Off topic thread (to the tower)

Started by cromwell, November 09, 2019, 12:24:10 PM

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Quote from: Thomas post_id=11739 time=1577889866 user_id=58

FFS another multi billionaire with all sorts of money but cant think of anything to do with his time except post shite on an obscure internet forum in the outreaches of the interwebby.

As major sinic once told you  , i would bet there are a number of folk on these forums who could by and sell you a million times over.

A billionaire doesn't have quite a lot of money, they have an awful lot of money. My money came from my wife and I working hard, and saving hard. It also came from the equity of the house when moving to a cheaper area. Both these things can be done by a large percentage of the population. I am not rich by any means, but can assure you that I have no plans to go cap in hand to the job centre, like so many lazy bar stewards in this country.
A hand up, not a hand out


Quote from: Wiggles post_id=11738 time=1577889551 user_id=87
 as I have quite a lot of money.


FFS another multi billionaire with all sorts of money but cant think of anything to do with his time except post shite on an obscure internet forum in the outreaches of the interwebby.

As major sinic once told you  , i would bet there are a number of folk on these forums who could by and sell you a million times over.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=11714 time=1577869267 user_id=89
Nonsense, for a start many disabled can't get out of the homes because the Tories have been taking away their benefits since May 2010 so they can no longer lease a Motability car. It reached 800 per week at one stage from May 2010.

As for the unemployed there would only be three £20 notes in the current rate of unemployment benefit , plus a £10 note and some change.

You continue to show you know **** all about the benefits system, or  how it is administered.

You should be forcibly educated on the subject and just how nasty the Tories have been since May 2010.

You need to realise it only takes one life changing event for you to end up needing the welfare state. If it happens to you, you will find out the safety net has been removed.

It would take more than one life changing event, as I have quite a lot of money. Secondly, unemployment benefit is not £70 a week. As you well know that is just job seekers allowance. If you don't have any money behind you, and no income, then the benefits system gives you a lot more. Up to £1600+. The Tories have done exactly what was needed, and that's to encourage people to work, something the Labour party never bothered with. Believe me, if I were in charge of the benefits system, you really would need food banks. So you recon there are people who can't lease a mobility vehicle because they can't get out of their house to go to the garage. Have you any idea how stupid that sounds  :D
A hand up, not a hand out


Quote from: cromwell post_id=11700 time=1577837750 user_id=48

happy new year cromwell , and to the rest of the forum!
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Wiggles post_id=11713 time=1577868161 user_id=87
Strange how you think that the Tories do such a bad job, when the public just proved they think otherwise. The only alternative is labour, who historically bankrupt the country every time they are elected.

The public just proved they think otherwise?

The conservatives won 95% of their seats in England , a country where the people are essentially presented with a binary choice of dumb and dumber.

I dont think being asked to run in a two horse race against labour , and being voted in as the lesser of two evils is the english public giving you a badge of honour that you "do a good job". Not to mention the ridiculous stance labour took over brexit.

QuoteYou mention your wife, or was it ex wife, is on the top benefit of £1600 and lives in London

Nope i didnt say any of that at all. I dont have an ex wife , she doesnt live in london and she isnt and never has been on benefits.

Quote Firstly, if she is paying £1000 rent a month (even in London) she is living beyond her means

The thousand pound per  month figure is the latest statistic on what the average rent/mortgage cost per month across the uk is. While there will obviously be regional variations , i would say this is a realistic figure in many areas.

How is this living beyond their means?

Are you now suggesting families who cant or dont work for whatever reason should be cast out on the street and denied a basic need of having a roof over their head because housing demand is so high and supply is so short the market has set a figure on average of a grand per month?

People on benefits dont set that rate wiggy  , so they have no choice but to pay it.

QuoteA modest bedsit, or a room in a house can be rented for a lot less.

Small bedsits/ studio flats , rooms start at roughly £400 + in many areas of the uk. Again though according to figures this isnt the norm or widely available.

Quote A person working full time on London (waiting rates)?) earns £1421 per month

The median monthly pay for london according to the uk governments own figures is £3029 , so what are you talking about now?"> ... y/CBP-8456">

More imaginary poorly explained figures plucked out of fresh air?

QuoteThey are a very typical example of what's on offer if you are lucky enough to have convinced the authorities you have a disability.

prove it?

Quote They holiday twice a year in either Egypt or Southern Europe,

prove it?
but do drive a three week old Ford, care of the tax payer.

prove it?
Knowing them quite well, I can assure you that every penny of their income comes from tax payers money.

 :roll:  :lol: Prove it?

QuoteOf course, there are such a thing as benefits cheats, and I know a few of those as well, however, I am prepared to admit they are the minority.

 :lol: Bully for you.

So yet again we have a post full of vague fantasy anecdotes from wiggles world , where he even gets his neighbours bank statement sent to his house so he can peruse the finer details of their income.


You and lotsov need to get a room together wiggy , and swap lies.

The bullshit brothers i think we will start to call you two.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Wiggles post_id=11713 time=1577868161 user_id=87

So back to the old benefits thing. I am sure if you had your way, the unemployed and disabled would march into the job centre, demand what they want, and walk out with a wheel barrow full of £20 notes.

Nonsense, for a start many disabled can't get out of the homes because the Tories have been taking away their benefits since May 2010 so they can no longer lease a Motability car. It reached 800 per week at one stage from May 2010.

As for the unemployed there would only be three £20 notes in the current rate of unemployment benefit , plus a £10 note and some change.

You continue to show you know **** all about the benefits system, or  how it is administered.

You should be forcibly educated on the subject and just how nasty the Tories have been since May 2010.

You need to realise it only takes one life changing event for you to end up needing the welfare state. If it happens to you, you will find out the safety net has been removed.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Thomas post_id=11607 time=1577737592 user_id=58
I understand what you are saying borkie , but i think you are conflating what wiggy is saying.

Wiggy is trying to conflate all those on state benefits , wether legal or illegal , wether deserved or undeserved , wether you have paid in all your life or not , to a tiny minority who may be fleecing the system.

Theres a difference as im sure your aware.

Neither would i. I hardly think though someone in south east england where my wife is from , getting £1600 top rate benefits and forking out a grand of it on rent ( £1000 per month is the average uk rent/mortgage , even in my wifes home town you would be lucky to rent privately a two bed terrace for less than £600 per month) and being left with £600 - £1000 per month to pay food gas electric not to mention english council tax , water rates etc is living the life of riley on the taxpayer.

As you say i wouldnt want to be existing like that. Thats no a life , and its a far cry from wiggles fantasy story of auld aggie and harry next door in their million quid bungalow driving around in their ferrari holidaying in barbados on carers allowance. :lol:

As for working if they wanted  to im surprised by you saying that borkie.

Arent you always telling us to be good wee conservatives , feck the state , keep the government out of your back pockets  , greed is good look after number one? :D

So when family or acquantencies at the bottom end of the ladder take you up on your preaching , become good little tories feck the state out for themselves and greed is good etc , why are you surprised they listened to you?

Well maybe thats why the tories uk economy is the most non productive economy in the western world.

All these folk on sh*t money , ten of them doing jobs 4 could do on much better pay and conditions , not giving a feck on zero hours , no job security is maybe just part of the reason the french and germans can make in four days what england makes in 6 eh?

I dont . I think wiggles talks sh*t to be honest borkie.

..but hey , if there is this imaginary horde of benefit cheats out ther , then you should be applauding them for taking up good solid tory values of greed is good , look out for number one and feck society.

Live by the sword , you die by the sword they say.

Strange how you think that the Tories do such a bad job, when the public just proved they think otherwise. The only alternative is labour, who historically bankrupt the country every time they are elected.

So back to the old benefits thing. I am sure if you had your way, the unemployed and disabled would march into the job centre, demand what they want, and walk out with a wheel barrow full of £20 notes. You mention your wife, or was it ex wife, is on the top benefit of £1600 and lives in London. Firstly, if she is paying £1000 rent a month (even in London) she is living beyond her means. A modest bedsit, or a room in a house can be rented for a lot less. My main concern is the fact she gets that much, and this is why. A person working full time on London waiting rates earns £1421 per month. Even with your outlandish left wing views, you surely can't think that is right ?

Finally, you vastly exaggerated the scenario regarding my next door neighbor. They are a very typical  example of what's on offer if you are lucky enough to have convinced the authorities you have a disability. They don't live in a million pound bungalow, they live in a very nice two bed bungalow in a very nice road, with really nice neighbors (me and the misses). They holiday twice a year in either Egypt or Southern Europe, they don't drive a Ferrari, but do drive a three week old Ford, care of the tax payer. Knowing them quite well, I can assure you that every penny of their income comes from tax payers money. These people are NOT benefit cheats, they merely know what forms to fill in. I am sure you know that their are people who make a comfortable living advising people on such issues. Of course, there are such a thing as benefits cheats, and I know a few of those as well, however, I am prepared to admit they are the minority.
A hand up, not a hand out


[size=200]Happy new year everybody[/size] :lol:  :lol:  :hattip  :hattip and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Borchester post_id=11697 time=1577829400 user_id=62
It was so much easier in the old days, sitting in the 2/11s and watching the cigarette smoke mixing with the movie from the projector...

Ahha. Top banna Ollie. Many thanks
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: cromwell post_id=11693 time=1577824691 user_id=48
You've done it again,can't help this time unless you give us a clue. :?:

It was so much easier in the old days, sitting in the 2/11s and watching the cigarette smoke mixing with the movie from the projector...

Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Borchester post_id=11691 time=1577822987 user_id=62
Oh, we don't know. We thought that maybe you would like to raise a glass and say well, we have had our differences but that is how it is with friends. So...

You've done it again,can't help this time unless you give us a clue. :?: and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Borchester post_id=11691 time=1577822987 user_id=62
Oh, we don't know. We thought that maybe you would like to raise a glass and say well, we have had our differences but that is how it is with friends. So...

You seriously think that with the very nasty opinions expressed on this forum any of you are friends?
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=11681 time=1577812779 user_id=89
New Year's Eve. So what?

Oh, we don't know. We thought that maybe you would like to raise a glass and say well, we have had our differences but that is how it is with friends. So...

Algerie Francais !


Quote from: cromwell post_id=11677 time=1577811560 user_id=48
Ffs smurfy it is New Year's Eve,you do yourself no favours. :brd:  :shrg:

New Year's Eve. So what?
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Borchester post_id=11598 time=1577731630 user_id=62
Then we must agree to differ because in my 63 years of employment I have.

Blimey, you must be old ?
A hand up, not a hand out