Unconscious Bias Doesn't exist per Tory MPs

Started by Javert, September 24, 2020, 04:50:02 PM

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Quote from: Sheepy on September 28, 2020, 10:54:01 PM
Quote from: Dynamis on September 28, 2020, 10:50:02 PM
Quote from: DeppityDawg on September 28, 2020, 10:19:35 PM
Quote from: cromwell on September 28, 2020, 08:41:24 PMNo it doesn't.
I think many yanks would openly nod their heads at a black guy being killed by police that served him right add those who remain silent,and yes this was ordinary people who worked for a council.

Btw you said many,can you define that? I mean much was made of me saying many not long ago.

You what? Ordinary people who worked for a council? Its local government. Local government are elected representatives ffs


Here's your link. Ordinary people? Oh hang on...this is Rotherham Council.


Isn't this the same council on whose watch hundreds of white girls were abused by Asian grooming gangs, and no one said a fecking word?

Surely mate the answer is that they were horribly in the wrong, and so is any form of racism - whether against white girls asin Rotherham - or anyone?

QuoteHave it your way. Yes, the Yanks are racist, the Brits are racist, we are all fecking racist. You know what, I don't give a shit.

But it can never be right. When those rape gangs in one case raped and killed a 14 year old white girl and cooked her (I'm not making this up, honestly) and then reportedly said white people are white shit..we can do what we like...how is that any different to the scumbag KKK racistsin the south (who still very much exist) and who love stringing up black folks who they also see as shit?

Racism is just wrong full stop, whether it's by nu lab liberals (who crom hates) or by pigignorant clueless klux klanners...
I wonder how it all came about, that some people can only view the world in black and white.What was the point of colour TV?
Dunno,but the b&w licenceis cheaper.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Dynamis on September 28, 2020, 10:50:02 PM
Quote from: DeppityDawg on September 28, 2020, 10:19:35 PM
Quote from: cromwell on September 28, 2020, 08:41:24 PMNo it doesn't.
I think many yanks would openly nod their heads at a black guy being killed by police that served him right add those who remain silent,and yes this was ordinary people who worked for a council.

Btw you said many,can you define that? I mean much was made of me saying many not long ago.

You what? Ordinary people who worked for a council? Its local government. Local government are elected representatives ffs


Here's your link. Ordinary people? Oh hang on...this is Rotherham Council.


Isn't this the same council on whose watch hundreds of white girls were abused by Asian grooming gangs, and no one said a fecking word?

Surely mate the answer is that they were horribly in the wrong, and so is any form of racism - whether against white girls asin Rotherham - or anyone?

QuoteHave it your way. Yes, the Yanks are racist, the Brits are racist, we are all fecking racist. You know what, I don't give a shit.

But it can never be right. When those rape gangs in one case raped and killed a 14 year old white girl and cooked her (I'm not making this up, honestly) and then reportedly said white people are white shit..we can do what we like...how is that any different to the scumbag KKK racistsin the south (who still very much exist) and who love stringing up black folks who they also see as shit?

Racism is just wrong full stop, whether it's by nu lab liberals (who crom hates) or by pigignorant clueless klux klanners...
I wonder how it all came about, that some people can only view the world in black and white.What was the point of colour TV?
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: DeppityDawg on September 28, 2020, 10:19:35 PM
Quote from: cromwell on September 28, 2020, 08:41:24 PMNo it doesn't.
I think many yanks would openly nod their heads at a black guy being killed by police that served him right add those who remain silent,and yes this was ordinary people who worked for a council.

Btw you said many,can you define that? I mean much was made of me saying many not long ago.

You what? Ordinary people who worked for a council? Its local government. Local government are elected representatives ffs


Here's your link. Ordinary people? Oh hang on...this is Rotherham Council.


Isn't this the same council on whose watch hundreds of white girls were abused by Asian grooming gangs, and no one said a fecking word?

Surely mate the answer is that they were horribly in the wrong, and so is any form of racism - whether against white girls asin Rotherham - or anyone?

QuoteHave it your way. Yes, the Yanks are racist, the Brits are racist, we are all fecking racist. You know what, I don't give a shit.

But it can never be right. When those rape gangs in one case raped and killed a 14 year old white girl and cooked her (I'm not making this up, honestly) and then reportedly said white people are white shit..we can do what we like...how is that any different to the scumbag KKK racistsin the south (who still very much exist) and who love stringing up black folks who they also see as shit?

Racism is just wrong full stop, whether it's by nu lab liberals (who crom hates) or by pigignorant clueless klux klanners...


Quote from: DeppityDawg on September 28, 2020, 10:19:35 PM
Quote from: cromwell on September 28, 2020, 08:41:24 PMNo it doesn't.
I think many yanks would openly nod their heads at a black guy being killed by police that served him right add those who remain silent,and yes this was ordinary people who worked for a council.

Btw you said many,can you define that? I mean much was made of me saying many not long ago.

You what? Ordinary people who worked for a council? Its local government. Local government are elected representatives ffs


Here's your link. Ordinary people? Oh hang on...this is Rotherham Council.


Isn't this the same council on whose watch hundreds of white girls were abused by Asian grooming gangs, and no one said a fecking word?

Have it your way. Yes, the Yanks are racist, the Brits are racist, we are all fecking racist. You know what, I don't give a shit.
Where do I say we're all racist,you think I've lost my sense of humour looks like you lost your rag,I don't expect to have it my way....I have a different opinion

You don't give a shit? Oh ok.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on September 28, 2020, 08:41:24 PMNo it doesn't.
I think many yanks would openly nod their heads at a black guy being killed by police that served him right add those who remain silent,and yes this was ordinary people who worked for a council.

Btw you said many,can you define that? I mean much was made of me saying many not long ago.

You what? Ordinary people who worked for a council? Its local government. Local government are elected representatives ffs


Here's your link. Ordinary people? Oh hang on...this is Rotherham Council.


Isn't this the same council on whose watch hundreds of white girls were abused by Asian grooming gangs, and no one said a fecking word?

Have it your way. Yes, the Yanks are racist, the Brits are racist, we are all fecking racist. You know what, I don't give a shit.


Quote from: DeppityDawg on September 28, 2020, 08:56:56 AM
Tbf Cromwell, doesn't that only underline what I've said? A council actually taking away children from foster parents because they don't fit the narrow liberal narrative of who is "fit" to be a parent on the basis of the parents political beliefs?

That wasn't ordinary people displaying prejudice, that was political correctness defined. And the thing is, I think many liberals would silently nod their head in agreement with such a policy. Or at least remain silent.
No it doesn't.
I think many yanks would openly nod their heads at a black guy being killed by police that served him right add those who remain silent,and yes this was ordinary people who worked for a council.

Btw you said many,can you define that? I mean much was made of me saying many not long ago.
:) :) :P
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Tbf Cromwell, doesn't that only underline what I've said? A council actually taking away children from foster parents because they don't fit the narrow liberal narrative of who is "fit" to be a parent on the basis of the parents political beliefs?

That wasn't ordinary people displaying prejudice, that was political correctness defined. And the thing is, I think many liberals would silently nod their head in agreement with such a policy. Or at least remain silent.


Quote from: DeppityDawg on September 27, 2020, 10:11:13 AM
Quote from: cromwell on September 26, 2020, 07:25:27 PMWell you like borkie have seem to haven taken the opening bit as my point,it wasn't as I read further how sad that a whole raft of people are this afraid

Yes. There are a lot of sad things in the article, but the original point "borkie" made remains - not everything is "racism" just because its not how people would like things to be. Its not a universal panacea to blame everything on some unseen all pervasive malevolence, aka white peoples prejudices, and pretend that other ethnicities have none. But that's the BBC for you isn't it? They carefully skirted around the issues of why the place he left is the way it is
Well good for Borkie  but he didn't read the link did he? just pulled apart the bit which wasn't my point and so I told him.

QuoteI don't think anyone is denying that black people face some serious problems, but pretending they are all the fault of white peoples prejudice is not going to solve anything. Do you seriously believe that black people pulled over by the Police have "10 seconds to save their lives", in the US never mind this country? How is that narrative going to do anything other than inflame an an already tense situation?

BLM is politically driven. The liberal left media are not reporting BLM and Antifa's violence, the rioting, looting and destruction of shops and businesses, the intimidation of white homeowners, the armed militias and old white pensioners being chased out of restuarants by fat black lesbians - is that sad too, or is it only sad when black people are on the receiving end?
No I don't think that they have ten seconds to save their lives but I was pointing out that there is real fear from many ordinary decent black people (like this bloke) that this is how it is.
I don't defend all done in the name of BLM but there's as many if not more loonies who oppose them and violently so,just my opinion but yankee land is one big asylum.
Quote from: cromwell on September 26, 2020, 07:25:27 PMIdentity politics,liberal,even a tosspot fine but in reality I'm none of those

QuoteI never said you were, I often make comments in jest, but you appear to have lost your sense of humour. The BBC have hung their hat on this kind of reporting piece, and their lefty/luvvy biases are well recorded. The sooner there is an option to subscribe to their service rather than have its brand of handwringing politics mandatory to watch a TV, the better

Yes I know you were joking that's why I made it my signature same as you ....unpaid carer. I haven't lost my sense of humour ..I'm still here  ;)

Lastly and going back a ways this was on the old old forum and I think you were about but me possibly you and many others were very unhappy about this and said do,so is this liberal hand wringing,the beeb doing their usual,identity politics? I don't think so just some people being treated unfairly in many ways both similar situations really

Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


On a lighter note, I have spent some time hanging around police courts and the best dressed folk tend to be the defendants. So it could be that the security staff were merely complementing the lady on her elegant turn out?

When I was working for HMRC my best customers for bankruptcy petitions were barristers. Nine times out of ten I would hand it over and the barrister would say that I could not serve it on him or her and I would nod politely and say that I just had lad.

Note bad folk lawyers, but pompous and not overly bright.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: cromwell on September 26, 2020, 07:25:27 PMWell you like borkie have seem to haven taken the opening bit as my point,it wasn't as I read further how sad that a whole raft of people are this afraid

Yes. There are a lot of sad things in the article, but the original point "borkie" made remains - not everything is "racism" just because its not how people would like things to be. Its not a universal panacea to blame everything on some unseen all pervasive malevolence, aka white peoples prejudices, and pretend that other ethnicities have none. But that's the BBC for you isn't it? They carefully skirted around the issues of why the place he left is the way it is

I don't think anyone is denying that black people face some serious problems, but pretending they are all the fault of white peoples prejudice is not going to solve anything. Do you seriously believe that black people pulled over by the Police have "10 seconds to save their lives", in the US never mind this country? How is that narrative going to do anything other than inflame an an already tense situation?

BLM is politically driven. The liberal left media are not reporting BLM and Antifa's violence, the rioting, looting and destruction of shops and businesses, the intimidation of white homeowners, the armed militias and old white pensioners being chased out of restuarants by fat black lesbians - is that sad too, or is it only sad when black people are on the receiving end?

Quote from: cromwell on September 26, 2020, 07:25:27 PMIdentity politics,liberal,even a tosspot fine but in reality I'm none of those

I never said you were, I often make comments in jest, but you appear to have lost your sense of humour. The BBC have hung their hat on this kind of reporting piece, and their lefty/luvvy biases are well recorded. The sooner there is an option to subscribe to their service rather than have its brand of handwringing politics mandatory to watch a TV, the better


Quote from: DeppityDawg on September 26, 2020, 06:53:04 PM
Quote from: cromwell on September 26, 2020, 10:44:47 AMWell call it what you like,unconscious bias or never judge a book by its cover ( or colour in this next case) but when I read things like this you wonder at the human race and why some people react the way they do

Sorry, I don't really understand your point? Are we saying that its wrong to be suspicious of an adult taking a child somewhere who looks to be in distress - or are we saying that we should suspend that suspicion if the adult happens to be Black or Asian and the child is White?

I'm starting to get completely lost with this constant identity politics routine - what do you think should have happened then? Say, you saw an adult taking a child somewhere and the child was in distress (or looked to be)? Forget the skin colour for amoment and tell me what you think should have happened?
Well you like borkie have seem to haven taken the opening bit as my point,it wasn't as I read further how sad that a whole raft of people are this afraid
QuoteAfter the killing of George Floyd in May, they had a long and emotive conversation about Black Lives Matter. Peter asked Anthony to make sure he had his mobile phone ready if the police stopped them.
"As a black man I have 10 seconds to explain who I am to the police before it potentially escalates," Peter says.
"I always say to Anthony, 'If the police stop me, please pull up the phone and record right away.' Because I know he's my only witness, you know? And I have 10 seconds to save my life."
"I think he gets it. He knows that because we're in America and I look different to him, I'm going to be treated differently.
"This kind of tension and suspicion is not something a white parent faces when they adopt a black child."

And this
QuoteBut there have been challenging moments. On one holiday, airport security stopped Anthony to ask him where his parents were.
Anthony pointed Peter out to the officials, who immediately started carrying out a background check. Anthony became increasingly frustrated at what he saw as overt racism, but Peter calmed him down.
"I'm your dad and I love you, but people who look like me, we aren't always treated well," Peter said to Anthony, who was now 13. "Your job is not to get angry at the people who treat me this way, your job is to make sure you treat people who look like me with honour."

Identity politics,liberal,even a tosspot fine but in reality I'm none of those.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on September 26, 2020, 10:44:47 AMWell call it what you like,unconscious bias or never judge a book by its cover ( or colour in this next case) but when I read things like this you wonder at the human race and why some people react the way they do

Sorry, I don't really understand your point? Are we saying that its wrong to be suspicious of an adult taking a child somewhere who looks to be in distress - or are we saying that we should suspend that suspicion if the adult happens to be Black or Asian and the child is White?

I'm starting to get completely lost with this constant identity politics routine - what do you think should have happened then? Say, you saw an adult taking a child somewhere and the child was in distress (or looked to be)? Forget the skin colour for amoment and tell me what you think should have happened?


Quote from: Borchester on September 26, 2020, 11:32:40 AM
Quote from: cromwell on September 26, 2020, 10:44:47 AM
Well call it what you like,unconscious bias or never judge a book by its cover ( or colour in this next case) but when I read things like this you wonder at the human race and why some people react the way they do

Quite right Ollie.

A black guy tries to bundle a screaming white kid into his car and a concerned bystander intervenes. There was a misunderstanding, but as I am sure you will be the first to agree, the lass acted in an extremely public spirited fashion and BBC should organise a public whip round and buy the lady a bunch of flowers and a box of chocolates.

But sadly, that is not Auntie's style.
Quite right Borkie take one bit out and take the piss without the context of the rest of the story,but sadly that's not your style  :P :P :P
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Borchester on September 26, 2020, 11:32:40 AM
Quote from: cromwell on September 26, 2020, 10:44:47 AM
Well call it what you like,unconscious bias or never judge a book by its cover ( or colour in this next case) but when I read things like this you wonder at the human race and why some people react the way they do

Quite right Ollie.

A black guy tries to bundle a screaming white kid into his car and a concerned bystander intervenes. There was a misunderstanding, but as I am sure you will be the first to agree, the lass acted in an extremely public spirited fashion and BBC should organise a public whip round and buy the lady a bunch of flowers and a box of chocolates.

But sadly, that is not Auntie's style.

I would like to think that a similar scenario of a man (any colour) manhandling a squirming shouting child (any colour) anywhere would prompt intervention and actually women too.


Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe