Off topic thread (to the tower)

Started by cromwell, November 09, 2019, 12:24:10 PM

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Quote from: "Calico Jack" post_id=9946 time=1576333156 user_id=101

And something else which may enlighten you. ( Though I doubt it.  :roll: )"> ... led-people">

If it were down to me I would shut down the DWP and bar any current staff from being given jobs in the replacement, which would be based on medical experts examination and medical records. (With no privatised aspect of it.)
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe

Calico Jack

Quote from: Wiggles post_id=9925 time=1576329936 user_id=87
Part of the reason the welfare bill has risen is because of the ageing population, yet as a society we spend a fortune attempting to keep people alive even longer. To counter this pension ages have gone, which is also unfair because not everyone works in a an office. I personally believe we throw to much money at the disabled, and this is down to my personal observations.

No actually it's down to your personal prejudices since you have no idea what you're talking about. Repeating endless gossip about people you claim to know to be defrauding the welfare system isn't personal observations. Like your claim that you've reported these alleged scammer and the DWP did nothing. How do you know the DWP did nothing? They may well have investigated the case and found that what you claimed was a load of bollocks and they were perfectly entitled to welfare. You seem to think that people aren't asked to justify their claim.

This case is far from the only one people have lost the welfare they are entitled to because of DWP decisions.

"The victim of an acid attack who suffered 50% burns to her face and body has overturned an attempt to strip her of a disability benefit after being told she was fit for work.

The woman, who finds it difficult to sit or stand for long without pain and is bed-bound for weeks after reconstructive operations, appealed after officials awarded her zero points at an assessment to test her eligibility for disability employment benefit.""> ... ack-victim">

And something else which may enlighten you. ( Though I doubt it.  :roll: )"> ... led-people">


Quote from: Wiggles post_id=9925 time=1576329936 user_id=87
Part of the reason the welfare bill has risen is because of the ageing population, yet as a society we spend a fortune attempting to keep people alive even longer. To counter this pension ages have gone, which is also unfair because not everyone works in a an office. I personally believe we throw to much money at the disabled, and this is down to my personal observations.

Do not agree at all from withholding help

Yes we are living longer thanks to advancement in medical science better diet, living conditions they average life span is now in the mid 80's at one stage it was much less the bill will keep going up and up, that is why we have to find a better sustainable way to fund it

The retirement age now reflects that people can or want to keep on working if they wish I only retired as I approached 70 years of age , I started working full time at the age of 15 years, there was no way I could have worked in my first physical demanding job for the rest of my life.

In have had to retrain 3 times in my working life my last job still had its hazards and was confrontational, the work I did before that left me with a number of injuries I carry to this day which at times can be difficult to over come on pain killers most days especially this time of year.

So is my wife due to work related injuries but refuses to stop work and is annoyed she could not draw her state pension at 60 years, yesterday she completed another 14 hour shift on her feet for virtually all of it, today back at work again left the house at 7am she never knows when her shift will end, operating theatres keep going until the last patient on this list is off the table.  

I am all for helping those who are too ill and disabled and unable to work for a number of reasons, they are after all not as lucky as you and I, either from birth, accidents or injured somehow, or stricken my a disease or luck of the draw by whatever cause means they need help, I also advocate those can help look after themselves as many do.

What I am against is those who can work but won't we still have too many of those, some do not earn enough and need help I don't have a problem with at all, the sooner they can be helped into better paid work the better for them and the taxpayers free up money for those in need.

The ones I detest are the fraudsters who steal our money intended for those really in need bang up for longer and struck off benefits system for a long time , I would like to see waste and inefficiency in all our welfare departments and Government bodies, NHS especially time we had value for our hard earned cash, otherwise it will collapse eventually
<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>


Quote from: Wiggles post_id=9925 time=1576329936 user_id=87
 I personally believe we throw to much money at the disabled, and this is down to my personal observations.

What you personally believe has no relationship to the reality.

I suspect if offered, you would accept a gas operated humane killer and solve your wrong perception and belief in a final solution.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Churchill post_id=9803 time=1576266455 user_id=69
The reality is our Welfare Bill which includes State Pension etc back in 97 when Labour came to power was £64.42 billion per year then they made changes to the economic policy they had inherited in about 2000, then the foretold global meltdown happened, by the time they were voted out the Welfare Bill was £101.71 billion a year.

This year with more people in some sort of work and earning some in work still require some benefits , by the end of next year the Welfare Bill will be £126.28 billion a year.

It has to be reduced if at all possible sadly some cannot see the reality of the situation , what the answer is I don't know but a stronger economy and not wasting our tax money should help doing nothing won't

Part of the reason the welfare bill has risen is because of the ageing population, yet as a society we spend a fortune attempting to keep people alive even longer. To counter this pension ages have gone, which is also unfair because not everyone works in a an office. I personally believe we throw to much money at the disabled, and this is down to my personal observations.
A hand up, not a hand out


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=9910 time=1576326920 user_id=89
That would turn it into the rabid Tories and neo-Nazis are us forum, not the United Kingdom Politics forum.

That so many people on this forum not only  remain in ignorance of what is being done in their name and are proud they don't know says a lot about them.

like who?

Im not a neo nazi , or a rabid tory , yet i dont agree with much that you say one any given subject.

You are a sad bitter auld man who sits talking guff from your couch in the cornish wilderness , and have been banned repeatedly on our old forum until it became permanent after all the bile you posted , and i believe you have already been banned on this new one.

You are another one so far up your own arse you are in constant denial about the world around you , and so out of touch with the public mood its unbelievable for someone who claims to have an interest in uk politics.

i pity your poor wife so i do , how that woman must suffer. Still i take comfort from the fact we are keeping you out of her hair for the time you are on here talking shite to us. :roll:  :lol:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Churchill post_id=9896 time=1576325219 user_id=69
:lol:  down to him if that happens

That would turn it into the rabid Tories and neo-Nazis are us forum, not the United Kingdom Politics forum.

That so many people on this forum not only  remain in ignorance of what is being done in their name and are proud they don't know says a lot about them.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=9899 time=1576325547 user_id=84
Well that almost certainly tells even a dumbo like you that there is insufficient evidence to even report it! Do try to stop being a complete cretin!

The media and press not reporting it does not mean is isn't happening. There is Hansard, Select Committee reports, the DWPs own data and many other official sources.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe

Major Sinic

Quote from: Thomas post_id=9879 time=1576322239 user_id=58
im wondering how long he is going to last on this forum before he starts threatening to shoot conservative politicians again or threatening legal action against forum members like he did on the old forum?

Lifetime ban within 6 months? :lol:

 :hattip I live in hope! :D

Major Sinic

Quote from: papasmurf post_id=9878 time=1576322219 user_id=89
The Times and the BBC have never even reported on benefit related deaths.

Well that almost certainly tells even a dumbo like you that there is insufficient evidence to even report it! Do try to stop being a complete cretin!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=9879 time=1576322239 user_id=58
im wondering how long he is going to last on this forum before he starts threatening to shoot conservative politicians again or threatening legal action against forum members like he did on the old forum?

Lifetime ban within 6 months? :lol:

 :lol:  down to him if that happens
<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=9877 time=1576322116 user_id=89
So you could not be bothered to read the links at the link, you have not had time to do so:-

More suggested reading with embedded links:-"> ... to-deaths/">

Your investigation skills are crap nil zero you made a wrong guess, you should have asked me, I read the first link and stopped there no tangible evidence allegations yes problem with all allegations easy to make , the hard bit is proving them always has been always will be.

For what its worth I know I am wasting  my time with you but, if you are going to set yourself up as up as a credible investigator and righter of wrongs you need to learn not to accept the findings opinions others as gospel people make mistakes they maybe right they maybe wrong, that is why I tried to you what evidence is

The golden rule in all and any investigation is " Never ever assume guess what you are told is true and accurate " Assumption has no place in any investigation it is a word no investigator ever uses, the moment you make that fatal mistake all that follows is suspect or wrong.
<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>


Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=9876 time=1576321769 user_id=84

You are delusional, sad and pathetic!

im wondering how long he is going to last on this forum before he starts threatening to shoot conservative politicians again or threatening legal action against forum members like he did on the old forum?

Lifetime ban within 6 months? :lol:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=9876 time=1576321769 user_id=84

You refuse to accept people who proffer evidence from highly respected journals and news media such as the Times and  BBC

The Times and the BBC have never even reported on benefit related deaths.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Churchill post_id=9874 time=1576321527 user_id=69
So not your evidence someone else has investigated so you do not know how good or strong their evidence is,

So you could not be bothered to read the links at the link, you have not had time to do so:-

More suggested reading with embedded links:-"> ... to-deaths/">
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe