Brexit Countdown to no trade deal Version 5.1

Started by Barry, December 20, 2020, 11:41:03 PM

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7 days and 8 hours to go to leaving WITH a trade deal.
I'm sure everyone will be happy.
† The end is nigh †


† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Barry on December 22, 2020, 05:03:59 PM
Oh, OK, Gerry.
So it wasn't the EU that said to take off the travel and goods block from the UK, which Ireland ignored.
EU can do nothing, none of their business frankly.
France had its own plan, short stop followed by sanitary process. I hear France is telling the UK to do likewise or nothing moves. Their business eitherway.
As for IRL, they never put a block on food, just people


Quote from: GerryT on December 22, 2020, 04:44:50 PMIt has nothing to do with the EU.
Oh, OK, Gerry.
So it wasn't the EU that said to take off the travel and goods block from the UK, which Ireland ignored.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Baff on December 22, 2020, 03:57:44 PM
Not "coutries", the EU.

The EU seeks to punish the UK.
Most of the countries in the EU seem quite pissed off about that too.
Its up to each member state and not the EU to manage borders. It has nothing to do with the EU. practically all EU countries have blocked the UK, most likely temporary but they have. France may be the first to lift the ban as they work hard to set in place a sanitation system.


† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Borchester on December 22, 2020, 04:18:04 PM
That is about right Tommy, but I am not overly sure that Boris does. He has been acting very oddly lately.

I dare say that Macron will huff and puff for the look of the thing and then settle down to Christmas with his wife/mother or whatever. No one wants a fuss. The problem is that fattie might take the pragmatic view that no one wants a row over fishing rights that British fishermen will promptly sell to the French anyway. Or protecting our thieving bankers from the thieving bankers of the EU. Unfortunately, after his twisting and turning over this flu business, a lot of his supporters aren't feeling very pragmatic.

I can't see anyway that this will be of any use to the Labour party. BoJo's supporters are growing more anti EU not less, but you never know.
To be honest, getting involved with Scottish politics is just another minefield. i watch and see there is a growing real independence movement, for sure you will never convince them Ms Sturgeon has their best interests at heart and not a full EU sell out of any chance of independence. The Scots have an awful lot not to thank the Westminster ivory tower for, they will sort it out in their own time. The Scots that is, I admire those Scots who say feck this.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Borchester on December 22, 2020, 04:18:04 PM

I can't see anyway that this will be of any use to the Labour party. BoJo's supporters are growing more anti EU not less, but you never know.

Over on the scottish forums and sites borkie , as you would imagine the day is spent at great leisure slagging off the tories. Im sure thats no great surprise to you or anyone else.

What i laugh at though time and again is every now and then we get a dynamis /pappysmurf/good old/ gerry the shoneen type poster  , popping on incognito to tell us how we all need to vote labour to stop brexit ,and how wonderfull rear charmer is.

When that happens , the whole site downs tools and goes into labour party attack rampage , and the poor wee feckers piss off wae their tails between their legs before normal service is resumed and the political bickering gets back to the two parties that actually matter.

Its not wether brexit and its pros and cons are actually any use to labour , its wether labour are any  relevance to the rest of us.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on December 22, 2020, 07:41:52 AM

The tories will be toast if they sell out brexit , and we both know it.

That is about right Tommy, but I am not overly sure that Boris does. He has been acting very oddly lately.

I dare say that Macron will huff and puff for the look of the thing and then settle down to Christmas with his wife/mother or whatever. No one wants a fuss. The problem is that fattie might take the pragmatic view that no one wants a row over fishing rights that British fishermen will promptly sell to the French anyway. Or protecting our thieving bankers from the thieving bankers of the EU. Unfortunately, after his twisting and turning over this flu business, a lot of his supporters aren't feeling very pragmatic.

I can't see anyway that this will be of any use to the Labour party. BoJo's supporters are growing more anti EU not less, but you never know.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Thomas on December 22, 2020, 07:41:52 AM

The tories will be toast if they sell out brexit , and we both know it.

That is about right Tommy, but I am not overly sure that Boris does. He has been acting very oddly lately.

I dare say that Macron will huff and puff for the look of the thing and then settle down to Christmas with his wife/mother or whatever. No one wants a fuss. The problem is that fattie might take the pragmatic view that no one wants a row over fishing rights that British fishermen will promptly sell to the French anyway. Or protecting our thieving bankers from the thieving bankers of the EU. Unfortunately, after his twisting and turning over this flu business, a lot of his supporters aren't feeling very pragmatic.

I can't see anyway that this will be of any use to the Labour party. BoJo's supporters are growing more anti EU not less, but you never know.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Streetwalker on December 22, 2020, 08:38:22 AM

The tories have already torn up their internal market bill annexing N Ireland and  they have fallen into the trap of  talking about redistribution of EU fishing quotas instead of UK enforced fishing quotas .
A free trade deal (bringing N Ireland back into the UK) will maybe just about let them get away with that but any concessions on level playing fields or European courts of arbitration will be a akin to running up the white flag . The tories will push this to the limit of what they think they can get away with ,they are europhiles after all .

Wether we let them get away with it remains to be seen

and this.........

QuoteMSPs to pass Brexit bill to 'keep pace' with EU laws

MSPs are set to pass legislation which would allow ministers to keep Scottish law in line with future EU regulations.

In January, Holyrood will take on responsibility for a range of areas where policy is currently set in Brussels, including environmental and food standards and human rights.

The bill lets the Scottish government choose where to align local standards with those of the EU post-Brexit.

It also sets up a new watchdog to have oversight over environmental standards.

The Scottish government says the EU "will continue to be of fundamental importance to Scotland" after the Brexit transition period is over, and that it should "do everything it can to be an active and constructive participant on EU matters".

The Scottish Conservatives argue that the bill would cause regulatory divergence between Scotland and the rest of the UK, potentially endangering domestic trade and jobs, and would see Holyrood become a "passive rule-taker".

However the bill looks set to pass into law with Labour, the Greens and the Liberal Democrats all supporting the SNP administration.

More divergence from london rule in scotland means it is going to be even more difficult for you to pass international trade deals. To do that , london needs uk wide rules and control , as we have discussed ad naseum many a time.

If the tories in london do go and overrule the scottish parliament , once again sturgeon is looking at a yes vote printing machine, and as many have said you could be looking at a scottish yes support of over 60 % in a few months time.

Looks like sturgeon is prepping scotland for EEA/EFTA / EU membership.

I think the big problem you face mate is the same problem you faced at the start of all this.......england wanting to leave and take the rest of us with her.

Coupled with that , you have your own fifth columnists in your own country doing everything they can to damage you in every way to stop you leaving , or at the very least , leaving with a deal that is effectively BRINO.

Interesting times ahead mate.

I agree with you , i wouldnt trust a tory , and i wouldnt spit on starmer and labour as you know.

You know where i stand , i want my country out of the uk as we have been discussing for ten years or more.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Not "coutries", the EU.

The EU seeks to punish the UK.
Most of the countries in the EU seem quite pissed off about that too.


Quote from: T00ts on December 21, 2020, 10:18:02 AM
All that's happened surely is that people realised that when Covid first started to travel borders should have closed. This time they are doing it more quickly. We kept flying in and out all sorts with few checks and it has since been analysed that UK was a hub transmitting it all over the place. I can't imagine that this mutation hasn't happened in other countries the same as here. Why wouldn't it?  It does point up though just how easily France can run the show when it comes to supplies here. I have no doubt that they will take some delight in their power.

The UK could starve france out of it too, cunning plan.
But seriously protecting your local food production is very important and its why tariffs on imported food can be as high as 70%. For some very very strange reason the UK imports 80% of its food, if you count food ingredients used in making "uk made" foods. Thats a very precarious position to br in. But Toots don't blame the French, its the UK that put the UK in that position.

Why pick France, 40 countries have now stopped travel with the UK, don't forget the sunny uplands where the UK will stop buying food from the EU and buy from the other side of the planet, remember the EU needs the UK more than..bla bla.

If this new strain gets s grip in more countries then global movements will be stopped, so stop dreaming up conspiracy theories that countries are out to punish the UK.


Quote from: Thomas on December 22, 2020, 07:41:52 AM
Be interesting to see whose bottle goes over the next week or so streetwalker.

The tories will be toast if they sell out brexit , and we both know it. People might scoff , and say that will never happen , but they said the same about the labour party in scotland , and look where they are now.

I would imgaine farage and co will have a field day at the next election if that is the case.

You just have to sit back and wait and see , but im agreeing with you , the longer this goes on without any concrete annoucnement of whats happening , the more im inclined to think dirty deals are being done behind closed doors.

The tories have already torn up their internal market bill annexing N Ireland and  they have fallen into the trap of  talking about redistribution of EU fishing quotas instead of UK enforced fishing quotas .
A free trade deal (bringing N Ireland back into the UK) will maybe just about let them get away with that but any concessions on level playing fields or European courts of arbitration will be a akin to running up the white flag . The tories will push this to the limit of what they think they can get away with ,they are europhiles after all .

Wether we let them get away with it remains to be seen


Quote from: Streetwalker on December 22, 2020, 07:26:05 AM
MP's had obviously failed to read the full text of anything that has been put before them before so why should we assume they would read anything put before them now ?

Dangerous times  for Brexit  , most of the country in a lockdown Christmas and a crap deal being worked on by the Tories . Boris probably wont even read it himself (he has history) telling us it was all a bit of a rush

Be interesting to see whose bottle goes over the next week or so streetwalker.

The tories will be toast if they sell out brexit , and we both know it. People might scoff , and say that will never happen , but they said the same about the labour party in scotland , and look where they are now.

I would imgaine farage and co will have a field day at the next election if that is the case.

You just have to sit back and wait and see , but im agreeing with you , the longer this goes on without any concrete annoucnement of whats happening , the more im inclined to think dirty deals are being done behind closed doors.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!