Sir Starmer looking for Scottish voters

Started by Sheepy, December 20, 2020, 06:34:28 PM

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Yougov UK Scots sample:
57% SNP
18% Con
13% Lab
2% Brx
2% Grn
2% Oth

Starmer has labour in scotland down to record lows in the latest uk you gov poll.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on December 21, 2020, 08:28:52 PM

i have a cunning plan . Honestly.
LOL it starts with, the first rue of politics, everyone is stupid but sir Starmer. I was going to put rule, but rue just seemes more fitting.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


QuoteKeir Starmer just wiped Scottish Labour off the map

As if the UK didn't have enough to deal with at the end of 2020, enter Keir Starmer to make matters even worse. Or, if you live in Scotland and/or are a supporter of its independence – the Labour leader just did you a favour.
Pandemic? Brexit? No, let's piss Scotland off, says Labour

On Monday 21 December, Starmer gave a speech on Scotland. It was setting out his plans for the future. The BBC reported that this was in advance of the 2021 Holyrood elections. Let's ignore the fact that the Labour Party's timing for this was dire; you'd think, given the country is gripped by a "Brexit Island" crisis, someone would have told Starmer to scrap his speech.

But no, his speech went ahead anyway. And it was devoid of any understanding of why 58% of people want to break from the UK.

QuoteKerry-Anne Mendoza
Starkers called the Scottish independence movement "Scottish separatists" in his speech. Over and over again.
If he thinks this is going to impress anyone but the Smug Centrist crowd, he's off his rocker.

Three cheers for  rear charmer. What a plank of wood that man  is.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Sheepy on December 21, 2020, 07:49:34 PM
you are welcome to him, but Ms Sturgeon has the border guarded.

quality stuff , that should dent a bit more of whats left of labours vote in scotland.

even the welsh are slagging him off..

QuoteWhy Labour leader Keir Starmer's devolution speech was abysmally bad

But his much-hyped speech today on devolution and the future of the union was very, very bad. Abysmal even. Terrible in a kind of 'did Nicola Sturgeon write the speech for him?' kind of way.

In many ways, it summed up the wrong-headedness that has brought us to the cliff edge of the UK, in that it was such a 'the view from London' speech with no understanding of the political forces at work beyond Westminster.

QuoteThe nadir of this was when he revealed with an enthusiastic flourish that former Labour Prime Minister Gordon Brown was going to be an advisor to the Commission.

As if the man who oversaw Labour's collapse in Scotland now suddenly had all the answers as to how to reverse that same decline.

It was deeply, painfully underwhelming stuff that will be absolutely nothing to put Labour in a better positing in next May's Scottish Parliament elections, let alone curb a growing appetite for independence.
The bulk of the speech beyond that was just the kind of meaningless platitudes that could have been cribbed from any pro-Union speech over the last 20 years.

In fact, I got a distinct feeling that as well as advising the commission, Gordon Brown had written large chunks of the speech, so familiar did much of it sound.

Starmers speech hasnt went down very well at all within and without labour party circles.

im sure good old will be along any moment to tell us starmer is really a tactical genius with a cunning plan , but the long and the short of it is once again , starmer come s across deeply underwhelming ,wooden ,monotone , and totally out of touch with whats happening north  of the watford gap.

QuoteThis kind of stuff is almost a parody of the kind of waffle you would come up with if asked to write a speech on this topic.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


There was a time, readers, when we'd have bothered ourselves to dig out the whole series of headlines and links for this.

Archly, we'd have pointed out that Labour solemnly offered Scotland yet another new devolution deal (roughly its 33rd since it first started promising "Home Rule" in – and we're not making this up – 1888) before the 2017 UK general election, and got itself humiliatingly thrashed.

(Picking up just 10,000 extra votes – most of them in the one seat it already held – in a year when the SNP lost 500,000 in previously Labour seats, and coming third behind the Tories in a country it used to own heart and soul.)

We'd have noted wryly that it offered Scotland the same old reheated garbage again at the 2019 election and got even more humiliatingly thrashed, losing all but one of its MPs again and coming FOURTH in terms of seats, well behind even the Lib Dems.

We would, of course, have linked back to Gordon Brown's original 2014 promise of the most federally devolved super-ultra-max federal devolution humanly imaginable, and his empty assurance that that promise would be kept even though Brown was in no position to do so and indeed wasn't even standing in the next election.

We've run out of superlatives and hyperbole (and the will) to express the magnitude of the mindboggling intellectual bankruptcy of still expecting anyone to swallow this drivel. "Look, people of Scotland! Gordon Brown's been dragged out of his crypt again to groan the old incantations once more! You must heed the wise elder's words!"

someone finally wrote an article on sir keirs brainwave lmfao!!!
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Sheepy on December 21, 2020, 11:35:02 AM
I can see he will need to be dispatched to Scotland very soon, with tales of its fine, we will give Scotland more independence.
While keeping you in the EU and slapping down those nasty English for daring to vote against the Westminster party.

aye send him up sheep.

His henchman in scotland ... ricky leopard , is coming out bottom of the popularity list among scot voters , and is deemed a liability.

Starmer is a bit more unkown , but will have to up his game of jam tomorrow is he wants taken seriously in jockland.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on December 21, 2020, 08:22:15 AM
Its just starmers flying a kite and looking for a reaction sheep.

Its very telling how little his promise( no laughing at the back) has been mentioned on scottish sites and blogs regarding devolution. I think this shows how low the labour party have fallen in scotland where the latest remark from a distant leader in another country is practicallly ignored rather than discusussed.

As you can see from this poll last week reagding the scot elections next year , labour are still bobbing about the bottom where sir keir knight of the realm starmer has taken them.

Scottish Parliament constituency ballot:

SNP 55% (+5)
Conservatives 20% (-3)
Labour 16% (-2)
Liberal Democrats 6% (-)

Scottish Parliament regional list ballot:

SNP 42% (+1)
Conservatives 20% (-1)
Labour 17% (-1)
Greens 12% (+1)
Liberal Democrats 7% (-)

16/17% of the vote for labour is shocking. They are barely holding off the greens  , and in some constituencies have been slightly overtaken by them.

To put that into perspective thats lower than corbyns vote share in both 2016 and 2019.
I can see he will need to be dispatched to Scotland very soon, with tales of its fine, we will give Scotland more independence.
While keeping you in the EU and slapping down those nasty English for daring to vote against the Westminster party.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on December 20, 2020, 06:34:28 PM
Thomas will be beside himself.

Its just starmers flying a kite and looking for a reaction sheep.

Its very telling how little his promise( no laughing at the back) has been mentioned on scottish sites and blogs regarding devolution. I think this shows how low the labour party have fallen in scotland where the latest remark from a distant leader in another country is practicallly ignored rather than discusussed.

As you can see from this poll last week reagding the scot elections next year , labour are still bobbing about the bottom where sir keir knight of the realm starmer has taken them.

Scottish Parliament constituency ballot:

SNP 55% (+5)
Conservatives 20% (-3)
Labour 16% (-2)
Liberal Democrats 6% (-)

Scottish Parliament regional list ballot:

SNP 42% (+1)
Conservatives 20% (-1)
Labour 17% (-1)
Greens 12% (+1)
Liberal Democrats 7% (-)

16/17% of the vote for labour is shocking. They are barely holding off the greens  , and in some constituencies have been slightly overtaken by them.

To put that into perspective thats lower than corbyns vote share in both 2016 and 2019.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!