Remember when Boris told Starmer to admit he wanted to cancel Xmas?

Started by Dynamis, December 21, 2020, 02:59:23 AM

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Quote from: papasmurf on December 21, 2020, 10:14:05 AM
Quite, Bojo-The-Clown is making such a complete bog of being Prime Minister all Starmer has to do is nothing.

What sit on the fence for four years?

Sounds good to me.

The question isnt wether boris and the tories can make it over the next four years......the question is can starmer based on nothing more than a strategy of fence sitting while more and more of his own mps and the public privately question his severe lack of leadership and cowardice dressed up meekly as some inane strategy.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on December 21, 2020, 10:14:44 AM

Crack on and vote him in as the saviour.  ;D

If the same thing happens to Bojo-The-Clown  I would buy tickets for that.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas on December 21, 2020, 09:35:57 AM
you hope you mean .  ;D

Do I? Oh ok, if you say so.

And you love and sycophantically worship everything Sturgeon does by that same token.

We can all use crude blanket statements.

QuoteIts all the same to me dyno , red tory blue tory , two cheeks of the same british nationalist arse and on the opposite side of the fence to me.

Well, your ideal party in a post-independent Scotland sounds like it'd resemble The PiS in Poland. Arsecheeks of any colour sound preferable to me as opposed to that.

As for the second post, fair enough. I don't disagree.


Quote from: Good old on December 21, 2020, 10:04:53 AM

I think not prudent, and not needed.  Starmer has no need to risk slipping in Boris,s blood, on to his own arse. I,m not surprised he is trying not to.

so you keep saying , and it isnt just me pointing oput the obvious flaw in that line of arguemtn on this forum.

His critics , many of whom arent tories or supporters of johnson are many and varied across the political sphere.

You keep misunderstand me , im over the moon that labour has such an inept  leader who is yet another red tory reincarnation. If he makes it to pm , the sooner the better.

The english left are cying out for a leader , they canonise jacinda ardern , and even big up sturgeon , while you try and sooth their fears by punting the line starmer is somehow being canny and sensible in his utter weakness and terror.

Johnson and the blue topries and starmer and his red mob are as i keep saying two cheeks of the same british national arse , so it make little difference to me. 

Im just wondering if the 13 half million english brexiters are really daft enough to allow a remorseless pro european into ten downing street and take their country back into the hated EU.

Borkies argument seems to me to be the very same political dysfunction and imbalance in the uk ( that is the root cause of many of england/uk problems) is what is going to be used to give bojo a smack on the hands for cancelling xmas really does beggar belief.

Crack on and vote him in as the saviour.  ;D

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on December 21, 2020, 10:04:53 AM

I think not prudent, and not needed.  Starmer has no need to risk slipping in Boris,s blood, on to his own arse. I,m not surprised he is trying not to.

Quite, Bojo-The-Clown is making such a complete bog of being Prime Minister all Starmer has to do is nothing.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on December 21, 2020, 09:07:51 AM

I remember earlier on this year on this very forum new labour supporter and forum member "good old" trying to punt the line starmer staying in the back ground is good prudent policy. Well that "prudent policy" is now looking like pathetic weakness. ;D

So Starmer has his critics. Well what a frigging surprise that is as he a politician in an era, of possibly more diverse  opinions in print than ever before.
Boris , is no different, there are ,and have been countless critics of him since way before he attained the PMs seat.
The fact is Starmer is untried. So to advise ,that he is a worse option than a total failure is unwarranted. What would being totally decisive amount to right now at this time of national trauma ? Stick the knife into a dying man, and bring the government down?
I think not prudent, and not needed.  Starmer has no need to risk slipping in Boris,s blood, on to his own arse. I,m not surprised he is trying not to.


Quote from: Dynamis on December 21, 2020, 09:32:58 AM

Not a bad article from what i read dyno , but if im reading it correct , it sounds music to my ears and shows yet again the english dont really get jockland ( or care).

If starmers sneaks into 10 downing street off the back of the tory vote in englandshire abandoning the toires due to johnson pissing off the likes of borkie , it will be fecking music to my ears.

It was starmers new labour predecessors i keep reminding people on here , not jeremy corbyn , who lost ( in part) the old former labour vote in scotland like myself.

A new reincarnation of the same thing that destroyed labour isnt going to change that. Starmer might be palatable to small c tory types in englandshire who want to give boris a smack on the hands , but scotland is a completely different kettle of fish .( pardon the pun in light of brexit)

Im going to laugh as well if brexiters and tory euroscpetics vote starmer in and he takes the empire back into the eu by the back door. Dont say you werent warned.

The piss taking across the globe as england is humiliated doing a u turn over the eu will be embarressing.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Dynamis on December 21, 2020, 09:32:58 AM
Yeh it's a wee immobile home jobby can't - floating at the bottom and worse still, but nonetheless Borkie's got it in one. He's right. The fat git is prolly gonnae end up losing the election next time to Sir Knight of the Realm the wee jobby because he really is that incompetent..

you hope you mean .  ;D

Its all the same to me dyno , red tory blue tory , two cheeks of the same british nationalist arse and on the opposite side of the fence to me.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Yeh it's a wee immobile home jobby can't - floating at the bottom and worse still, but nonetheless Borkie's got it in one. He's right. The fat git is prolly gonnae end up losing the election next time to Sir Knight of the Realm the wee jobby because he really is that incompetent..

That sucks.

Yup. Trying to blindly insist otherwise will get no-one anywhere.

Personally, I prefer it with leaders sho are at least openly offensively bad. At least you know where you are with them right?

When you have snide wee jobby shite wipes and stomatic shitebags, then you've got a big problem.

Trump and Bojo are at least upfront; Stammer's a shitebag.


Quote from: Borchester on December 21, 2020, 09:13:18 AM
And hasn't the Labour leader shown some sympathy for a new referendum on independence?

Not sure what you are talking about here borkie , but from what i can see i think you are mistaking sir keir promise of "more devolution" than sympathy to another ref.

It all sounds good to me borkie , sir keir offering more devolution to scottish unionists isnt good news for you borkie , it should attract the rather fickle scottish tory vote costing the torys seats in jockland.

More devolution isnt of any interest to the majority who now support independence , 45% in 2014 up to now 53/54% today.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


QuoteScottish Parliament constituency ballot:

SNP 55% (+5)
Conservatives 20% (-3)
Labour 16% (-2)
Liberal Democrats 6% (-)

Scottish Parliament regional list ballot:

SNP 42% (+1)
Conservatives 20% (-1)
Labour 17% (-1)
Greens 12% (+1)
Liberal Democrats 7% (-)

im more interested in what the scottish green leader has to say than captain abstainer down in your capital city borkie.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester on December 21, 2020, 09:13:18 AM
Dunno about that Tommy.

Oppositions don't win elections, governments lose them and Boris is doing his best to do that.

Starmer isn't a particularly inspiring leader but he doesn't have to be. Fattie has been such a disaster that there is bound to be a backlash against the Tories. And hasn't the Labour leader shown some sympathy for a new referendum?

You are describing why your political system is in such a mess borkie. The fact an uninspiring leader such as starmer might even have the slightest chance of becoming pm simply because there isnt any other alternative based on merit in a two horse race of dumb and dumber is maybe why your country is sliding down the league tables and has been for the last century since the empire began to break apart.
And hasn't the Labour leader shown some sympathy for a new referendum?



You sound like pat borkie , is something rattling londoners at the minute about the jocks leaving?

I think the telling thing is about labour they shot their bolt in 2014 with browns empty promises , backed up by darling and milliband and now no one takes anything they say with any seriousness.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


QuoteKeir Starmer is a wet wipe

The Labour leader's 2020 has been defined by a distinct lack of action.

A year of inaction

When Starmer first ascended to Labour leader in April, he was somewhat of an enigma. Not the exciting, Dan Brown kind, but the middle-class lawyer kind. No one knew exactly what he stood for really, other than some proclamations about being a dyed-in-the-wool socialist and the McLibel case. Keir had only become an MP in 2015; he'd been the architect of Labour's disastrous Brexit strategy and promised to bring unity to the left and right of the party.

It seemed a big promise for such a green MP to make but Keir was voted in regardless, perhaps because he was fresh blood but more likely because he'd gone to Oxford, was a middle-aged London-based lawyer and a knight of the realm to boot.

Eight months later and it's become clearer that Keir doesn't particularly stand for anything. Instead, his tenure as Labour leader has so far been marked by profound cowardice and fence-sitting. He's combined both an unwillingness to offer anything in the way of new ideas, new policies and steps forward, with a simultaneous failure in defending existing left-wing battlegrounds – and minority groups.

At a time when it has never been easier to oppose faltering Tory policy and promote left-wing alternatives to misery, he has instead chosen, time and time again, to remain silent. If Keir's first year in power can be summed with one word it would be "abstention".

For those of us watching from the beginning, it was obvious that Keir was scared, terrified even, of making the wrong move. These fears were hardly unfounded; predecessor Jeremy Corbyn has had decades worth of work as an anti-racist activist and campaigner washed away, instead finding himself regarded as a dangerous bigot by much of the British public.

     "Keir has defined his leadership by bottling it on high-stakes issues"

Labour party members were also more divided than they had been in decades, a renewed "hard-left" refusing to just cede ground to the centre-right after five years in power and a taste of hope. Social media discourse was toxic, the base split and Labour were also facing a general public who had overwhelmingly voted in favour of a Tory party promising the most overtly racist political agenda in years. This was the kingdom Keir was to inherit.

Early fear though, has turned to paralysis. Try and name a single Keir Starmer policy. Go on, think of it now. Anything? Nope.

Now name a Keir Starmer abstention.

Since September, Keir has ordered his party to abstain on controversial votes concerning Covid-19 tiers, the Covert Human Intelligence Source bill (aka the "spy cops" bill) and the Overseas Operations bill (also known as the "torture" bill).

All three abstentions proved baffling decisions. Both the spy cops and torture bills have been denounced extensively by human rights activists, who warn that they amount to essentially allowing soliders and undercover agents carte blanche to "rape, murder and torture in the name of national security". Three junior shadow ministers, including Nottingham East MP Nadia Whittome, were even stood down from their roles after defying Keir to vote against the torture bill.

More recently, opposition to the introduction of the Covid-19 tier system, and the consequences for already struggling northern areas, was such that the vote brought a mass Tory rebellion. If Labour had chosen to oppose in numbers too, the bill would have been defeated. But under Keir's leadership, they didn't, something now so predictable that Boris Johnson even factored it into his decision making.

Internally too, Keir has defined his leadership by bottling it on high-stakes issues. He's managed to piss off a variety of minority groups within Labour,

There it is there. Dont agree with all the article , but the lady author doesnt miss regarding starmer and has his leadership down to a tee.

If that man wins the next uk general election , it wont be because of his skill as a politician and leader , but it will be because of the shamefulll feckin mess that is the uk political system and a shocking indictment of how turds can indeed rise to the top.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on December 21, 2020, 08:56:19 AM
The most amsuing thing about the whole covid 19 scenario when discussing uk politics is how utterly totally useless keir starmer has been throughout the whole process. He has been practically invisible and silent on this issue ( and many others of course as i have pointed out relentlessly) and while the tories have stumbled from one crises to the next , starmer has largely failed to oppose them , which is his job , while having the fence stuck so far up his arse he has been completely immobile.

I can't think of many past labour leaders who would have been so inept at failing to make any political capital out of covid 19 and many other issues as starmer has been. When you compare kinnock, blair , smith  , and look at starmer  , the man isnt fit to lace their boots.

During times of crises , the public look for leaders , and while you smirk at bumbling boris being caught by his own words , the public are even more disgusted by the total utter cowardice on display from labours wooden and timid "leader".

If only captain hindsight had some foresight he might be seen to be a bit more credible.

Dunno about that Tommy.

Oppositions don't win elections, governments lose them and Boris is doing his best to do that.

Starmer isn't a particularly inspiring leader but he doesn't have to be. Fattie has been such a disaster that there is bound to be a backlash against the Tories. And hasn't the Labour leader shown some sympathy for a new referendum on independence?
Algerie Francais !


I cant remember the article dynamis , but a wee while back i read some lefty blog where keir starmer was described as a wet wipe whose ledership has been defined by bottling it on high stake issues , while no one can think of s single keir starmer policy but everyone knows his record on  abstentions.

I remember earlier on this year on this very forum new labour supporter and forum member "good old" trying to punt the line starmer staying in the back ground is good prudent policy. Well that "prudent policy" is now looking like pathetic weakness. ;D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!