Gunboats you say? I do indeed

Started by Sheepy, December 12, 2020, 11:12:27 AM

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Quote from: Thomas on December 23, 2020, 04:13:08 PMThat sounds like an excerpt from a  former forum poster called robin goodfellows british fantasy ladybird book on northern ireland unionism . Word for word thats along the exact same lines of what he once told me many years ago o nthis forums predescessor , and i had to educate him as i will educate you .

Quote from: Thomas on December 23, 2020, 04:13:08 PMScottish and irish have been crossing the straights of moyle for 3000 years , they are mentioned in each others countries and regions/pseudo kingdoms across those 3 millenia. Presbyterianism from scotland didnt appear in northern ireland till 400 years ago and the presbyterians didnt become british unionists till around the mid nineteenth century , 150 years ago. so for three thousand years of farmers being in each other lands , unionism comes into it for the last 150 years .
Funny, in NI there are in simple terms Catholic (Nationalists) and Protestants(Unionists). Its obviously not that simple. But your waffling again, most people here, yes Ireland would say protestant, your splitting hairs again protestant=Presbyterian=Unionist in most Irish people books. Your not Irish so you don't understand.

Quote from: Thomas on December 23, 2020, 04:13:08 PMNo mate , its nothing to do with king billy. King billy was the biggest persecutor of prebyterians on the planet , and forced three quarters of a million to emigrate to america with his try and keep up mate.

Any half educated irishman who doesnt wear a bowler hat can tell you taht.
I'm not your "mate", such an English thing to say, you sure your not from England.

Quote from: Thomas on December 23, 2020, 04:13:08 PMI told you before mate , the centre of british unionism , or more properly westminster unionism , since longbow and henry invaded ireland in the 12th century , was dublin , nor belfast , and for those 800 years of westminster unionism centred around dublin , belfast and its prebyterian protestant unionism only became important once ireland was partitioned.
So what are you talking about?
Further , fermanagh and tyrone( if you arent sure where they are , look at a map) is and always has been a staunch nationalist area , yet they were included in the spitefull partition. Why if there were no majroity presbyterian unionist support?
Shows what you know, and I'm still not your "Mate" Englishman. A small part of Dublin was Protestant at the start of the 1900, this would have been Rathmines, ranelagh, Rathgar, Donnybrook. Those areas, but by far the majority of Protestants (unionists/Presbyterians  >:( ) were in NI, Belfast. The way it was taught to us in school was Ulster would be partitioned but that wouldn't have given a protestant majority so Donegal, Cavan and Monaghan were left to the ROI. But UK wanted to maxamise the quantity of land it kept hence why counties you mention were included but their natural borders were adjusted to remove particular strong Catholic areas, a majority protestant area wasn't overly important as the UK intended to gerrymander anyway and of course Catholics would be prevented from having a vote. But the staunch Ulster counties were removed, hence why its 6 in NI and not 9.

But thanks for the history lesson.

Quote from: Thomas on December 23, 2020, 04:13:08 PMAs ever gerry , you broach a subject on ireland  , and are found wanting and scrabbling about in the dirt trying to cover your inept knowledge of ireland and its history politics and current affairs or spouting english history and applying it to ireland.

Where abouts in england did you say you went to school again before moving to the south east? Was it the midlands?
More waffle


Quote from: GerryT on December 23, 2020, 03:34:35 PM
The current plan will keep the peace,
NI is in the UK, its single market, its laws, that keeps the proddies happy.
NI is in the EU SM/CU, it follows EU laws in certain areas for trade, that keeps the catholics happy.

Try forcing them one way or the other and you risk peace. The UK was forcing the situation until the EU put Johnson back in his box in January and again with the recent IMB.

The only "problem" I have is the UK weaponising NI to get what England wants
It's part in the UK single market, part in the EU single market.

Explicitly agri sectors and pharma, it's in the EU single market.

I'll risk peace with you any day of the week.
Anyone who threatens us with war in order to get his own political dominion over us deserves one.
All the way to world war if you wan't to play those kinds of games.
Happy to nuke your fascist and pathetic arses out of human history for good.

You'd be gone before I finish my pint.
And that would be funny.


Quote from: GerryT on December 23, 2020, 03:24:26 PMBut the UK sells about 156,000 tonnes of bovine beef to the EU, Ireland sells 211,000 tonnes of bovine beef to the UK

Well guess what, we can keep our 156,000 tons and you can keep your 211,000 tons. We clearly use more than our 156K so can up our domestic production. What you going to do with 211K tons of beef? Oh yes, I forgot you can easily find a new market overnight.

And using the example I like to use, Oranges. We will buy them from Brasil at 8p a kilo, stick a 1000% tariff on and they're still cheaper than Spanish ones. Repeat times thousands of goods.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: GerryT on December 23, 2020, 03:12:42 PM
hahahah, what lodge was that conducted in front of.

It's irrelevant, a border poll will be held when there's a majority that decide they want reunification. Until then NI sits in the EU SM/CU and the UK SM. There is a provision for the people of NI to decide to remove themselves from the EU SM/CU, I think that's  every 4 or 5 yrs, so that's also a possibility but a very slim one as the current arrangement gives NI a massive advantage over the rest of the UK... For once in it's history !

Exactly the same as with Brexit. You don't give it legitimacy because the result doesn't conform to what you want.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: GerryT on December 23, 2020, 03:17:06 PM
Your really are displaying a serious lack of understanding. A border poll is only called if there is a majority to call for reunification

no it doesnt , we went over this in great detail with you and your other sock puppet connor or whatever his name was on the old forum.

The english N.I .s.o.s calls a border poll in his judgement as per the GFA.

Againthough you divert , you said to me that you didnt want a border poll just now as it wasnt the right time and all that old malarkey , not that the N.i.s.o.s  wouldnt call it because there wasnt any support.

I gave you loads of lucidtalk polls showing a majority support rememebr due to brexit , and you ran off making some other excuse.

You are full of cac gerry , and whats more despicable to me is your labour party view that northern ireland is merely a bandwagon to jump aboard not because you care for the people living there , but simply because its a tool to be used where your real interests lie , stopping england democratic vote to brexit.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT on December 23, 2020, 03:03:01 PM
No, Scottish and northern farmers were in NI a very long time, NI has always been a strong hold for Protestants, H&W shipbuilding was at a peak, the only strong business in the country. That's why it was held, nothing to do with spite.

That sounds like an excerpt from a  former forum poster called robin goodfellows british fantasy ladybird book on northern ireland unionism . Word for word thats along the exact same lines of what he once told me many years ago o nthis forums predescessor , and i had to educate him as i will educate you .

Scottish and irish have been crossing the straights of moyle for 3000 years , they are mentioned in each others countries and regions/pseudo kingdoms across those 3 millenia. Presbyterianism from scotland didnt appear in northern ireland till 400 years ago and the presbyterians didnt become british unionists till around the mid nineteenth century , 150 years ago. so for three thousand years of farmers being in each other lands , unionism comes into it for the last 150 years .

No mate , its nothing to do with king billy. King billy was the biggest persecutor of prebyterians on the planet , and forced three quarters of a million to emigrate to america with his try and keep up mate.

Any half educated irishman who doesnt wear a bowler hat can tell you taht.

I told you before mate , the centre of british unionism , or more properly westminster unionism , since longbow and henry invaded ireland in the 12th century , was dublin , nor belfast , and for those 800 years of westminster unionism centred around dublin , belfast and its prebyterian protestant unionism only became important once ireland was partitioned.

So what are you talking about?

Further , fermanagh and tyrone( if you arent sure where they are , look at a map) is and always has been a staunch nationalist area , yet they were included in the spitefull partition. Why if there were no majroity presbyterian unionist support?

As ever gerry , you broach a subject on ireland  , and are found wanting and scrabbling about in the dirt trying to cover your inept knowledge of ireland and its history politics and current affairs or spouting english history and applying it to ireland.

Where abouts in england did you say you went to school again before moving to the south east? Was it the midlands?

Quoteon one side shows up hahahahah, you think that's legit

Straw man. I made no comment on its legitimacy , and indeed i have argued all my life northern ireland isnt legitimate , but there you go. However , legitimate or not , 1973 and the referndum result , wether a kangaroo ref or not , it still makes you look a tit and shows your lack of knowledge again on ireland.

Quotea region of the UK where Catholics couldn't get a job, couldn't vote and you think fair play was in place.

Boo hoo , gerry the lefty labour englishman championing the poor and oppressed.

Dont you ever get fed up with all your virtue signalling?
I don't accept the 1973 vote as it was only giving one result.

who cares?

I dont accept it either , but im using it to show where you are wrong and clueless aout the 6 counties , except what you can google or the local labour party club in catford can tell you from the memoirs of the likes of geroge galloway.

QuoteDeal with the point.

i have i have shown where you were wrong in your reply to nick , and all you can do is try and wriggle.
By any measure a decision made via a vote is not legit with such one sided cheating, the UK way.

i dont rememebr labour supporters moaning about cheating in 1979 , or 2014 , but when they dont like the result , its funny how cheating is always brought up.

some you win some you lose gerry , like brexit. Twos up .

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: T00ts on December 23, 2020, 03:32:20 PM
Haven't you heard? There is a choir of fat ladies singing and the EU will roll over! Merry Christmas.
On that note I'm going to make the Gravy for Fri, Merry Christmas to you too.


Quote from: Borchester on December 23, 2020, 03:06:08 PM
NI Gerry, is like that aunt we all have at Christmas. She sits there whimpering that we will miss her when she is gone and we are all too decent to say no we won't you sniveling old cow, f**k off.
Should have thought about that 100 yrs ago, You fuc*ed up big time, you just have to live with those bad decisions. Just like your children and grand children will have to live with the bad brexit decisions.


Quote from: Baff on December 23, 2020, 02:57:15 PMI don't have any Brexit problems for them to solve.
It's you that seems to have a problem with it.

And its you that keeps weaponising the peace process too.
No one else does. Just the EU supporters. Just you.

Because let's face it, peace isn't what you want.
The current plan will keep the peace,
NI is in the UK, its single market, its laws, that keeps the proddies happy.
NI is in the EU SM/CU, it follows EU laws in certain areas for trade, that keeps the catholics happy.

Try forcing them one way or the other and you risk peace. The UK was forcing the situation until the EU put Johnson back in his box in January and again with the recent IMB.

The only "problem" I have is the UK weaponising NI to get what England wants


Quote from: GerryT on December 23, 2020, 03:24:26 PM
Irl sells 7% of its exports to the UK and yes we need to find a home for some of that. The UK will continue to buy Irish beef, german cars, french cheese etc. not the same quantity but it won't dry up.

But the UK sells about 156,000 tonnes of bovine beef to the EU, Ireland sells 211,000 tonnes of bovine beef to the UK, well in brexit tariff land, UK bovine beef gets a hefty tariff, our EU partners can get Irish beef tariff free. See where I'm going, over half of our exports that go to the UK can now just go to the EU, there's an opening in the market there !

repet and wash for all products from IRL

Now can you tell me what's happening with the 80% of food you import each day and whats the hard brexit plan for the over 40% of exports the UK sells to the EU.

Haven't you heard? There is a choir of fat ladies singing and the EU will roll over! Merry Christmas.


Quote from: papasmurf on December 23, 2020, 02:31:06 PM
The Ball and Chain just got back from shopping , supermarkets, no problem, all the veg was very cheap. The butchers has  a very long queue, took an hour.  Only thing not available anywhere was brandy snaps.
Happy to hear it, it's only been a couple of days and those trucks trying to get home to EU were bringing Stock-piling goods, so plenty to go around. Funny how a lot of people on here think the French were out to hurt the UK, when the UK was bulging with food and the only real people affected were EU and french men trying to get home. Brexiteer blinkers, just can't see the closure was only C19 related.


Quote from: Nick on December 23, 2020, 01:55:14 PM
He's on the inside of Shangri-La, Ireland is miraculously going to find a new market for their ex-UK produce.
The UK is going to dry up and blow away!! He's in heaven. 😂
Irl sells 7% of its exports to the UK and yes we need to find a home for some of that. The UK will continue to buy Irish beef, german cars, french cheese etc. not the same quantity but it won't dry up.

But the UK sells about 156,000 tonnes of bovine beef to the EU, Ireland sells 211,000 tonnes of bovine beef to the UK, well in brexit tariff land, UK bovine beef gets a hefty tariff, our EU partners can get Irish beef tariff free. See where I'm going, over half of our exports that go to the UK can now just go to the EU, there's an opening in the market there !

repet and wash for all products from IRL

Now can you tell me what's happening with the 80% of food you import each day and whats the hard brexit plan for the over 40% of exports the UK sells to the EU.


Quote from: Thomas on December 23, 2020, 01:07:21 PM
you miss the point nick. Gerry doesnt want northern ireland having a border poll in the near future  by his own words.

No matter which way polls suggest it would go , the main reason gerry brings northern ireland up is he actually believes somehow it is an achilles heel and will stop england leaving the eu.( or force some BRINO deal on the uk)

Thats how desperate and mental he is!
Your really are displaying a serious lack of understanding. A border poll is only called if there is a majority to call for reunification. If that poll fails then there can be another and another and another and another (every 7 yrs I think) until there is reunification.

I DONT bring NI in, I keep saying leave it out, NI and reunification is seperate to Brexit so stop bringing it up as a solution to one big brexit problem. There are so many other brexit problems - services, fishing, customs, trade etc... talking about NI and Brexit in the same sentence is a big yawn


Quote from: Nick on December 23, 2020, 12:11:05 PM

hahahah, what lodge was that conducted in front of.

It's irrelevant, a border poll will be held when there's a majority that decide they want reunification. Until then NI sits in the EU SM/CU and the UK SM. There is a provision for the people of NI to decide to remove themselves from the EU SM/CU, I think that's  every 4 or 5 yrs, so that's also a possibility but a very slim one as the current arrangement gives NI a massive advantage over the rest of the UK... For once in it's history !


NI Gerry, is like that aunt we all have at Christmas. She sits there whimpering that we will miss her when she is gone and we are all too decent to say no we won't you sniveling old cow, F@@@ off.

Algerie Francais !