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All British Coronavirus

Started by BeElBeeBub, December 19, 2020, 01:53:36 PM

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This latest mutation of the virus has kicked on in London and the SE . Some say because of demonstrations and mass gatherings in the Capital .

I think Ill call it the BLM  strain  ???


Covid-19 is an order of magnitude more dangerous than most flu viruses although some types of flu, e.g. Spanish flu that swept the world in 1918 are probably just as dangerous and there's presumably always a possibility that a new flu virus could appear that's even more deadly than covid-19 (which we should all know by now, is not a flu virus).

Formerly known as Hyperduck Quack Quack.
I might not be an expert but I do know enough to correct you when you're wrong!


Quote from: Thomas on December 20, 2020, 11:09:44 AMWe are dealing with a particularly nasty strain of a generic flu type virus , and flu as we all know has been about in various forms for millenia.
100% wrong.

Coronaviruses are a completely different phylum from influenza viruses.

They are as related to each other as you are to a starfish.

It is related to the MERS virus which had a fatality rate of around 50% (but mercifully was difficult to catch as you had to get it from a camel) and SARS1 which was around 25% fatal (but again was easier to stop because it was not infectious before symptoms).

The fatality of this is much lower around 1% depending on demographics and healthcare.

Before some idiot jumps in with "it's no worse than the flu", the IFR for Flu is *at worse* 0.1% usually far below.  There are parts of the US where the *population* fatality rate is above 0.2%

That doesn't account for the % of patients with long term symptoms either.

We now have a variant which initial analysis suggests is significantly more infectious.  It spread quickly even under tier 3 conditions, which were sufficient to suppress the other variants.

If this becomes the main variant, then keeping it in check will become a whole lot harder.

Unfortunately the horse has probably already bolted and the UK now has an even harder task ahead of it.


Quote from: BeElBeeBub on December 20, 2020, 10:10:38 AM
I should have said "...xenophobic naming conventions of some on this board...."

My bad.

My point remains valid, calling it "china virus" or "kung flu" was and is a stupid thing to do.

I tried to point that out and was ridiculed.

Now the boot is on the other foot and it sucks.

A person's stance on brexit is irrelevant when it comes to Covid....BUT there does seem to a strange correlation (not 100% obviously) between a pro brexit stance and a "Covid minimising" stance (also climate change and "political correctness gone mad').

Many (again not all) of  the Brexiters have spouted "it's just the flu" or "case-ademic" or similar.

It is genuinely puzzling what the common thread is.

You seem to be making a rather feeble attempt to make a mountain out of a molehill as ever beelbeeb.

In the political world , the only person i saw trying to make any capital out of the origination of this flu was trump. For the vast majority of politicians , and public across most nations , no one really gives a flying feck where this flu came from or what it is called.

If you cant beat it off , or it affects you badly , what does it matter where it came from?

Looking through the political haze and media hysteria , its quite clear even the most timid mouse is starting to question  this whole covid 19 hysteria.

We are dealing with a particularly nasty strain of a generic flu type virus , and flu as we all know has been about in various forms for millenia.

We have spoken about the stats in the past , and it quite clear what is emerging (going from over the top bubonic plague type death projection down to a more reasonable and normal 0.5 - 1%  mortality rate affecting mainly the elderly and extremely vulnerable with underlying health issues)is that everything is conforming to almost the norm for this type of virus.

What is puzzling for the vast majority of us is why we are being bombarded with these over the top restrictions and mass hysteria ?

The whole thread is a nonsense , its nothing more than a puerile point scoring excercise no one again really cares about.

one and a half weeks to brexit now  , and democracy being enacted , and then that can give you something to really moan about.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on December 20, 2020, 09:22:52 AM
So a couple of posters name it whatever and now beebly calls as good as the whole board on it.

Desperation to denigrate those who voted in a way he disapproves of is evident,anyway I've only called it what it is......covid as I guess most have.

I should have said "...xenophobic naming conventions of some on this board...."

My bad.

My point remains valid, calling it "china virus" or "kung flu" was and is a stupid thing to do.

I tried to point that out and was ridiculed.

Now the boot is on the other foot and it sucks.

A person's stance on brexit is irrelevant when it comes to Covid....BUT there does seem to a strange correlation (not 100% obviously) between a pro brexit stance and a "Covid minimising" stance (also climate change and "political correctness gone mad').

Many (again not all) of  the Brexiters have spouted "it's just the flu" or "case-ademic" or similar.

It is genuinely puzzling what the common thread is.


So a couple of posters name it whatever and now beebly calls as good as the whole board on it.

Desperation to denigrate those who voted in a way he disapproves of is evident,anyway I've only called it what it is......covid as I guess most have. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Apparently Porton Down found the mutation back on December the 1st.  I have to wonder why 19 days before Bojo-The-Clown took any action.
A 70% increase in transmissibility is getting worryingly close to level 4 biohazard territory.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Bit of bad luck that just before Christmas Ducky, they had to march Boris out and tell us to get stuffed. Not that big a shock to be honest, a Christmas twist indeed.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

Borg Refinery

Eton Mess?


Snowflake Gorilla pox?

(Or a nice properly racist Chinese one..  ;D Gwailou roughly translated means "white devil"  ;D )

Gwailou Pox?

Anglo Flu?

Can't think of anymore.



Quote from: T00ts on December 19, 2020, 08:50:43 PM
Come on - do you really expect me to give credence to twitter?

I would expect you to take the tweets of @darkrider87758485 with a large pinch of salt.

This is the verified Twitter account of a post doctoral researcher in molecular epidemiology.

As she is likely to have a considerably better view on the likely origins of this strain than you, I or a journalist.


Quote from: BeElBeeBub on December 19, 2020, 08:48:29 PM

Explanation of why the probability is the strain in question originated in the UK.

Come on - do you really expect me to give credence to twitter?


Quote from: T00ts on December 19, 2020, 04:50:41 PMFYI neither. I heard it on one of the national news programmes some days ago!

Explanation of why the probability is the strain in question originated in the UK.


Quote from: T00ts on December 19, 2020, 04:50:41 PMFYI neither. I heard it on one of the national news programmes some days ago!
Everything I've seen says this strain is mainly in the UK.

There's the "mink" strain from Denmark but that doesn't seem to be more infectious and isn't this variant.

There was also a similar but district strain that has been found in Europe but that doesn't seem to be associated with higher rates either.

The current epicenter of this appears to be the UK.

Of course it's not impossible (or unlikely even) that the mutation first arose elsewhere and only found a toe hold here.

Which is rather my point about the geographic naming of diseases.

The "Spanish Flu" probably originated in the Midwest of the US.


Quote from: BeElBeeBub on December 19, 2020, 02:11:12 PM
By "apparently" do you mean "I have no evidence beyond a Facebook post" or "I blame our own problems on the EU"?

Zero evidence this is imported seeing as it's prevelence is mainly in the UK.

If it came from (say) Belgium it would also be more prevelent there.

This one is on us. We're unlucky that the mutation happened here (could have been anywhere) but by the xenophobic naming conventions of this board it must now be linked to the UK.

FYI neither. I heard it on one of the national news programmes some days ago!


Quote from: T00ts on December 19, 2020, 01:56:00 PMHow about imported EU pox? Apparently it is not home grown at all but shipped in.
By "apparently" do you mean "I have no evidence beyond a Facebook post" or "I blame our own problems on the EU"?

Zero evidence this is imported seeing as it's prevelence is mainly in the UK.

If it came from (say) Belgium it would also be more prevelent there.

This one is on us. We're unlucky that the mutation happened here (could have been anywhere) but by the xenophobic naming conventions of this board it must now be linked to the UK.