with a Australia style deal"
"All we want is a simple Canada style deal, you know Canada++++"

Yep, Yanis has his finger on the pulse, was this a economic study or just some ideas rattling around his head.

So everyone is wrong except your beloved eu gerry?

You are sounding hysterical again gerry.

Most of us are sitting here laughing , feet up counting down the clock not giving a feck.

Many things are going on in peoples lives today for them to think about , but worrying about your beloved EU isnt one of them.

14 weeks on Friday now! Really looking forward to hogmanay this year. ;)
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT on September 21, 2020, 02:58:43 PM
Quote from: Sheepy on September 21, 2020, 02:19:56 PM
I was just reading about the British Empire, for its faults which were many, it never pretended it was something else, which is the big difference from the EU, the British empire turned up with guns, the EU turns up with lies and a pretence it is something else and you will keep voting for them until you say the right answer, from then on you will deny the EU is what it actually is and although beaten into submission and have no sovereignty you will still deny it and tell us you part of something great. Anybody with any common sense left would at least admit it.

Well it did really, it pretended it was right to do the savage things it did. It pretended that taking what wasn't yours was honourable.

What lies has the EU come up with, now your starting to make it up to suit your agenda. The EU is transparent, it goes where the 27 want to go. There is no "EU" controlling things, it is the 27. It's fully democratic in the truest meaning of the word. Fully elected parliament constantly being re-elect, a council where the heads of each countries govt sits and a commissioner appointed by your PM.
I think what the UK would have liked would be if the council only had UK/France/Germany/Italy at the table, how dare the little countries sit at the table. The UK doesn't do joint decisions, you only have to look at the UK union and a dominant, aggressive, untrustworthy England controlling everything....for now.
I make no excuses for the British Empire it wasn't a pretence but if Irish freedom which is the democratic given right of all free people is cheap then fine, but don't lecture me from Dublin when you sit there happily selling your own people down the river. Which you are in complete denial about.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on September 21, 2020, 02:19:56 PM
I was just reading about the British Empire, for its faults which were many, it never pretended it was something else, which is the big difference from the EU, the British empire turned up with guns, the EU turns up with lies and a pretence it is something else and you will keep voting for them until you say the right answer, from then on you will deny the EU is what it actually is and although beaten into submission and have no sovereignty you will still deny it and tell us you part of something great. Anybody with any common sense left would at least admit it.

Well it did really, it pretended it was right to do the savage things it did. It pretended that taking what wasn't yours was honourable.

What lies has the EU come up with, now your starting to make it up to suit your agenda. The EU is transparent, it goes where the 27 want to go. There is no "EU" controlling things, it is the 27. It's fully democratic in the truest meaning of the word. Fully elected parliament constantly being re-elect, a council where the heads of each countries govt sits and a commissioner appointed by your PM.
I think what the UK would have liked would be if the council only had UK/France/Germany/Italy at the table, how dare the little countries sit at the table. The UK doesn't do joint decisions, you only have to look at the UK union and a dominant, aggressive, untrustworthy England controlling everything....for now.


Quote from: GerryT on September 21, 2020, 02:48:18 PM
Quote from: Sheepy on September 21, 2020, 02:06:34 PM
Quote from: GerryT on September 21, 2020, 01:53:43 PM
Quote from: Thomas on September 19, 2020, 05:10:26 PMSingapore on thames will take some beating gerry.

It won't have to beat it, the UK won't be allowed to do any of that 735T EU market business.
We are queueing up crying about it, not.
But you'll have the additional 1.5b Japan deal, something to wipe away those tears
As you are the EU's Dublin correspondent, I won't be losing any sleep over it. Or shedding any tears. You reap what you sow eventually.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on September 21, 2020, 02:06:34 PM
Quote from: GerryT on September 21, 2020, 01:53:43 PM
Quote from: Thomas on September 19, 2020, 05:10:26 PMSingapore on thames will take some beating gerry.

It won't have to beat it, the UK won't be allowed to do any of that 735T EU market business.
We are queueing up crying about it, not.
But you'll have the additional 1.5b Japan deal, something to wipe away those tears


Quote from: Baff on September 20, 2020, 11:47:15 AMHas been completey disproven by the UK japan trade deal.
In which UK got a better deal and made that deal faster.

Not to mention all the others signed this year.

The more people you add, the harder it is co-ordinate them.
The less easy it is to act in all their best interests at the same time.

This is called a negative economy of scale.

Is it quicker and cheaper for you to go out and grab a bite to eat, or for you to take your family of 4 out for a bite to eat.

A negative economy of scale.
The Japan deal isn't the holy grail. It's worth 0.1% of GDP https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/sep/11/japan-trade-deal-is-small-beer-but-a-welcome-distraction
As for the numbers, full facts had this as the conclusion of its review of the deal. But it is a deal at least. But what about the state aid provisions the uK signed up to in this deal, thought that was a show stopper for the UK.

"These estimated benefits are relative to 2018 when the UK (as part of the EU) had no FTA with Japan. It's not relative to the existing EU-Japan trade deal which currently governs trade between the UK and Japan."


I was just reading about the British Empire, for its faults which were many, it never pretended it was something else, which is the big difference from the EU, the British empire turned up with guns, the EU turns up with lies and a pretence it is something else and you will keep voting for them until you say the right answer, from then on you will deny the EU is what it actually is and although beaten into submission and have no sovereignty you will still deny it and tell us you part of something great. Anybody with any common sense left would at least admit it.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Thomas on September 19, 2020, 05:23:07 PMim enjoying reading a lot of stuff at the minute written by this guy
He's up there with the likes of people that were saying
"they need us more than we need them" 
"the German car industry won't let this happen" 
"the EU always leave it until the 12th hour to do a deal"
"We will be happy with a Australia style deal"
"All we want is a simple Canada style deal, you know Canada++++"

Yep, Yanis has his finger on the pulse, was this a economic study or just some ideas rattling around his head.


Quote from: GerryT on September 21, 2020, 01:53:43 PM
Quote from: Thomas on September 19, 2020, 05:10:26 PMSingapore on thames will take some beating gerry.

It won't have to beat it, the UK won't be allowed to do any of that 735T EU market business.
We are queueing up crying about it, not.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Thomas on September 19, 2020, 05:10:26 PMSingapore on thames will take some beating gerry.

It won't have to beat it, the UK won't be allowed to do any of that 735T EU market business.


Quote from: Thomas on September 19, 2020, 04:50:25 PMwe had a vote gerry and the  majority voted out. I know it hard for you to understand , but that how demcoracy works ,unlike in the eu where they dont take no for an answer. Well the uk is saying no now , and its coming across pretty refreshing watching brussell stand with their mouths open in disbelief.
It seems your mantra is that Me ad the EU don't accept the UK is leaving. What I constantly reply is the UK has left and the EU/me respected the UK decision. For 3 yrs the EU has wanted to discuss future trade and the UK have carried on like a bunch of children. Still the UK has no position on what it wants from the EU in a future trade deal, the uK hasn't yet laid out it's position of what it would be happy with, the EU did that yrs ago. All the EU gets from the petulant UK is what the UK doesn't want.

They certainly are watching in disbelief. Watching the UK planning on breaking international law. Watching the UK agreeing trade deals with Japan which included agreeing very restrictive state aid for the UK. It's almost like anything but the EU. Watching the UK negotiating with itself, which it has done for 3 yrs.


Quote from: Baff on September 21, 2020, 01:03:23 PMThe RN are re-arming at break neck speed currently.
Tht is a good thing. I prefer a strong military. Otherwise IRA types take over.
I prefer peace and people to behave diplomatically and shared trade. Not to build armies and build walls and put mad men that do nothing but lie in charge.


Quote from: Thomas on September 19, 2020, 04:40:30 PMParliament in the uk is sovereign so english remainers tell me ,so if johnson passes a law ameding or tearing up the WA , then that is legal according to all my learned friends on the english  constitutional law.
Just as we were told by remainers it was legal for parliament to overturn democracy when it suited. Its a fecker when the shoes is on the other foot int it?
Your looking inward, parliament is not sovereign in regard to international law. Each country that signs an international treaty is bound by that and under the Vienna convention local law cannot over rule international law. Your friends are correct, locally you can pass any laws you want, that's half the story. The other half, is when they break international law the UK has a major problem.

Quote from: Thomas on September 19, 2020, 04:40:30 PMits not. Northern ireland is part of the uk , and in a democracy such as the uk  , the majority rules. So northern ireland has to leave with the rest of us as im told brexit was a uk referendum.
And NI is leaving with the rest of the UK, it remains in the UK customs union. But againg under international law, as outlined in the WA and GFA, NI will have a special status and stay aligned with the EU, get used to it.
The UK can break it's international agreement, but that will have consequences. The UK is no longer a major player in the world and can't bully others like it used to. Time will tell how this plays out.

Quote from: Thomas on September 19, 2020, 04:40:30 PMThats what im suggesting , but you dont seem to keen? can't think why?
That's because what your suggesting is NI vote to overide the GFA and take away from the nationalist community the opportunity at a future date to vote for reunification. That's not in the GFA and it won't be entertained. I'm sorry it's inconvenient that the deal the UK signed in 1998 and in 2020 doesn't suit you, but thats your problem not ROI or EU's.

Quote from: Thomas on September 19, 2020, 04:40:30 PMin the GFA , it down to the uk S.O.S for N.I to decide. Wrong again my remainer friend. You should actually try and read wht you keep quoting instead of trying to use the GFA as a stick to stop brexit without having a feckin clue whay it says.
Again your missing the point, the SOS can call for an election on re-unification. No other vote. If that vote doesn't carry then the status quo remains, NI in the UK SM with a sea border and NI aligned with the EU.

Quote from: Thomas on September 19, 2020, 04:40:30 PMits a great wee get out of jail card.
No it's not.

Quote from: Thomas on September 19, 2020, 04:40:30 PMyep this is the unfair deal we are shouting from the rooftops across scotland. Johnson knows it can't stay this way , hence why the WA is getting ripped up with the DUP approval.
The DUP don't represent a majority in NI. Well if Scotland don't like it hold a referendum, leave the UK and rejoing the EU. The EU you seem to be happy to be out of, make your mind up.

Quote from: Thomas on September 19, 2020, 04:40:30 PMThe eu behaviour has been a disgrace to the uk ,i was mildly pro eu beforhad , and even i can see how appalling the eu has behaved and how it has tried to thwart demcoracy through it minions.
Your rambling like so many on here. I'd like to see how you think the EU have behaved appallingly and undemocratic. Again no detail just "emotion"


Quote from: GerryT on September 21, 2020, 12:17:17 PM
Quote from: Baff on September 19, 2020, 04:13:51 PMGood luck get many of them to turn up to fight.
Not much point even having a military if you aren't going to use it.

You could get all spiritual like the Dalai Lama instead. That has worked out great for him.
Not that you even need an army since you have the IRA to do your fighting for you.

But hey, do your thing.
We will rearm to counter any increased threat you present.

The ambassador of peace that wants his own army. Righto.
That's the problem baff, it's not like there will be troops in trenches. I favour EU countries reducing their individual spend on defence and pooling that as an EU defence resource. That's the point, you don't want any of them fighting.
Armies are such a waste of money, prob why the UK has reduced it's forces strength greatly over the past 30 yrs. That's a good thing.
As for the IRA, they became the Irish Army after we got the UK out, and they still are today. What is the IRA today is not the same thing, a faction breakaway group.

The RN are re-arming at break neck speed currently.
Tht is a good thing.

I prefer a strong military. Otherwise IRA types take over.


Quote from: Nick on September 19, 2020, 04:38:08 PMThe funny thing is that the figure is there for their budget. 1.1T over 7 years, that's an equal share of 5.8 billion for each of the 27 every year for 7 years. That is gross and the UK paid more than double that in 2018 (Gross).
11.3% contribution, not as Gerry keeps regurgitating, less than 1%.

All calcs  done using gross Gerry, don't start trying to muddy the waters by quoting net figures as usual.

I know you get confused with numbers Nick, First it's not 1.1T over 7 yrs, gross means nothing as money comes back, what you actually pay is the net figure. Your nearly as bad as Boris and his red bus. Quoting numbers that wer never paid.

The key number is the cost for running the EU, the administration cost for the next 7 yrs is budgeted at 73.1b, over 7yrs by 27 countries that's 386m a yr per country, if it was evenly spread but it's not, larger countries pay more. Another 13.2b is spent on security and defence, 22.7 gets spent on migration and border management. You could say that's the money used to run the EU, 73.1+13.2+22.7=109b over 7 yrs. How much will it cost to run the institutions of the UK over the same period.