Macron v UK + EU

Started by T00ts, December 04, 2020, 02:24:56 PM

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Quote from: GerryT on December 07, 2020, 07:11:08 PM
Sheepy we didn't do anything. Brexit is a pure UK act, any fall out from it is totally on the UK. Tha's how the history books will be written, the country that destroyed itself and caused harm to it's close neighbours.

Ahhh there's the real truth! Hence the panic!


Quote from: Sheepy on December 07, 2020, 07:07:20 PMServes them right, they have had junior lying through his back teeth on behalf of the EU and feck the Irish. If it backfires which is highly likely, they can only blame themselves.
Sheepy we didn't do anything. Brexit is a pure UK act, any fall out from it is totally on the UK. Tha's how the history books will be written, the country that destroyed itself and caused harm to it's close neighbours.


Quote from: Thomas on December 07, 2020, 06:19:06 PMGerry i see the revived project fear is alive and kicking as you remain types seek to hamstring the uk and force people into accepting some sort of BRINO.
There are some right out and out remain loony lefties at the lse , it was only three years ago proifessor gearty was claiming brexit was the uk vietnam to complete ridicule and laughter.
People like dunleavy as well have been totally misrespresented time and gain by remain , and before that in the scot indy debate , by the no side.
Your newly revived project fear is going to get the same two fingers put up to it as it did last decemebr , and the year before that and so on.
Three weeks to go.,
Brino is long long gone, thats well off the table. All thats left is no-deal which is still my bet or a bare bones deal. But 4 yrs ago it was the leave side that coined the phrase project-fear, not the remainer's. And their predictions came true, 200B cost so far, as much money as the UK put into the EU since the UK joined.

Your welcome to post the leavers expert paper on the unicorn land of brexit riches, I'll happily read it. Sure if brexit is a resounding success then we'll all leave, thanks for gambling the UK on it.


Quote from: Barry on December 07, 2020, 07:02:52 PM
You hang on tight Gerry. The roller coaster is about to start in Dublin.
Serves them right, they have had junior lying through his back teeth on behalf of the EU and feck the Irish. If it backfires which is highly likely, they can only blame themselves.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: GerryT on December 07, 2020, 06:14:00 PM
Who's in a panic, is that how the UK media are reporting things ?
The UK should be in a panic, interesting times ahead. Wonder will Johnson look o pilfer the triple locked pensions, his IMB gives him the power, similar to a dictator. He could empty the coffers to stay in power. A good slice in pension payments will help offset the Brexit impact.
Now you are showing desperation, and you're not winding us up at all.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: GerryT on December 07, 2020, 06:07:28 PM
200b and counting. And you haven't even left yet. Sterling dropped like a stone. All you have is ignore the experts, genius plan.
You hang on tight Gerry. The roller coaster is about to start in Dublin.
† The end is nigh †


QuoteAs to the suggestion that Boris Johnson will have "no friends around the world", I suspect that many independent observers watching the Brexit negotiations would be at least as critical of the approach taken by EU countries. It has not gone unnoticed that France in particular has threatened to derail the Brexit talks with "last-minute demands".

In the meantime, the reality is that the UK has already rolled over (or improved upon) the bulk of the trade deals it had with third countries as a result of EU membership. There is no good reason to think we have any fewer friends in Canada, Japan, or South Korea.

Finally, retaining the option of walking away from the Brexit talks has surely improved the chances of getting a better deal both from the EU and in other negotiations still to come. Taking a tough line now is far more likely to impress our future negotiating partners in Beijing or Delhi. It certainly beats bending the knee to Brussels

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


QuoteDAVID DAVIS Britain has nothing to fear with a No Deal Brexit — we must stand our ground

THROUGHOUT the entire Brexit negotiation Britain has tried to behave in a civilised manner so as to avoid an acrimonious break-up.

That is not true of the European Union — on the contrary it has behaved unreasonably from the beginning.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on December 07, 2020, 06:20:28 PM
You might get no choice so what will you do then?

And for the record having the vaccine or not is freedom of choice,if people decide not to have it and die of covid that's theirs if I who will have the vaccine die of complications associated with the vaccine die that's mine,but any freedoms as a citizen should not be dependent on having it.

Frankly I pissed off with the bollocks about adverse effects. (seriously) There is VERY close monitoring and reporting for any vaccine.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: GerryT on December 07, 2020, 06:14:00 PM
Who's in a panic, is that how the UK media are reporting things ?
The UK should be in a panic, interesting times ahead. Wonder will Johnson look o pilfer the triple locked pensions, his IMB gives him the power, similar to a dictator. He could empty the coffers to stay in power. A good slice in pension payments will help offset the Brexit impact.

It's no good Gerry. You protest too much and it does come across as downright fear. I feel quite sorry for you. Ring Martin and tell him to bend Merkel's ear. You never know she might feel sorry for you too. I'm afraid it's very unlikely though.


Quote from: papasmurf on December 04, 2020, 08:42:33 PM
The Oxford vaccine is likely to be the choice for clinically extremely vulnerable people like myself, for a wide range of reasons.
You might get no choice so what will you do then?

And for the record having the vaccine or not is freedom of choice,if people decide not to have it and die of covid that's theirs if I who will have the vaccine die of complications associated with the vaccine that's mine,but any freedoms as a citizen should not be dependent on having it. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: GerryT on December 07, 2020, 06:07:28 PM
200b and counting. And you haven't even left yet. Sterling dropped like a stone. All you have is ignore the experts, genius plan.

Gerry i see the revived project fear is alive and kicking as you remain types seek to hamstring the uk and force people into accepting some sort of BRINO.

There are some right out and out remain loony lefties at the lse , it was only three years ago proifessor gearty was claiming brexit was the uk vietnam to complete ridicule and laughter.

People like dunleavy as well have been totally misrespresented time and gain by remain , and before that in the scot indy debate , by the no side.

Your newly revived project fear is going to get the same two fingers put up to it as it did last decemebr , and the year before that and so on.

Three weeks to go.,

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: T00ts on December 07, 2020, 06:07:53 PMI find it interesting, in the light of Gerry's definition of the EU being Ireland and Ireland is the EU (I think that's how the quote went) that they are now in a panic that there might be a no deal. I am inclined to be just a little sorry for them. Still no worries they are free too.
Who's in a panic, is that how the UK media are reporting things ?
The UK should be in a panic, interesting times ahead. Wonder will Johnson look o pilfer the triple locked pensions, his IMB gives him the power, similar to a dictator. He could empty the coffers to stay in power. A good slice in pension payments will help offset the Brexit impact.


I find it interesting, in the light of Gerry's definition of the EU being Ireland and Ireland is the EU (I think that's how the quote went) that they are now in a panic that there might be a no deal. I am inclined to be just a little sorry for them. Still no worries they are free too.


Quote from: Barry on December 07, 2020, 05:57:39 PMThese uni types have not made a single reliable prediction. Can't think why, except they are tied in with the loony left.
200b and counting. And you haven't even left yet. Sterling dropped like a stone. All you have is ignore the experts, genius plan.