Off topic thread (to the tower)

Started by cromwell, November 09, 2019, 12:24:10 PM

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Major Sinic

Quote from: papasmurf post_id=9869 time=1576320493 user_id=89
Well Tory DWP ministers have ignored coroners notices to prevent further death, and that is a matter of public record.

Just a sample links at link:-"> ... osecution/">

When will you realise that a self-published partisan blog sheet is not evidence. This whole blog sheet, well meaning or not, is written by one disabled (what a surprise) self proclaimed journalist who throughout demonstrates his left wing credentials with positive reports of Labour and page edge to page edge negativity to the Tories.

You refuse to accept people who proffer evidence from highly respected journals and news media such as the Times and  BBC and yet you expect intelligent members of this forum to accept one man, back room, single issue, self published opinionated crap like this as evidence that the Tories are guilty of murder.

You are delusional, sad and pathetic!


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=9869 time=1576320493 user_id=89
Well Tory DWP ministers have ignored coroners notices to prevent further death, and that is a matter of public record.

Just a sample links at link:-"> ... osecution/">

So not your evidence someone else has investigated so you do not know how good or strong their evidence is, ask yourself a question why have they  not taken legal action against anyone or the DWP itself, I don't know nor do you, it is highly likely their evidence is not strong enough even for a Civil Court where the burden of proof is much lower.

No politician is above the Law the only person who cannot be prosecuted is the reigning Monarch.

A Coroner can make recommendations , they cannot apportion blame on any one person or persons or organisation, that can only be done if a full Criminal Investigation is carried out  which may find enough credible evidence to stand a reasonable chance of proving guilt in a Court of Law, if they cannot there is no case to answer.
<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>


Quote from: Churchill post_id=9848 time=1576316657 user_id=69

Now if you think you have  credible evidence that will past that test then crack on get someone to put your evidence that you claim you have before a Court of Law and prove you case.

If not wise up

Well Tory DWP ministers have ignored coroners notices to prevent further death, and that is a matter of public record.

Just a sample links at link:-"> ... osecution/">
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe

Major Sinic

Quote from: papasmurf post_id=9837 time=1576313011 user_id=89
I back them up with hard evidence that you are too blinkered to believe them is your problem not mine.

I realise how intellectually challenged you are which is why I ignore you more than I would most other posters, despite the bigoted, unsupported crap which pours from you.

However surely even someone with even as few wits as you can recognise that on the parade ground  when one soldier is putting his left foot down and the other 99 are putting down their right foot, it is the one soldier who is out of step. On this forum you are that one soldier!


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=9837 time=1576313011 user_id=89
I back them up with hard evidence that you are too blinkered to believe them is your problem not mine.


You have not been silenced by the Mods at all you are over reacting and in my opinion being childish, you do make wide sweeping serious allegations against the Poloticians or bodies you dislike and being frank you hate with a passion, I detest Corbyn and the far left and the far right , but I think before I type in here and how I phrase it

You have more than once alledged that the sick disabled and disadvantaged in the UK are being killed off by the Government you hate, as I posted earlier you should consider who may see your posts and the fact that someone may take a serious view to what you have alledged more than once and do something about it.

We read almost everyday of on line Hate Crimes being reported to the Police and printed in the media, some people have even ended up in Court or even inside for their behaviour threats intimidation racism or even Libel

You claim you have evidence do you? what do you call evidence ? if it is a report of an investigation by someone else you have no idea how accurate or true it is unless you are personally involved in that investigation and know it to be true, you have no idea if that investigation has been carried out correctly

If it is only based on your or another's assumptions and opinions that it is not evidence, if someone tells you something that is not evidence either its called hearsay ( gossip) you do not know how authentic or accurate it is.

At this time of year a game often played Chinese Whisper the last person in the chain ends up with something totally different to the original message

To prove any individual or organisation is guilty of a crime especially of a serious crime of manslaughter or murder you need evidence to prove it by factual evidence , by tangible evidence, eye witness accounts, you need to proof of neglect or intent that will stand up in a Court of Law.

We have a right in this country which we all have and should cherish very dearly " Presumption of Innocence"  which means until guilt is proved in a Court of Law beyond all reasonable doubt they are innocent

And to prove that in Court the rules of evidence laid down by Legislation must I repeat must be followed if not a Court of Law will not accept it.

Here are the rules very long"> ... es-key.htm">

Now if you think you have  credible evidence that will past that test then crack on get someone to put your evidence that you claim you have before a Court of Law and prove you case.

If not wise up
<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>


Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=9835 time=1576312572 user_id=84
You never back up your ridiculous fantasies with anything but hot air!

I back them up with hard evidence that you are too blinkered to believe them is your problem not mine.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe

Major Sinic

Quote from: papasmurf post_id=9831 time=1576311354 user_id=89
No lies involved, unfortunately I am now censored from comment on this forum even when I back up my comments with hard evidence.

You never back up your ridiculous fantasies with anything but hot air! Do please continue to question immensely reasonable mod decisions (seriously) and we might once again and finally see the most disruptive, hate-filled, fantasist gone for good!


Quote from: "Major Sinic" post_id=9813 time=1576275817 user_id=84
I don't know why not! This seems to be the one area where you can do what you do best! LIE!

No lies involved, unfortunately I am now censored from comment on this forum even when I back up my comments with hard evidence.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe

Major Sinic

Quote from: papasmurf post_id=9788 time=1576258139 user_id=89
I am now not allowed to answer that.

I don't know why not! This seems to be the one area where you can do what you do best! LIE!


Even if possible short term fix only, you have to think out of the box and look years ahead the tax more will fix anything has been tried it does not work, I do not know the solution , you don't somebody has to come up with a more cost effective sustainable solution.
<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>


Quote from: Churchill post_id=9803 time=1576266455 user_id=69

It has to be reduced if at all possible sadly some cannot see the reality of the situation , what the answer is I don't know but a stronger economy and not wasting our tax money should help doing nothing won't

Collecting all the tax owed would be a start, as would scrapping HS2.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Wiggles post_id=9783 time=1576256904 user_id=87
Yes, but they tend to give more hand outs to people who refuse to give anything back. Ring any bells ?

The reality is our Welfare Bill which includes State Pension etc back in 97 when Labour came to power was £64.42 billion per year then they made changes to the economic policy they had inherited in about 2000, then the foretold global meltdown happened, by the time they were voted out the Welfare Bill was £101.71 billion a year.

This year with more people in some sort of work and earning some in work still require some benefits , by the end of next year the Welfare Bill will be £126.28 billion a year.

It has to be reduced if at all possible sadly some cannot see the reality of the situation , what the answer is I don't know but a stronger economy and not wasting our tax money should help doing nothing won't
<r><COLOR color=\"#4000FF\">>After years of waiting at long last on our way out of the EU <E>]</e></COLOR></r>


Quote from: cromwell post_id=9798 time=1576262040 user_id=48
Mod Notice

Oh do stop sulking,you've been told about taking threads off topic with your constant references to a tory killing machine and were told to start a thread on that topic if you wished,however this is the off topic thread so if you want to post your "tories are engaged in mass murder" monlogue and people want to engage on here go ahead,but keep it out of other threads OK. :fcplm:  :shrg:  :brd:

That is why I can't answer wriggles.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Mod Notice
Quote from: papasmurf post_id=9788 time=1576258139 user_id=89
I am now not allowed to answer that.

Oh do stop sulking,you've been told about taking threads off topic with your constant references to a tory killing machine and were told to start a thread on that topic if you wished,however this is the off topic thread so if you want to post your "tories are engaged in mass murder" monlogue and people want to engage on here go ahead,but keep it out of other threads OK. :fcplm:  :shrg:  :brd: and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Wiggles post_id=9786 time=1576257868 user_id=87
Seriously, please tell.

I am now not allowed to answer that.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe