Lammy shows his racist credentials again

Started by johnofgwent, November 16, 2020, 03:52:25 PM

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Quote from: Dynamis on November 17, 2020, 08:08:13 AM
There are no parties that represent my beliefs nor are there likely to be.

The BNP are completely toxic and UKIP were pretty bad too.

Proof please that I'm supporting Starmer?

Don't make up my beliefs like javert.

No it's economy of words, I don't have the energy nor inclination to turn every post into a history oesson going back to 1900, nor into a "labour bad since 1860" rant as you do.

I do hate the Tories you know, in the same way you hate labour as much as I hate the tories.

The Tories are good for your electoral prospects so you actually want them in power in England, Bojo's comments yesterday probably gave you another 20 point boost.

So why are you telling me when I agreed with john and streetwalker?

In fact, what is your point?

That I'm secretly supporting and campaigning and voting for Starmer?

You believe whatever makes yiu happiest.

Of course you are, you like many others don't want to see England doing well, you'd like to see us crippled and failing.

A couple of things come out of that

First, Dynamis, if there truly are NO political parties or pressure groups that meet your approval, is it time to start your own ? All joking apart, the easiest way to judge your acceptance by the public is to stand where there is a high footfall (admittedly not easy in a post pox world) with a dayglo bucket and a banner calling yourself the prospective parliamentary candidate for your area. ...

And if in one hour you have not got most of the £500 you need to stand, jangling in that bucket in fiddling small change ...

Worked for me ...

My reason for raising this thread is that were I to say this of any other group except the BAME, Labour would demand my head on a platter, Jo Brand would demand I be bathed in battery acid, and the entire twatterverse would call for my nailbombing.

Yet Lammy remains in his job.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: Dynamis on November 17, 2020, 08:08:13 AM
There are no parties that represent my beliefs nor are there likely to be.

right , so you want to make a career out of whingeing about new parties in england without doing anything about it?

As old borkie says  , that sounds like the typical anglo left....

QuoteThe BNP are completely toxic and UKIP were pretty bad too.

They were , and im not suggesting otherwise.

The point being the anglo right managed to produce two newish parties , so why can't you on the anglo left?
Proof please that I'm supporting Starmer?

Proof please where i specifically said you were supporting starmer?

I was generalising about the anglo left , and i specifically mentioned tha last labour leader corbyn because you said you voted for him in decemebr....

QuoteDon't make up my beliefs like javert.

dont accuse me of making up your beliefs like javert. See above.
No it's economy of words, I don't have the energy nor inclination to turn every post into a history oesson going back to 1900, nor into a "labour bad since 1860" rant as you do.

so its a weak admission of deliberate ommission based on lazyness?

I do hate the Tories you know, in the same way you hate labour as much as I hate the tories.

I hate both.

QuoteThe Tories are good for your electoral prospects so you actually want them in power in England, Bojo's comments yesterday probably gave you another 20 point boost.

scottish political geek plays politics? Who knew?

QuoteSo why are you telling me when I agreed with john and streetwalker?

Lammy is a labour mp who stood for labour last decemeber when you voted for the party. Just rubbing it in that lammy  makes up  a cog in  the wheel of the party you voted for.John and streetwalker didnt vote for them.

QuoteOf course you are, you like many others don't want to see England doing well, you'd like to see us crippled and failing.

Im stopping england doing well? :D

Im flattered that you think i have that power but honestly dyno i dont.

England isnt doing well for many reasons , but  you are a part of the overall problem giving your vote to a tired worn out old party like labour instead of going out and doing something different.

Instead of blaming everyone else for your countries problems , maybe you need to look inwards and have a good look at yerselves.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas on November 17, 2020, 07:58:49 AM

How long are you going to sit on this forum talking about new parties in england?

Streetwalker was backing "new parties" like ukip when they were completely unfashionable ten years  or more ago , john of gwent was doing the same with his favoured new party the BNP , while you on the anglo left were still voting labour.

There are no parties that represent my beliefs nor are there likely to be.

The BNP are completely toxic and UKIP were pretty bad too.

QuoteWhen are those who are left leaning in your country actually going to do something constructive about new parties to represent your ideology instead of giving your votes to the latest puppet in charge of labour like corbyn or starmer?

Proof please that I'm supporting Starmer?

Don't make up my beliefs like javert.

QuoteYou sat on here yesterday having another pop at "the evil tories" for car parking charges in labour party PFI hospitals. Is it deliberate ommission of labours role in setting up these charges in the first place or is it simply just plain honest ignorance?

No it's economy of words, I don't have the energy nor inclination to turn every post into a history oesson going back to 1900, nor into a "labour bad since 1860" rant as you do.

I do hate the Tories you know, in the same way you hate labour as much as I hate the tories.

The Tories are good for your electoral prospects so you actually want them in power in England, Bojo's comments yesterday probably gave you another 20 point boost.

QuoteThis thread highlights the feckin rank hypocrisy in that rotten to the core labour party........a racist black man labour mp spouting prejudiced rubbish while hiding behind his skin colour.

So why are you telling me when I agreed with john and streetwalker?

In fact, what is your point?

That I'm secretly supporting and campaigning and voting for Starmer?

You believe whatever makes yiu happiest.

QuoteAs long as labour have muppets like the tottenham turnip and many many others sitting in that parliament of yours , the happier i am.

Of course you are, you like many others don't want to see England doing well, you'd like to see us crippled and failing.


Quote from: Dynamis on November 16, 2020, 07:54:56 PM

In any case, streetwalker's comment hit home the most. It underlines why we need new partiees in England.

How long are you going to sit on this forum talking about new parties in england?

Streetwalker was backing "new parties" like ukip when they were completely unfashionable ten years  or more ago , john of gwent was doing the same with his favoured new party the BNP , while you on the anglo left were still voting labour.

When are those who are left leaning in your country actually going to do something constructive about new parties to represent your ideology instead of giving your votes to the latest puppet in charge of labour like corbyn or starmer?

You sat on here yesterday having another pop at "the evil tories" for car parking charges in labour party PFI hospitals. Is it deliberate ommission of labours role in setting up these charges in the first place or is it simply just plain honest ignorance?

This thread highlights the feckin rank hypocrisy in that rotten to the core labour party........a racist black man labour mp spouting prejudiced rubbish while hiding behind his skin colour.

As long as labour have muppets like the tottenham turnip and many many others sitting in that parliament of yours , the happier i am.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: johnofgwent on November 17, 2020, 05:51:18 AM
It's been too many years ...

Back in 1991 I actually parked a barely 12 month old car in one of its main streets while I dashed into a computer shop to buy a computer. Back then I wondered how many wheels would be left. These days I think I'd be murdered for the loose change in the glove box. But the same holds true for most of Lonfon these days.

You paint a pretty grim picture Jog which I would say doesn't really reflect the reality even if that is the perception some have .  Sure crime and violent crime has increased in recent years but if your not a criminal ,in a gang or  a young black man your main concern when parking  would be the traffic warden

Borg Refinery

Quote from: johnofgwent on November 17, 2020, 05:51:18 AM
It's been too many years ...

Back in 1991 I actually parked a barely 12 month old car in one of its main streets while I dashed into a computer shop to buy a computer. Back then I wondered how many wheels would be left. These days I think I'd be murdered for the loose change in the glove box. But the same holds true for most of Lonfon these days.

No it doesn't, not in Tottenham even in rough parts. You can park anywhere, even on broadwqter farm and not worry about that happening 99% of the time.

There are only a few crevices that are genuinely as totally dodgy as you make out. I knew some guy who lived in Bethnal Green who was worried about leaving his car unattended, but he lived right next door to a rough estate down a dark side street and Bethnal Green has never been considered a utopia going all the way back, has it.

Actually my neighbour in stoke newington got his wind screen wipers bent in the "posh" area in which we lived (in poverty), for parking in a parking space which the orthodox jewish estate deemed as theirs. He should've been allowed to park there, but they were adamant that only their community are allowed.

But hey it's only a problem in 'poor' areas.

Tottenham, if you've read its history, has been an extreme place going back to urbanization; that holds true for most rough parts in the world with any history; they were always like that whoever was in charge and whatever majority/minority ethnic group was dominant. In the 1900's-1910's, you had Russian Empire emigre anarchists with shotguns committing the latest crimewave in 'Totty'.  :D
Edit; yep..

Because of the influx of Russians into one part of Tottenham in North London, the area gained the nickname Little Russia.[4]

Some of the expatriates were revolutionaries, and many were unable to adapt to life in London. The social historian William J. Fishman writes that "the meschuggena (crazy) Anarchists were almost accepted as part of the East End landscape";[5] the terms "socialist" and "anarchist" had been conflated by the British press to refer generally to those with revolutionary beliefs.[6]

Several revolutionary factions were active in East and North London. One tactic often employed by revolutionaries in Russia was the expropriation of private property to fund radical activities.[7][8] The influx of émigrés, and the associated rising rates of violent crime, led to widespread concerns and press coverage. As a result, the British government passed the Aliens Act 1905 in an attempt to reduce immigration. The popular press reflected the opinions of many;[9] a leading article in the Manchester Evening Chronicle supported the bill to bar "the dirty, destitute, diseased, verminous and criminal foreigner who dumps himself on our soil".[10] The journalist Robert Winder, in his examination of immigration into Britain, opines that the Act "gave official sanction to xenophobic reflexes which might ... have remained dormant".[11


Quote from: Streetwalker on November 16, 2020, 07:08:45 PM
Thankfully the idiot  is operating North of the river and we only have to deal with his inane reasonings through social media .  He has been given a safe seat and as much as we dont like it he is here to stay whatever crap he comes out with .

Its people like Lammy  that  makes  people like me always turn to the right even when my conscience sometimes (not often mind )  wants to turn to the left

It's been too many years ...

Back in 1991 I actually parked a barely 12 month old car in one of its main streets while I dashed into a computer shop to buy a computer. Back then I wondered how many wheels would be left. These days I think I'd be murdered for the loose change in the glove box. But the same holds true for most of Lonfon these days.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: Streetwalker on November 16, 2020, 08:27:01 PMRobert Rinders

Dunno. I reckon that his constituents got the MP they deserved. Lammy is a smart man and if the locals wanted better policing and jobs then he would do all he could to provide it. But they don't. They just want the chance to blame someone else for the cockup they have made of their lives.

Remember the 2011 riots? The police wasted a local drug dealer to which the only intelligent response was nice shooting the Mets and a whip round to buy the lads a few pints. Instead the locals decided to burn down their own homes. Odd lot.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Dynamis on November 16, 2020, 07:54:56 PM
Ask the folk of Tottenham, I wouldn't know how junkies vote or the pc- anti-pc justice warriors who talk up one cause of freedom then attack others' 'rank hypocrist' for same.

In any case, streetwalker's comment hit home the most. It underlines why we need new partiees in England.
Bit like Robert Rinders comment when visiting the remains of treblinka with his mother. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Thomas on November 16, 2020, 07:12:50 PM
i think a lot of folk like it streetwalker. He can do a lot of damage to both labour and BLM , so its a win win dont you think?

I dont think anyone wins with the likes of Lammy  sitting in Parliament .

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas on November 16, 2020, 07:28:40 PM
Doubt it going from what little i have read , and the fact a labour mp is in the seat.... :D

We have junkies in glasgow saying they dont know much about politics , but they know enough to not vote labour , and any self respecting middle class resident of bearsden will either vote lib dem for the union or snp.

So what the feck is posh middle class londoners voting for that muppet for? you have got to be pulling my leg dyno!! :D

Ask the folk of Tottenham, I wouldn't know how junkies vote or the pc- anti-pc justice warriors who talk up one cause of freedom then attack others' 'rank hypocrist' for same.

In any case, streetwalker's comment hit home the most. It underlines why we need new partiees in England.



Quote from: Dynamis on November 16, 2020, 07:15:55 PM
Tottenham is pretty rough. But it's been fairly gentrified like most of the borough (Haringey) and is probably now filled with posh middle class folks.

Doubt it going from what little i have read , and the fact a labour mp is in the seat.... :D

We have junkies in glasgow saying they dont know much about politics , but they know enough to not vote labour , and any self respecting middle class resident of bearsden will either vote lib dem for the union or snp.

So what the feck is posh middle class londoners voting for that muppet for? you have got to be pulling my leg dyno!! :D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Dave Lammy was dismantled earlier this week during a Commons debate.  Tory minister Alex Chalk responded to Lammy's criticism of the Private International Law (Implementation of Agreements) Bill by raising the spectre of Lammy's own record as a minister in the Blair and Brown governments.  The bill is designed to replace EU legislation for cross-border disputes after Brexit is completed, so naturally Remainer Lammy wasn't happy about it and labelled the bill 'monstrous and egregious'.

Chalk reminded Lammy that he was a minister when Labour made use of similar legislation, to which Lammy appears to nod in agreement.  As Chalk continues to eviscerate Lammy's hypocrisy, the Labour frontbencher shuffles awkwardly in his seat and laughs.

Doesnt seem to be the brightest bulb either in the english commons. :)

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas on November 16, 2020, 06:51:29 PM
not sure how true it is , but isnt tottenham one of the biggest shitholes in london?

I was just reading there lammy himself said it had the highest unemployment rate in london and one of the worst poverty rates in the entire yookay , so sounds about right for a labour constituency.

Its like some of the glasgow constituencies used to be  borkie. Labour for decades , and as soon as the get rid of labour , the area starts reviving like a junkie recovering from years of self abuse.

Maybe BLM might get their act together and butler lammy and abbot can jump ship. Perhaps thats what starmer is hoping for.

Tottenham is pretty rough. But it's been fairly gentrified like most of the borough (Haringey) and is probably now filled with posh middle class folks.


Quote from: Streetwalker on November 16, 2020, 07:08:45 PM
  He has been given a safe seat and as much as we dont like it he is here to stay whatever crap he comes out with .

i think a lot of folk like it streetwalker. He can do a lot of damage to both labour and BLM , so its a win win dont you think?

Dont know that much about him streetwalker other than what i read on the interweb , but the guy comes across as a real numb nut and a total plank of wood.

As borkie says i bet auld sir keir knight of the realm cringes every time one of his quotes comes over on the media.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!