Re:He who pays the pension calls the tune?

Started by Barry, November 11, 2020, 05:23:43 PM

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Quote from: Dynamis on November 15, 2020, 09:43:33 AM
All sheep have a soft side what are you talking about? That's why yiu pat them on top. I hope JoG isn't reading this, you mention petting and sheep in a sentence.... run sheepy.  ???
Fecking psychologists the world is full of them.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Sheepy on November 15, 2020, 09:29:45 AM
Yeah well, you obviously ain't feeling the love Dawg, Dyno will need to work on your softer side, I don't have one, which really gets at them.

All sheep have a soft side what are you talking about? That's why yiu pat them on top. I hope JoG isn't reading this, you mention petting and sheep in a sentence.... run sheepy.  ???


Quote from: Dynamis on November 15, 2020, 09:26:32 AMAs for dizzy, she sounds like a mighty fine ostrich in a dinghy.

Thats not fair. Calling Dizzy a girl completely undermines my argument by using my known and unapologetic sexism against me :D

Dizzy: You are a fascist!

Dawg: Of course I am. Now f**k off and have your quinoa you hippy

Dizzy: All the migrantz in Calais should immediately be let in to the UK without any papers or ID checks!!

Dawg: Groan

Dizzy: Fascist, nazi toerag

Dawg: Talk dirty to me

Smurf: Set up machine guns and barbed wire

Dawg: Shoot me someone


Quote from: DeppityDawg on November 15, 2020, 09:17:10 AM
Yes, I think I've seen those "Migrants are all wonderful" reports, courtesy of "Dizzy", a pot smoking kaftan wearing hippy who used to post on the other forum many moons ago, whose basic argument was that everyone who hadn't just arrived here on a dinghy was a lazy, piss taking c**t. Not saying those reports aren't true, only that the full impact of mass migration is difficult to calculate. There are, of course, no Roma pick pocket rings in London (in fact there's no one in London anymore  :D ), no ghettoed northern towns where English is a third language, no Eastern European organised crime gangs, and no returned Jihadis in the UK at all, are there?

Dizzy was one of those Liberals who I'd have happily given a fecking good shoeing  :D :D :D
Yeah well, you obviously ain't feeling the love Dawg, Dyno will need to work on your softer side, I don't have one, which really gets at them.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: DeppityDawg on November 15, 2020, 09:17:10 AM
Yes, I think I've seen those "Migrants are all wonderful" reports, courtesy of "Dizzy", a pot smoking kaftan wearing hippy who used to post on the other forum many moons ago, whose basic argument was that everyone who hadn't just arrived here on a dinghy was a lazy, piss taking c**t. Not saying those reports aren't true, only that the full impact of mass migration is difficult to calculate. There are, of course, no Roma pick pocket rings in London (in fact there's no one in London anymore  :D ), no ghettoed northern towns where English is a third language, no Eastern European organised crime gangs, and no returned Jihadis in the UK at all, are there?

Dizzy was one of those Liberals who I'd have happily have given a fecking good shoeing  :D :D :D


Well, I'll grant you the authors were called something like Fratelli and Dustman which sounds like a terrible indie band from Bristol.  :D As for the old forum, all I remember is googling pappy for some amusement and noting he posted the same stuff on there.  ;D The place had a UI that wasn't even you used it I don't know.

One other thing that came into my head right as you posted that, is that EU-15 Migrants will be on the younger side even though they came in from uh.. 95 til 2004 mostly, but still do. So are not of pension age or are pensionably aged or um... OAPs. Whatever. Anyway that may skew the figure in which case you can engage in schadenfreude and feel slightly more pleased.  :D

As for dizzy, she sounds like a mighty fine ostrich in a dinghy.


Quote from: Dynamis on November 15, 2020, 09:04:02 AMActually I think the studies were all 'direct' + indirect benefits, receipts and contributions combined including NI contributions, and indirect benefits includes using the NHS etc, btw. So it's everything taken in together.

I wasn't trying to say EU migrants are superior in any way, btw, just anticipating trouble

Yes, I think I've seen those "Migrants are all wonderful" reports, courtesy of "Dizzy", a pot smoking kaftan wearing hippy who used to post on the other forum many moons ago, whose basic argument was that everyone who hadn't just arrived here on a dinghy was a lazy, piss taking c**t. Not saying those reports aren't true, only that the full impact of mass migration is difficult to calculate. There are, of course, no Roma pick pocket rings in London (in fact there's no one in London anymore  :D ), no ghettoed northern towns where English is a third language, no Eastern European organised crime gangs, and no returned Jihadis in the UK at all, are there?

Dizzy was one of those Liberals who I'd have happily given a fecking good shoeing  :D :D :D

Borg Refinery

Quote from: DeppityDawg on November 15, 2020, 08:51:26 AM
Don't wish to rain on your parade, and I'm correcting myself here too, but that is not strictly true. The National Insurance Fund is actually in credit, not deficit (or at least, it was in 2018)

So, not only are neither SRB or "EU Migrantz" paying our pensioners, our pensioners are funding their own pensions AND helping to reduce the interest due on the National Debt

A completely different argument for pensioners to think about is how the jobs and futures of the younger generation are being threatened by over the top "pandemic policies" and poor economic management, while their own futures are secure. Younger people who might not have the benefit of a State Pension in future when they retire, many of them are now unable to contribute to a private pension either. Its not right.

Actually I think the studies were all 'direct' + indirect benefits, receipts and contributions combined including NI contributions, and indirect benefits includes using the NHS etc, btw. So it's everything taken in together.

I wasn't trying to say EU migrants are superior in any way, btw, just anticipating trouble. ;)

The country as a whole ran a surplus from memory around 2000-2001, which was rumoured to be a byproduct of inertia from Ken Clarke's careful spending plans years earlier and nu labour's 1st term pledge to stick to Tory spending plans.


Quote from: Dynamis on November 15, 2020, 08:18:45 AMoverall, native Anglish/Scots/Welsh mostly take out more than they put in so, srb, you probably aren't paying for anyone's pension, not even your own, as a lower paid worker. I don't mean that cause orffense btw, just stating facts here

Don't wish to rain on your parade, and I'm correcting myself here too, but that is not strictly true. The National Insurance Fund is actually in credit, not deficit (or at least, it was in 2018)

QuoteThe latest NIF Accounts show that the balance of the NIF increased by £2,286,469,000 in 2017-18. In addition to the previous balance, this resulted in a closing balance of £24,221,220,000, which was paid into the NIF Investment Account and, in practice, used to reduce the national debt.

So, not only are neither SRB or "EU Migrantz" paying our pensioners, our pensioners are funding their own pensions AND helping to reduce the interest due on the National Debt

A completely different argument for pensioners to think about is how the jobs and futures of the younger generation are being threatened by over the top "pandemic policies" and poor economic management, while their own futures are secure. Younger people who might not have the benefit of a State Pension in future when they retire, many of them are now unable to contribute to a private pension either. Its not right.


Quote from: Dynamis on November 15, 2020, 08:18:45 AM
Yeah, that was a bit of a silly point srb. The postal voting thing is fair enough though, but the "we pay your pensions" bollocks isn't true. Most in this country are 'net recipients'; overall, native Anglish/Scots/Welsh mostly take out more than they put in so, srb, you probably aren't paying for anyone's pension, not even your own, as a lower paid worker. I don't mean that cause orffense btw, just stating facts here - the top 20% IIRC pay over 50% of all tax btw.

Oh and this will probably start a proper shitstorm as befitting the weather, but EU-15 migrants are actually the biggest net contributors putting in a lot more than they take out.

(Now expecting extreme replies from every direction.  :) )

Just wanted to add that Javert did have a point about pensions being funded from current budgets though, that is a fact - sadly - and IMHO the pension should be more generous as we have the worst in Western Europe, also the age should be reduced again.
Well there's nothing wrong with people from Europe working here,I worked in Germany.....long before the eu was thunk up,the problem is the eu and politicians.

Can't see pensions rising the bill for lockdown will need to be repaid. and affordable,not that hard is it?

Borg Refinery

Yeah, that was a bit of a silly point srb. The postal voting thing is fair enough though, but the "we pay your pensions" bollocks isn't true. Most in this country are 'net recipients'; overall, native Anglish/Scots/Welsh mostly take out more than they put in so, srb, you probably aren't paying for anyone's pension, not even your own, as a lower paid worker. I don't mean that cause orffense btw, just stating facts here - the top 20% IIRC pay over 50% of all tax btw.

Oh and this will probably start a proper shitstorm as befitting the weather, but EU-15 migrants are actually the biggest net contributors putting in a lot more than they take out.

(Now expecting extreme replies from every direction.  :) )

Just wanted to add that Javert did have a point about pensions being funded from current budgets though, that is a fact - sadly - and IMHO the pension should be more generous as we have the worst in Western Europe, also the age should be reduced again.


Quote from: Barry on November 14, 2020, 10:29:06 PMIs 48 years full contributions not enough for you? They still have not paid me a penny, mind.
In current value this would be around £150,000 paid in. And, as I stated in previous posts, I know how it works.

I'll reach the big 60 next year, along with my 45th full year of NI contributions

And for SRBs benefit, had that £150,000 been invested over that period in a typical pension fund returning 4-5%pa on average, about 75% of the current full state pension (about 9kpa) would now be funded to at least the age of average life expectancy for a male in this country


Quote from: DeppityDawg on November 14, 2020, 08:45:28 PM
In real money terms, ie the money paid from todays wage packet/salary, they HAVE paid for the right to their state pension, full entitlement currently 35 years NI contributions.

And why IMO after 35 years we should stop paying NI


Quote from: srb7677 on November 14, 2020, 05:36:12 PM
It is often stated by the retired that they have paid for their pension. Probably true with private ones though their employer often contributed a lot too. But not true with the state pension which is financed by current taxpayers. Some like to pretend otherwise of course.
Is 48 years full contributions not enough for you? They still have not paid me a penny, mind.
In current value this would be around £150,000 paid in. And, as I stated in previous posts, I know how it works.

And all this because I posted:
QuoteAnd you think you pay for my pension? I paid for them, laddie, since before you were born.
For pedants and self righteous peeps, please read as "I paid for the future entitlement with 48 years of contributions, laddie."
Oh, and considering your age, you were born! Probably about 3 when I started paying in.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: srb7677 on November 14, 2020, 05:36:12 PMIt is often stated by the retired that they have paid for their pension. Probably true with private ones though their employer often contributed a lot too. But not true with the state pension which is financed by current taxpayers. Some like to pretend otherwise of course.

In real money terms, ie the money paid from todays wage packet/salary, they HAVE paid for the right to their state pension, full entitlement currently 35 years NI contributions. Have you looked at your NI deductions lately, Mr "only man in the world that ever had a fucking job"?

As for anyones private pensions/employer contributions, they are none of your business, they are "paid for".

God, you are a really nasty **** sometimes.


Quote from: srb7677 on November 14, 2020, 05:36:12 PM
It is often stated by the retired that they have paid for their pension. Probably true with private ones though their employer often contributed a lot too. But not true with the state pension which is financed by current taxpayers. Some like to pretend otherwise of course.

And they would be correct, they have paid for their pension. It's called 31 years of continuous contributions.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.