Are we bovvered?

Started by T00ts, October 01, 2020, 11:58:26 AM

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Is Ireland doomed without our protection in the EU?
Depends what you mean by "doomed".

It has recently had a boom due to offering low corporation taxes.
On paper S Ireland is a very wealthy nation because of this.
In practicality, it's all foriegn money. Few in S Ireland see any of it.

There are some problems with this business model.
No.1  The EU has been trying to pass anti tax haven regulations explicitly targeted at Southern Ireland and also anti financial services regulations. You know, the typical lefty stuff.
Regulations that so far, alliance with the UK has provided enough votes/veto/influencing to stop.

The other problem they have, is not EU related.
It is Trump.
Trump has dropped those same taxes in America and provided incentives and penalties for companies relocated overseas.

A policy which is doing wonders for getting jobs and tax paying back to America, but at the direct cost to S Ireland where many of them had moved.

So Ireland isn't doomed but it is caught between a double whammy of powerful forces jealous of it's new found wealth. And it is now without allies in this.

A treble whammy when you consider that one of it's other money makers, agri sales to the UK, are in big trouble due to new tariff regimes and lowered trade barriers with their direct competiton.

Brexit hasn't been kind to the S Irish mate.
They are pissed off about it for good reason.

Cor Blimey!

Quote from: Baff on October 10, 2020, 06:05:22 PM
At least you are not threatening me with the IRA.

For Southern Ireland the core problem is that it is linked to the EU.
If I have to take a giant losing deal with the EU to get a modest winning deal with Southern Ireland, I'm not going to.

At least you are not threatening to protect Ireland from the EU anymore? Was it you that said that Ireland would be doomed without your protection? One minute you're saying the UK had no control over the EU and the next you're saying you were practically in charge.

They took care of us when we were vulnerable, now it's our turn to take care of them. Health before Wealth: Lockdown.


At least you are not threatening me with the IRA.

For Southern Ireland the core problem is that it is linked to the EU.
If I have to take a giant losing deal with the EU to get a modest winning deal with Southern Ireland, I'm not going to.

The awesome power of collective bargaining is that most of the EU is dead weight.
An anchor rather than an engine.

Cor Blimey!

Quote from: Baff on October 10, 2020, 06:01:59 PM
If they wish to trade with us for mutual advantage, we are willing.
But that is all that is on offer mate.

If you wish to demonstrate to me that you are more important to me than I am to you, knock yourself out.
Pat yourself on the back. For all the good it will do you.

Well, at least you're not threatening WWIII anymore. Keep up the good work, Baffled.
They took care of us when we were vulnerable, now it's our turn to take care of them. Health before Wealth: Lockdown.


If they wish to trade with us for mutual advantage, we are willing.
But that is all that is on offer mate.

If you wish to demonstrate to me that you are more important to me than I am to you, knock yourself out.
Pat yourself on the back. For all the good it will do you.

Enjoy your delusions of power.

Cor Blimey!

In 2019, UK exports to Ireland were worth £38.3 billion; imports from Ireland were £24.4 billion, resulting in a trade surplus of £13.8 billion. The UK had a surplus with Ireland in both goods and services.

They need us more than we need them! Isn't that how the saying goes, Baffled?
They took care of us when we were vulnerable, now it's our turn to take care of them. Health before Wealth: Lockdown.


No bond with you is desired.

If you wish to trade with us for mutual advantage, good for both of us.
If you just want to get one over on us or demonstrate your superiority over us, jog on.

Cor Blimey!

Quote from: Baff on October 10, 2020, 03:48:48 PM
They will have a big glut of unsold food soon.
No need for any of them to go hungry.

That's what this is all about, a whole load of people trying to convinve me that was is best for them, is what is best for me.

Which includes me paying taxes to them and only buying their over priced and sub par produce.
Good riddance.

You had to move your business to the UK.
Boo hoo.

You can't sell your food.
Boo hoo.

You've got nowhere left to fish.
How sad.

We won't buy so many of your goods.
I am weeping.

It's a cruel cruel world.
Stay a way from ropes, razor blades, sleeping pills and high buildings.
Because your business model has just ended.

I believe you Baffled. An Englishman's word is his bond, after all. LOL!!!
They took care of us when we were vulnerable, now it's our turn to take care of them. Health before Wealth: Lockdown.


They will have a big glut of unsold food soon.
No need for any of them to go hungry.

That's what this is all about, a whole load of people trying to convinve me that was is best for them, is what is best for me.

Which includes me paying taxes to them and only buying their over priced and sub par produce.
Good riddance.

You had to move your business to the UK.
Boo hoo.

You can't sell your food.
Boo hoo.

You've got nowhere left to fish.
How sad.

We won't buy so many of your goods.
I am weeping.

It's a cruel cruel world.
Stay a way from ropes, razor blades, sleeping pills and high buildings.
Because your business model has just ended.

Cor Blimey!

Quote from: Baff on October 09, 2020, 08:44:42 PM

Except for  Southern Ireland of course, who's Singapore style economy it has every intention of destroying and that without the UK support in the EU, Southern Ireland will be unable to prevent without leaving the EU's jurisdiction itself.

Just include a few food banks with the next batch of commercial banks you send over to Ireland and everything will work out  fine.
They took care of us when we were vulnerable, now it's our turn to take care of them. Health before Wealth: Lockdown.


Quote from: GerryT on October 09, 2020, 10:00:48 AM
Your not in the EU anymore, at the end of transition you can do what you want, the EU won't much care, it's more interested in what it is doing and it's own problems to watch what the UK is doing. All the EU expects is the UK as a sovereign state to honour it's international treaty UK law is not superior to international law when it concerns international treaties. Domestic law doesn't overrule its international treaties. We never did and never wanted to. We have made no threats, care to elaborate.

International treaties are agreements between governments, not laws.

Domestic law is the law in your jurisdiction.
When you travel to another jurisdiction, their laws apply.

If the EU "expects" us to continue in a treaty which is disadvantageous to us, that is it's own stupidity. A moronic expectation.

Your statement that the EU doesn't care what the UK is doing, doesn't marry well with the previous threat you just made.
The EU will protect it's internal market and is not going to allow a Singapore on it's doorstep

Oh really?

Or you will do what?
Nothing. That's what.

Except for  Southern Ireland of course, who's Singapore style economy it has every intention of destroying and that without the UK support in the EU, Southern Ireland will be unable to prevent without leaving the EU's jurisdiction itself.


Quote from: GerryT on October 09, 2020, 12:07:47 PM
But the EU will continue on, a road bump. In fact brexit will have a solidifying effect on the EU, countries looking at what is happening to the UK are saying, no thanks.
China and America are two hugh markets and can inflict alot of pain on each other. The EU is also a hugh market, the UK is not, it's primarily service driven, it has very little production that the EU depends on, it's market is small really in comparison. So no China v America is not the correct analogy. It's more like Mexico v America.
Sure they will Julius.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on October 09, 2020, 11:26:22 AMI told you we ain't bothered. As long as it takes the vile EU with it. As the Chinese said to the Americans, the repercussions will be large.
But the EU will continue on, a road bump. In fact brexit will have a solidifying effect on the EU, countries looking at what is happening to the UK are saying, no thanks.
China and America are two hugh markets and can inflict alot of pain on each other. The EU is also a hugh market, the UK is not, it's primarily service driven, it has very little production that the EU depends on, it's market is small really in comparison. So no China v America is not the correct analogy. It's more like Mexico v America.


Quote from: GerryT on October 09, 2020, 11:15:40 AM
Side issues like the breakup of the UK ?
I told you we ain't bothered. As long as it takes the vile EU with it. As the Chinese said to the Americans, the repercussions will be large.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on October 09, 2020, 11:01:23 AMThey have several times, side issues are just that, are we bovvered are we feck, all your crying from Dublin or wherever makes not a blind bit of difference. No more Doggies chances for you.
Side issues like the breakup of the UK ?