Remember when Boris told Starmer to admit he wanted to cancel Xmas?

Started by Dynamis, December 21, 2020, 02:59:23 AM

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Quote from: patman post on December 21, 2020, 01:05:19 PM
Labour seems unlikely to get into government unless it wins more seats outside England. So Kier Starmer's prime concern must be to make sure he's not connected with Johnson's mistakes and bungling, and generally lack-lustre cabinet, in order to broaden Labour's UK-wide appeal. That should increase Labour's chances of getting seats in Scotland and Wales and, if possible, getting allies in Northern Ireland — especially if he pushes for greater devolution...

There hasnt been a sigle occasion in labours recernt history that they have got into power using scottish westmisnter seats to do so.

Every single one of tony blairs majorities were won on english seats and comfortable westmisnter majorities in england.

I think once in the last 100 years has labour managed to sneak in using scottish votes , and in light of the current debate regarding scot indy and brexit , i would suggest scottish votes propping labour in the commons and governance over england would be like a red rag to the english voting bull.

Not that its likely to happen anyway.

Im intruged though with this arguemtn that keir starmer is some brilliant strategist by sitting on the sidelines carping at the tories with the fenc stuck so far up his arse its coming out his throat.

Thats might hold water with an unknown politician , but unfrotunately that isnt the case with starmer.

While sniping about covid is one thing , when stramer was put to the test as labours chief strategist last demcember , everyone both inside and outside of labour , either privately or pulbicly have dnounced starmers "strategy" over brexit and the GE in general to be the architec of labours biggest election defeat in modern history.

So if thats who you are pinning your hope on to save the union , bring it on i say.

The tories will have starmers pro european credentials displayed on every billboard in england from hexham to lands end at the next general election , and you would need a mass change in public opinion over brexit with englands 13 half million brexiters to give starmer any chance of winning outright through english votes.

As for more devolution , again i say crack on.

Scotland s 55 % or therabouts indy supporters are deaf and blind to more empty labour/westmisnter promises about jam tomorrow.

It worked for brown and darling in 2014 , it wont work again.

Instead of the most pwoerfull devolved parliament i nthe world , as brown and milliband promised , we have watched for 6 years as devolution and our parliament has been pissed on .

No matter what labour promise , every scot man woman and child know fine well know the chance of the tories getting back in to undo labours empty devoltuion promises will always exist as no english parliament can bind a future one.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Borchester on December 21, 2020, 01:13:19 PM
Not Labour. It does not matter who is in charge, the first move will be to approach the EU and ask if the UK can rejoin.

We shouldn't rejoin the EU IMHO.

I don't agree with stuff like the Irish lisbon treaty being reforced on them again and again.

Referenda should be at most once every 10-15 years if it's run fairly.

If not, then you end with extreme problems...

QuoteIf the Tories party is run by a Brexiter and they have dumped Boris, then probably them.

Why the heck not?

There are clever Brexiters out there, I've kever suggested a decent leader even if Tory couldn't do an OK job.

FFS is it so hard?


Quote from: Thomas on December 21, 2020, 12:27:25 PM
good thats all you needed to say. So if you have to pick between labour and tory at the next election , which one will you vote for dyno?

Tory bad , or labour joke? ;D

Not Labour. It does not matter who is in charge, the first move will be to approach the EU and ask if the UK can rejoin.

If the Tories party is run by a Brexiter and they have dumped Boris, then probably them.
Algerie Francais !


But I never mentioned the postal vote or viktor so why is that my fault? Or Joe Swinson for that matter.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas on December 21, 2020, 12:54:15 PM

sorry me no understandy , what is your point caller? Are you admitting voting labour or not?

As i said mate you labour voters and activists are far too shrewd for us mere mortals.

I know mate, even thick as pigshite labour activists get one over on you and sheepy. Then again you're ESOL and you've admitted struggling with it to other posters on here before, so no surprise you no understandy, and sheepwash is ENOL.


patman post

Quote from: Good old on December 21, 2020, 10:04:53 AM

So Starmer has his critics. Well what a frigging surprise that is as he a politician in an era, of possibly more diverse  opinions in print than ever before.
Boris , is no different, there are ,and have been countless critics of him since way before he attained the PMs seat.
The fact is Starmer is untried. So to advise ,that he is a worse option than a total failure is unwarranted. What would being totally decisive amount to right now at this time of national trauma ? Stick the knife into a dying man, and bring the government down?
I think not prudent, and not needed.  Starmer has no need to risk slipping in Boris,s blood, on to his own arse. I,m not surprised he is trying not to.
Labour seems unlikely to get into government unless it wins more seats outside England. So Kier Starmer's prime concern must be to make sure he's not connected with Johnson's mistakes and bungling, and generally lack-lustre cabinet, in order to broaden Labour's UK-wide appeal. That should increase Labour's chances of getting seats in Scotland and Wales and, if possible, getting allies in Northern Ireland — especially if he pushes for greater devolution...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...

Borg Refinery

It's those foreign French Algierian l3gions voting... and the irish.

And the muslamics at labour hq. And the russians..


They don't take halal sheep into the voting booth for slaughter..



Quote from: Dynamis on December 21, 2020, 12:51:55 PM
That's some impressive dishonesty on your part.

So now you're changing the story like you did before..

Then you changed your story...

Not even pappy makes up such blatant exaggerated lies... why bother?

Oh then you accused pe of being a Bot or Paid Troll...

::) ::) ::) ::),2333.msg48234.html#msg48234

Ha ha ha ha ha, I can't stop chuckling at that..


Paid troll as.. what was it that the bizarre illiterate thing said?


sorry me no understandy , what is your point caller? Are you admitting voting labour or not?

As i said mate you labour voters and activists are far too shrewd for us mere mortals.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas on December 21, 2020, 12:40:43 PM
now you know this isnt true dont you. You admitted voting labour last election , as even sheepy wash says , and you are a died in the wool english lefty constantly screaming tory bad.

If it walks like a duck......... ;D

That's some impressive dishonesty on your part.

So now you're changing the story like you did before..

Quote from: Thomas on November 28, 2020, 05:39:41 PMi know mate , you just happen to vote labour every election but you arent really a labour voter.

Then you changed your story...

Quote from: Thomas on November 28, 2020, 05:48:27 PM
och you arent now backtracking and trying to deny you voted labour last year?

Not even pappy makes up such blatant exaggerated lies... why bother?

Oh then you accused pe of being a Bot or Paid Troll...

::) ::) ::) ::)

QuoteMe and the anglo left troll corporate machine are coming to get you comrade vladimir,

Quotewhats that old english saying about many a truth said in jest? ;),2333.msg48234.html#msg48234

Ha ha ha ha ha, I can't stop chuckling at that..


Similar to... what was it that the bizarre illiterate thing said?

Quote from: Sheepy on November 27, 2020, 11:11:40 PM
Well, no worries then General, you being the face of the next corporate step shouldn't be bothered about a few quid.


I don't know what that's even supposed to mean, but it sure is amusing.

You guys are silly heads.  :P



Quote from: Good old on December 21, 2020, 12:37:53 PM

In political terms, abstaining in a commons vote is still a possibly potent weapon .
It can be in certain occasions.

The trick is to make abstaining work for you in terms of damaging your opponent and public perception , neither of which has worked well for starmer.

QuoteStarmer has tried to tell this guy how to perform on a number of issue,s regarding COVID.

no he hasnt , starmer has made himeslf look a complete can't at times over covid 19 , and generally being ridiculed by both the public media and his own anglo lefty side. He has let johnson off the hook repeatedly , and had a great chance to damage johnson recerntly with the tory rebellion and by all accounts bottled it big time ,with the excuse his cowardice was all some great cleevr ploy which no one bought into.
Some might consider he has kept his powder dry , not shown his  cards to early, preparing to  strike  at the right moment, keeping his  nerve.

Is that what you are trying to sell? The brilliant stategist playing the long game?

My god that has to be the biggest pile of shite i have read on here for a while.
Scotland , and the question of its independence  is somewhat different in so much as few politicians south of the border are  in a mood to encourage the breaking of the union, so he is hardly out of step there.

no shit sherlock.  Brtiish nationalsits dont want britain breakig up well who knew?

Which is why starmer is a lost cause i scotland  , he is fighting for the dregs of what is left of the unionist vote , which by all acounts is sitting around 45 % in scotland in a three way split between tory and liberal.

hence why he is on 16% , worse than where corbyn had labour.

QuoteIt is true Labour , do need a larger Scottish vote share

No they dont. To win at westminster labour need to win tory england , hence why they will lose scotland and have lost scotland by turning small c tory new labour blairite to convince borkie and others to give them a chance to feck england economy again.

Quoteand what is a really strong possibility is coalition.

thts about the only thing i agree with your post , and labour will pay a high price for it should that day ever arise.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


A mention of the postal vote always tends to be a bit of an edgy subject at Labour HQ.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

Borg Refinery

So now your only defense is he's lying about not voting Labour?

Trolling only works if it has the element of truth in it you know, otherwise it just gets ignored or you get counter trolled.


Quote from: Thomas on December 21, 2020, 12:34:58 PM
i like labour activists sheep , they are so helpfull at times , especially when they go round chapping the dooors offering to help auld mrs mactavish fill in her postal vote.

Jist pit yer vote here hen in this big box , theres no other choices.
LOL ever get the feeling Dyno doesn't like me? he seems a bit put out that people with a different opinion answer back and it is all my fault.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Dynamis on December 21, 2020, 12:39:07 PM
..which makes you a Tory activist.

Your logic = I'm a Lab activist if I want to vote Labour. Except I don't.

now you know this isnt true dont you. You admitted voting labour last election , as even sheepy wash says , and you are a died in the wool english lefty constantly screaming tory bad.

If it walks like a duck......... ;D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!