Off topic thread (to the tower)

Started by cromwell, November 09, 2019, 12:24:10 PM

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Quote from: Thomas post_id=23954 time=1589103498 user_id=58
 Our poor mortality rate was a legacy of 80 years of labour rule in glasgow  , and it will take some time to get us back to normality and recover.


The poor state of Scottish health is the result of generations of Scots smoking fags and eating shit and blaming everyone else.

The NHS is the UK's sacred cow. London is currently covered with irony free ads telling us to stay at home and protect the NHS. Any suggestion that the NHS is there to keep us alive is entirely absent. I seemed to have picked up some sort of bug. I don't know what it is but my head aches, I am snorting like a horse and can crap through the eye of a needle. So I am going to self isolate on my allotment (provided I don't have a brown trouser job on the way) and dream of the days when I was 25 and nurses were pretty and competent and did not mind a bit of hanky panky while they waited on the chance of marrying a doctor. These days the ones at my local hospital dress like counter hands at Greggs but tend to be less competent.

Sooner or later the UK government will turn on the NHS and point out that it gobbles up one pound in every six collected in taxation and that it is time to stop making excuses and start acting like health service. This will happen later in Scotland than England because the former is run by the SNP which is socialist party reliant on buying off the voters with public sector jobs.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Thomas post_id=24008 time=1589119243 user_id=58
Course its true , i dont think i have ever seen you post one single link to back up your hatefull bile all the time i have been on this forum.

Bob down the pub this..... bob down the pub that.

As for scottish indy mate , you can of course have an opinion , especially on this forum and i thank you for it. Sadly for you though you wont have a vote  , so your opinions dont mean much.

LOL, and you actually think you will have a vote, and on the off chance you do are you really under the impression your fellow Scots would vote for Independence. We both want the same thing for Scotland, however I have the sense to realise it isn't going to happen.

Regards my right wing bias. On this side of the border it's pretty much the norm, hence a very convincing general election result. Not nearly right enough for me, but better than nothing I suppose. Oh, I am still trying to think who Bob is.

A hand up, not a hand out


Quote from: Thomas post_id=24007 time=1589119116 user_id=58
Only with you wiggy.

...and thanks for the compliment. I do try severely to get right up your nostrils at every occassion. Of course lets not mention the fact that most of your fellow english in this forum find you detestable as well , but there you go.

So your trying to get around me now because you feel guilty :D
A hand up, not a hand out


Quote from: Wiggles post_id=24006 time=1589119065 user_id=87
That isn't actually true. I don't drink with anyone called Bob, and I tell them things, not visa versa. I don't know why you want to argue with me, we both want the same thing, Independence for Scotland

Course its true , i dont think i have ever seen you post one single link to back up your hatefull bile all the time i have been on this forum.

Bob down the pub this..... bob down the pub that.

As for scottish indy mate , you can of course have an opinion , especially on this forum and i thank you for it. Sadly for you though you wont have a vote  , so your opinions dont mean much.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Wiggles post_id=24004 time=1589118901 user_id=87
So if the Scots are so nice, why are you so detestable ?

Only with you wiggy.

...and thanks for the compliment. I do try severely to get right up your nostrils at every occassion. Of course lets not mention the fact that most of your fellow english in this forum find you detestable as well , but there you go.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=24003 time=1589118747 user_id=58
You never stop feckin talking about him.

When we ask for a link for the shite you constantly talk on here , you tell us repeatedly you cant give us a link as it was something bob down the pub told you. :roll:

That isn't actually true. I don't drink with anyone called Bob, and I tell them things, not visa versa. I don't know why you want to argue with me, we both want the same thing, Independence for Scotland
A hand up, not a hand out


So if the Scots are so nice, why are you so detestable ?
A hand up, not a hand out


Quote from: Wiggles post_id=23998 time=1589117497 user_id=87
How do you know Bob if you live in Scotland then?

You never stop feckin talking about him.

When we ask for a link for the shite you constantly talk on here , you tell us repeatedly you cant give us a link as it was something bob down the pub told you. :roll:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Wiggles post_id=23992 time=1589115581 user_id=87
Per head of population Scotland get far more than England under the Barnett formula, and that's how you can afford all those little luxuries you get that we don't.

Yes we know , didnt you see the earlier post where i said we get more per head under barnett because we contribute more per head and the uk government still manages to make a tidy profit from scottish finances?

Why dont you just copy and paste all the old right wing english brit nats troped from the mail and i will copy and paste the replys and have done with it wiggy , you have nothing new to offer. :roll:  :lol:

Why dont you save your country then if this is what you believe and cut scotland loose and save all this imagninary money.

Your skint wiggy not because you fund other nations with english taxpayers largesse , but because you no longer habve the ability to plunder the vast wealth resources manpower and talents of 62 nations around the earth. Thats why you are sinking at a fast rate , from world power to regional insignificance dependent on the usa to protect your international interests and scottish taxpayer to fund your country.
Having to live amongst other Scots, I suppose you deserve something though.

Why wiggy?

I have travelled the world and everyone loves the scots , our nation and our brand is world famous. You on the other hand and your country are shall we say infamous. :lol:

Even your bestest bestest pals in america have a big celebration every year about the day they kicked you out their country and stopped you picking their pockets.
The NHS hasn't got any worse under the Tories, it was just as crap under the last Labour government.

Are you reading my posts or just talking past me wiggy?

I said the tories have massively underfunded your nations nhs since 2010 , which is a matter of public record , and that both labour and tory  governments have damaged it severely.
 As stated in my thread, this isn't about politics,

dont talk shite.This is about politics , you yourself brought politics into it and this is of course a political forum.
it's about how we feel about the NHS and why everyone is raving about it,

Well when you dont even understand that not only does the uk not have a single health service , but englands is broken up into regional trusts , what is there to talk about in depth when you cant understand the basics?

Quotewhen in reality it appears to be doing a pretty bad job.

Prove it then?

All we have is more wiggys " i told bob down the pub how shite englands nhs is " without anything to back it up?

Im happy with scotlands nhs , i have already stated how i think its good but could be even better , but even englands , no matter how much better it could be , is still one of the better health systems out of the 200 nations in this earth.

If you dont like it , dont feckin use it , and make sure go private wiggy.
Not only are far to many people dying,

you are adding two and two and getting five. is border control , pandemic restrictions and general cobra meeting policy now the sole responsibility of the english nhs instead of the uk government?
hundreds of thousands of other people are suffering because they can't get the treatment they require.

You will have to give me some examples of this wiggy. Remember we arent bob down the nags head listening to your drunken ramblings.

QuoteThis has nothing to do with funding, this is because repeated governments have allowed the population to grow to quickly, something Scotland hasn't had to endure.

Scotlands population has grown recently , what are you talking about? We have one of the highest rates of immgration in the whole disunited kingdom.

Its going to take more than 21 years of devolution to reverse three centuries of forced demographoc decline , and as i already said internaitonally the whole of the western world is going through the same population growth and growing numbers of people retiring.

One minute you are laughing at the italians covid 19 death toll because they are merely lazy southern europeans with a high percentage of elderly , the next you are blaiming englands taking the european covid 19 death crown down to successive governemnts allowing the population to grow too quickly in your wee country.

make up your mind wiggy , do other countries have large elderly popualtions or not?

QuoteI accept that there is no such thing as a UK NHS, but as it is all primarily funded from English workers, it's pretty much the same thing.

What you now believe income tax from englands workforce funds scotlands nhs? :lol:

Clearly mate you dont understand the barnet formula you constantly bleat about .

The Barnett formula, which has determined Scottish Government funding since devolution, works by taking the money spent in England on services and allocating an equivalent percentage (based on population and devolved service provision) to the Scottish Government. By its nature, the formula is therefore not linked to the actual money raised in Scotland, or even the affordability of services from our tax base – it merely gives a lump sum to Holyrood based on the previous year's spending in England. And it's this system that will eventually lead to the undermining of the Scottish Government's finances.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=23996 time=1589117191 user_id=58
no you do yourself a disservice wiggy. We thank our lucky stars you dont live here , and that you and your vile right wing british nationalist views are confined to a swamp in the lincolnshire fens , bob down the village pub and a few threads on an obscure internt forum.(no offence intended barry)

How do you know Bob if you live in Scotland then? The strange thing is that you find my British nationalism distasteful, whilst you are most obviously a Scottish nationalist. Don't get me wrong, I think nationalism is a great thing, and very much hope one day Scotland becomes an independent nation, probably ruled by the EU  :D
A hand up, not a hand out


Quote from: Wiggles post_id=23988 time=1589114614 user_id=87
Well, as bad as things may get I can thank my lucky stars I don't live in Scotland

no you do yourself a disservice wiggy. We thank our lucky stars you dont live here , and that you and your vile right wing british nationalist views are confined to a swamp in the lincolnshire fens , bob down the village pub and a few threads on an obscure internt forum.(no offence intended barry)
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=23962 time=1589105237 user_id=58
I have already repsonded to this , maybe you are hard of reading , but there is no such entity as the "uk nhs" , and not only hasnt there been since 1999 , but even before that the scottish and english health systems were set up at different times.As isaid to you you are waffling on about soemthing that doesnt exist.

FFS wiggles i know you live on the edge of a swamp in the middle of no where , but are you serisously arguing that this mythical bwitish nhs exists cause everyone across the disunited kingdom is applauding their health workers?

Most nations across europe if not the western world are doing similar , does that make them part of the bwitish health system too? :lol:

You need to re read threads on this forum. The WHO were advising regional lockdowns and contac tracing back in the early part of the year , and from memory professor neil ferguson advised the uk government lockdown london and perform mass contact tracing for the rest of us back in frebruary.

So what are you going on about?

i think most of us on this forum are aware of your vile views on euthanising the elderly in one way or another , however , most sensible people just laugh at you.

you are rambling now into other territory , but as i keep saying , how are you going to control imigration in the new brit nat world order when you finally leave FOM and the eu when you cant even control your borders during a world wide pandemic?

You also mention two countires that suit your narrative , yet islands like new zealand succesfully managed to close down borders and halt the virus , yet the bwitish empire couldnt do it succesfully in their wee island off the coast of europe? I made the point repeatedly how its much easier for a wee island like englanshire to control its borders than a massive continental nation equivalent to the eu like america.

Well, as bad as things may get I can thank my lucky stars I don't live in Scotland
A hand up, not a hand out

Hyperduck Quack Quack

Quote from: papasmurf post_id=21492 time=1587059349 user_id=89
The problem is a significant minortity are still trying to creep to second homes or get around the movement ban.

I wonder if there would be the same fuss if a Welsh person living in Wales went to their second home in another part of Wales.

Hyperduck Quack Quack

Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=22999 time=1588236723 user_id=50
You being the biggest crank on the forum, then you'd know I guess.

I thought I was the biggest crank on the forum.


Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=22999 time=1588236723 user_id=50
You being the biggest crank on the forum, then you'd know I guess.

I suggest you look in a mirror.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe