Scotland & England: Different Values

Started by morayloon, December 08, 2020, 12:39:41 PM

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Quote from: Thomas on December 20, 2020, 09:17:49 AMEvery bandwagon pat jumps upon he jinxes , so it should work in our favour having him opposed to scot indy.

The only bandwagon is won't jump on is the Black on Black nature of knife crime and gang related violence in our cities, as well as issues like absentee fathers. Despite numerous threads on the subject, he avoids them like the plague. Because its much easier to pick on events in a city like Glasgow, where he's probably never even been, than to address issues on his own fecking doorstep

He's a shallow, snooty hypocrite who constantly plays the victim card, while never missing a chance to tell everyone how wealthy he is.


Quote from: DeppityDawg on December 19, 2020, 07:18:18 PM
What! Why didn't someone point this out before?

Are you bored with counting your money, Pat? Is it "have a go at the Jocks week" for having the temerity to be thinking about independence from sycophantic elitists in the South East of England, so ably represented here by your good self? I but that copper resigning in Manchester has given you a fecking big hard on, hasn't it?

God you're such a fecking snobby ****

im glad deppity pat is opposing scottish independence. Having failed to stop brexit , he is now turning his attention to us with his usual pathetic attempts at put downs.

Every bandwagon pat jumps upon he jinxes , so it should work in our favour having him opposed to scot indy.

Everyone in scotland knows fitzpatrick resigning is through no fault of his own.......he has taken the fall for what is in effect  problems completely caused by westminster and all under their watch and control.

Good to see the latest snp bad story is having zero effect .

QuoteTruly staggering: support for independence reaches all-time high in an online poll of 58%

QuoteShould Scotland be an independent country? (Savanta ComRes)

Yes 58% (+5)
No 42% (-5)

QuoteScottish Parliament constituency ballot:

SNP 55% (+5)
Conservatives 20% (-3)
Labour 16% (-2)
Liberal Democrats 6% (-)

Scottish Parliament regional list ballot:

SNP 42% (+1)
Conservatives 20% (-1)
Labour 17% (-1)
Greens 12% (+1)
Liberal Democrats 7% (-)

Lets hope pat and his ilk keep up the good work.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: patman post on December 15, 2020, 03:28:09 PMA strong link between alcohol abuse and poverty

What! Why didn't someone point this out before?

Are you bored with counting your money, Pat? Is it "have a go at the Jocks week" for having the temerity to be thinking about independence from sycophantic elitists in the South East of England, so ably represented here by your good self? I but that copper resigning in Manchester has given you a fecking big hard on, hasn't it?

God you're such a fecking snobby ****

patman post

Scotland's public health minister has resigned from the SNP government days after figures revealed the country's drug-related death toll had risen to another grim annual record.
Joe FitzPatrick said he had "agreed" to quit after discussions with first minister Nicola Sturgeon on Friday and hours after Scottish Labour lodged a motion of no confidence in him.
On Tuesday, the National Records of Scotland revealed there had been 1,264 drug-related deaths registered in Scotland in 2019, an increase of 6% from 1,187 in 2018 and a death rate more than 3.5 times that of the UK as a whole.

But will the resignation make any difference?
Seems a bit like Greater Manchester Police  — the guy responsible fails and quits, to probably be replaced by a crony, while the person at the top (the mayor), and the same old, same old, continues...

On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: Barry on December 16, 2020, 01:24:47 PM

If so it calls into question the whole gamut of health statistics in the UK.

Havent we also been arguing this all year regarding covid deaths across the entire uk?

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Barry on December 16, 2020, 01:24:47 PM
That is utterly ridiculous.
Is that really true?

If so it calls into question the whole gamut of health statistics in the UK.

aye its true barry. Thats how the national records of scotland record them.

Im not saying scotland doesnt have a problem with drugs , far from it , but so does england wales and many other countries.

The thing is though barry , if you accept scotland has drugs issues , and even if you dont accpet my explanation of why drugs deaths are so high comapred to other nations , then the next question is whose fault is it?

Control of scotland borders is a reserved matter to the uk government , so they are respnsible for the drugs getting into scotland.

The misuse of drugs act is also reserved to westminster , so again , the scot gov cannot do anything about drugs in scotland , or try anything new despite pleading with westminster to devolve the powers.


The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 is a reserved UK Act of Law that Scottish MSPs cannot change or alter (source 4).  Since the SNP came to power, it has had 10 drugs added to the list of controlled drugs (source 5).  So with that in mind, let's use Table 1 from the National Records of Scotland to compare from 1996 to 2017 and see where we end up (source 6).

Between 1996 and 2007, not under the SNPs administration, the number of deaths increased from 244 per year to 474.  That's an increase of 94.3%.

Between 2008 and 2017, under the SNPs administration. The number of deaths increased from 590 per year to 935.  That's an increase of 58.5%.

The number of extra deaths counted in the series due to changes in UK Law between 1996 and 2007 and 2008 and 2017 were 74 and 155.  Due to changes in UK Law over the past 20+ years, there has been a net increase of 81 deaths attributed to the numbers of drug deaths associated under the SNPs Government due simply to changes in UK Law affected at Westminster, or 8.7% of all drug deaths in Scotland in 2017.

QuoteExample being that the UK Government have already blocked plans by the SNP to set up a Drugs Room in Glasgow to try and start fixing this issue.  Why would they block such an act of radical handling of Scotland's drug death problem if they really cared about the deaths related to drugs use rather than SNP bad headlines?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on December 16, 2020, 07:26:33 AM
As dynamis has told you in his post , no we dont.

If you are prescribed any of the opiate family when being treated by the nhs in scotland , Oramorph post surgery , morphine patches , Tramadol for athritis , morphine shunt as a cancer patient , if you die , your death will be recorded in scotland as a drug death.

Where scotland fell down in my lifetime was over murder rates and knife crime , glasgow for example once being the murder capital of the western world under labour and the tories , until devolution and the snp came along to fix it.

Meanwhile , in 2018 , London overtook new york to be the murder and stabbing capital of the western world.  worse than any other of the major european captals and on a comparison with third world countries. Imagine that , the much maligned trump administration and new yorks mayor getting knife crime and killings under control while the tories and their devolved stooge sad khan loose control with black kids running riot on street corners in London.

I have been to london many times , and have many great friends who live there. I know areas like dagenham and harold road pretty well. I once felt ashamed of glasgow and the deprivation and crime ........until i made my first trip to london.

Lovely people most londoners , of whom i get on great with  , but by christ their city is one f**king shamefull sink hole with some of the worst  crime rates in the entire so called civilised world.

Must try harder pat. 8)

I did a lot of work up at Shield Hall and used to stop at the Tully in Balloch, on occasion in The Renton, the drop outs I saw around there were nothing to do with surgery  ;D
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Thomas on December 16, 2020, 07:26:33 AMIf you are prescribed any of the opiate family when being treated by the nhs in scotland , Oramorph post surgery , morphine patches , Tramadol for athritis , morphine shunt as a cancer patient , if you die , your death will be recorded in scotland as a drug death.
That is utterly ridiculous.
Is that really true?

If so it calls into question the whole gamut of health statistics in the UK.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: patman post on December 15, 2020, 03:28:09 PM
remaining the highest per population in Europe.[/i]

As dynamis has told you in his post , no we dont.

If you are prescribed any of the opiate family when being treated by the nhs in scotland , Oramorph post surgery , morphine patches , Tramadol for athritis , morphine shunt as a cancer patient , if you die , your death will be recorded in scotland as a drug death.

Where scotland fell down in my lifetime was over murder rates and knife crime , glasgow for example once being the murder capital of the western world under labour and the tories , until devolution and the snp came along to fix it.

Meanwhile , in 2018 , London overtook new york to be the murder and stabbing capital of the western world.  worse than any other of the major european captals and on a comparison with third world countries. Imagine that , the much maligned trump administration and new yorks mayor getting knife crime and killings under control while the tories and their devolved stooge sad khan loose control with black kids running riot on street corners in London.

I have been to london many times , and have many great friends who live there. I know areas like dagenham and harold road pretty well. I once felt ashamed of glasgow and the deprivation and crime ........until i made my first trip to london.

Lovely people most londoners , of whom i get on great with  , but by christ their city is one f**king shamefull sink hole with some of the worst  crime rates in the entire so called civilised world.

Must try harder pat. 8)

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Dynamis on December 15, 2020, 05:49:03 PM
Reading the relentless onslaught of unintelligible bovine manure on here today (tbh, wouldn't even compare the intelligence of many to bovine manure - no I'm not talking to you postie) has given me a headache, what a load of shite. Feckin circular runways (lol) and lift equation pseudo science by the pub professors, and BRexit wanderlast, funny jokes making unfunny jokes and now stuff like this. It defies belief..

Anyway, this story lacks all context..

And Scotland records drug deaths differently, fact checks say they have a "more complete system" that records numbers of deaths that they wouldn't include in England or Wales. No context, no nothing.

The fake fact checkers at 'the ferret' dispute this but they have been caught out lying so no one trusts them anyway.

This is what I mean about crap being posted on here today, totally easily refuted essentially irrelevant crap about trainspotting, or oiled up welsh and northern chav wrestlers on planes to magadorm with garden gnomes stuck in the engines.  :D :D :D ..Never mind folks eh.

Well you know where the door is.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.

Borg Refinery

Reading the relentless onslaught of unintelligible bovine manure on here today (tbh, wouldn't even compare the intelligence of many to bovine manure - no I'm not talking to you postie) has given me a headache, what a load of shite. Feckin circular runways (lol) and lift equation pseudo science by the pub professors, and BRexit wanderlast, funny jokes making unfunny jokes and now stuff like this. It defies belief..

Anyway, this story lacks all context..

And Scotland records drug deaths differently, fact checks say they have a "more complete system" that records numbers of deaths that they wouldn't include in England or Wales. No context, no nothing.

The fake fact checkers at 'the ferret' dispute this but they have been caught out lying so no one trusts them anyway.

This is what I mean about crap being posted on here today, totally easily refuted essentially irrelevant crap about trainspotting, or oiled up welsh and northern chav wrestlers on planes to magadorm with garden gnomes stuck in the engines.  :D :D :D ..Never mind folks eh.

patman post

Scotland must be one of the best countries to live in if the Wee Free attitude to pleasure is ignored thus allowing sorrows to be drowned and nirvana reached...

Scotland's drug deaths are a 'national tragedy and a disgrace' - charities

Leading drug and substance abuse charities have responded to new figures showing that Scotland's annual drug deaths have risen again, remaining the highest per population in Europe.

Scotland alcohol misuse — They drink nearly 25 percent more than the English and Welsh. A strong link between alcohol abuse and poverty persists in Scotland. Men who lived in deprived areas are seven times more likely to die of alcohol-related causes.
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: Borchester on December 10, 2020, 12:12:02 PM
It does not work that way Tommy. Small classes and schools with plenty of teachers usually mean that there isn't much else going on and that jobs are scarce.

I don't know if the Scots are rich, poor or drink Buckfast out of Wee Krankie's socks, but I do know that economic data wise, Moray comes out with more crap than the Beckton sewage works.

No not really borkie. All my life it has been pointed out smaller class sizes are better for education. The kids who are schooled in small classes outperform those on average schooled in bigger class sizes.

Big schools with hardly any teachers taking large classes are normally the mark of a country that cant afford its state education system , and is struggling.

My wife briefly expericend scottish state education as a child before moving back to england , and when she came up to scotland she always points out how she was miles behind her scottish counterparts.

As i always say borkie , scotlands problem is we have set a high bar , and when you are the best , it can be tough staying there.

We had five universities when england had three , we educated our poor while england sent theirs out to work in the fields , and reaped the benefit during the scottish enlightenment.

All that has happened is europe has caught up with us. ;)

I always say though borkie , when the englishman compares his country ( education sport whatever) to the mighty scotland , i take it as the sincerest form of flattery.

While the regional and global powers like the french germans , americans or chinese strut their stuff confidently on the world stage , convinced of their superiority in every way , the englishman raises his eyes anxiously to scotland to see if he is competing with the best. :D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Nick on December 10, 2020, 11:45:03 AM
I note that you don't mention the quality of the education Thomas. 😉

its been mentioned time and again , also on this thread .

The general rule of thumb is the scottish state education system on average is better than englands , and the english are famed for their private education system.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

patman post

Quote from: cromwell on December 10, 2020, 12:23:17 PMBloody kids today don't know they're born,when I were a lad there was 49 in our class (true actually) 
It's my experience that large class sizes don't necessarily inhibit good education. The quality of teaching seems to be the most important factor.
My sister and I spent eight years in a traditional old-style British educational environment with classes regularly around 50. One teacher per class and no teaching assistants.
When we returned to London in the mid-nineties, I reckon we were one to two years ahead of the classes we we put into — though Hackney schools were probably the worst in the UK at that time.
Borchester's observation seems correct — more unemployment and good starting salaries is recruiting more teachers, certainly in London...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...