Priti Patel hits back at black public figures seeking to stop Jamaicans' deporta

Started by Thomas, November 28, 2020, 06:28:42 PM

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This was written about the USA but applies equally to us:

The left, however, deems the western nation-state to be evil because it declares itself superior to cultures that don't share its values while excluding those who don't belong to it.

Hence the left's constant undermining of immigration laws in their attempt to erase national borders; their refusal to grasp that citizenship is a bargain between the citizen and the state to which he or she belongs; and their savage denunciations of those who uphold such notions as racists or xenophobes, in order to erase their voices altogether from the cultural conversation.
† The end is nigh †


But I do hear on the Grapevine, Ms Patel has a plan, as the government make the rules, they can change them. So, my Shyster Lawer chums your time for milking it, is not all it is cracked up.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Barry on December 02, 2020, 04:52:52 PM
Utter shyster lawyers
You haven't heard the best yet, a few of them tried a defence of, they are victims of modern-day slavery. Well, aren't we all then.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote"It is disappointing that specialist immigration law firms continued to use last minute tactics to remove a significant number of offenders from this flight," he said.

"These individuals had every opportunity to raise the claims in the days and weeks leading up to the flight. However a significant number of claims were not submitted until hours before the flight was due to leave – meaning murderers and rapists have been able to stay in the UK.

"Those we are attempting to remove have committed crimes which have a devastating impact on victims and their families.
Utter shyster lawyers
† The end is nigh †


Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: DeppityDawg on November 29, 2020, 10:17:23 AM
I just wanted to apologise to everyone who posted on this thread. Things got a bit heated, things got said that shouldn't have, but I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. Its a shame the thread ends this way. For the record, I don't believe anyone laughed at or mocked the deaths of migrants on this or any other thread on the subject.

Anyway, wor lass is unpacking an industrial sized box of christmas decorations and has got the step ladder out. I wish the fecking pubs weren't shut  :D

I dont think you need to apologise for anything deppity.

As far as i can see ( and i know posts have been deleted and dyno banned) you havent done anything wrong.

If you look at the OP and the first 6 posts on this thread , and then dynamis reaction in post 7 , you can see the hysterical  OTT reaction in his post , and it went downhill from there.

I ve seen similar from dynamis on the subject of immigration before......he went batty when i once mentioned about tony blairs mass immigration  , with a similar OTT reaction. Immigration seems to be atrigger point in dynamis character.

We all get passionate for what we believe , but too bad if he doesnt like it , its an important topic we all feel strongly about.

As you say its a shame the thread is ending this way. There you go.

Im sure the subject will crop up again as it has many times over the years.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


I just wanted to apologise to everyone who posted on this thread. Things got a bit heated, things got said that shouldn't have, but I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. Its a shame the thread ends this way. For the record, I don't believe anyone laughed at or mocked the deaths of migrants on this or any other thread on the subject.

Anyway, wor lass is unpacking an industrial sized box of christmas decorations and has got the step ladder out. I wish the fecking pubs weren't shut  :D


Quote from: DeppityDawg on November 28, 2020, 09:51:55 PM

You want to know what seeing people die is like? Yes. I know what seeing people die is like. I don't think you'd know what White Phosperous even is, and I could try and explain what listening to the heart stopping screams of men being slowly incinerated a few hundred yards away is like, but you'll never understand. You'll never grasp what the Spams really did to the Iraqis. And that was just the first time. You'll never understand what seeing lines of bodies being dragged into lime pits, or what the horrendous stench of death and burnt flesh is like. You want to know what the Serbs did in Bosnia? I'm not even writing that down. I was just 19 when I first saw a man killed in front of me. And the sad truth is, you get inured to it, or you go south rapidly and you are no used to yourself or anyone else.

As for Northern Ireland, we didnt ask to go there. We just laid in the bed. Rainy late autumn evening, on whats called Rapid Reaction Force, you get rolled out at a moments notice. Culvert mine has gone off under a vehicle out in South Armagh. Its 15 minutes or so to get there even by Helicopter, and the scene is utter shit state. AMP mobile patrol, second vehicle has been somersaulted over the hedge and is 15 yards inside the field on its roof. The crew? I can still see the image of the steel mesh that covered the wind screen, bits of human skull, hair still attached, embedded in it, lying in the grass. I can still remember trying to find the pieces of their bodies scattered across a 100 yards of grass in the dark. The only way to know you've got them all is to weigh the bits. Thats the grim truth, General. Bits of mashed up flesh in a poncho. Thats what the "death" of people you had breakfast with that morning looks like. Thats the reality of war. No heroics, no medals. Just the things that never leave you.

These were people who were my mates. If that's what we "deserved", then so be it. Serving your country is a price you never stop paying until the day you die yourself.

Mod Edit
The post that this was a reply to has been removed (along with a lot of others) this remains because well it should

So, no Dyno. we prefer it if people didn't blow up others for a misjudged political belief, made up by people saying things others never said. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Barry on November 28, 2020, 10:56:06 PM
She has never said that.

Im no conservative voter barry , i have never voted for them in my life , but i totally agree with you here.

Dynamis reaction on this thread last night was way OTT. He made several outlandish claims which were at worst downright lies , at best complete misrepresentations of what people have said.

The thread was originally intended as a discussion about the deportation of foreign criminals. For the record i totally agree with patel and the uk government here.

As we know Patel has been in the sights of the lefty loonies for a while now. The chattering classes would have us believe its because she said the f word to some big girls blouse civil servant.

Patel has been under pressure because she has allowed over 8000 illegal migrants to cross the channel , most of whom from what i can see arent woman and children , but young fit healthy young men who are nothing more than economic migrants.

So this article is a pr stunt by the conservatives to go some way in mitigating the public anger regarding migrants in dinghies.

I dont recall patel saying anything about blowing dinghies up and killing woman and children. If she had , she would be toast by now as her job would be untenable and johnson would have to remove her.

Similarly , not only did deppity dawg nor myself say this either, but even pappy smurf from what i recal only said he would put barbed wire and gun turrets around the coast to stop migrants. So again lies and total misrepresentations  , and if i said it was almost javert like in terms of dynamis twisting what was being discussed , i would be doing javert a disservice.

I dont support the illegal crossing of migrants over the channel for the record. In small villages on the edge of the clyde valley to inner city glasgow , from wick to stranraer , there is increasing anger about scotland and the wider uk becoming the dumping ground for these people , and the inability of government doing something about it.

Any poll i have seen on the matter shows yet again lefties like dynamis are way on the opposite end of the public mood.
The majority of Brits see illegal entry into the UK via the English Channel as a serious issue

QuoteOverall, three-quarters (73%) of Brits think illegal entry to the UK via the channel is a serious issue

QuoteOverall, 69% of Brits say that it's acceptable for the Home Office to use RAF planes and personnel to assist the Border Force, while 71% say it's acceptable to use Royal Navy ships and sailors to patrol the border in the English Channel to prevent illegal crossings.
Channel migrants: Asylum seekers who use small boats to cross Channel should not be allowed to settle in UK, 63% of voters believe

Quote60% of the public say not enough being done to tackle Channel crossings

so clearly the majority of the public favour a hardline stance against these illegals crossing the channel , as do i.

No one anywhere as far as i can see has said anything about killing innocents.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Mod Notice
Topic open again,a lot of posts removed so if there's anything worthwhile to post please do so,anything off topic will be removed and affordable,not that hard is it?


Don't believe everything you think.


Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


† The end is nigh †


You want to know what seeing people die is like? Yes. I know what seeing people die is like. I don't think you'd know what White Phosperous even is, and I could try and explain what listening to the heart stopping screams of men being slowly incinerated a few hundred yards away is like, but you'll never understand. You'll never grasp what the Spams really did to the Iraqis. And that was just the first time. You'll never understand what seeing lines of bodies being dragged into lime pits, or what the horrendous stench of death and burnt flesh is like. You want to know what the Serbs did in Bosnia? I'm not even writing that down. I was just 19 when I first saw a man killed in front of me. And the sad truth is, you get inured to it, or you go south rapidly and you are no used to yourself or anyone else.

As for Northern Ireland, we didnt ask to go there. We just laid in the bed. Rainy late autumn evening, on whats called Rapid Reaction Force, you get rolled out at a moments notice. Culvert mine has gone off under a vehicle out in South Armagh. Its 15 minutes or so to get there even by Helicopter, and the scene is utter shit state. AMP mobile patrol, second vehicle has been somersaulted over the hedge and is 15 yards inside the field on its roof. The crew? I can still see the image of the steel mesh that covered the wind screen, bits of human skull, hair still attached, embedded in it, lying in the grass. I can still remember trying to find the pieces of their bodies scattered across a 100 yards of grass in the dark. The only way to know you've got them all is to weigh the bits. Thats the grim truth, General. Bits of mashed up flesh in a poncho. Thats what the "death" of people you had breakfast with that morning looks like. Thats the reality of war. No heroics, no medals. Just the things that never leave you.

These were people who were my mates. If that's what we "deserved", then so be it. Serving your country is a price you never stop paying until the day you die yourself.

Mod Edit
The post that this was a reply to has been removed (along with a lot of others) this remains because well it should


Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!