Off topic thread (to the tower)

Started by cromwell, November 09, 2019, 12:24:10 PM

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Quote from: papasmurf post_id=27822 time=1591296619 user_id=89
There isn't an email address in my profile.

Oh yes there is.  :lol:

Borg Refinery

How did he register if there was no email addy in his profile?


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=27822 time=1591296619 user_id=89
There isn't an email address in my profile.

Trust you,go to "edit your profile" in that "edit acc ount settings" there if there isn't a registered email address (bet there is) bloody add one

 :fcplm:  :rant: and affordable,not that hard is it?


There isn't an email address in my profile.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=26093 time=1590415139 user_id=98
"My english isnt that great barry , but i do try."

It was a bit of sarcasm to barry about his pedantry over the use of the "queens english".

Dont worry about it dynamis.

Quotedidn't bother reading the rest of your drivel btw, got better things to do)

Feck off then .No ones forcing you to read anything are they?

Quotebut trying to use words like 'sophistry' which only reflects straight back on you, after the cack about lying to gain UKIP votes doesn't work, sorry.

Quote me and show me what you are gibbering about now , or shut the feck up and stop warbling .
 You are lying and don't accept any result whatsoever

Wether i accept anythng or not , the point is you slow witted fuckwit , we in scotland have been living with the implementation of the 2014 indy ref for 6 years.

You havent , regarding the 2016 brexit ref for the last four years.

Thats the point , thats what people dont like , and why despite trying for four years and countless elections remainers got humped repeatedly , because no cant likes a bad loser.

Quoteas you want a 2nd indyref,

How did you find out about that secret revelation ?

Sharp as a feckin tack so you are dyno.

Quoteyou are lying (or too illiterate to understand) about me accepting the election of Boris

Using the quote tags dyno , quote me where i have said you dont accept the election of boris johnson. If you cant , it merely shows yet more drivel and littering of threads with bullshit and innuendo by you.

Quoteand by extension the Brexit result

You dont have to accept the brexit result. What you do have to accept is its implemetation.

Quote so what are we left with? An illiterate liar - or an educationally subnormal sophist if you prefer to be called that

 :roll:  :lol: Call me whatever you like dyno , water aff a ducks back to me.

I will wear it like a feckin badge of honour , cause it shows im getting right up your hooter big time.
Go and waste someone else's time with your jibber and pish - and that goes for all of your posts, not just here

Shitebag , who wont even tell us which political party he supports or nail his colours to the brit left mast.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

"My english isnt that great barry , but i do try."

It's not a sideswerve (didn't bother reading the rest of your drivel btw, got better things to do), but trying to use words like 'sophistry' which only reflects straight back on you, after the cack about lying to gain UKIP votes doesn't work, sorry. You are lying and don't accept any result whatsoever - as you want a 2nd indyref, you are lying (or too illiterate to understand) about me accepting the election of Boris (and by extension the Brexit result) so what are we left with? An illiterate liar - or an educationally subnormal sophist if you prefer to be called that. :lol:

Go and waste someone else's time with your jibber and pish - and that goes for all of your posts, not just here.  :hattip


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=26067 time=1590409140 user_id=98
Look, remedial reading lessons are available you know, I can get my cousin's 11 year old daughter to help you if you want?

I know you don't at all understand what's being written but that's not my fault.

You need to start reading things properly, if you want to get any kind of point across.


Your attempts at sophistry is pretty pathetic to say the least.

QuoteDo you even understand your own posts? :lol:

No you aren't, you are repeatedly calling for a second ref just like sore remainers. You're so brain-addled you really can't grasp that can you?

You have no answer to my argument about implementing democracy have you? Except to start whinging and insulting.

It might make you feel marginally less worse than you do letting off some steam , but in reality it shows why politically you are merely carping from the shadows and an irrelevance.

QuoteOh STFU with that BS.

Cold hard logic dynamis , something you appear to be unable to deal with.

QuoteI support Scotland's right to indy and the Scot people in general.
:roll:  :lol:

I wish i had a pound for every time someone told me that. As though i am remotely interested.

Here pal , have my mobile and phone someone who gives a feck. :roll:

QuoteWere there no deportations?

Did I just imagine Blunkett's immigration policy?

ok dynamis , you are in denial and really upset. Apologies if i have upset you hen .

here  , dry your eyes dear.

QuoteAnd if you could read, you'd recall that I don't support Labour in Scotland.

What i recall is you claim to be on the "brit left" but wont say who you support.

Nothing more cowardly than some dishonest little muck raker who cant even nail his colours to the mast like the rest of us.

I'm not on the 'Brit left', and if you could read you would see I've pointed this out enough times now. I know you are still incapable, but you could at least try? Maybe not, ok

So you arent even man enough to call yourself part of the brit left now never mind labour? :lol:

Rats deserting a sinking ship spring to mind.

QuoteThey don't like people like you, and neither do I. You actually make Blairites look honest, and clever. How did you do that?


Im crushed dynamis.

really i am. :lol:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas post_id=25987 time=1590389073 user_id=58
:lol:  Are you another one who forgets what he has posted?

Heres where you suggested otherwise...

Look, remedial reading lessons are available you know, I can get my cousin's 11 year old daughter to help you if you want?

I know you don't at all understand what's being written but that's not my fault.

You need to start reading things properly, if you want to get any kind of point across.

QuoteWe did , and we know why we lost it , learned our lessons unlike you , and have lived with the consequences of the result for 6 years unlike you and brexit , which hasnt fully happened four years on.

Do you even understand your own posts?  :lol:

No you aren't, you are repeatedly calling for a second ref just like sore remainers. You're so brain-addled you really can't grasp that can you?  

Quote:roll: someones upset , a few home truths and toys are being lauched right oot the pram left right and centre.

Brexiters on this forum havent told me to shut up. They accept my logic indyref 1 was implemented , so under democracy we have a right to go again.

 :lol: (!!!!!!!!)

Oh STFU with that BS.

They tell you to shut up and accept the result all the time you dishonest little bint, you are now openly lying hoping that you will baffle me with your bullshit.  :lol:

Occasionally, some of them tell you that they wish the English could have a ref to cut off scotland from the union; cos of 'those sponging jocks' etc.

Despite my indifference to you personally as a lying, duplicitous indescribable object, I support Scotland's right to indy and the Scot people in general. They are so so much better than you..  :roll: ..Even the Blairites are better than you?

Quote(more waffling bs Thomas himself doesn't understand)

Blah blah blah.

QuoteNo it isnt. My argument is you can have as many referendums as you like , but each time the result must be implemeted as i have said before. Not denied when you lose.

No, you simply don't even understand your own argument or anyone else's. You are clearly incapable.

Quote"> ... side-story">"> ... tate-85472">"> ... tony-blair">

I mean the coals have been raked over new labour and tony blairs disasterous mass immigration policy many a time , yet its surprising you still appear to defend it somehow with your net recipient pish.

If you cant see how this impacted the anti eu feeling , rise of ukip , brexit vote , and the fears of the general english popualtion and how they were feeling after labour and the left ignored them , you shouldnt be discussing politics on a politics forum.

Either that or your head is buried so far up your  arse its embarressing.

Well, at least my head isn't stuck so far up a shetland pony's ass that I'm having a conversation with myself and the pony.  :D

Were there no deportations?

Did I just imagine Blunkett's immigration policy?

So it wasn't uncontrolled you insidious, dishonest little creature.. you just want to trick and manipulate UKIP, BXP etc voters with your utter contempt for the truth, and you have proven it here yet again.

And you say I show them disrespect and treat them like idiots?

Luckily, they are far cleverer than you, you guileful manipulative little thing. I have far more respect for them and their upfront views than I'll ever have for you.

QuoteReminds me of when labour in scotland were laughing at us in 2014. They arent laughing now.

He who laughs last laughs longest. 8-)

And if you could read, you'd recall that I don't support Labour in Scotland.

But you are laughing about losing a referendum.

Um, are you all there? Take your meds pal.

QuoteDont make out you on the brit left are whiter than white then.

I'm not on the 'Brit left', and if you could read you would see I've pointed this out enough times now. I know you are still incapable, but you could at least try? Maybe not, ok.

The feeling is mutual pal, except I'd consider your ilk as less than nothing; like anti-matter perhaps. Your ilk are the dishonest manipulative types across all parties in these islands.

QuoteWe are in power in scotland , the tories in england.........what about your party?">

No you aren't. The SNP are.

You don't represent them at all.

Your position on COVID & the lockdown couldn't be more different, all your positions are completely different on almost any issue you care to mention.   :roll:

They don't like people like you, and neither do I. You actually make Blairites look honest, and clever. How did you do that?


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=25970 time=1590352000 user_id=98
And where have I suggested otherwise?

Are the voices talking to you again Tomboy?

 :lol:  Are you another one who forgets what he has posted?

Heres where you suggested otherwise...

Quote from: Dynamis post_id=25949 time=1590346241 user_id=98
Agreed, except about the migration.

...where you went on to miss the point spectacularly and start waffling on about net recipients from migration , with the insinuation as all brit lefties do  , that migration is good therefore there can be no dissent to labours uncontrolled migration.

All these years later and you still cant see the part the anglo left played in the rise of ukip and brexit?

QuoteAnd you lost the scot indy ref.

We did , and we know why we lost it , learned our lessons unlike you , and have lived with the consequences of the result for 6 years unlike you and brexit , which hasnt fully happened four years on.

QuoteTwo can play at that game.

Using your logic and Brexiter logic, the Brexiters would tell you to STFU with your overlarge jock cakehole and shove indyref so far up your keishter, it reopens your fat gob and pops out.

Is that who you're throwing your lot in with, with ya wee scrotey, contrived inane prattery-bollocks-gibberish?

 :roll: someones upset , a few home truths and toys are being lauched right oot the pram left right and centre.

Brexiters on this forum havent told me to shut up. They accept my logic indyref 1 was implemented , so under democracy we have a right to go again.

Unlike you and brexit , where four years on you still dont accept losing , and as the result hasnt been implemeted you dnt have a right to go again.

As for throwing my lot in ,i would rather throw my lot in with those who accept democracy rather than your ilk who cant stand losing like a wee wean , otherwise it could be me  and a winning indyref 2 on the reciving end of your anti democatic denial of a referendum result next.

No one likes a bad loser.

QuoteUsing your own & Brexiters' logic against you: you lost indyref so STFU ya feckin hypocritical imbecilic oaf.

That's your own argument

No it isnt. My argument is you can have as many referendums as you like , but each time the result must be implemeted as i have said before. Not denied when you lose.

QuoteI have accepted the result of the election have I not?

Yes or no?

You havent accepted the result of the 2016 referendum , and try as you might cant get over it. :lol:

Have you accepted indyref ya daft pillock? Or are you still crying into your man boobs about it?

Fully accepted and implemented , and ready to go again as i have satisfied democracy unlike you and your fellow brit left whingers.

Quote"uncontrolled immigration"?

You are so full of shite, in what way was it uncontrolled

QuoteAs today's generation of political leaders prepares to fight an election that is in part a contest about the mistakes, judgments and assumptions Labour made in government on immigration, it is easy to forget just how much immigration and asylum haunted Downing Street throughout New Labour's time in office. Between 1997 and 2010, net annual immigration quadrupled, and the UK population was boosted by more than 2.2 million immigrants, more than twice the population of Birmingham. In Labour's last term in government, 2005-2010, net migration reached on average 247,000 a year.

The dramatic changes have left British politics ruptured. Immigration remains the No 1 issue on the doorstep, according to pollsters – a stream that feeds into the well of mistrust in politics. It has spawned the emergence of Ukip and helped create four- or five-party politics in the UK for the first time.
[/b]"> ... side-story">

QuoteUnder Blair's Labour government, Britain's economic immigration policy went from a highly restrictive approach to one of the most expansive in Europe, as I examined in new research.
[/b]"> ... tate-85472">

QuoteMigration has been a consistent feature of the policy and political landscape in the United Kingdom over the last decade. Concerns have ranged from asylum seekers to unprecedented economic migration from Eastern Europe. The monthly MORI poll of "the most important issues facing Britain" has consistently recorded immigration among the public's top concerns. The most recent figures, from April 2007, showed immigration to be the public's second most important issue, behind crime.

Throughout this period, but particularly from 2001, Labour put migration at the center of its energetic legislative program. In the 10-year period under Blair's stewardship, Labour passed four migration-related Parliamentary Acts (laws), and a fifth Parliamentary Bill (a draft law) is currently in the final stages of approval.
[/b]"> ... tony-blair">

I mean the coals have been raked over new labour and tony blairs disasterous mass immigration policy many a time , yet its surprising you still appear to defend it somehow with your net recipient pish.

If you cant see how this impacted the anti eu feeling , rise of ukip , brexit vote , and the fears of the general english popualtion and how they were feeling after labour and the left ignored them , you shouldnt be discussing politics on a politics forum.

Either that or your head is buried so far up your  arse its embarressing.
Blair was a failure, but that wasn't an area in which he failed and I'm upfront about that,

You might be upfront about it , but you are wrong.

Quote"Scotland could be freee (oooo noo it cant), ooo your right, it cannae"

Reminds me of when labour in scotland were laughing at us in 2014. They arent laughing now.

He who laughs last laughs longest. 8-)

QuoteIn one of their worst defeats ever, at the 2015 UK general election, Scottish Labour was reduced to having a single seat (Edinburgh South), losing 40 of its 41 seats to the SNP.

QuoteAt the 2019 general election, Labour returned only one MP (Ian Murray, Edinburgh South), losing every single new seat gained two years earlier and finished in fourth place for the first time since 1918; with the national vote share falling to 18.6% - the lowest since 1910.

Yeah, I'm sure you've been wrestled by plenty of people, but this isn't about your career in a pen.

Dont make out you on the brit left are whiter than white then. You are bigger back stabbers than the tories , and far more duplicitous.

We had lefty robin cooks dodgy stitch up to deal with inthe 1979 scot devo referendum , labour doing the tories dirty work( and the anglo lefties) in 2014 , and now the same brit left are trying to stitch up their own people and deny them democracy over the 2016 brexit ref.

I wouldnt piss on the brit left if it was on fire.

QuoteWell, you would know

We are in power in scotland , the tories in england.........what about your party?">
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas post_id=25966 time=1590350242 user_id=58If the majority in your country dont want immigration , especially the perception of mass uncontrolled immigration under FOM from eastern europe that tony blair and new labour unleashed , then in a democracy the majority dont have to have it , wether immigration is good or bad.

Thats the point dynamis. Thats how democracy works.

And where have I suggested otherwise?

Are the voices talking to you again Tomboy?

QuoteThats what in part contributed to the brexit vote in england , a tiny country that only makes up 40% of the land of these islands , could fit inside france 5 times over , yet has a simliar population to the french on far far less land.

Yopu didnt listen to peoples opinions on the matter , and lost peoples  votes as a consequence , and helped contribute to brexit is my point.

And you lost the scot indy ref.

Two can play at that game.

Using your logic and Brexiter logic, the Brexiters would tell you to STFU with your overlarge jock cakehole and shove indyref so far up your keishter, it reopens your fat gob and pops out.

Is that who you're throwing your lot in with, with ya wee scrotey, contrived inane prattery-bollocks-gibberish? :roll:

QuoteRubbish my heart strings are feckin breaking here dynamis.

I told people they were wrong , you told people they were wrong , and they didnt listen .

The difference between you and me is i accept democracy while you only accept it when it suits.

Using your own & Brexiters' logic against you: you lost indyref so STFU ya feckin hypocritical imbecilic oaf.

That's your own argument.  :roll:

I have accepted the result of the election have I not?

Yes or no?

Have you accepted indyref ya daft pillock? Or are you still crying into your man boobs about it?

Quoteoles most definetly are not the cause of englands or the worlds problems , but that doesnt mean people have to accept labours uncontorlled immigration when they dont want it or suffer the indignity of being called a racist to shut them up in the process as the english left have done.

"uncontrolled immigration"?

You are so full of shite, in what way was it uncontrolled?  :roll: No I accepted it, I refer you back to your own logic re the indyref you hypocrite.

QuoteHe opened the doors to eastern european workers arrogantly disregarding the thoughts of the english electorate i nthe process , when the  majority of the rest of europe put restrictions on them and it looked terrible , gave the english lefts enemies all the ammo they needed and farage a platform , and helped win brexit for the eurosceptics.

No amount of running away from this or spinning about contributions to the uk treasurey will detract from such a fundamental error.

Blair was a failure, but that wasn't an area in which he failed and I'm upfront about that, you are a duplicitous liar.

QuoteWell if only eh? :roll:  What would our lives be like but for ifs buts and maybes.

"Scotland could be freee (oooo noo it cant), ooo your right, it cannae"

(that's a Rab C Nesbitt ref for you :D )

QuoteWhen wrestling with a pig , sometimes you have to get in the sty and get dirty

Yeah, I'm sure you've been wrestled by plenty of people, but this isn't about your career in a pen. :


The wonders of idealistsic fantasy.

Well, you would know.  8-)


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=25962 time=1590349102 user_id=98
Yep, exactly, like red Tory Blair the chunt who I don't support, never did, never will.

That's it, you got it.

ok glad we agree.

I don't care whether people in England ignored migration statistics, I'm not going to pander to fake statistics for people's votes. No - not ever.

No one is asking you to pander to any statistics.

If the majority in your country dont want immigration , especially the perception of mass uncontrolled immigration under FOM from eastern europe that tony blair and new labour unleashed , then in a democracy the majority dont have to have it , wether immigration is good or bad.

Thats the point dynamis. Thats how democracy works.

Thats what in part contributed to the brexit vote in england , a tiny country that only makes up 40% of the land of these islands , could fit inside france 5 times over , yet has a simliar population to the french on far far less land.

Yopu didnt listen to peoples opinions on the matter , and lost peoples  votes as a consequence , and helped contribute to brexit is my point.

Maybe that's the difference between me and you, you would fake pretend-listening to people who think Poles are the cause of the world's problems, whereas I would tell them upfrontly that they are wrong,

Rubbish my heart strings are feckin breaking here dynamis.

I told people they were wrong , you told people they were wrong , and they didnt listen .

The difference between you and me is i accept democracy while you only accept it when it suits. Poles most definetly are not the cause of englands or the worlds problems , but that doesnt mean people have to accept labours uncontorlled immigration when they dont want it or suffer the indignity of being called a racist to shut them up in the process as the english left have done.

Quote but that I understand that Blair has messed everything up in other ways and really bungled the immigration system,
He opened the doors to eastern european workers arrogantly disregarding the thoughts of the english electorate i nthe process , when the  majority of the rest of europe put restrictions on them and it looked terrible , gave the english lefts enemies all the ammo they needed and farage a platform , and helped win brexit for the eurosceptics.

No amount of running away from this or spinning about contributions to the uk treasurey will detract from such a fundamental error.
and that the EU's equal pay for foreign & native workers should have come in 10 years earlier

Well if only eh? :roll:  What would our lives be like but for ifs buts and maybes.
I'm sincere and will accept losing elections for an indefinite period, but with honesty, whereas you are willing to lie your arse off to gain votes.

When wrestling with a pig , sometimes you have to get in the sty and get dirty as the british left and right know fine well.

QuoteLuckily, the SNP doesn't share your convictions (or lack thereof).


The wonders of idealistsic fantasy.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Hyperduck Quack Quack

Thanks for moving these post to this off-topic thread - exactly where they belong.

Hyperduck Quack Quack

Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=25627 time=1590232232 user_id=50Oh shut up you hysterical old fishwife.

Run out of teddies to throw out of your pram, then?   Diddums!


Quote from: Borchester post_id=25657 time=1590242825 user_id=62
Tough sh*t.

It isn't tough sh*t, if the person who is in the receiving and of it perceives it as a personal attack, threat or similar that is a real personal attack, threat or similar under English law.

Something nasty bastards on the internet don't seem to understand until the service provider pulls their access.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Javert post_id=25648 time=1590239189 user_id=64

Well, sometimes one person's jokes could be another person's bullying or insults.

Tough shit.

Pretty soon you will coming out with stuff like, "I don't mind fair comment but.."

This is cyber space. If you are going to have a fit of the vapours because of a few high words then you have to ask yourself if you should really be here.

The only intelligent response to any insult is to tell the pederastic sewer to eat shit without salt.
Algerie Francais !