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All British Coronavirus

Started by BeElBeeBub, December 19, 2020, 01:53:36 PM

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Eczema and lepros1y are both skin conditions.

Not the same tho.

CV is not flu,. You said "We are dealing with a particularly nasty strain of a generic flu type virus , and flu as we all know has been about in various forms for millenia."

I'll accept that above statment could be using the colloquial "flu" to mean "winter respiratory illness".  Fair enough but then you go on....

"we have spoken about the stats in the past , and it quite clear what is emerging (going from over the top bubonic plague type death projection down to a more reasonable and normal 0.5 - 1%  mortality rate affecting mainly the elderly and extremely vulnerable with underlying health issues)is that everything is conforming to almost the norm for this type of virus"

Which hints at a massive misunderstanding of why this variant of the "normal flu"via such a threat.

The "normal" mortality rate for "winter flu" is not 0.5-1%.  it's that sort of mortality rate for the very elderly and frail.  For the population it's way down from that.

Despite all our precautions CV is on track to be the leading cause of death this year full stop.  In some months it was responsible for over a third of all deaths.

I too try to maintain a sense of practicality, there are limits to what we can restrict and for how long.  This does have a greater effect on the elderly. But there are many in this board, the majority also brexit supporting (oddly), that have massively downplayed this.

Not every Brexiter denies climate change or Covid.  But the correlation between being pro brexit (in particular the hard variant) and minimising CV is striking

Sheepy, Barry, Borchester, JoG are all (I don't think they would argue) pro hard brexit, and all are (again I don't think they would argue) on the "Covid minimising" side.


Quote from: BeElBeeBub on December 20, 2020, 12:29:01 PM
100% wrong.

Coronaviruses are a completely different phylum from influenza viruses.

They are as related to each other as you are to a starfish.

It is related to the MERS virus which had a fatality rate of around 50% (but mercifully was difficult to catch as you had to get it from a camel) and SARS1 which was around 25% fatal (but again was easier to stop because it was not infectious before symptoms).

The fatality of this is much lower around 1% depending on demographics and healthcare.

Before some idiot jumps in with "it's no worse than the flu", the IFR for Flu is *at worse* 0.1% usually far below.  There are parts of the US where the *population* fatality rate is above 0.2%

That doesn't account for the % of patients with long term symptoms either.

We now have a variant which initial analysis suggests is significantly more infectious.  It spread quickly even under tier 3 conditions, which were sufficient to suppress the other variants.

If this becomes the main variant, then keeping it in check will become a whole lot harder.

Unfortunately the horse has probably already bolted and the UK now has an even harder task ahead of it.

No not 100 % wrong.

There are similarities and differences betwqeen the flu and covid 19 as this article here makes clear.
Influenza (Flu) and COVID-19 are both contagious respiratory illnesses

QuoteBecause some of the symptoms of flu and COVID-19 are similar, it may be hard to tell the difference between them based on symptoms alone, and testing may be needed to help confirm a diagnosis. Flu and COVID-19 share many characteristics

As ever though you try and bat off any critique ( in this case of your original puerile post) with an over the top analysis. It doesnt make you look big or clever beelbeeb , and once again the vast vast majority of people couldnt quite give a feck about the microbiological composition of covid 19 just as they couldnt give a feck where covid 19 originated.

You did similar thoughout the brexit debate , taking a small unimportant issue which you personally felt was a cutting edge and defining point , over analysing it , and making a pretentious argument.

Your whole original post was nothing more than hypothetical bullshit which came across to  me as nothing more than bitter feet stamping.

This mythical comparison between brexiters and covid/climate change denial is just that , utter horseshit.

I voted remain despite you constant attempts to tar me as a "brexiter" , but unlike you i simply accepted the result and have moved on while you whinge incessantly about democracy and people not sharing your view.

I dont deny "climate change" , find it extremely interesting , but listen to both sides of the compelling argument and enjoy reading debates about it.

I dont "deny" covid 19 , but try and retain a sense of practicality , perception and common sense which by and large has been missing from people like you ( as with brexit and other issues).

Your mind is closed on all three issues beelbeeb , and you absolutely point blank refuse to accept any deviation from your world view.

Over analysing issues ,extrapolating data and making pretentious arguments doesnt do you any favours and maybe is why you are contantly on the losing side of many arguments which in turn makes you behave like a bad loser.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: HDQQ on December 20, 2020, 05:19:24 PM
There 10 million people in the London area and several million more in the rest of the South East. Compare that with a few dozen illegal immigrants who've crossed the channel in RIBs. All that we know so far is that the new variant was first detected in the South East and is quite likely to have originated there.





Quote from: Sheepy on December 20, 2020, 05:58:41 PM
There are other new strains in Europe allegedly and this.

And this,Spain%20and%20spread%20across%20Europe%20over%20the%20summer.

Both of those are distinct strains from the UK one.

The SA one has similar mutations but arose independently (convergence, like sharks and dolphins looking similar or any number of false crabs).

The suspicion of the SA variant's higher severity amongst the young is very concerning.

The UK variant's increased infectivity is also concerning as it makes trying to control it harder.

Luckily it appears the current vaccines produce immunity to the new variants.  Which makes it all the more important to suppress it until we have vaccinated enough people.

cromwell and affordable,not that hard is it?


What was that Mr Beelblubber, I didn't quite catch it all?
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: papasmurf on December 20, 2020, 05:27:08 PM
A few dozen? More than a few dozen have been caught and they are the tip of the iceberg.
rates are well down from the summer peak because *it's winter*.

In addition, the lack of the variant in N.France makes it unlikely the source is there.

Even if the mutation did occur elsewhere (which we will never know either way) it's irrelevant as the UK appears to be the primary reservoir now and we have to deal with the consequences rather than whine about whose fault it is.

Remember ally he complaints that China didn't act quick enough to stop CV spreading beyond it's borders?

You know, that they delayed too long because of they didn't want to impact their economy or cancel on people's New Year celebrations?

Can you honestly say if CV had arisen in the Luton instead of Wuhan the UK government would have been any better?  The current circumstances show it wouldn't have.

Though i accept the UK is probably (certainly) being more open about it than the Chinese were, their response hasn't been better.


Quote from: HDQQ on December 20, 2020, 05:19:24 PM
Compare that with a few dozen illegal immigrants who've crossed the channel in RIBs.

A few dozen? More than a few dozen have been caught and they are the tip of the iceberg.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: BeElBeeBub on December 20, 2020, 05:06:55 PM
Only the racist idiots say it's due the the BLM protest which were a) quite while ago and b) distanced and masked (in the main).

Of course there have been more recent protests in London (the last was only a week or so ago) that were neither distanced or masked and probably did contribute to the spread.

That would be the anti lockdown protests
Quote from: BeElBeeBub on December 20, 2020, 05:06:55 PM
Only the racist idiots say it's due the the BLM protest which were a) quite while ago and b) distanced and masked (in the main).

Of course there have been more recent protests in London (the last was only a week or so ago) that were neither distanced or masked and probably did contribute to the spread.

That would be the anti lockdown protests
Indeed only racist idiots would say its due to the BLM protests . Others  would just suggest it


There 10 million people in the London area and several million more in the rest of the South East. Compare that with a few dozen illegal immigrants who've crossed the channel in RIBs. All that we know so far is that the new variant was first detected in the South East and is quite likely to have originated there.
Formerly known as Hyperduck Quack Quack.
I might not be an expert but I do know enough to correct you when you're wrong!


Quote from: Streetwalker on December 20, 2020, 04:49:45 PM
This latest mutation of the virus has kicked on in London and the SE . Some say because of demonstrations and mass gatherings in the Capital .

I think Ill call it the BLM  strain  ???

Only the racist idiots say it's due the the BLM protest which were a) quite while ago and b) distanced and masked (in the main).

Of course there have been more recent protests in London (the last was only a week or so ago) that were neither distanced or masked and probably did contribute to the spread.

That would be the anti lockdown protests


Quote from: papasmurf on December 20, 2020, 04:52:57 PM
More likely it came over with some illegal immigrants in a Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB.)

Extremely unlikely

The sequence is only seen outside the UK in Denmark and Australia and in both cases in far lower amounts than the UK which suggests they are the recipients not the source.

If it was being transmitted by the small number of people coming over in boats you would also see a large concentration in N. France, which we don't (yet).

This cockney Covid is all ours


Quote from: papasmurf on December 20, 2020, 04:52:57 PM
More likely it came over with some illegal immigrants in a Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB.)

The name would remain the same


Quote from: Streetwalker on December 20, 2020, 04:49:45 PM
This latest mutation of the virus has kicked on in London and the SE . Some say because of demonstrations and mass gatherings in the Capital .

I think Ill call it the BLM  strain  ???

More likely it came over with some illegal immigrants in a Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB.)
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe