Re:3rd referendum

Started by cromwell, November 14, 2020, 04:38:46 PM

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Quote from: cromwell on November 14, 2020, 10:20:08 PM
Well judging by Javerts response we are reckless and only did it because we wrongly thought we had the pension protection,well I didn't and I suspect many others and I go with your response but it looks like being older  makes you an idiot whether you suffer from dementia or not.

For decades we have had a youth culture in this country and it still pervades so many areas of life. Wisdom arrived at with age is deemed of no value. How arrogant is youth!

Quote from: Dynamis on November 14, 2020, 10:21:55 PM
"Learn the lessons my children."

Nothing patronising there at all, it sounds very similar to hydran duck telling us we're all too stupid to understand why Remain is the only way to live, and we will all die from Brexit in about 10 minutes.   :D

Patronising? Perhaps but I am just repaying years or being patronised by those who pretend that second rate degrees makes them superior. 

Borg Refinery

Quote from: T00ts on November 14, 2020, 08:55:06 PM
Why oh why is this even an issue? Why are we being banged over the head with the same argument that anyone who voted Brexit and is on the wrong side of 50 must be some kind of idiot? Why do whippersnappers seem to think that they are the only ones with intelligence and understanding. Don't they yet understand that our parents stood up on their hind legs a century ago for something they believed in and yes hang the repercussions. They did it not once but twice. That took courage.

The majority decided this time that the UK future needed a reset. It needed a chance to take a look at itself and those it had consorted with over the last decades and make a decision about whether we liked where it was going. The majority decided that they didn't like it and had the courage to say so. Did we think it would be easy? Did we not realise that we would have to put our backs into it? Did we expect not to suffer? If we did we would have taken the easy way out like so many would have had us choose.

The Brexit vote has given the next generations the biggest opportunity to make their mark on the world. It has released them to think outside the box to take challenges and create a better UK that is able to create freely. Sadly many don't see it yet but then many can't imagine a new paint colour on the walls. They will have to be shown the way. I just hope they are intelligent enough to listen and see the vision. The sky now really is their limit. They have grown up knowing nothing but chains now they can't manage without them. Russians couldn't cope with their freedom either so Putin was their answer. Learn the lessons my children.

"Learn the lessons my children."

Nothing patronising there at all, it sounds very similar to hydran duck telling us we're all too stupid to understand why Remain is the only way to live, and we will all die from Brexit in about 10 minutes.   :D


Quote from: T00ts on November 14, 2020, 08:55:06 PM
Why oh why is this even an issue? Why are we being banged over the head with the same argument that anyone who voted Brexit and is on the wrong side of 50 must be some kind of idiot? Why do whippersnappers seem to think that they are the only ones with intelligence and understanding. Don't they yet understand that our parents stood up on their hind legs a century ago for something they believed in and yes hang the repercussions. They did it not once but twice. That took courage.

The majority decided this time that the UK future needed a reset. It needed a chance to take a look at itself and those it had consorted with over the last decades and make a decision about whether we liked where it was going. The majority decided that they didn't like it and had the courage to say so. Did we think it would be easy? Did we not realise that we would have to put our backs into it? Did we expect not to suffer? If we did we would have taken the easy way out like so many would have had us choose.

The Brexit vote has given the next generations the biggest opportunity to make their mark on the world. It has released them to think outside the box to take challenges and create a better UK that is able to create freely. Sadly many don't see it yet but then many can't imagine a new paint colour on the walls. They will have to be shown the way. I just hope they are intelligent enough to listen and see the vision. The sky now really is their limit. They have grown up knowing nothing but chains now they can't manage without them. Russians couldn't cope with their freedom either so Putin was their answer. Learn the lessons my children.
Well judging by Javerts response we are reckless and only did it because we wrongly thought we had the pension protection,well I didn't and I suspect many others and I go with your response but it looks like being older  makes you an idiot whether you suffer from dementia or not. and affordable,not that hard is it?

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas on November 14, 2020, 08:46:44 PM
i know sheep on a serious note its feckin sad in this day and age.

I thought it was only the northern english that had foodbanks and outside toilets and that you lot all wore those funny wee masks and hold up spectacles when going to the opera? Foodbanks in the garden of england?

jesus christ sheep , we will have to send down a bigger subsidy to keep you all going!!!

I've never seen that Rob Roy film, but I caught the bit that someone posted on here, and found myself rooting for the scraggly long haired, bad chomper'd Scottish guy (it's closer to what I'm like than the Anglish ponce..the hair and teeth and attitude  :D ) against the poncey Anglish git in the sword fight.  :D

We all know in real life he would confuse the English guy by saying "look, a young boy" then headbutt him true to form.  ;D :D



Why oh why is this even an issue? Why are we being banged over the head with the same argument that anyone who voted Brexit and is on the wrong side of 50 must be some kind of idiot? Why do whippersnappers seem to think that they are the only ones with intelligence and understanding. Don't they yet understand that our parents stood up on their hind legs a century ago for something they believed in and yes hang the repercussions. They did it not once but twice. That took courage.

The majority decided this time that the UK future needed a reset. It needed a chance to take a look at itself and those it had consorted with over the last decades and make a decision about whether we liked where it was going. The majority decided that they didn't like it and had the courage to say so. Did we think it would be easy? Did we not realise that we would have to put our backs into it? Did we expect not to suffer? If we did we would have taken the easy way out like so many would have had us choose.

The Brexit vote has given the next generations the biggest opportunity to make their mark on the world. It has released them to think outside the box to take challenges and create a better UK that is able to create freely. Sadly many don't see it yet but then many can't imagine a new paint colour on the walls. They will have to be shown the way. I just hope they are intelligent enough to listen and see the vision. The sky now really is their limit. They have grown up knowing nothing but chains now they can't manage without them. Russians couldn't cope with their freedom either so Putin was their answer. Learn the lessons my children.


Quote from: Sheepy on November 14, 2020, 08:38:53 PM
Well you know how it is Robroy, a bit off topic, but earlier I was watching the news and a foodbank in Barry's neck of the woods was conned by the scammers out of all of their funds from their bank account, the bank returned them, but that ain't the point, I got a call in the middle of the report saying they are going to be hunted down and probably best the old bill find them first. This is the world the Neo Liberals have created for us all.

i know sheep on a serious note its feckin sad in this day and age.

I thought it was only the northern english that had foodbanks and outside toilets and that you lot all wore those funny wee masks and hold up spectacles when going to the opera? Foodbanks in the garden of england?

jesus christ sheep , we will have to send down a bigger subsidy to keep you all going!!!
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on November 14, 2020, 08:29:53 PM
I did tell javert something along those lines sheep but he just said the rules dont apply to him.
Well you know how it is Robroy, a bit off topic, but earlier I was watching the news and a foodbank in Barry's neck of the woods was conned by the scammers out of all of their funds from their bank account, the bank returned them, but that ain't the point, I got a call in the middle of the report saying they are going to be hunted down and probably best the old bill find them first. This is the world the Neo Liberals have created for us all.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on November 14, 2020, 07:57:40 PM
when somebody goes to the trouble of taking out all of your leaders over decade, they might not be joking and it might well be you next. Maybe we just don't like anti-democrats pretending they are democrats.

I did tell javert something along those lines sheep but he just said the rules dont apply to him.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on November 14, 2020, 07:18:36 PM
where would we be without the illiberal anti democrats like javert and quackers.

I still remember doing cartwheels about my lounge when their dear leader swinson was taken out last december.
when somebody goes to the trouble of taking out all of your leaders over decade, they might not be joking and it might well be you next. Maybe we just don't like anti-democrats pretending they are democrats.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Javert on November 14, 2020, 06:59:50 PMNot sure what that means considering at any time during the last decades, a government could have been elected that had a policy of leaving the EU never to return and that never happened until 2016.

Cameron only gave us the vote because Farage was breathing down his neck and he was that coco sure the people would return a yes. That's why he walked.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Dynamis on November 14, 2020, 07:15:26 PM
My replies are now reordered in a thread where the structure looks different to earlier, kinda confusing - just a note to the mods.

Sorry if anyone's reply gets missed.

Anyway, I think we should all listen to Javert and vote Liberal Democrat, this adequately explains the Liberal Democrat stance on most things I find -

where would we be without the illiberal anti democrats like javert and quackers.

I still remember doing cartwheels about my lounge when their dear leader swinson was taken out last december.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

My replies are now reordered in a thread where the structure looks different to earlier, kinda confusing - just a note to the mods.

Sorry if anyone's reply gets missed.

Anyway, I think we should all listen to Javert and vote Liberal Democrat, this adequately explains the Liberal Democrat stance on most things I find -


Quote from: Javert on November 14, 2020, 06:59:50 PM
Not sure what that means considering at any time during the last decades, a government could have been elected that had a policy of leaving the EU never to return and that never happened until 2016.

It never happened not becasue the voters didint want it , but because no major party with a chance of becoming government stood on such a policy until cameron in 2015 stood on a referendum policy and won handsomely.

So what cromwell is saying is the public werent given a chance , which is correct , while im not sure what exactly you are implying?

QuoteThe bottom line is that if leaving the EU was a fantastic idea, a significant majority would have remained on board with support and will come back to support it in the next 6 months - we will see.

We will see. If remain is such the utopia you make it out to be  , then what are you worrying about?

You will win the next GE and subsequent referendum at a canter. Brexit will have been enacted , peoples fingers burnt , and no one will take brexiters serious ever again.

You are never happy javert are you? Without brexit and covid to moan about your life will be over javert.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on November 14, 2020, 06:37:41 PM
At all costs,what costs ?your predictions of course.
How many times,the result is implemented then you start your campaign,the upside down world we live in is from day one all out to stop it happening.
Well laugh all you like but if the result had been implemented you've have been a few years down the line to get another,we had to wait 41 years to be consulted I'd accept 5-7 years for the idea we have another be considered.

As far as I think we both know anything at all is that we were promised consultation and then denied and let's face it the attitude in Brussels it's madness to consult,why would that bethen?

It seems more than a bit rich to target leave as anti democratic and deny a vote when you are more than aware that the reverse has been true for decades,

Not sure what that means considering at any time during the last decades, a government could have been elected that had a policy of leaving the EU never to return and that never happened until 2016.

The bottom line is that if leaving the EU was a fantastic idea, a significant majority would have remained on board with support and will come back to support it in the next 6 months - we will see.


Quote from: Javert on November 14, 2020, 06:54:45 PM
If your memory was as good as you think it is, you would remember that I have said in the past I'm in favour of Scottish independence.  I just don't think it should be contingent on ruining the economy of the rest of the UK.

doesnt matter if you are for or against anymore than it matters if someone in germany is for or against brexit. You dont have a vote.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!