What you need to know about Brexit

Started by Sheepy, September 30, 2020, 11:43:34 AM

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Quote from: Streetwalker on October 02, 2020, 01:53:03 PM
UKIP always had far right and sexist types in the ranks but to be fair the larger personalities leading the party kept them  away from any authority . As we  know  after the referendum the reason for being sort of left UKIP without purpose and with Farage gone fishing the party took some strange turns ,a new leader every other month and many (self included ) leaving the party at the time of renewal . 
This all led to the low point of the association with  anti Islamists and the party moving in another direction .

With the can being kicked down the road the Brexit party was formed as you say untainted by the dirty laundry that had piled up in UKIP's washroom .

All parties have theri Racist and sexist types in them.

The holier than thou labour party are no different. Not only are they no different , but while the top brass over the years have decried farage for scaremongering and hatefull rhetoric over immirgation , with the insinuation he is being racist , the labour prty top brass have had absolutely no shame in doing so themsleves.

Labour shadow cabinet politician rachael reeve is an example of this. Back in 2016 , she was at the centre of a lefty wing storm in a teacup about the ususal racism rants , where socialist workers and all the other brothers and sisters accussed her of stoking the fire on immigration .

QuoteLeeds activists 'disgusted' by Rachel Reeves' phoney 'concern' over immigration

People in Leeds are angry at their Labour MP Rachel Reeves' scaremongering speech over immigration at Labour conference this week.

At a conference fringe meeting she said parts of her constituency were "like a tinderbox" because of people's "concerns" about immigration.

Reeves warned of "bubbling tensions" that "could explode", echoing racist Tory Enoch Powell's notorious 1968 speech in which he said "the River Tiber foaming with much blood".

Campaigner and constituent Joe Hughes was "disgusted" by the speech. "I felt her comments had a bit of 'rivers of blood' about them," he told Socialist Worker. "She's pouring fuel on the fire and that's wrong."


As for misogynistic types , again the labour party are no strangers to this type of person.

I personally dont think ukip , like the snp or any other non main two political party ever had any respectability in the eyes of the media and mainstream politicians. Thats what they do tarr those on the fringe of politics as weirdos and all manner of evil to stop them gaining any respectability and taking lab/tory seats at the top table.

If i remember Brexit party were tainted exactly the same by both lab and tory politicans as being racists and loonies.

If brexit isa in any way reneged on at the end of the year for whatever reason , i think the brexit party will find a new lease of life and has the potential to do some serious damage in england to both labour and tory , so much so i could envisage farage as pm in the non too distant future.

Its that thought i would bet keeps lab and tories on their toes , and is forcing johnsons hand while haunting his every move.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: srb7677 on October 02, 2020, 01:37:30 PM
Correct me if I am wrong but after the departure of Farage did not UKIP get into bed with far right racist and sexist types, thereby throwing away their hard earned respectability? And is that not why Farage formed the new Brexit Party untainted by this? Certainly support for UKIP nosedived from it's high point.

UKIP always had far right and sexist types in the ranks but to be fair the larger personalities leading the party kept them  away from any authority . As we  know  after the referendum the reason for being sort of left UKIP without purpose and with Farage gone fishing the party took some strange turns ,a new leader every other month and many (self included ) leaving the party at the time of renewal . 
This all led to the low point of the association with  anti Islamists and the party moving in another direction .

With the can being kicked down the road the Brexit party was formed as you say untainted by the dirty laundry that had piled up in UKIP's washroom .


Quote from: Streetwalker on October 02, 2020, 01:29:20 PM
Of course Thomas ,as yous say the Tories were happy to agree with UKIP and then the Brexit party to win an election but then found it difficult to agree with them once they had .
Its been a long road .
Correct me if I am wrong but after the departure of Farage did not UKIP get into bed with far right racist and sexist types, thereby throwing away their hard earned respectability? And is that not why Farage formed the new Brexit Party untainted by this? Certainly support for UKIP nosedived from it's high point.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: Thomas on October 02, 2020, 11:22:40 AM
Im no sure though this would ever likely happen as im sure  you are aware streetwalker.

While the tories were happy to steal ukips wind to win an election  , they dont want ukip anywhere near political decisions. I also always get the feeling there isnt much love lost between farage and johnson.

All you can do is watch and see how it plays out mate. You know as i do , if the tories feck this up , this is their last chance and it blows politics in england wide open. No one will ever trust the tories on europe ever again , much like people dont trust starmer and labour.
Yo,ho,ho and a bottle of rum Thomas, I don't much care if they feck up, the electorate will never forgive them and doing just what they did before the EU elections and building up new Labour as an alternative, will fall flat on its face, just like putting the SNP in as the destroyers of democracy.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Thomas on October 02, 2020, 11:22:40 AM
Im no sure though this would ever likely happen as im sure  you are aware streetwalker.

While the tories were happy to steal ukips wind to win an election  , they dont want ukip anywhere near political decisions. I also always get the feeling there isnt much love lost between farage and johnson.

All you can do is watch and see how it plays out mate. You know as i do , if the tories feck this up , this is their last chance and it blows politics in england wide open. No one will ever trust the tories on europe ever again , much like people dont trust starmer and labour.

Of course Thomas ,as yous say the Tories were happy to agree with UKIP and then the Brexit party to win an election but then found it difficult to agree with them once they had .
Its been a long road .


Quote from: Streetwalker on October 02, 2020, 11:06:22 AM
Well he should certainly have been in the Brexit team somewhere . Who better to sit at the table than someone that the EU knows  , he knows ?   There would be no pulling the wool over his eyes .

Im no sure though this would ever likely happen as im sure  you are aware streetwalker.

While the tories were happy to steal ukips wind to win an election  , they dont want ukip anywhere near political decisions. I also always get the feeling there isnt much love lost between farage and johnson.

All you can do is watch and see how it plays out mate. You know as i do , if the tories feck this up , this is their last chance and it blows politics in england wide open. No one will ever trust the tories on europe ever again , much like people dont trust starmer and labour.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on October 02, 2020, 09:54:05 AM

In streetwalkers case that would ideally be nigel farage.

Well he should certainly have been in the Brexit team somewhere . Who better to sit at the table than someone that the EU knows  , he knows ?   There would be no pulling the wool over his eyes .   

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Half the thread removed as it was spattered with Devonshire custard and tears.
Please be more careful when eating and posting at the same time.  :D


Quote from: srb7677 on October 02, 2020, 09:40:34 AM

If your goal is a good Brexit, ideally you could do with someone a lot more capable and committed in the job

In streetwalkers case that would ideally be nigel farage.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: srb7677 on October 02, 2020, 09:40:34 AM
On that we agree. I have my doubts about Johnson being up for running the country full stop.

If your goal is a good Brexit, ideally you could do with someone a lot more capable and committed in the job

Sure i think many people wouldnt disagree with you of many political persuasions.

The point we always go back to , is under the two party system you are always defending , the only alternative to johnson at present is your party and starmer , a man who in my opinion is equaly not up to the job , and more to the point , is on the opposite side to the brexit fence to the majority of englands population.

So you can see the conundrum the english voter has at present , choice between dumb and dumber , so they stick with dumb.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Streetwalker on October 02, 2020, 09:06:16 AM
it remains to be seen if  Johnson is up for the job .  I have my doubts .
On that we agree. I have my doubts about Johnson being up for running the country full stop.

If your goal is a good Brexit, ideally you could do with someone a lot more capable and committed in the job
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: srb7677 on October 02, 2020, 07:31:35 AM
Getting back to the original subject of Brexit, I suspect it is gearing up to be a real car crash. All that remains to be seen is how big a prang it will be. Reparable? Or a total write off?

The government is now having to contemplate breaking it's own deal in defiance of international law, risking trading sanctions from some of our closest and biggest trading partners. I question how sensible this is. Looks like more gung ho bollocks of a kind Brexiteers love, in utter defiance of economic rationality. Emotions over intellect.

And I lay the reason for that very much at the door of those in Parliament who have stalled Brexit at every turn . From Labours insistence on a no deal being off the table to remainer Teresa Mayhem turning kicking the can down the road into an art form .

Parliament between them have made a complete hash of it and it remains to be seen if  Johnson is up for the job .  I have my doubts .


Getting back to the original subject of Brexit, I suspect it is gearing up to be a real car crash. All that remains to be seen is how big a prang it will be. Reparable? Or a total write off?

The government is now having to contemplate breaking it's own deal in defiance of international law, risking trading sanctions from some of our closest and biggest trading partners. I question how sensible this is. Looks like more gung ho bollocks of a kind Brexiteers love, in utter defiance of economic rationality. Emotions over intellect.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: Dynamis on October 01, 2020, 11:32:35 PM
...like I said, easily offended. ;D
Now where were we? oh yes things we should know about the EU.
Especially Brexit. Not long now, best read up on the government information.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: srb7677 on October 01, 2020, 10:39:45 PM
No more than most others here.

I am capable of seeing that there is good and bad right across the political spectrum. Toots for example might be a Tory but she is clearly a decent person. There are others whom I will not name, including those closer to my own wing (not just talking about this forum) that I am much less sure about.

I have the time of day for decent people even if I disagree with them, provided that respect is reciprocated.
Toots has talents for sure, which I would guess she has spent a lifetime fine tuning them, a bird has two wings but controlled by one brain and a single body. It is still one bird.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!