Joe Biden speaks out on Brexit – saying “we’ve just got to keep the border open”

Started by Dynamis, November 25, 2020, 07:53:40 AM

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Quote from: Dynamis on December 12, 2020, 08:54:11 AM
Well heck, it's fair enough don't you think, after even David Cameron admitted it was basically a whitewash and would be covered up at the 'highest levls', those poor souls in the Finucan family have never had justice have they. And yeah I know there are plenty of others on the other sides who have been robbed off it the same, but two wrongs do not a right make.

Trump came up with the nickname 'Hiden' when he (Joe) was hiding away during campaign season in October, as he just couldn't say anything right.  ;D Right now it looks like they;re right on the brink of possible secession of 18 states + Texas as the supreme court has rejected Texas's motion to try and dismiss ballots cast in Pennsylvania (I know, it's an 'interesting' case).

It's not funny really, this could seriously be looking at the end of the 'united states' of America, I hope not as then we will be ruled by other superpowers who are even less scrupulous than the yanks even as bad as the yanks are, which is not something I look forward to..

Well many points,yeah what happened to Finucane is in a long list of things wrong,like the British army being made the fall guys for a corrupt regime in NI until direct rule came too late.

Until people dismiss the religious divide and forget what happened in sixteen hundred and plinkety plonk.

I don't see the USA breaking up but they are in a long slow decline and yeah despite Sampans portrayal of China as a misunderstood and benign regime they need to be stood up to. and affordable,not that hard is it?

Borg Refinery

Quote from: cromwell on December 12, 2020, 06:53:00 AM
Well he might be Hiden but will he seek a public enquiry.

Well heck, it's fair enough don't you think, after even David Cameron admitted it was basically a whitewash and would be covered up at the 'highest levls', those poor souls in the Finucan family have never had justice have they. And yeah I know there are plenty of others on the other sides who have been robbed off it the same, but two wrongs do not a right make.

Trump came up with the nickname 'Hiden' when he (Joe) was hiding away during campaign season in October, as he just couldn't say anything right.  ;D Right now it looks like they;re right on the brink of possible secession of 18 states + Texas as the supreme court has rejected Texas's motion to try and dismiss ballots cast in Pennsylvania (I know, it's an 'interesting' case).

It's not funny really, this could seriously be looking at the end of the 'united states' of America, I hope not as then we will be ruled by other superpowers who are even less scrupulous than the yanks even as bad as the yanks are, which is not something I look forward to..

cromwell and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Thomas on November 29, 2020, 09:53:23 AM

There was the boys over the last four years like gerry , javert quackquack and all the rest telling us that remainers never tell porkie pies and the referendum should be overturned because someone somewhere lied .

I keep telling them, it's not us running out of time, it is them, we have a real diplomat straining at the bit to sort it out, he is a grown up in world politics.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: johnofgwent on November 29, 2020, 06:31:23 PM

In fairness, this woman disputes the spectator slant on her crowdfunded hogwash, saying it was in the public interest that she made these unfounded allegations and got screwed for the inability to have them stand in a court ...

Apparently the whole thing gets sorted in court in a few months....

i know what your saying john but no....not really.

As i understand the story , cadwalladr has ran around making up lies and inventing utter shite about the leave campaign for a number of years. No one really called her out on it until finally banks had enough and went to court to challenge her unfounded bullshit.

The night before the case was due she shat a brick big time and bottled it , admitting she had ne evidence at all for her dubious claims about the russians financing vote leave and brexit.

Guido fawkes blog was the first to run with the story , and many other titles including not just the spectator have ran with the story.

Cadwalladr then ran onto twitter trying to retain some small measure of dignity and spinning her story yet again , while at the same time asking for a crowdfunder to pay for the £62 grand bill she had been hit with  , with more to come apparently in the pipeline.

Aaron Banks was then trolling her and remainers on twitter saying he was more than happy to take remainers crowdfunded money to pay for all her bullshit.

No fairness about it , the woman is an out and out bullshitter of the highest magnitude.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on November 29, 2020, 09:50:36 AM

In fairness, this woman disputes the spectator slant on her crowdfunded hogwash, saying it was in the public interest that she made these unfounded allegations and got screwed for the inability to have them stand in a court ...

Apparently the whole thing gets sorted in court in a few months....
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>




The BBC has slipped below Channel 5 to become the lowest-ranked news provider on impartiality, according to Ofcom

Who could possibly believe that left wing journalists like carole cadwalladr , and left wing insititutions like auntie  , both honest as the day is feckin long , could possibly be caught out telling lies and lacking impartiality.

Im in shock.

::) :D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


QuoteCarole Cadwalladr's failed war on democracy

Another wheel has fallen off her crazed Brexit conspiracy theory.

Another wheel has fallen off her crazed Brexit conspiracy theory.
Paddy Hannam
27th November 2020
Carole Cadwalladr's failed war on democracy
Topics Brexit Politics UK

So, Carole, whodunnit? We now know it wasn't Arron Banks who corrupted the EU referendum, or Darren Grimes, who was another of your targets. But it must have been someone, right? So, which mastermind was really behind the dark-money attempt to steal the referendum result?

For anyone who hasn't heard, Carole Cadwalladr has bottled it. The Observer columnist has been embroiled in a libel battle with Leave.EU boss Arron Banks since last year. Now, according to Guido Fawkes, she has effectively admitted she has no evidence to back up her claims that Russians funded the Brexit campaign, and that Banks lied about his relationships with them. She has also agreed to cover her opponent's legal costs, starting with a substantial downpayment of £62,000.

There was the boys over the last four years like gerry , javert quackquack and all the rest telling us that remainers never tell porkie pies and the referendum should be overturned because someone somewhere lied .

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


QuoteCarole Cadwalladr should now return her Orwell Prize

A small but significant event has just occurred. This morning the legal case between Arron Banks and the journalist Carole Cadwalladr was due to start. The case came about because of Cadwalladr's claim that Arron Banks – who was a founder of the Leave.EU campaign (the non-official Leave campaign) – was offered money by the Russians. Cadwalladr has been going around for years making these and other unfounded accusations in every forum and on every platform she can manage. It is not as though her campaign has been obscure. The Observer newspaper has supported her, and as her entirely unsubstantiated claims grew, she was shamefully awarded the Orwell Prize for journalism.

Although she claimed to see Russian agents everywhere it was finally Banks who decided to sue Cadwalladr. She crowdfunded – posing as the underdog truth-teller against the big rich Russian agent – and then last night (having rinsed her supporters for cash till the last minute) she pulled out of the hearing. As Guido reports here she conceded that she had no evidence and could not go ahead with the case. She is now reportedly forced to pay a first down-payment of £62,000 in costs, with more to come.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Barry on November 28, 2020, 10:54:09 PM
Carole got a gong for all that made up crap. I suppose she'll have to give it back. *holds breath*

notice how dynamis and patman have deftly ignored the article about dear old carole being paid for writing horseshit  about russians and brexit?

The same patman especially who oft writes on this very forum about loonies spreading fake news on the interwebby , has nothing to say about a so called prominent journalist doing the same in his beloved media who always as we know write the total and utter truth?

I admire the english barry for seeing through this crap , and sticking determindly to their guns over brexit.

I just wish the scottish had shown the same backbone in 2014 , but there you go.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Earlier in the thread I replied to Gerry,mix up between message and what a post is and I replied to a post made to Nick and.....well it's all very confusing
post and references to it gone now p.m. sent to Gerry. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Thomas on November 28, 2020, 03:30:24 PMwhat do you fink gerry? Im still no convinced , i think the russians are behind everything?
Carole got a gong for all that made up crap. I suppose she'll have to give it back. *holds breath*
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Dynamis on November 28, 2020, 07:02:05 PM
Still erroring out completely.

You want me to fix your code? I can add some features like wit, originality, humour and possibly better use of English; can even get rid of that ghastly flag and reinstall a new the Russian flag.

;D ;D ;D ;D

youve never held an original thought in your entire life dyno , as your blindly loyal voting of corbyns labour showed last december.

You talk big on here about changing the world and fixing all these broken systems, but when push comes to shove , you re just another bit of labour party voting fodder as your own admission shows.

Start by fixing your own code , and if most englishmen  cant use their language better than us non english then theres something feckin wrong isnt there.? ;)
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Still erroring out completely.

You want me to fix your code? I can add some features like wit, originality, humour and possibly better use of English; can even get rid of that ghastly flag and reinstall a new the Russian flag.

;D ;D ;D ;D