Off topic thread (to the tower)

Started by cromwell, November 09, 2019, 12:24:10 PM

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Quote from: Thomas post_id=11818 time=1577971425 user_id=58
Generally the done thing on interwebby forums alf , and i have been on them for years , is when you make a claim , you try and back it up with evidence. If you dont or cant , then most normal people simply dismiss you.

You have more evidence and information at your fingertips than at anytime in human history since year dot , yet you aparently cannot offer up one single piece of info to back up your insane gibbering except an anecdote about what auld harry and agnes next door are up to. :lol:

Quite well actually ,and judging from my brief interaction with you on this forum , much better than you.

 :lol: im using government stats and links , you are using anecdotes and im the one living in fantasy land? :roll:

too bad alf. Just think  , the next tax bill you pay , all those benefit cheats and frauds will be living the life of riley off to barbados and down the pub drinking your hard earned cash. :dncg:

Not me alf , i have a wee indian guy who does that for me. Reasonable rates into the bargain.

So you left a right wing jerk circle to come out into the real world and the fact people disagree with you AND use links to disprove the crap you talk horrifies you.

Too bad wiggy.

Yes, what's the point of posting on a debating website where everyone agrees?

You keep saying I don't provide proof, whereas I do, you just wish to disbelieve it. If you really want me to, I can dig up some newspaper articles, but I am pretty sure you will choose to disbelieve those as well, so it's a bit pointless. I could type into google "volume of people who receive far to much in benefits" but strongly suggest such figures aren't available.

I'm glad you have a better life than Playing golf in the mornings, and then going to the pub in the afternoon is absolute hell for me.
A hand up, not a hand out


Quote from: Wiggles post_id=11816 time=1577970689 user_id=87
It's as if nothing is true unless there are statistics on the internet to prove it.

Generally the done thing on interwebby forums alf , and i have been on them for years , is when you make a claim , you try and back it up with evidence. If you dont or cant , then most normal people simply dismiss you.

You have more evidence and information at your fingertips than at anytime in human history since year dot , yet you aparently cannot offer up one single piece of info to back up your insane gibbering except an anecdote about what auld harry and agnes next door are up to. :lol:

I have no idea how you manage in every day life.

Quite well actually ,and judging from my brief interaction with you on this forum , much better than you.

QuoteYou obviously don't believe any of my many examples, and to be honest, I think you are living in fantasy land

 :lol: im using government stats and links , you are using anecdotes and im the one living in fantasy land? :roll:
It's my belief that many (not all) people living on benefits receive far to much of the tax payers money.

too bad alf. Just think  , the next tax bill you pay , all those benefit cheats and frauds will be living the life of riley off to barbados and down the pub drinking your hard earned cash. :dncg:

Quote Judging by your attitude, I suspect you may be one of those people draining money from the public purse, but that's your business.

Not me alf , i have a wee indian guy who does that for me. Reasonable rates into the bargain.

QuoteI post on a few different political debate sites, but this is my favourite. Most of the sites I have posted on are full of people like me, quite right wing, and pretty representative of the man in the street. This one is so good because it has some real left wing moaners, and they always make me laugh. They hate the Tories, think socialism is the way forward, and hate anyone who manages to have done well for themselves. Can't wait for the next topic, keep it up

So you left a right wing jerk circle to come out into the real world and the fact people disagree with you AND use links to disprove the crap you talk horrifies you.

Too bad wiggy.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=11780 time=1577910461 user_id=58
I have read through your posts on this and other threads with precision and going into great detail , and answered them , while you have ignored the answers and carried on waffling on a load of auld bollocks in reply.

You made a throw away remark intended to big yourself up , and when pulled on it and made fun of , you run away screaming like a child.

In my experience those who have money however great or small dont crow about it . They dont need to , they quietly go about their business in an efficient manner with an air of authority and sense of wealth.

I couldnt care less how much money you do or dont have , the question is why you feel the need to crow about it on some obscure interwebby forum?

Is it a sign of your own weakness and sense of worthlessness you have to allude to being wealthier than others ? :roll:

i wish you would. You havent debated a single thing so far on this thread.

So far , you make some fantasy allegation , it s disproved time and again by links to the governments own figures , and then you move on without replying to something else and carry on from there with the same results each time.

Thats not debating thats making a fool of yourself , trolling threads , and showing yourself up for being a sad  , easily fooled  , bitter little man that has to big himself up and put others ,especially those vulnerable, down.


Another one from the age old internet book of tactics , when losing a debate , start screaming about personal attacks. :roll:

What the man who wants the euthanize old folk , put the sick and disabled to death  , deport all black people etc has now become a shrinking violet unable to handle the cut and thrust of debate?

I couldnt care less . I deal in fact , not fiction , and am calling you a liar and a bitter fantasist .

Everything you have alluded to so far on this thread has been shown to be utter rubbish at worst , or making mountains out of molehills at best.

using the quote tags quote where i have said this , or be yet again shown to be making things up . :roll:

prove it then?

I dont believe your anecdotes , so if you cant back up what you are saying , or put it into some sort of perspective , then you are simply going to appear to be a sad wee bitter man making things up.

you can believe in the lochness monster for all i care, personal beliefs or perceptions dont make things anymore true nor reflective of the norm in society at large.

It's as if nothing is true unless there are statistics on the internet to prove it. I have no idea how you manage in every day life. If you have an argument with your wife, do you ask her to prove everything with statistical figures on a government web site. You obviously don't believe any of my many examples, and to be honest, I think you are living in fantasy land. It's my belief that many (not all) people living on benefits receive far to much of the tax payers money. Judging by your attitude, I suspect you may be one of those people draining money from the public purse, but that's your business.

I post on a few different political debate sites, but this is my favourite. Most of the sites I have posted on are full of people like me, quite right wing, and pretty representative of the man in the street. This one is so good because it has some real left wing moaners, and they always make me laugh. They hate the Tories, think socialism is the way forward, and hate anyone who manages to have done well for themselves. Can't wait for the next topic, keep it up  :hattip
A hand up, not a hand out


Quote from: Wiggles post_id=11763 time=1577899712 user_id=87
My inabilities are outdone by your inability to read a thread.

I have read through your posts on this and other threads with precision and going into great detail , and answered them , while you have ignored the answers and carried on waffling on a load of auld bollocks in reply.

QuoteHaving quite a lot of money is hardly being rich, and if you don't have the ability to understand that, I give up.

You made a throw away remark intended to big yourself up , and when pulled on it and made fun of , you run away screaming like a child.

In my experience those who have money however great or small dont crow about it . They dont need to , they quietly go about their business in an efficient manner with an air of authority and sense of wealth.

I couldnt care less how much money you do or dont have , the question is why you feel the need to crow about it on some obscure interwebby forum?

Is it a sign of your own weakness and sense of worthlessness you have to allude to being wealthier than others ? :roll:

Quote I am happy to debate your left wing politics all day long,

i wish you would. You havent debated a single thing so far on this thread.

So far , you make some fantasy allegation , it s disproved time and again by links to the governments own figures , and then you move on without replying to something else and carry on from there with the same results each time.

Thats not debating thats making a fool of yourself , trolling threads , and showing yourself up for being a sad  , easily fooled  , bitter little man that has to big himself up and put others ,especially those vulnerable, down.

Quotebut if you want to become an adult then stop the personal attacks, and it may become a better debate.


Another one from the age old internet book of tactics , when losing a debate , start screaming about personal attacks. :roll:

What the man who wants the euthanize old folk , put the sick and disabled to death  , deport all black people etc has now become a shrinking violet unable to handle the cut and thrust of debate?

QuoteLike I have said on several occasions, my opinions are formed by my experiences, not studying manipulated statistics dug up on the internet.

I couldnt care less . I deal in fact , not fiction , and am calling you a liar and a bitter fantasist .

Everything you have alluded to so far on this thread has been shown to be utter rubbish at worst , or making mountains out of molehills at best.

Quote You may well have witnessed starving people queuing up at foodbanks

using the quote tags quote where i have said this , or be yet again shown to be making things up . :roll:

QuoteI on the other hand have witnessed drug addicts and disabled people living very comfortable lives care of the tax payer.

prove it then?

I dont believe your anecdotes , so if you cant back up what you are saying , or put it into some sort of perspective , then you are simply going to appear to be a sad wee bitter man making things up.

QuoteYou have the right to believe this is what society should provide, and I have the right to believe otherwise !!

you can believe in the lochness monster for all i care, personal beliefs or perceptions dont make things anymore true nor reflective of the norm in society at large.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester post_id=11775 time=1577906540 user_id=62
So you have never actually met a black or a gay?

Life in St Ives is clearly a bit more sheltered than I thought.

I have never been to St Ives.

What I meant was if I based my opinions on where I live because black people are as rare as unicorns and rocking horse poo here.

(The census data and parish data back that up.)

If there are any gays in the village they are keeping it hidden.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: cromwell post_id=11776 time=1577907988 user_id=48

What I think of you and your corrupt and corroded thoughts on many people who are in a position through no fault of their own am unfortunately unable to post on here because I'd both have to resign as a mod and ban myself.   :(

Go on let yourself go. (Personally I suggest he burns all his hair and nail clippings.)
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Wiggles post_id=11763 time=1577899712 user_id=87
My inabilities are outdone by your inability to read a thread. Having quite a lot of money is hardly being rich, and if you don't have the ability to understand that, I give up. I am happy to debate your left wing politics all day long, but if you want to become an adult then stop the personal attacks, and it may become a better debate. Whilst I am on that point, you can also stop requesting information that isn't possible to obtain. Like I have said on several occasions, my opinions are formed by my experiences, not studying manipulated statistics dug up on the internet. You may well have witnessed starving people queuing up at foodbanks, barefooted  and suffering from malnutrition, I on the other hand have witnessed drug addicts and disabled people living very comfortable lives care of the tax payer. You have the right to believe this is what society should provide, and I have the right to believe otherwise !!

Yeah course you do,that's why you're still here.

However whilst even smurfy admits there are a minority who cheat the benefits system you on the other hand believe even those who are entitled should live a life in penury.

What I think of you and your corrupt and corroded thoughts on many people who are in a position through no fault of their own am unfortunately unable to post on here because I'd both have to resign as a mod and ban myself.   :( and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=11768 time=1577902612 user_id=89
That is the problem your personal experience makes you totally ignorant of the national reality.

If I based matters on my personal experience, homosexuals would only exist on TV perfume advertisements, and there are no black people in Britain.

So you have never actually met a black or a gay?

Life in St Ives is clearly a bit more sheltered than I thought.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Wiggles post_id=11763 time=1577899712 user_id=87
 my opinions are formed by my experiences,

That is the problem your personal experience makes you totally ignorant of the national reality.

If I based matters on my personal experience, homosexuals would only exist on TV perfume advertisements, and there are no black people in Britain.

Personal experience has no relation to matters national.

How you are totally shielded from the terribly condition 10 years of Tory nastiness has put millions of people in makes me wonder if you never go beyond your own front door.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Thomas post_id=11742 time=1577891084 user_id=58
More diversions into fantasy.

Thats sums you up on this thread , inability to answer fact  or anything put to you , you simply merely trot off into another pile of innuendo bullshit and glimpses into the zany world of wiggles.

Well one minute you tell us you have quite a lot of money , then you qualify it as being im not rich by any means when pulled up about it?

Which is it wiggy , do you have a lot of money or not? :roll:  :lol:

My inabilities are outdone by your inability to read a thread. Having quite a lot of money is hardly being rich, and if you don't have the ability to understand that, I give up. I am happy to debate your left wing politics all day long, but if you want to become an adult then stop the personal attacks, and it may become a better debate. Whilst I am on that point, you can also stop requesting information that isn't possible to obtain. Like I have said on several occasions, my opinions are formed by my experiences, not studying manipulated statistics dug up on the internet. You may well have witnessed starving people queuing up at foodbanks, barefooted  and suffering from malnutrition, I on the other hand have witnessed drug addicts and disabled people living very comfortable lives care of the tax payer. You have the right to believe this is what society should provide, and I have the right to believe otherwise !!
A hand up, not a hand out


Quote from: cromwell post_id=11749 time=1577894579 user_id=48


The guy who said your name will go on ze list lost the war.

Hopefully a good omen for me cromwell..... :lol:  :hattip
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: "Forum admin" post_id=11746 time=1577892521 user_id=2
Excuse me, we are on page 3 of a Google search "Politics forum UK" so not that obscure. However, your name has now gone on ze list.  :lol: and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: "Forum admin" post_id=11746 time=1577892521 user_id=2
Excuse me, we are on page 3 of a Google search "Politics forum UK" so not that obscure. However, your name has now gone on ze list.  :lol:

My apologies, it wasnt myself intending to slight the forum it was merely putting our millionaire friends posting on this forum ( or any ) into perspective with someone who claims they are rich.

If i was even remotely rich i wouldnt be spending my time arguing with characters like wiggles on the interwebby. I could think of much better thing s to do :roll:  :lol:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Forum admin

Quote from: Thomas post_id=11739 time=1577889866 user_id=58
...cant think of anything to do with his time except post shite on an obscure internet forum in the outreaches of the interwebby.

Excuse me, we are on page 3 of a Google search "Politics forum UK" so not that obscure. However, your name has now gone on ze list.  :lol:


Quote from: Wiggles post_id=11740 time=1577890678 user_id=87
A billionaire doesn't have quite a lot of money, they have an awful lot of money. My money came from my wife and I working hard, and saving hard. It also came from the equity of the house when moving to a cheaper area. Both these things can be done by a large percentage of the population. I am not rich by any means, but can assure you that I have no plans to go cap in hand to the job centre, like so many lazy bar stewards in this country.

More diversions into fantasy.

Thats sums you up on this thread , inability to answer fact  or anything put to you , you simply merely trot off into another pile of innuendo bullshit and glimpses into the zany world of wiggles.
 Both these things can be done by a large percentage of the population. I am not rich by any means, but can assure you that I have no plans to go cap in hand to the job centre, like so many lazy bar stewards in this country.

Well one minute you tell us you have quite a lot of money , then you qualify it as being im not rich by any means when pulled up about it?

Which is it wiggy , do you have a lot of money or not? :roll:  :lol:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!