Concession Speech.

Started by Nick, November 07, 2020, 03:13:11 AM

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Quote from: Nalaar on November 10, 2020, 10:59:04 AMWould assume the cost to set up on a National scale vs the perceived benefits are not in alignment.
I think that fingerprint ID technology is available in most police cars, these days. However, a lot of law abiding people have not had their fingerprints registered. (Unless their smart phones are leaking data, of course)
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Nick on November 10, 2020, 10:46:13 AMAnd how many actually do that?

I don't know, but it's good to have the option there.

QuoteStrange thing is we all carry ID with us on our fingers and in our eyes, why can't we use it?

Would assume the cost to set up on a National scale vs the perceived benefits are not in alignment.
Don't believe everything you think.


Quote from: Nalaar on November 09, 2020, 11:01:07 PM
Here if you do not have a drivers license, passport etc, you apply for a free Electoral Identity Card.

And how many actually do that?

Strange thing is we all carry ID with us on our fingers and in our eyes, why can't we use it?
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on November 09, 2020, 09:55:38 PM
Most of Europe have some kind of ID card system where as we have some who's don't own passports or a driving license, only a utility bill.

Here if you do not have a drivers license, passport etc, you apply for a free Electoral Identity Card.
Don't believe everything you think.


Quote from: Barry on November 09, 2020, 09:18:59 PM
As far as I know, in most of Europe they ask for ID.
In England and Wales and Scotland it' fine to just turn up and say who you are and where you live.

Which is very stupid, of course. ID should always be required and postal votes should not be allowed. Turn up with ID and vote, or don't get counted.

Most of Europe have some kind of ID card system where as we have some who's don't own passports or a driving license, only a utility bill.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nalaar on November 09, 2020, 08:21:04 PM
I don't know about the rest of the U.K, but in Northern Ireland you need to bring a certified Photographic ID with your polling card to vote.
As far as I know, in most of Europe they ask for ID.
In England and Wales and Scotland it' fine to just turn up and say who you are and where you live.

Which is very stupid, of course. ID should always be required and postal votes should not be allowed. Turn up with ID and vote, or don't get counted.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Javert on November 09, 2020, 05:59:17 PMwhereas for example in the UK, if I know someones name and address I can rock up at 7.30 in the morning and place their vote for them.

I don't know about the rest of the U.K, but in Northern Ireland you need to bring a certified Photographic ID with your polling card to vote.
Don't believe everything you think.


Quote from: Nick on November 08, 2020, 10:40:03 AM
One of them stopped counting and started again 24hrs later. What's that all about?

As far as I heard, this was because the Trump campaign had filed a lawsuit to stop the counting which was then dismissed 24 hours later.  Trump wanted to stop the counting in states where Biden had a chance of winning because he know that democrats had been advised to vote by post, and as someone pointed out above in the US election counting law is done by state, so in some states they are not allowed to start counting votes, even postal votes, until after the election is finished.

There are then each state has different laws about technicalities like what's the latest postmark date on which you can accept votes, how they deal with votes from military personnel overseas and so on.  From what I understand, in many countries, military personnel overseas are arguably disenfranchised as their votes are often not even counted until after the result was already declared long before, although I guess the counter argument is that usually their votes wouldn't have changed the outcome.

As I just posted, postal voting is in many ways more secure than voting in person - Trump has been spreading misinformation that postal voting is more prone to fraud precisely because he wants to discredit postal votes, and it shows how much he cares about whether his own supporters catch Coronavirus as long as they've already placed their vote.

As I mentioned above, the easiest way to commit election fraud in most countries is just to get the name and address of someone and show up at the polling station very early.  Imagine if this was the level of security on bank accounts!


Quote from: Streetwalker on November 08, 2020, 09:27:08 AM
The postal vote is open to manipulation ,fraud or whatever you want to call it  and  by  allowing postal voting you are saying you are prepared to accept a certain degree of underhand practice . 
If you dont like it dont allow it , its that simple . Trump needs to grow up make the phone call and work on his golf swing .

Can you explain or post some links to some analysis?  My understanding is that in most countries, postal votes are in some ways more secure than the vote on the day.  At least in some of the US states, there are various additional rules in place around what level of Identification or proof needs to be checked before you get the postal vote sent to your address in the first place, whereas for example in the UK, if I know someones name and address I can rock up at 7.30 in the morning and place their vote for them.

I guess the down side is that the postal vote that you get in normal for a time period of several years rather than just one election, which then means that I guess theoretically if you've moved out of the area, but you can still get access to the mail from your old address, you could vote in the wrong place.  There is scope for individuals doing the wrong thing, but it's quite hard to do a mass vote fraud involving thousands of votes and even harder with postal voting as far as I can see.


Trump urged his supporters to vote in-person at a polling place on polling day.  Biden urged his supporters to vote by mail as a precaution against the spread of Covid-19. In many states, including Pennsylvania, the counting procedure is to count the in-person votes first and only count the mail-in votes afterwards. So it's no surprise if counts favoured Trump at first and then swung to Biden.

So there's now a question of whether Trump urged his supporters to vote in person with intention of creating conflicting statistics to help him challenge the result if he felt so inclined. I'm not sure he's clever enough to think that many steps ahead but some of his advisors probably are.
Formerly known as Hyperduck Quack Quack.
I might not be an expert but I do know enough to correct you when you're wrong!


Quote from: Sampanviking on November 07, 2020, 06:22:37 PM
To be honest, something about this result does not look or sound right.
Trump was doing very well through the first night of the results and Biden was not making major inroads and taking any target states.
Not only that, but the Democrats were not making any inroads in the Congressional or Senate Votes either.

Then suddenly, just as it seemed Trump was lined up to take the final states he needed, the speed of counting seems to stop dead and large numbers of other votes, from a poorly invigilated source, start being added, which massively favour Biden and give him the Presidency.

Now it may all be perfectly above board and reflect true reality.

I cannot however but feel that our media pundits would be far less sanguine about it, if this scenario was played in reverse in say Russia or Hungary, where a challenger was initially doing well only to beaten by a large influx of late votes that favoured the incumbent.
didn't america whinge about elections in some african bananna republic a month or two before the supreme court shut down the hanging chad's lawsuit and proclaimed george dybya the winner ...
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>

Borg Refinery


The Supreme Court battle is on Monday I think.

The court is stacked in Trump's favour with right wing activist judges. Obama tried to shove liberal activists in there instead...

Clarence and Crazy Barrett will probably be key in pushing this in Trump's favour, it might not stop Biden but then it just might. Don't count your chickens yet.

It will be a crazy spectacle if that really does happen but.. this is America. 😜

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas on November 08, 2020, 12:19:40 PM
Why wouldnt they be?

The democrats made a rod for their own backs last time by screaming trumps election was all the work of the russians and their interference.

Now they have won this time , theres nothing to see here , all is well and good so move along.

Pontless bringing up any discrepancies in the yank election such is the entrenchment and brainwashing in the media that biden is the new messiah , you will merely be dismissed as a conspiracy nut by the same heidcases who were running around screaming trump/brexit/scot indy is all the work of mr putin.

I'm rather fond of the yank nuts I talk to, they're as mad as me so we're evenly matched.   :D They have a deeper grasp of the history of these isles than some posting here, and are all highly intelligent, so there's that.. I think one is a cryptographer for example... They definitely listen to reason but can be stubborn, but you know what? They're actually more open minded, yes including the Trump supporters, than a few here including the screeching liberals here who insist everything ever is Trump's fault. :)



Quote from: Dynamis on November 08, 2020, 12:10:46 PM

Anyway, Russian and Chinese media are howling with laughter by the way at the yanks.

Why wouldnt they be?

The democrats made a rod for their own backs last time by screaming trumps election was all the work of the russians and their interference.

Now they have won this time , theres nothing to see here , all is well and good so move along.

Pontless bringing up any discrepancies in the yank election such is the entrenchment and brainwashing in the media that biden is the new messiah , you will merely be dismissed as a conspiracy nut by the same heidcases who were running around screaming trump/brexit/scot indy is all the work of mr putin.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Nalaar on November 08, 2020, 10:52:42 AM
Which state?

I believe it's Georgia according to CNN, but only in 3 co's.

But no matter, one of the poll counting companies which is part owned by Nancy Pelosi mysteriously f**ked up in Michigan..and the same system was used in WI.

The Floridian poll system was vulnerable to hacking as it goes online, but they didn't fix it anyway.

Hunter Biden is intricately linked along with his Dad to Chinese companies that stole US nuclear secrets, as reported by The Hill which is known for its trustworthiness and unbiased nature.

Then again..where do you start with Trump. Now I know lots of confused latino and black voters including corned beef fried in chip oil from up north in the rust belt voted Trump, as well as northerners of Irish heritage, but then they had no choice as Biden said silly idiot stuff like "you aint black if you vote Trump" and played Despacito on his phone, which is kinda racist saying all latinos like it. Not to mention his stupid Irish gaffes, but then most yanks think they're tick pig farmers... which probably is an insult to tick pig farmers... joking, but seriously, Biden is a real piece of work.

I'm hoping the R's get the senate votes to impeach him and Kamala gets installed for now. Kamala helped cover up Catholic child abuse in Cali, so she needs to get toed out of office too, pronto, by the way, not to mention her affair with Willie Brown (yes that's really his name).

Ultimately, Nikki Haley, governor of SC looks best placed to lead the R's - she'd make a good president. And in the Dems I've always rooted for Michelle Obama. :) But she's too good for it, so someone like Andrew Yang ideally would be good....

To quote the Joker film when he shoots De Niro in the head - "You get what ya fuckin' deserve", and after the yanks have interfered in other places' affairs around the globe, they got it back and deservedly so, both in terms of Biden the Chinese agent and Trump the Russian agent.

You can't treat other countries like shit and expect them not to do anything, that's not how it works.

Anyway, Russian and Chinese media are howling with laughter by the way at the yanks.
