Dyson got largest EU farm subsidy paid to a private landowner in En (£3.7m)

Started by Dynamis, September 28, 2020, 02:43:36 PM

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Cor Blimey!

Quote from: Sheepy on October 08, 2020, 11:35:55 PM
Sure honest Ed, with his honest pals at the EEC, Not like they are all born liars and it goes with the territory.

Are you saying that the newspaper article in the link was a forgery? Do you believe that the speaker was an actor impersonating Heath?

Heath was crystal clear that the EEC was more than just a common market. He made this point before the referendums. Streetwalker's 'elders' were lying to him when they said that the people believed they were just joining a common market. Either that or they just didn't bother to pick up a newspaper.

What does your link have to do with anything?
They took care of us when we were vulnerable, now it's our turn to take care of them. Health before Wealth: Lockdown.


Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

Cor Blimey!

Quote from: Sheepy on October 08, 2020, 11:35:55 PM
Sure honest Ed, with his honest pals at the EEC, Not like they are all born liars and it goes with the territory.

Wanted: one Enigma code-breaking machine.
They took care of us when we were vulnerable, now it's our turn to take care of them. Health before Wealth: Lockdown.


Quote from: Cor Blimey! on October 08, 2020, 11:05:37 PM
Edward Heath was perfectly candid that the EEC was more than just a common market, that it was a political enterprise. Brexiteer claims to the contrary are a lie.
Sure honest Ed, with his honest pals at the EEC, Not like they are all born liars and it goes with the territory.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

Cor Blimey!

Quote from: Streetwalker on October 08, 2020, 10:50:22 PM
What about it ? Who was that supposed to impress ,the readership of the Telegraph ? From conversation with my elders (I was too young to vote in 1975) those that voted to remain in the common market were doing just that .
Even Thatcher was keen on the project to start with but had other ideas on what it was becoming by the time the  europhile John Major stabbed her in the back . What chance the man in the street when the Prime minister hadn't realised the full extent of what the project was to become ?

Regardless  what we joined was a common market with Western Europe ,what it has become we leave them to it .

Edward Heath was perfectly candid that the EEC was more than just a common market, that it was a political enterprise. Brexiteer claims to the contrary are a lie.
They took care of us when we were vulnerable, now it's our turn to take care of them. Health before Wealth: Lockdown.


Quote from: Cor Blimey! on October 08, 2020, 10:01:50 PM
And what about the article published by Heath in a national newspaper in 1972? You can see it at the same place on the link.

What about it ? Who was that supposed to impress ,the readership of the Telegraph ? From conversation with my elders (I was too young to vote in 1975) those that voted to remain in the common market were doing just that .
Even Thatcher was keen on the project to start with but had other ideas on what it was becoming by the time the  europhile John Major stabbed her in the back . What chance the man in the street when the Prime minister hadn't realised the full extent of what the project was to become ?

Regardless  what we joined was a common market with Western Europe ,what it has become we leave them to it .

Cor Blimey!

Quote from: Streetwalker on October 08, 2020, 09:30:03 PM
I dont know if that clip was broadcast on national TV or when CB but Heath certainly gave another story when elected as PM , like he would only ''take us in with the full hearted consent of Parliament and the British people '' Heath continued his European project  told us joining the EEC would Not effect our sovereignty and took us into the common market after a second vote in Parliament which he won by 8 votes . Hardly full hearted consent .

The people were never asked  .

We have been lied to ever since

And what about the article published by Heath in a national newspaper in 1972? You can see it at the same place on the link.
They took care of us when we were vulnerable, now it's our turn to take care of them. Health before Wealth: Lockdown.


Quote from: Cor Blimey! on October 08, 2020, 07:22:04 PM
Heath was clear in '72 and '75 that the purpose of the EEC was a 'political one'.
Starting at approx 28.00

I dont know if that clip was broadcast on national TV or when CB but Heath certainly gave another story when elected as PM , like he would only ''take us in with the full hearted consent of Parliament and the British people '' Heath continued his European project  told us joining the EEC would Not effect our sovereignty and took us into the common market after a second vote in Parliament which he won by 8 votes . Hardly full hearted consent .

The people were never asked  .

We have been lied to ever since


The judge ruled that their had been no misconduct.

You disagree, but then you lost.
So that is understandable.

You and your bias fact checker can spread your half truths somewhere people are willing to take them seriously.
Which is your echo chamber only.

The obvious and cynical bias of your position is quite clear to everyone else.
And every time you raise this entirely factional issue you undermine your own credibility as a reasonable and objective observer.

Rather than persuade others to your cause, you alienated them from you by making over the top and ridiculous arguments and wildly over playing their importance to anything.
In a very public denial of a common sense truth, Remain campaigners announced to the world that they were not reasonable people but instead mindless fanatics who would say anything at all to stay in power.


Quote from: Baff on October 08, 2020, 05:02:32 PMIt's the truth.
And has been tested in court and found to be such.
You will never admit that, I expect.
first a Judge decided that it did warrant a court date, this was overruled by two senior judges that didn't find Johnson Hadn't lied but that his alleged LIES were not a breach of his office as the lies were regarding publicly available stats. In this case the lies were printed all over a bus so not so difficult to prove.
It would seem in the UK you can legally lie through your teeth provided the facts are publicly available.

The "problem of false statements in the course of political campaigning is not new", Lady Rafferty said, adding that parliament had enacted laws to deal with "certain false campaign statements which it considers an illegal practice".
However, she said this did not include false statements relating to publicly available statistics, and found Judge Coleman's decision would have "extended the scope" of the offence of misconduct in a public office.

Cor Blimey!

Heath was clear in '72 and '75 that the purpose of the EEC was a 'political one'.
Starting at approx 28.00
They took care of us when we were vulnerable, now it's our turn to take care of them. Health before Wealth: Lockdown.


Quote from: GerryT on October 08, 2020, 06:02:02 PM

That's a lie, the EU does not take 18.2b or anywhere near it.

If we are going to open the can of worms about who lied we can start with Ted Heath 


Quote from: nick on October 08, 2020, 04:53:23 PMCare to share with everyone where I asked that in this thread?

You said the following

Quote from: nick on October 06, 2020, 08:16:08 PMThe UK government does not have 18.2 billion to spend as it wants. You can slice and dice the subsidies all you want, the EU either takes or chooses where we spend 18.2 billion of our money. So that part of the bus is correct, the other part is a question so how can it be a lie?

That's a lie, the EU does not take 18.2b or anywhere near it. You went on to say that part of the bus was correct. It's not and you provided the proof. The UK doesn't send 18.2b to the EU. It is a lie.
Your trying to make out the UK sends 350m a week to the EU, it doesn't.

The EU gives the UK about 4.3b directly where the UK has an input into the projects it selects for investment, a further 2.3b roughly goes directly to the public sector in the form of Grants, this money is allocated by the EU.


Quote from: Baff on October 08, 2020, 06:55:02 AMIt is semantically correct.
And more importantly it is correct in sentiment.

It is however, unduly emotive bringing the NHS into it unnecessarily.
Targeted to play on the heart strings of the working class left.

People that left leaning Remainers had considered to be their natural allies.
But aren't.

And this brutal realisation has resulted in derangement syndrome.
Abject denial of the truth in preference to a harder recognition of the facts that disenfranchise them from power.

Well you better tell Nick as he thinks the bus was accurate and correct, when it was a lie. Just like turkey joining, the EU army (great idea though), refugees. None of these lies were mistakes, they were deliberate and used to win, it was calculated by Cummings, the brains behind all this.
And Johnson didn't stop there, in 2018 he went on to say the UK will end up paying 438m a week (22.7b) by the end of transition,utter scutter. So he did say the 350m a week was incorrect but he revised it upwards.


Quote from: GerryT on October 06, 2020, 08:09:30 PM
HE NEVER SAID IT WAS PART OF IT EITHER. He did manage to mention 350m and NHS in the same advertisement on the bus.  What's your point anyway, he lied that's the message. He's a liar and the bus was a lie.

It's the truth.
And has been tested in court and found to be such.

You will never admit that, I expect.