When did you become a Nazi...?

Started by DeppityDawg, November 19, 2020, 10:29:53 AM

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Speaking as a GRAMMAR nazi ...

It's Androgyny ....

I'd hit the thank button for the opening post but I'm on my phone and the buttons not in the mobile version...
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: Dynamis on November 19, 2020, 12:38:26 PMThe gender change wasn't part of the deal.. you can't trust yank plastic surgeons, you might wake up with your nose in the wrong place AND the wrong gender!

I agree with what you're saying but I'm pointing out that these beliefs usually come as a bundle. Like you get things you don't want with the things you do.

Out of Trump's 2016 manifesto he promised 70% things I liked, 30% of it was unconscionable. Fir examole he said he wanted aussie style universal healthcare.

He was rather dishonest about that.

Candace may become president one day, she's ascending fast, be careful whzat you wish for. 


Yeah, I get that. I've always said Trump was an idiot, though some of his policies were palatable, the man is too unstable imho

As for someone like Candace as President, bring it on. Thinking about it, shes the perfect antidote to the Trump era for the Republicans - a young, intelligent black woman with conservative ideas would appeal to a much broader spectrum of voters than an idiot like Trump. Yeah, sure there are bound to be a few of her policies I'd disagree with, but overall, I'd have no hesitation in voting for Candace Owens if I were a Spam.

Someone like her may be just what America, or at least middle ground America, needs right now

Borg Refinery

Quote from: DeppityDawg on November 19, 2020, 12:29:05 PM
Well, you wouldn't, trotsky  :D

You can't come on my thread calling Candace unless you want your nose relocated...I mean...I wouldn't kick her out of bed even if you were wearing a frock, home boy  :D :D :D

But seriously, the point is some of the things she gets called just illustrates what I was saying. "Don't think like us?...fascist!"

I've wanted my nose relocated for a long time, you could save me thousands on plastic surgery.

The gender change wasn't part of the deal.. you can't trust yank plastic surgeons, you might wake up with your nose in the wrong place AND the wrong gender!

I agree with what you're saying but I'm pointing out that these beliefs usually come as a bundle. Like you get things you don't want with the things you do.

Out of Trump's 2016 manifesto he promised 70% things I liked, 30% of it was unconscionable. Fir examole he said he wanted aussie style universal healthcare.

He was rather dishonest about that.

Candace may become president one day, she's ascending fast, be careful whzat you wish for.  ;)


Quote from: Dynamis on November 19, 2020, 12:20:09 PMBtw I wouldn't trust Candace based on some of her dodgy libertarian politics, she hates universal healthcare and such..

Well, you wouldn't, trotsky  :D

You can't come on my thread calling Candace unless you want your nose relocated...I mean...I wouldn't kick her out of bed even if you were wearing a frock, home boy  :D :D :D

But seriously, the point is some of the things she gets called just illustrates what I was saying. "Don't think like us?...fascist!"


Thank feck for that Dawg, I was getting a complex, thinking it was just me.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

Borg Refinery

As my yank pal said, where he is they live normal lives for the most part andvthe left and right rioting/bs/social media posting/bravado/cause celebres/fake media on all sides doesn't represent the thoughts of normal people.

He is correct.

Reading the inane ramblings you get on social media from conspiritards who've watched too many adverts/sci fi shows/been on south korean voyeur spycam weirdie sites is not wanted or needed. You raise good points sampan and depitty.

Btw I wouldn't trust Candace based on some of her dodgy libertarian politics, she hates universal healthcare and such..

It is just you. It is just you who knows what's best in the end of the day. And in your case Deppity, you're a swell guy from what you say and feck what others think, that's all that matters - what you know to be true.


Quote from: Sheepy on November 19, 2020, 11:28:18 AMAll very well Dawg, but I bet you don't believe in Buffy the vampire slayer either. Or Star Trek. Or that Rylan represents the brave new world.

Who is Buffy the Vampire slayer?

Anyway, for those who don't know who Candace Owens is...

She is a fantastic black and women's voice, but she is variously described as being an "arch conservative", "alt-right" and an "anti-feminist" by those who don't like what she says

Me, I think she's fecking brilliant...and I'm pretty sure she 's the kind of lass who wouldn't mind me acknowledging that shes absolutely top totty too  :D :D :D


All very well Dawg, but I bet you don't believe in Buffy the vampire slayer either. Or Star Trek. Or that Rylan represents the brave new world.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


I see this as an example writ large of the Social Media/MSM echo chamber, writ large.
The problem is that a relatively small but trendy sect with access to MSM have amplified their message, way beyond its actual numerical support.
Of itself, this is nothing new, as pressure/special interest groups have been doing this for decades, but social media has cranked the volume into the red zone.
Will everybody meekly submit to this brave new world?
I hope not and you can see and hear the backlash building.
Maybe this is just the latest trendy cause celeb that will just fizzle out and be supplanted by the next.
Alternatively, maybe it will be the red line for too many people as every trendy cause converges and the result is rivers of fire and blood.
Which is the fate of every establishment that overstays its useful purpose.


Hmm. It a question I've asked myself a lot lately, but the answer never seemed clear until the other day. It started as a conversation with Mrs Dawg, who was sighing in frustration while reading about Harry Stiles wearing a frock in Vogue magazine. Now, Mrs Dawg is no wallflower, she can hold her drink and own against any bloke, but shes no "feminist" either. Ordinarily I guess she would have turned the page, but what had tipped her over the edge was the so called "backlash" to Candance Owens less than complimentary comments about wor Harry.

Bring back real men, or men who wear dresses aren't "manly", or words to that effect was what Candace had said. Cue a twitter storm from outraged liberals and pugged feminists, saying Candace was "50 years behind the times" and various memes and tropes about "fighting toxic masculinity". Oh dear. What was heartening was the "frontlash" of memes mocking both Harry Stiles and the Liberal thought police, since understandably, Mrs Dawg didn't think Harry looked all that good in a frock, and many other women commenting didn't think so either. But I guess thats by the by.

On reading the story myself, one comment struck me - "her statement [Candaces Owens] of course is utterly self evident, and wouldn't have provoked such a reaction as recently as 10 years ago". This is probably the truest thing said in the whole exchange

And I suddenly realised why I am now a "nazi". Because, as recently as 10 or 15 years ago, so called traditional values, such as a belief in family, law and order, gender norms, work ethic, meritocracy etc, were seen as "normal" middle ground values. But increasingly every year that passes, Liberalism moves further and further away from these values, so that the centre ground shifts further to the left. And consequently, this moves those who hold those once moderate centre ground beliefs further to the right - so that "Right wing" has become the new description for anyone who doesn't fawn all over the latest liberal cause celeb or trending "victim" narrative. And "Alt Right" is basically what would once have been called a "staunch conservative". This years its BLM - last year it was Transgender, and so on - next year it will be "wimmins" turn again no doubt. Intersectionality in operation - at least they are fair and take turns I suppose  :D

Anyway. This is why I'm now a fascist. I haven't really moved, its just that like a floor shifting underneath your feet, parts of society (with little to no discussion allowed) have moved, and they are really pissed at me that I refuse to go along with stuff that goes against my values. And of course, because those values are no longer "normal" - they are now the new fascism

What the end game is in this particular example of Liberal mores is not entirely clear. But Candace does have a point. We are feminising men, and masculinizing women. The huge over hyping of "transexuals" is probably a good indicator of what liberalism sees as the "ideal" society. Male and Female "gender", as they stand, are going to be the next dirty words in 20-30 years time. Androgeny will be the "new normal"

And our increasingly liberal society will have what it thinks passes for equality this way eventually. Only, we'll all look the same, and like good little liberals, we'll all say the same things, so as not to be "cancelled". I won't, because hopefully I'll be fecking dead by then.

Have a good day  :D :D :D