Black Lives Matter Apply to be a political party

Started by johnofgwent, November 03, 2020, 07:11:11 AM

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Quote from: patman post on November 13, 2020, 06:37:29 PM
You can be whatever — in your own mind — you claim yourself to be.
Ethnically British are those people whose antecedents are from whatever strains of humanity originated in the British Isles — including, I suggest, even those who may have some DNA from invading and immigrating peoples, say up to a couple of hundred years ago, and cannot claim citizenship of another country through grandparentage...

funny though that among the major things that define ethnicity , are a common native language and culture  , shared history etc etc , yet these mythical british people you talk about dont  have a shared culture , for example scottish and irish traditions like halloween are alien to most english folk over a certain age ( till the modern era where the english think halloween is american) and other stumbling block is a common native language.

Why dont these ethnic british speak british like the ethnic germans speak german and so forth?

Even in things like sport , i have just watched my country qualify for the european championship.............why doesnt this mythical ethnic group the british have a british football team to cheer on  like other ethnic groups have a football team?

I could go on , but you get the gist of it.....there seems to be a lot of flaws in this mythical ethnicity.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

patman post

Quote from: Thomas on November 13, 2020, 05:24:51 PM

what does ethnically non british mean?

Thats a lazy stereotype ethnically non british.

The ethnic british are the welsh. Not the scots english or irish.
You can be whatever — in your own mind — you claim yourself to be.
Ethnically British are those people whose antecedents are from whatever strains of humanity originated in the British Isles — including, I suggest, even those who may have some DNA from invading and immigrating peoples, say up to a couple of hundred years ago, and cannot claim citizenship of another country through grandparentage...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...

Borg Refinery

Just for balance, I'm not suggesting Labour haven't been incredibly racist in the past, it's not limited to Tories and I accept that.

Heck, maybe folks here would feel differently if they'd experienced their friends suffering racial abuse, or had some themselves.

Or as in my family's case, had racial abuse shouted at them by some piece of shit kid during a family member's funeral? That really makes people feel good..


Quote from: patman post on November 13, 2020, 05:06:15 PM
Think I follow and — if it means what I think you're posting — I agree.

If fact, I'd go further and say that labelling around 8+ million people under the category of black, Asian and ethnic minority as BAME is both lazy and inaccurate.

Although I'm occasionally guilty of it myself, I think my references could be fairly (if wordily) substituted with non-White, Asian and ethnically non-British. And I hope I don't make the mistake of lumping them all together as one community with one opinion and outlook...

what does ethnically non british mean?

Thats a lazy stereotype ethnically non british.

The ethnic british are the welsh. Not the scots english or irish.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: patman post on November 13, 2020, 05:06:15 PM
Think I follow and — if it means what I think you're posting — I agree.

If fact, I'd go further and say that labelling around 8+ million people under the category of black, Asian and ethnic minority as BAME is both lazy and inaccurate.

Although I'm occasionally guilty of it myself, I think my references could be fairly (if wordily) substituted with non-White, Asian and ethnically non-British. And I hope I don't make the mistake of lumping them all together as one community with one opinion and outlook...


And the word 'coloured' they use in the USA reduces every damn non-white person down to 'coloured' vs 'non coloyred'.

How about we just treat everyone as equals? I know it's a disgusting left wingers' concept and I should be dropped out of a helicopter like in Pinochet's Chile for it, but I stand firmly by my belief.

In my opinion, the black civil rights leaders of the past especially in America were heroes and I don't give a flying F@@@ what anyone thinks of me for saying so.

Malcolm X visited Smethwick in Brum in the 60's where a Tory candidate was running a campaign with the slogan "if you want a n***er for your neighbour, vote labour".

Today, we have a prime minister who gets away scot free with banging on about "piccaninnies with watermelon smiles".

My only point was that these scumbags want to infiltrate and disrupt civil rights movements today because they threaten the unsustainable status quo.

I'm sure everyone will try to dogpile my post now for daring to have an 'unpopular' opinion on here. Come on you slags! ;)

patman post

Quote from: Dynamis on November 13, 2020, 03:30:28 AM
Cryptic is it? You mean you don't understand the implications of your own post, I'll try bold font for you then..

Why do BAME have to bring race into the arena at every juncture? I don't see WHITE in front of any of those categories. Strikes me the BAME community sees colour far more than anyone else does, I just see people.

You just said all BAME people bring colour up at every opportunity, if that's not prejudiced rubbish then I don't know what is.
Think I follow and — if it means what I think you're posting — I agree.

If fact, I'd go further and say that labelling around 8+ million people under the category of black, Asian and ethnic minority as BAME is both lazy and inaccurate.

Although I'm occasionally guilty of it myself, I think my references could be fairly (if wordily) substituted with non-White, Asian and ethnically non-British. And I hope I don't make the mistake of lumping them all together as one community with one opinion and outlook...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: Dynamis on November 13, 2020, 03:04:17 PM
I didn't say it was racist I said prejudiced ie generalizing.

Maybe we shouldn't generalize then. When someone said Eton kids should be lynched, I pointed out only a minority are nasty bullies and most probably aren't like that. And that we shouldn't pour hate and scorn over every rich kid because a few talk shite.

Yeah, that's real left winger stuff. You see you just like to generalize all the time with everyone, which only reflects on you.

not really. There is a difference between calling a spade a spade and generalising. You are a left winger.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Javert on November 13, 2020, 02:44:40 PM
Have those who are commenting on this actually watched the exchanges in context - these things are often taken completely out of context or eve re-worded.

I highly doubt that he was proposing that BAME people should be a category on the list - I'm pretty sure that's just people trying to take it out of context.

He does have a thing for calling for affirmative action and screaming about random causes and jumping on the bandwagon, he does point out discrilination in very stupid areas like IIRC Jamie Oliver's jerk chicken sauce? Wtf..?

Had Nick simply said David Lammy likes to be an annoying PC lefty who is a bit racist against White people, he would've been correct. That is a fact.
(I just took issue with him saying 'and'.."the BAME community").

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas on November 13, 2020, 08:52:55 AM
Nick may have generalised, but he does have a point in the fact from what i see , the likes of lammy and others are constantly bringing up the race card.

We know its an old game labour are fond of playing  , for example the used to play the sectarian card in glasgow till the punters saw through their  wee game.

Why is it though , everytime someone mentions the race card  being played we always have some  left winger immediately scream or imply racism?

Dont you see how harmfull this screeching about racism is to debate and community cohesion and the way we want wider society to function?

Screeching racism doesnt stop racism , it merely pushed it further underground and entrenches it further , and splits society .

I didnt see nicks post as racist. Or implications of racism in his post.

The only error i can see is that he generalised , something we all do talking about may different subjects , and that includes you dyno.

I didn't say it was racist I said prejudiced ie generalizing.

Maybe we shouldn't generalize then. When someone said Eton kids should be lynched, I pointed out only a minority are nasty bullies and most probably aren't like that. And that we shouldn't pour hate and scorn over every rich kid because a few talk shite.

Yeah, that's real left winger stuff. You see you just like to generalize all the time with everyone, which only reflects on you.


Have those who are commenting on this actually watched the exchanges in context - these things are often taken completely out of context or eve re-worded.

I highly doubt that he was proposing that BAME people should be a category on the list - I'm pretty sure that's just people trying to take it out of context.


If you look at Sadiq Khan and David Lammy on Twitter today, with their comments about the met, it tends to back up @Nick 's view.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Thomas on November 13, 2020, 08:52:55 AMScreeching racism doesnt stop racism ,

It also doesn't necessarily mean there was any racism there in the first place.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Dynamis on November 13, 2020, 03:30:28 AMYou just said all BAME people bring colour up at every opportunity, if that's not prejudiced rubbish then I don't know what is.

I didn't once mention people. I use the term BAME to mean a movement, a movement that uses every opportunity to mention race, even when it is not an issue. Exactly as DL did on BBCQT last night.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Dynamis on November 12, 2020, 11:56:28 PM
The fact that you say "the BAME community" thinks as one, all Chinese, every African, every Serbian etc, and then act as if David Lammy's Harvard-glazed opinion represents every BAME person, including those who support Trump or voted Bojo, says so much..

Nick may have generalised, but he does have a point in the fact from what i see , the likes of lammy and others are constantly bringing up the race card.

We know its an old game labour are fond of playing  , for example the used to play the sectarian card in glasgow till the punters saw through their  wee game.

Why is it though , everytime someone mentions the race card  being played we always have some  left winger immediately scream or imply racism?

Dont you see how harmfull this screeching about racism is to debate and community cohesion and the way we want wider society to function?

Screeching racism doesnt stop racism , it merely pushed it further underground and entrenches it further , and splits society .

I didnt see nicks post as racist. Or implications of racism in his post.

The only error i can see is that he generalised , something we all do talking about may different subjects , and that includes you dyno.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Cryptic is it? You mean you don't understand the implications of your own post, I'll try bold font for you then..

Why do BAME have to bring race into the arena at every juncture? I don't see WHITE in front of any of those categories. Strikes me the BAME community sees colour far more than anyone else does, I just see people.

You just said all BAME people bring colour up at every opportunity, if that's not prejudiced rubbish then I don't know what is.