Lammy shows his racist credentials again

Started by johnofgwent, November 16, 2020, 03:52:25 PM

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Quote from: patman post on November 18, 2020, 07:57:36 PM
What did the "diversity section" entail?
Out HR dept says diversity has a wide definition. Beyond just race and gender, diversity also includes veterans, the LGBT+ community, distinct professional backgrounds, those with disabilities, and essentially anything that makes someone unique. A perceived attitude, comment or joke with any one or more of those the butt could get points deducted...

The world has gone ape shit Pat. I hate the word group in this context but they've all fought for years to not be labelled and now they want as many labels as they can get. LGBTQ+, people of colour, etc...  How about we just say person?

Let's cut the bullshit and spell out how it should be.

If 1 black and 99 white guys go for a job. The best person should get it.
If 99 black and 1 white guy goes for the job. The best person should get it.
Native Indian

For the musicians out there, RTF.

Whoever the frig you are, the best person gets the job, black, white or green with yellow spots.

That's where I am, but it seems the likes of Diane Abbott are a bit racists and wants to see preferential treatment.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.

Borg Refinery

All discrimination is wrong.

Someone suggested on the yank forum that you pick candidates in blind interviews, and are given sheets with skills/experience only and no names.

This way racism against minorities or indeed majorities could be avoided.

Maybe we can force the white peopoe to talk with a really strong jamaican brogue and the black people to talk in a really, really affected Received Pronounciation accent for added effect.  :D :P :P

But seriously, it's not perfect but it seems like an interesting idea. I dunno.

patman post

Quote from: cromwell on November 18, 2020, 05:40:46 PM
Well the truth is Pat that until we get past having a white face to front up anything or a black MP marginalising other businesses we'll get nowhere.

And yeah I accept its a massive wish but until people are judged by what they actually do rather than their race gender or anything else then we are on a never ending carousel of barely concealed hate or perhaps sense that people who have been disadvantaged are now using that to their advantage and those who have actually been disadvantaged see perpetual discrimination when it not always as great as perceived.

TBH I sometimes despair of the human race.
The problem is that while "one side" feels their noses are are being rubbed in something they've never regarded as wrong, and the "other side" gets the impression they are not treated equally, the antagonism will continue.
Aside from that, to my mind (all string jerking aside), Lammy was making a plea to support black trades people at this particular time, in a black orientated edition of Time Out. Why that should have caused the manufactured faux outrage on here eludes me — it doesn't really, but my real thoughts would no doubt be termed "flaming".
There it is — all those mixed race couples and black and Asian faces on TV have got to excite some reaction, otherwise advertisers and the media have got it wrong...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: Barry on November 18, 2020, 05:53:36 PM
I experienced this, too.
In September 2008, I flew over to Luton airport with my son who was about to graduate from university. Thames Valley Police had originally told my son he could not apply to join the police because he was not a UK resident.
After a bit of pressure from our MP and some other enquiries the Police changed their stance so he was able to apply and easily got through all the stages to interview.
He was interviewed at Sulhamstead whilst I waited listening to the radio in the car.
About 3 weeks later he received a "dear John" letter from TVP .
They said he had passed all parts of the interview except the diversity section.

Make of that what you will.
It's what they call positive discrimination but discrimination all the same and had some experience of that too where people were not selected because they were good and right for the job but there we go,and after one appointment who was totally without the relevant experience gave me a lecture on how wonderful they were and how lucky I was to be one of their minions .........well I wasn't and they weren't cos I didn't stay,I'm afraid my diplomatic skills when. I get the hump disappear. and affordable,not that hard is it?

patman post

What did the "diversity section" entail?
Out HR dept says diversity has a wide definition. Beyond just race and gender, diversity also includes veterans, the LGBT+ community, distinct professional backgrounds, those with disabilities, and essentially anything that makes someone unique. A perceived attitude, comment or joke with any one or more of those the butt could get points deducted...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: Nick on November 18, 2020, 04:49:32 PM
It's positive discrimination that's why. Same as when my daughter couldn't get into the police force because she was told they were only employing those from ethnic minorities at the time. Even though she has a masters degree.
I experienced this, too.
In September 2008, I flew over to Luton airport with my son who was about to graduate from university. Thames Valley Police had originally told my son he could not apply to join the police because he was not a UK resident.
After a bit of pressure from our MP and some other enquiries the Police changed their stance so he was able to apply and easily got through all the stages to interview.
He was interviewed at Sulhamstead whilst I waited listening to the radio in the car.
About 3 weeks later he received a "dear John" letter from TVP .
They said he had passed all parts of the interview except the diversity section.

Make of that what you will.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: patman post on November 18, 2020, 02:58:04 PM
What's wrong with drumming up trade for those in a group who could find business tougher in current circumstances than others?

A Harrow Fish & Chip Shop owner was told: "...I think it would be good if you had a white face to front the shop because some people might not be comfortable buying fish and chips from a black person because it's not something they're used to".

Even if prefaced with: "Don't take this wrongly but..." why would it be felt necessary to say this to an operating business...?
Well the truth is Pat that until we get past having a white face to front up anything or a black MP marginalising other businesses we'll get nowhere.

And yeah I accept its a massive wish but until people are judged by what they actually do rather than their race gender or anything else then we are on a never ending carousel of barely concealed hate or perhaps sense that people who have been disadvantaged are now using that to their advantage and those who have actually been disadvantaged see perpetual discrimination when it not always as great as perceived.

TBH I sometimes despair of the human race. and affordable,not that hard is it?

patman post

Quote from: Nick on November 18, 2020, 04:49:32 PM
It's positive discrimination that's why. Same as when my daughter couldn't get into the police force because she was told they were only employing those from ethnic minorities at the time. Even though she has a masters degree.
Hardly the same. One case is pointing out the extra difficulties some businesses could be facing at this time and suggesting they could be helped by choosing them over others.
The other — if as you state — is the enforcing of an interpretation of a directive and discriminatory and,  therefore, probably illegal...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: patman post on November 18, 2020, 02:58:04 PMWhat's wrong with drumming up trade for those in a group who could find business tougher in current circumstances than others?

It's positive discrimination that's why. Same as when my daughter couldn't get into the police force because she was told they were only employing those from ethnic minorities at the time. Even though she has a masters degree. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: patman post on November 18, 2020, 03:32:57 PM
I never get you — and some others — wrong. But just like you've found, it passes the time to see whose string can be jerked with the odd snippet thrown into the pot...
Flaming the forum is apparently against the rules, but as we're a bit short on posters you seem to get away with it.
It's only here for entertainment, after all.
† The end is nigh †

patman post

Quote from: Borchester on November 18, 2020, 03:27:46 PM
Don't get me wrong Pat, but it is becoming pretty obvious that whatever happens you will continue to play the race card.

Most folk want to get up and do something with their lives. In Tottenham and Hackney the locals want an excuse for their failures. So Lammy and (in her increasingly rare lucid moments) Abbott tell you that everything is the fault of Whitey and the government's imposition of VAT on self pity.
I never get you — and some others — wrong. But just like you've found, it passes the time to see whose string can be jerked with the odd snippet thrown into the pot...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: patman post on November 18, 2020, 02:58:04 PM

Even if prefaced with: "Don't take this wrongly but..." why would it be felt necessary to say this to an operating business...?

Don't get me wrong Pat, but it is becoming pretty obvious that whatever happens you will continue to play the race card.

Most folk want to get up and do something with their lives. In Tottenham and Hackney the locals want an excuse for their failures. So Lammy and (in her increasingly rare lucid moments) Abbott tell you that everything is the fault of Whitey and the government's imposition of VAT on self pity.
Algerie Francais !

patman post

What's wrong with drumming up trade for those in a group who could find business tougher in current circumstances than others?

A Harrow Fish & Chip Shop owner was told: "...I think it would be good if you had a white face to front the shop because some people might not be comfortable buying fish and chips from a black person because it's not something they're used to".

Even if prefaced with: "Don't take this wrongly but..." why would it be felt necessary to say this to an operating business...?
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...

Borg Refinery

Quote from: johnofgwent on November 17, 2020, 08:23:55 AM
A couple of things come out of that

First, Dynamis, if there truly are NO political parties or pressure groups that meet your approval, is it time to start your own ? All joking apart, the easiest way to judge your acceptance by the public is to stand where there is a high footfall (admittedly not easy in a post pox world) with a dayglo bucket and a banner calling yourself the prospective parliamentary candidate for your area. ...

And if in one hour you have not got most of the £500 you need to stand, jangling in that bucket in fiddling small change ...

Worked for me ...

My reason for raising this thread is that were I to say this of any other group except the BAME, Labour would demand my head on a platter, Jo Brand would demand I be bathed in battery acid, and the entire twatterverse would call for my nailbombing.

Yet Lammy remains in his job.

And that's fair enough and I agreed with your OP hence the thanks.

But asking me to start my own party is not some minor trifling thing, and he's wrong about me being an anglo-leftist. He is talking rubbish in fact.

A party started solely by me would probably attract such hatred and criticism that I wouldn't be able to function, or even go out. I don't want that right now, you make one wrong comment and people will try to blow you up. It onky works in numbers.

It's not so much me as the people around me that I'd worry about. And you saw what that was like when they leaked the BNP list in 2009 and I'm sure you had some extreme harrassment as a result.

Well, 2020 is multiple times worse.

Maybe if there were a group of likelinded people, but there aren't. I am politically not like anyone else

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas on November 17, 2020, 08:21:26 AM
right , so you want to make a career out of whingeing about new parties in england without doing anything about it?

If I did, I would have a bitchute account and write in to RT to let me write whacky conspiracy theories. Peolee have made millions from whinging. Whether it id about 5G and the Chinese controlling our brains, but I take your point.

..Are you seriously suggesting I start a new party by myself?

QuoteAs old borkie says  , that sounds like the typical anglo left....

So you think me starting my own party is the only way?

I can really see that working. The grumpy cudgel's party - our policy is to relentlessly criticise everyone else and put 1p on the price of jammy dodgers to fund a tax cut for alpaca farms.

The point being the anglo right managed to produce two newish parties , so why can't you on the anglo left?

1) I don't agree with 99.9% of what the anglo left says or believes.

In fact, I don't know why you keep calling me anglo left.

I was generalising about the anglo left , and i specifically mentioned tha last labour leader corbyn because you said you voted for him in decemebr....

Which I revised as a mistake.

so its a weak admission of deliberate ommission based on lazyness?

Have you tried posting on a ZTE toy phone?

Lammy is a labour mp who stood for labour last decemeber when you voted for the party. Just rubbing it in that lammy  makes up  a cog in  the wheel of the party you voted for.John and streetwalker didnt vote for them.

You are correct, but I'm not planning on voting again and would probably abstain or vote for some indy candidate if Dec 2019 came round again.

QuoteIm stopping england doing well? :D

Im flattered that you think i have that power but honestly dyno i dont.

England isnt doing well for many reasons , but  you are a part of the overall problem giving your vote to a tired worn out old party like labour instead of going out and doing something different.

Instead of blaming everyone else for your countries problems , maybe you need to look inwards and have a good look at yerselves.

I don't support Corbyn, Labour, or any left party anymore so I honestly don't know what you are talking about.

I didn't say you were stopping England, I said you wish to see us politically hurting and making bad decisions as it boosts your Scot indy cause.