But wait the EU is just a trade body

Started by Sheepy, September 18, 2020, 06:50:51 PM

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Quote from: Sheepy on September 25, 2020, 09:58:12 AM

the EU is in full on denial of what they are.

so is gerry sheep.

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I love reading gerrys posts on here.......he makes me smile. He is  like the tony cascarino of this politics forum. :D

Ah can play for ireland ....honestly. Ma da had a pint of guiness in a pub in catford last week.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester on September 25, 2020, 09:55:16 AM
Quote from: Thomas on September 25, 2020, 09:30:42 AM

What i always love about listening to people like you gerry , is that you are what i call a "status quoer" who is adamantly confident the world will never change , except to grow in the direction you want it to.

...and one of the things we know from human history is the world always changes , nothing lasts forever and nothing stays  the same.

You are confidently predicting the uk will be in the shit for the next 40 to 50 years by being outside your beloved eu , which assumes massively the eu will survive that long.

Yet merely four and a half years ago , i bet you couldnt even contemplate the uk leaving the eu , which is why your arrogance has taken such a shock to its system when the people of the uk voted for freedom from the brussells empire.

Originally Gerry was predicting that the UK would sink beneath the waves ten minutes before any Brexiter even dreamed leaving the EU. Now it is 40 to 50 years....

Reading Gerry's posts is like reading about a Roman Triumph. The UK has just fought a successful action against the barbarians of the EU and is driving cheerfully through the streets where everyone is happily celebrating. And sitting in the back seat is a scabby slave whose job is moan continually that nothing will last and ultimately the empire will end up in the stercore.

Well it did, but it took 1,500 years.
Well on the brightside by the look of the media today the EU is in full on denial of what they are. Not us guv, honest. But you have been caught red handed EU chums.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Thomas on September 25, 2020, 09:30:42 AM

What i always love about listening to people like you gerry , is that you are what i call a "status quoer" who is adamantly confident the world will never change , except to grow in the direction you want it to.

...and one of the things we know from human history is the world always changes , nothing lasts forever and nothing stays  the same.

You are confidently predicting the uk will be in the shit for the next 40 to 50 years by being outside your beloved eu , which assumes massively the eu will survive that long.

Yet merely four and a half years ago , i bet you couldnt even contemplate the uk leaving the eu , which is why your arrogance has taken such a shock to its system when the people of the uk voted for freedom from the brussells empire.

Originally Gerry was predicting that the UK would sink beneath the waves ten minutes before any Brexiter even dreamed leaving the EU. Now it is 40 to 50 years....

Reading Gerry's posts is like reading about a Roman Triumph. The UK has just fought a successful action against the barbarians of the EU and is driving cheerfully through the streets where everyone is happily celebrating. And sitting in the back seat is a scabby slave whose job is moan continually that nothing will last and ultimately the empire will end up in the stercore.

Well it did, but it took 1,500 years.
Algerie Francais !


QuoteWith widespread southern European dissatisfaction with how the EU abandoned its supposed liberal ideals, particularly Germany, in favour of serving inward self-interests, bloc leaders are now playing catch up. President of the European Commission and Angela Merkel's right-hand man in previous German governments, Ursula Von Der Leyen, and the President of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde, who was also a former member of the Troika of bankers, announced the unprecedented measures to assist Europe through its financial woes. This time they promised real aid that would not completely decimate state structures and entire economies like what happened to Greece, Spain, Portugal, and to a lesser extent Italy, for the entirety of the 2010's. The Governor of the Bank of Italy expects a 13% drop in GDP in 2020, and for this reason Toppi emphasized that Italy does not need any further indebtedness which will increasingly put Italy in the hands of international speculators.

However, Italians remember that Lagarde announced on March 13, just as coronavirus was truly beginning to overwhelm hospitals, that the pandemic was an Italian problem only. This was the catalyst that saw ordinary Italians begin to remove EU flags from public display and replace them with Russian and Chinese flags in gratitude to the significant assistance that these two countries gave to Italy when it was abandoned by Brussels and Berlin.

An "Italexit" would be a bigger blow to the prestige of the EU then Brexit. Italy, as a G20 country, uses the Eurodollar unlike Britain which maintained currency sovereignty and continued to use the pound. Therefore, to prevent the strong possibility that Italy in the coming years could leave the EU, Brussels and Berlin must take note of its political failures and work to design a new community that has respect for national sovereignty and identity, and on the basis of reciprocity. It is not acceptable that Germany remains the dominant country of the EU and effectively rules over the European Commission, the European Central Banks, the European Court of Justice and the European Parliament.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


QuoteItaly's population has been losing trust in the EU. Surveys from 1998 show 78% Italians having a favorable opinion towards the EU, which pummeled to 39% in 2019. The lack of aid during the Covid19 pandemic added fuel to the fire. Despite the EU stating that the lack of media coverage was misleading the population, the support from Russia and China looked far more promising to the Italians than the EU. It pushed the situation more now into the favor of a split

What's Next: 'Italexit' or a European Union Crack-Up?

As economic aid from Brussels is debated and delayed, millions of Mediterraneans are already questioning the European project.

QuoteFrom Italy's standpoint, there are other considerations as well. Italy contributes more to the EU than it receives; its net annual contribution comes to EUR 20 billion, making it the third largest contributor after Germany and France. This means that the resources granted by the European Union as aid are also partly Italian money. The same applies to the resources of the ESM. Italy contributes 17.80 percent of its resources and Spain 11.83 percent. Among other nations that oppose the use of Eurobonds, the Netherlands contributes just  5.68 percent, Austria, 2.77 percent, and Finland a paltry 1.79.


The trend across many european countries is clear , there is active and growing discontent about the eu ,while globalist dreamers like you bury their head inthe sand and  pretend nothing is happening and it will all be allright for the eu empire.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT on September 24, 2020, 07:45:07 PM

No chance. Italy will benefit big time from the EU 750b grant and loan scheme's to help it recover.

QuoteThe timing of the Italexit push is curious. Last week, the European Union reached a deal on a massive economic recovery plan, acquiescing to Rome's demand that its reeling economy get the lion's share of the relief funds, alongside Spain.

While this may have placated some Italians' concerns, disbursement of the funds could take up to two years, giving the Italexit camp more time to tap into mounting dissatisfaction with the EU.
Italexit: Will Italy be next to leave the EU?

Quote"Italy got drunk on the idea of the European project and fell in love. But now people understand that we were better off before."

That's what Gianluigi Paragone, former journalist and senator of Italy's anti-establishment Five Star Movement, said in a recent interview, outlining why he's forming the rebellious Italexit party, hoping to revive the dormant debate over Italy's possible withdrawal from the European Union. Will the Italexit movement gain steam?


What i always love about listening to people like you gerry , is that you are what i call a "status quoer" who is adamantly confident the world will never change , except to grow in the direction you want it to.

...and one of the things we know from human history is the world always changes , nothing lasts forever and nothing stays  the same.

You are confidently predicting  the uk will be in the shit for the next 40 to 50 years by being outside your beloved eu , which assumes massively the eu will survive that long.

Yet merely four and a half years ago , i bet you couldnt even contemplate the uk leaving the eu , which is why your arrogance has taken such a shock to its system when the people of the uk voted for freedom from the brussells empire.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT on September 24, 2020, 07:45:07 PM
Quote from: Thomas on September 24, 2020, 07:21:22 PMwhat do you fink gerry?

Italy next?

No chance. Italy will benefit big time from the EU 750b grant and loan scheme's to help it recover. Plus the UK is going to have some 2021-2025 period, that should put any other countries thoughts about leaving to rest. I have said the UK will eventually see a bright side, buy prob in 40 or 50 yr's time. Who knows, it ould well have applied and rejoined by that time.

In fact the chance of the UK rejoining is far higher than Italy leaving

You are a dreamer gerry.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT on September 25, 2020, 12:39:45 AM
Quote from: Nick on September 25, 2020, 12:22:28 AM
Quote from: GerryT on September 24, 2020, 02:00:57 PMAgain no, the move from London into the EU is totally down to Brexit.

Please show where it says this in your original link.

And from it:
JPMorgan Chase & Co is moving about 200 billion euros (S$320.06 billion) from the UK to Frankfurt as a result of Britain's exit from the European Union

With less than four months to go until the Brexit transition period expires, international banks have been beefing up operations in the European Union to make sure they can service clients given the prospect that UK-based firms, including JPMorgan's London operations, won't retain passporting rights in a trade deal.

Given that increasingly likely prospect, the bank last week told about 200 London staff to move to continental European cities including Paris, Frankfurt, Milan and Madrid,

The bank has reassigned branches in European hubs including Paris, Amsterdam and Copenhagen to oversight by the Frankfurt subsidiary, which is known as JP Morgan AG

While JPMorgan has made the biggest shift to Frankfurt, other banks have chosen to bulk up in Germany's financial hub, including Citigroup, UBS Group and Standard Chartered.

This is prob where you picked up the move was not just brexit. JP morgan are saying they want to expand into investment & corporate banking in the EU, but that is NOT given as a reason for JP Morgan moveing out of the UK, your just reading that into it. The Move as said above is laid directly at Brexit as the sole reason to leave the UK.

However, it's not just Brexit. JPMorgan has repeatedly said that its German unit will seek market share in investment banking, corporate banking and wealth management.

So you acknowledge it says it's just down to Brexit?
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: GerryT on September 25, 2020, 12:39:45 AM
Quote from: Nick on September 25, 2020, 12:22:28 AM
Quote from: GerryT on September 24, 2020, 02:00:57 PMAgain no, the move from London into the EU is totally down to Brexit.

Please show where it says this in your original link.

And from it:
JPMorgan Chase & Co is moving about 200 billion euros (S$320.06 billion) from the UK to Frankfurt as a result of Britain's exit from the European Union

With less than four months to go until the Brexit transition period expires, international banks have been beefing up operations in the European Union to make sure they can service clients given the prospect that UK-based firms, including JPMorgan's London operations, won't retain passporting rights in a trade deal.

Given that increasingly likely prospect, the bank last week told about 200 London staff to move to continental European cities including Paris, Frankfurt, Milan and Madrid,

The bank has reassigned branches in European hubs including Paris, Amsterdam and Copenhagen to oversight by the Frankfurt subsidiary, which is known as JP Morgan AG

While JPMorgan has made the biggest shift to Frankfurt, other banks have chosen to bulk up in Germany's financial hub, including Citigroup, UBS Group and Standard Chartered.

This is prob where you picked up the move was not just brexit. JP morgan are saying they want to expand into investment & corporate banking in the EU, but that is NOT given as a reason for JP Morgan moveing out of the UK, your just reading that into it. The Move as said above is laid directly at Brexit as the sole reason to leave the UK.

However, it's not just Brexit. JPMorgan has repeatedly said that its German unit will seek market share in investment banking, corporate banking and wealth management.
The only wealth management the Holy Roman Empire cares about is their own.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Nick on September 25, 2020, 12:22:28 AM
Quote from: GerryT on September 24, 2020, 02:00:57 PMAgain no, the move from London into the EU is totally down to Brexit.

Please show where it says this in your original link.

And from it:
JPMorgan Chase & Co is moving about 200 billion euros (S$320.06 billion) from the UK to Frankfurt as a result of Britain's exit from the European Union

With less than four months to go until the Brexit transition period expires, international banks have been beefing up operations in the European Union to make sure they can service clients given the prospect that UK-based firms, including JPMorgan's London operations, won't retain passporting rights in a trade deal.

Given that increasingly likely prospect, the bank last week told about 200 London staff to move to continental European cities including Paris, Frankfurt, Milan and Madrid,

The bank has reassigned branches in European hubs including Paris, Amsterdam and Copenhagen to oversight by the Frankfurt subsidiary, which is known as JP Morgan AG

While JPMorgan has made the biggest shift to Frankfurt, other banks have chosen to bulk up in Germany's financial hub, including Citigroup, UBS Group and Standard Chartered.

This is prob where you picked up the move was not just brexit. JP morgan are saying they want to expand into investment & corporate banking in the EU, but that is NOT given as a reason for JP Morgan moveing out of the UK, your just reading that into it. The Move as said above is laid directly at Brexit as the sole reason to leave the UK.

However, it's not just Brexit. JPMorgan has repeatedly said that its German unit will seek market share in investment banking, corporate banking and wealth management.


Quote from: Borchester on September 24, 2020, 02:17:49 PM
Quote from: Dynamis on September 24, 2020, 02:08:52 PM
Quote from: GerryT on September 24, 2020, 02:05:39 PM
Quote from: Borchester on September 23, 2020, 02:16:46 PMTell us when the EU tells you

The EU is transparent, you'll find out when I do.

That would be dumb, revealing your plan to your enemy, the uk, too early.

We are doomed I tell you! Doomed!

I would just like to say that although Gerry is about as Irish as a bottle of Nigerian Guinness, I will do my best to starve to death in the New Year. It will mean so much to him and to be honest, I could do with losing a few pounds.

Gerry's IP address has consistently shown him to be in Ireland, this is fact.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: GerryT on September 24, 2020, 02:00:57 PMAgain no, the move from London into the EU is totally down to Brexit.

Please show where it says this in your original link.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: GerryT on September 24, 2020, 07:45:07 PMIn fact the chance of the UK rejoining is far higher than Italy leaving
Stop it Gerry. You know Borchester does the jokes.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Sheepy on September 24, 2020, 07:42:23 PMLOL I did read the headline before I let you run loose with your bullshit on another thread, because I knew you would be left defending the indefensible, just for the fun of it. Well you asked didn't ya!
Your in good form tonight Sheepy, whats wrong  ;)


Quote from: Thomas on September 24, 2020, 07:21:22 PMwhat do you fink gerry?

Italy next?

No chance. Italy will benefit big time from the EU 750b grant and loan scheme's to help it recover. Plus the UK is going to have some 2021-2025 period, that should put any other countries thoughts about leaving to rest. I have said the UK will eventually see a bright side, buy prob in 40 or 50 yr's time. Who knows, it ould well have applied and rejoined by that time.

In fact the chance of the UK rejoining is far higher than Italy leaving