"Don't Treat Racists"

Started by Dynamis, November 04, 2019, 11:37:40 PM

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Borg Refinery

Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=4341 time=1573058531 user_id=84
If the sanction to withdraw care could lead to death then I would agree wholeheartedly, but the article linking with your OP clearly stated that care would only be withdrawn when safe to do so. I take this to mean only after serious risk to the patient has passed, in which case I feel it is justified in many occasions.

One area where I struggle with racism is with elderly people who have either failed to keep up with acceptable behaviour regarding racism or are suffering from some mental disability or both. We have a very elderly chap in our village who is frankly completely out of touch with modern life and habitually refers to people of colour as 'darkies' and 'coons' , and makes comments about 'having a touch of the tarbrush'. But however unjustified and disparaging such comments are, he neither means nor intends offence. He is regularly remonstrated with by other well meaning villagers but simply looks puzzled and says 'I don't mean anything by it'. I can't help but see the difference between this and active, intended racism.

Incidentally politicising institutions and organisations by political parties whether in government or not, is not the preserve of the Tories; it has long been a tactic of all political parties including Labour

There's no like button so I'm just posting to say I 100% agree with your entire post Sir Sinic.  :hattip You make many good points..

Major Sinic

Quote from: Dynamis post_id=4083 time=1572951369 user_id=98
I agree but letting someone die because they are racist and a bit fick is imho indefensible.

If the sanction to withdraw care could lead to death then I would agree wholeheartedly, but the article linking with your OP clearly stated that care would only be withdrawn when safe to do so. I take this to mean only after serious risk to the patient has passed, in which case I feel it is justified in many occasions.

One area where I struggle with racism is with elderly people who have either failed to keep up with acceptable behaviour regarding racism or are suffering from some mental disability or both. We have a very elderly chap in our village who is frankly completely out of touch with modern life and habitually refers to people of colour as 'darkies' and 'coons' , and makes comments about 'having a touch of the tarbrush'. But however unjustified and disparaging such comments are, he neither means nor intends offence. He is regularly remonstrated with by other well meaning villagers but simply looks puzzled and says 'I don't mean anything by it'. I can't help but see the difference between this and active, intended racism.

Incidentally politicising institutions and organisations by political parties whether in government or not, is not the preserve of the Tories; it has long been a tactic of all political parties including Labour


Quote from: Barry post_id=4282 time=1573036861 user_id=51
BvL likes to do a bit of flaming on the forum now and again. I just thought "balderdash!" and couldn't be bothered to reply to his tripe.  :lol:

 :lol:  I was going to say Balderdash subconsciously I kept typing Bollocks so I gave up, thanks for the heads up there was me just thinking what a weird chap
<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>


Quote from: "patman post" post_id=4294 time=1573041710 user_id=70
Watch it, he'll set his woman on you — and these Maltese can be terriers....

I was surprised to read he goes shopping by himself and doesn't get his woman to buy his Maltesers.  ;)
† The end is nigh †

patman post

Quote from: Barry post_id=4282 time=1573036861 user_id=51
BvL likes to do a bit of flaming on the forum now and again. I just thought "balderdash!" and couldn't be bothered to reply to his tripe.  :lol:

Watch it, he'll set his woman on you — and these Maltese can be terriers...

https://maltesesavvy.com/1/maltese-savvy.php?msclkid=1702a2f988b413f39f2bff3b3de0331c&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Maltese%20Savvy%20%28CAN%29&utm_term=maltese%20dog&utm_content=Maltese%20Dogs">https://maltesesavvy.com/1/maltese-savv ... ese%20Dogs">https://maltesesavvy.com/1/maltese-savvy.php?msclkid=1702a2f988b413f39f2bff3b3de0331c&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Maltese%20Savvy%20(CAN)&utm_term=maltese%20dog&utm_content=Maltese%20Dogs
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: Churchill post_id=4259 time=1573027986 user_id=69
Dictatorship!!! what Dictatorship ? We have not had a properly functioning Government since at least 2017 let alone a Dictatorship, and certainly not from the NHS or anyone else , I must have told you a Million times not to exaggerate  :roll:  :lol:

BvL likes to do a bit of flaming on the forum now and again. I just thought "balderdash!" and couldn't be bothered to reply to his tripe.  :lol:
† The end is nigh †


The Link in the opening posts makes it quite clear that this " Could happen that treatment could be with drawn when safe to do so "  which to me says they don't want to do it but may be forced to do so to protect their staff from abuse or assault if deemed necessary and unavoidable  

I am old enough to remember when Medical Staff were treated with respect and good manners sadly that is no longer the case, parts of our ignorant arrogant undisciplined society has changed for the worse.

Now we have CCTV in AE and Security Guards and Police called very often to protect the staff and other patients from those who do not know how to behave AE at the weekends on many occasions is a dangerous place to work or be in, drunks druggies, gang members with their injured mates , with opposing gang members outside or actually coming into AE

My wife is a fully trained experienced Nurse she knows how difficult aggressive rude and violent some patients their friends and relatives can be, both in AE and on the wards, that is why she works in the private sector some of her colleagues have left the NHS for their own personal safety

The heads of the NHS only a few days ago called on all Poloticians to stop using the NHS for Political point scoring which they have all done for far to long, I agree 100% time the Politicians did just that
<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>

Borg Refinery

Quote from: "Baron von Lotsov" post_id=4240 time=1573021093 user_id=74
We are living under a dictatorship. These people are brainwashed, like they were in Mao's China. They murdered millions of people because they were accused of being "rightists". I can't see any difference from how the NHS has decided to behave if you replace rightist with racist. If they think you are racist then you could die.

I've just been watching Al-Jazeera where a couple of women presenters do a programme about UK MPs being "attacked and abused". The dictators are getting frightened now. It looks like a war is brewing between the government and the people. They are cancelling their Twit accounts because of the feedback they get from their ideas.

Yeah, I agree with most of the other guys in the thread generally speaking re abuse of NHS staff being unacceptable. We just disagree on the means of dealing with it.

Nonetheless, there is a worrying precedent re treating folks differently because of their political & other differences, and I'd suggest crazed leftists should be treated exactly the same as any 'rightists'.

This govt has tried its best to politicise as many neutral public institutions as it possibly can. And this sort of thing masquerading as an innocent common sense approach can later on be subtly amended, which amounts to a grave abuse of human rights.

That said, abuse of NHS staff is always 100% unacceptable and so something must be done about it..every time.

And vitriol and targeted abuse, sideways 'yella' stuff always reflects back solely on the spouter.  :hattip  Says more about them than the intended recipient


Dictatorship!!! what Dictatorship ? We have not had a properly functioning Government since at least 2017 let alone a Dictatorship, and certainly not from the NHS or anyone else , I must have told you a Million times not to exaggerate  :roll:  :lol:

If you have not done so yet with your fixation and fascination with China I suggest you take a trip there I have some years ago simply to walk on the Great Wall of China a fascinating place, the people are very careful what they do and say you would not fit in that is for certain a regime I would not  like to live under.

Yes our Poloticians are getting flack from keyboard heroes and nutters, the days of threating letters sent to No 10 or their Constituency Offices are in the past , replaced by Tweets on line, IMO some people are very angry with our Poloticians, not that I condone the insults or threats made against any MP, or anyone else in the public eye.
<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>

Baron von Lotsov

We are living under a dictatorship. These people are brainwashed, like they were in Mao's China. They murdered millions of people because they were accused of being "rightists". I can't see any difference from how the NHS has decided to behave if you replace rightist with racist. If they think you are racist then you could die.

I've just been watching Al-Jazeera where a couple of women presenters do a programme about UK MPs being "attacked and abused". The dictators are getting frightened now. It looks like a war is brewing between the government and the people. They are cancelling their Twit accounts because of the feedback they get from their ideas.
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>


Nobody that is serious danger and needs immediate medial care  to preserve their life will be refused treatment by the Medical Staff no matter how racist or offensive and violent towards staff or others they maybe or the fact they may not be entitled to NHS in the first place , they have all taken the Hypocritic Oath it is what they do and have done for years and years.

Patients who are not in danger and do make racist comments or offend staff verbally or physically should not be treated put to the back of the queue given another appointment until they learn how to behave towards our hard pressed NHS Staff.
<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>


Why does it centre on racism? Racism tends to be a bit subjective so surely it should be covered by a general ban on abuse. Bad manners are bad manners whatever form it takes.


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=4083 time=1572951369 user_id=98
I agree but letting someone die because they are racist and a bit fick is imho indefensible.

They will have a warning, then they will have a choice.

Quote from: T00ts post_id=4104 time=1572956031 user_id=54
A head injury - even one that isn't obvious - can make a patient abusive in all sorts of ways.

Quite true. Cerebral irritation is soon diagnosed by staff. They would understand that.

It is the deliberate actions of patients that need to be curbed.
† The end is nigh †


A head injury - even one that isn't obvious - can make a patient abusive in all sorts of ways.

Borg Refinery

^ No not necessarily, they could be on the verge and require urgent treatment.

I just think it's a dangerous precedent to set. I'd rule out all abuse of any kind, but stopping treatment completely? Going too far.

Let the punitive measures come after eh?