Brexit Countdown to no trade deal Version 5.1

Started by Barry, December 20, 2020, 11:41:03 PM

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Quote from: Barry on December 21, 2020, 10:49:23 PM
Is it true that a deal is in the offing and MPs will be expected to have read 600 pages before approving it on Wednesday?
So the countdown to no deal might not actually happen. Everyone will be happy.
@Sheepy  What's going on?

MP's had obviously failed to read the full text of anything that has been put before them before so why should we assume they would read anything put before them now ?

Dangerous times  for Brexit  , most of the country in a lockdown Christmas and a crap deal being worked on by the Tories . Boris probably wont even read it himself (he has history) telling us it was all a bit of a rush


Quote from: Good old on December 21, 2020, 09:31:20 PM

Not weak at all , in fact it obviously erks you to have to confront the idea that  Scotland is as much a part of the U.K. as as any of us, including Starmer.

Scotland is a nation and country that is part of the united kingdom , a union of differing nations. It doesnt irk me , its something i have lived with all my life so its something im used to and determined to change.

Your country was similarly in a union with other european nations , but that didnt require loyalty from the english people same as your union doesnt require loyalty from me or mine , and it didnt stop the majority of english people voting to leave it , so what are you talking about?

Its quite possible to confront the idea a nation is part of a union , come to terms with it , and then vote to leave. I think this is what irks you and yours.
If they the Scots Nats, should take the side of any nation other than those occupying this isle then they would be open to the same charge you take pleasure in pointing at Starmer.


Your reasoning is a nonsense. Where have i , the snp or most scots sworn any fealty to you and your country?

The SNP stand for what it says on the tin...scottish independence. They are no more guilty of treason to england than plaid cymru , sinn fein , the irish , indians or any one of the 63 countries to leave the british empire over the last century.

Im not english , im not british.

84% of scots see themselves as white ethnic scottish , and two thirds in your governments very own census in 2011 see themselves as scottish in terms of national identity. There is no nationon this earth , now or at any time in history called "britain" , and if you think there is or was ,then please provide evidence.

How can you be a national of , or loyal to , something that doesnt exist?

Starmer , on the other hand is english , and like you , wants the uk to continue. He wants to betray the scottish nation to further subjugation from westminster ,which is why 55% of scots wont vote for him , and in your own country , he wants to betray England to the european union , which is why he is going tio have a hard time getting 13 half million english to vote for him.

You need to understand the difference between the word "enemy" , which is what the snp are to the british state , and "betrayer" which is what starmer and labour are to their own people.

QuoteAs for the Brexit thing , you start with a narrow majority. And the rewards for that narrow majority might never be realised. Relying on the idea that attitude will not change if Brexit does not succeed for ordinary folk is not justified.

At least some measure of honesty is oozing out of your post unlike most labour supporters.

Lets hope most brexiters realise whats lurking just below the surface of each and every labour supporter , the determination to drag england back into the hated european union.

QuoteNot just to me personally, but to the English nation.

The only people i have saw for the past four years or more patronising the english people , ridiculing them , mocking brexit and the popualr democratic vote , has been the labour party and their suporters on the english left.

Every left winger who has mocked brexit on this forum is english. We had posters like beelbeeb only the other day comparing brexiters to climate change deniers , covid deniers and insinutating they are all loony right wingers simply because they voted to leave the eu.

I have made my point over brexit time and again. Most on this forum dont agree with my politics , but i wear my support for scottish indy on my sleeve ,call a spade a spade , and they respect that. Unlike labour supporters  slinking about on this forum , constantly screaming tory bad , denying they are actually labour voters , slagging brexit off and generally putting the boot into their own people.

You and your ilk as we have all seen would sell your own country down the river for a piece of european arse.

You are fooling no one but yourself good old , and long may it continue. The longer labour  , starmer , and their supporters stay in cloud cuckoo land , the longer they will stay out of power to the betterment of us all.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Barry on December 21, 2020, 10:49:23 PM
Is it true that a deal is in the offing and MPs will be expected to have read 600 pages before approving it on Wednesday?
So the countdown to no deal might not actually happen. Everyone will be happy.
@Sheepy  What's going on?
I hear Borise offered the French a deal they couldn't refuse, reduced UK own fish quota demand from 60% to 30% which is only within 5% of what the EU were demanding.
Which means the UK gets to catch 30% of its own fish, but the EU firstly said not enough for them, but it seems the French Fishermen were said to be happy with that. It could all change by Wednesday.
Mind you as they have already gotten away with dredging UK protected fishing grounds it really seems like well, we are fecked anyway. If we save 30% of what is left it is a bonus.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Is it true that a deal is in the offing and MPs will be expected to have read 600 pages before approving it on Wednesday?
So the countdown to no deal might not actually happen. Everyone will be happy.
@Sheepy  What's going on?
† The end is nigh †

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on December 21, 2020, 07:31:12 PM
Its a pethetically weak rejoinder from you good old , like so many of your posts , and doesnt hold any water whatsoever.

The SNP are a scottish nationalist party , who are trying to break up the british state , and are extremely pro european , and can easily afford to be with the backing of two thirds of the scottish public in their eu stance.

They dont stand in your country , and arent asking english brexiters to vote for them to get into power at westminster.

Sir keir and new labour dont have that luxury.

When is comes to any dispute , the snp will side with the eu , and the scottish public will cheer them on for doing so.

Labour though , as every single english brexiter knows , hate the english flag  , see brexit as nothing more than nasty english nationalism and will do everything in their power to piss on their own peoples back because of it and side with johnny foreigner.

just as he did over the last four years in your parliment , and was one of the chief remoaner achitects in the commons trying to overturn english democracy and doing everything in his power to stop england leaving the eu.

People wont forget this , or trust labour in the future because of it.

Not weak at all , in fact it obviously erks you to have to confront the idea that  Scotland is as much a part of the U.K. as as any of us, including Starmer. If they the Scots Nats, should take the side of any nation other than those occupying this isle then they would be open to the same charge you take pleasure in pointing at Starmer. They are British subjects and open to the same requirements as the rest of us.
As ever you act as if Scotland is already an independent state , it is not ,and as you clearly say, they the SNP are trying to break up the British state, the U.K. something you can not charge Starmer with.
As ever you make the mistake of lumping Labour supporters and voters in one little easy for Thomas to hate box.
The vast majority of Labour support and those they support are in fact flag loving patriots. Not extremist in any way.
As for the Brexit thing , you start with a narrow majority. And the rewards for that narrow majority might never be realised. Relying on the idea that attitude will not change if Brexit does not succeed for ordinary folk is not justified.
The election vote was a vote for an oven ready deal, that would stop the arguing , and return to some sanity . That was the hope. Forlorn maybe. There will be a bill to pay and the Tories might have to pay it.
I wish you would  just make one single attempt to stop being so frigging patronising. Not just to me personally, but to the English nation. Which you never cease from doing with your ,. We are so lucky with our nationalist party, whilst you lot are stuck with the Tories, so in effect F—-Ed spill.
Oh, well Thomas another thread you have succeeded in diverting to your great anti Labour, Starmer, campaign.


Quote from: Good old on December 21, 2020, 06:33:07 PM
Off subject but a tease to far.
You might do better to ask that question with regard to virtually every party member of the SNP , British subjects remember,. When it comes to any dispute in the near future , with The EU French,.Who will that bunch of remoaners take sides with? Sir Keir , has every regard for the flags of England , and the ones those that represent every part of the U.K.

Its a pethetically weak rejoinder from you good old , like so many of your posts , and doesnt hold any water whatsoever.

The SNP are a scottish nationalist party , who are trying to break up the british state , and are extremely pro european , and can easily afford to be with the backing of two thirds of the scottish public in their eu stance.

They dont stand in your country , and arent asking english brexiters to vote for them to get into power at westminster.

Sir keir and new labour dont have that luxury.

When is comes to any dispute , the snp will side with the eu , and the scottish public will cheer them on for doing so.

Labour though , as every single english brexiter knows , hate the english flag  , see brexit as nothing more than nasty english nationalism and will do everything in their power to piss on their own peoples back because of it and side with johnny foreigner.

just as he did over the last four years in your parliment , and was one of the chief remoaner achitects in the commons trying to overturn english democracy and doing everything in his power to stop england leaving the eu.

People wont forget this , or trust labour in the future because of it.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Good old

Quote from: Thomas on December 21, 2020, 06:01:31 PM

but whose side will sir keir take?

The english or the french ?

im a wee bit suspect about his loyalty to your flag you know good old.

Off subject but a tease to far.
You might do better to ask that question with regard to virtually every party member of the SNP , British subjects remember,. When it comes to any dispute in the near future , with The EU French,.Who will that bunch of remoaners take sides with? Sir Keir , has every regard for the flags of England , and the ones those that represent every part of the U.K.


Quote from: T00ts on December 21, 2020, 10:18:02 AM
All that's happened surely is that people realised that when Covid first started to travel borders should have closed. This time they are doing it more quickly. We kept flying in and out all sorts with few checks and it has since been analysed that UK was a hub transmitting it all over the place. I can't imagine that this mutation hasn't happened in other countries the same as here. Why wouldn't it?  It does point up though just how easily France can run the show when it comes to supplies here. I have no doubt that they will take some delight in their power.

Bloody foreigners. Always making a fuss over not much of sod all. I dare say Keir Starmer will be over there pretty soon offering to give the entire EU Commission blowjobs by way of an apology
Algerie Francais !

patman post

Quote from: Barry on December 21, 2020, 05:46:54 PM
10 days 5 hours ish
It might actually come as a relief — always supposing whatever happens actually happens and was meant to happen...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: Good old on December 21, 2020, 05:55:35 PM

Giving us just a taster of what is to come, do you think?  They needed no excuse this time round. Any excuse in procedure  in future maybe to embarrass the old enemy.

but whose side will sir keir take?

The english or the french ?

im a wee bit suspect about his loyalty to your flag you know good old.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: T00ts on December 21, 2020, 10:18:02 AM
All that's happened surely is that people realised that when Covid first started to travel borders should have closed. This time they are doing it more quickly. We kept flying in and out all sorts with few checks and it has since been analysed that UK was a hub transmitting it all over the place. I can't imagine that this mutation hasn't happened in other countries the same as here. Why wouldn't it?  It does point up though just how easily France can run the show when it comes to supplies here. I have no doubt that they will take some delight in their power.

Giving us just a taster of what is to come, do you think?  They needed no excuse this time round. Any excuse in procedure  in future maybe to embarrass the old enemy.


An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


† The end is nigh †

Borg Refinery

5.1 in Brexit years is 10, equivalent to Windows 10.

We're all gonnae die! We're doooomed!