Research or research

Started by T00ts, October 21, 2020, 11:20:21 AM

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Actually think Thomas is correct it long ago escaped from these shores,the Beeb ah yes and Mr Cholmondley Warner in the old news reels.

I'm old enough to remember the newsreaders wearing an evening suit and any women who appeared wore an expensive gown,the majority of people in this country never spoke received English in fact during war time years Wilfred Pickles was pushed as presenter so the  Germans couldn't imitate his Yorkshire accent.

As an aside there was some fear expressed in the US some years ago that Spanish speakers will overtake the English speakers in numbers.

Do love English though and it's words. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: T00ts on October 21, 2020, 12:13:27 PM
Oh I do understand I just don't like it.  :(

i know toots , but you have to accept how language works and how it is always changing.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on October 21, 2020, 12:10:35 PM
I understand what you are saying toots but you are missing my point.

Language changes all the time , for various reasons , and making up rules and demanding other countires  stop influencing your language wont stop it.

55 million people in one wee country arent going to control how 1.5 billion people speak a language around the world , and as i have said for years , america is now top dog in terms of power and cultural influence.

Remember , in terms of power and influence "french " was once top dog in europe , and now look at it? So much so modern english is 45% french.?

Eventually , you will have the siutation we have in scotland where the "queens english " becomes merely a written language utterly irrelevant to what the spoken dialect is in the country , and eventually the written language will change .

Oh I do understand I just don't like it.  :(


Quote from: T00ts on October 21, 2020, 12:03:14 PM
Thomas - as far as I am concerned we import so many films, TV programmes and traditions from the States we are slowly declining into a USA 51st State. I like my English I feel it should be preserved. I am very happy for the Americans to do what they want with it but don't sell it back to me as my own.

I understand what you are saying toots but you are missing my point.

Language changes all the time , for various reasons , and making up rules and demanding other countires  stop influencing your language wont stop it.

55 million people in one wee country arent going to control how 1.5 billion people speak a language around the world , and as i have said for years , america is now top dog in terms of power and cultural influence.

Remember , in terms of power and influence "french " was once top dog in europe , and now look at it? So much so modern english is 45% french.?

Eventually , you will have the siutation we have in scotland where the "queens english " becomes merely a written language utterly irrelevant to what the spoken dialect is in the country , and eventually the written language will change .
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on October 21, 2020, 11:36:26 AM
i understand what you are saying toots , but im not sure thats how language works.

English , or "the queens english" isnt some static language that will stand still throughout time. English is an ever changing language and ever evolving .

Before you even go on to talk about the millions if not billions around the world who speak english , of which there are far far more people than the population of your country  alone , in England itself , pronunciation differs from say northumbria and cumbria down to cornwall or kent.

This "queens english " malarkey as i  understand it is a modern construct that essentially took off from the early days of the bbc where broadcasting across the uk if not the empire had to be done in a dialect of english of the upper class.

Thats selfsame dialect is a tiny tiny minority within the english language grouping as a whole.

What you call sloppy american pronunciation is merely the english language changing within the american nation from what it once was , a bit like how west german of your anglo saxon ancestors morphed over time into old english , or how the old celtic language of the iberians morphed into scottish and irish.

Language pronunciation in any and every language changes all the time.

Thomas - as far as I am concerned we import so many films, TV programmes and traditions from the States we are slowly declining into a USA 51st State. I like my English I feel it should be preserved. I am very happy for the Americans to do what they want with it but don't sell it back to me as my own.


Quote from: Nick on October 21, 2020, 11:57:48 AM
It is but you should follow the rules. The Americans just do what they want with our language and it isn't pretty.

There are no rules nick. English is a borrowing language which is why it has been so successfull. When does it go from being english to being someones elses language?

Eventually , it will change enough to become "american" rather than english , and merely be a distantly related language as old english was to west german.

If 1.5 billion people around the world speak english , they arent going to follow the rules in your country. English will keep changing in their countries and they will make up their own rules.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Nick on October 21, 2020, 11:54:43 AM
When I was in the States it drove me nuts when the air steward announced we will be landing momentarily. I once's asked where we were going after we had landed, just got blank looks.

The american language and culture is top dog at the minute nick.

You go abroad much more than i do , and yet even i notice the kids in say france or spain are listening to american music and watching american films , and much of the "english" they are learning is american .

You see it in the kids in scotland , where americanisms has become the norm.

I thought we did a thread on it years ago on the old forum?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on October 21, 2020, 11:36:26 AMEnglish is an ever changing language and ever evolving .

It is but you should follow the rules. The Americans just do what they want with our language and it isn't pretty.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: T00ts on October 21, 2020, 11:20:21 AMforget about free trade with the USA we have been importing their sloppy pronunciation wholesale.

When I was in the States it drove me nuts when the air steward announced we will be landing momentarily. I once's asked where we were going after we had landed, just got blank looks.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


The scottish language word for search is "Rannsaich" , often borrowed into english funnily enough as ransack.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Edit to add toots , in my scots glaswegian , the emphasis syllable in the word "research" is on the first syllable.

i say it something like "RREEE ....seerrrch" ( rolling the RRRss)
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


As long as people don't need sub-titles it doesn't bother me.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: T00ts on October 21, 2020, 11:20:21 AM
I was brought up to speak the Queen's English and it drives me nuts to hear people say the word research incorrectly. forget about free trade with the USA we have been importing their sloppy pronunciation wholesale.

As far as I am concerned the emphasis should be on the second syllable

i understand what you are saying toots , but im not sure thats how language works.

English , or "the queens english" isnt some static language that will stand still throughout time. English is an ever changing language and ever evolving .

Before you even go on to talk about the millions if not billions around the world who speak english , of which there are far far more people than the population of your country  alone , in England itself , pronunciation differs from say northumbria and cumbria down to cornwall or kent.

This "queens english " malarkey as i  understand it is a modern construct that essentially took off from the early days of the bbc where broadcasting across the uk if not the empire had to be done in a dialect of english of the upper class.

Thats selfsame dialect is a tiny tiny minority within the english language grouping as a whole.

What you call sloppy american pronunciation is merely the english language changing within the american nation from what it once was , a bit like how west german of your anglo saxon ancestors morphed over time into old english , or how the old celtic language of the iberians morphed into scottish and irish.

Language pronunciation in any and every language changes all the time.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


I was brought up to speak the Queen's English and it drives me nuts to hear people say the word research incorrectly. forget about free trade with the USA we have been importing their sloppy pronunciation wholesale.

As far as I am concerned the emphasis should be on the second syllable