French Commissioner Says We're Being Spited Over Brexit

Started by Dynamis, December 22, 2020, 08:30:42 AM

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Quote from: Good old on December 22, 2020, 01:26:35 PM

The approach of project reality doesn't seem to be going down to well. I suppose .

I suspect the reality could be worse than "project  fear."
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Sheepy on December 22, 2020, 01:22:21 PMI probably could, but not like you, we are not spiteful for the sake of it, even when you tried to throw rocks over Northern Ireland, we said well done you got what you wanted. But it shows how spiteful you are now that isn't enough.
No the UK isn't spiteful. Telling the EU it will suffer more. Telling Ireland you will starve it if you don't get your way...again, even when the UK tried to drive a bulldozer through the WA and the NI agreement until it realised that would be very very very bad for the UK, only then did the UK do a 180. No not spiteful at all.
How are the EU spiteful, well they close borders with a country with a serious contagious infection but then starts plans to allow food through with sanitary measures. You need to get a grip on reality

Good old

Quote from: GerryT on December 22, 2020, 12:13:40 PM
Thats my opinion, and delays will get worse. That's not a wish or request. You can file it under project fear.

The approach of project reality doesn't seem to be going down to well. I suppose .


Quote from: Sheepy on December 22, 2020, 01:14:48 PMProbably the same reason this thread is full of remain and decrying the British on behalf of the EU, it is nothing new. As for being spiteful as I said part of human nature and I have no idea why that would need explaining. Except maybe why remain are still trying to run the country and the negotiations. Even though I have pointed out it is spiteful.
What is the UK doing to fix this. It could:
set up cleaning areas so containers going to the EU empty are covid cleaned first. It could have containers sent without cabs so that only trucks in the UK ship the containers around the UK.
On the other hand the French are putting in place a system to get traffic flowing again. But you (the UK) just sit back and have some turkey while everyone else sorts out your problems.

Again 40 countries have closed to the UK


Quote from: GerryT on December 22, 2020, 01:16:52 PM
Because the French are working hard to get EU sanitary protocols in place to get shipments moving, this delay is a blip for a couple of days at most. Brexit delays will have the same effect, but will last months and months, possibly longer. That's why. Because the UK don't have a plan and the UK Govt hasn't helped business in the UK. It just says get ready, be prepared, more meaningless slogans. UK business can't get ready because they don't know what forms, process or systems will be in place in NINE days time.
You could always send over some UK football hooligans to wreck the place.
I probably could, but not like you, we are not spiteful for the sake of it, even when you tried to throw rocks over Northern Ireland, we said well done you got what you wanted. But it shows how spiteful you are now that isn't enough.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Nick on December 22, 2020, 12:55:07 PMThis situation has ZERO to do with Brexit, it is about the virus.
And how will it get worse that borders completely closed?
Because the French are working hard to get EU sanitary protocols in place to get shipments moving, this delay is a blip for a couple of days at most. Brexit delays will have the same effect, but will last months and months, possibly longer. That's why. Because the UK don't have a plan and the UK Govt hasn't helped business in the UK. It just says get ready, be prepared, more meaningless slogans. UK business CANT get ready because they don't know what forms, process or systems will be in place in NINE days time.

Quote from: Nick on December 22, 2020, 12:55:07 PMJust wait til the French farmers start burning stuff, the EU will soon realise that the borders have to open.
You could always send over some UK football hooligans to wreck the place.


Quote from: GerryT on December 22, 2020, 01:10:43 PM
Can you explain how 40 countries have shut their borders to the UK but it's the French that are being spiteful.  Look at the other side of the coin, they don't want the new virius strain.
But france saying they are setting up EU sanitary protocols to allow essential flow to the UK would be mainly ignored in UK press. That doesn't work well with the empire shouting mob
Probably the same reason this thread is full of remain and decrying the British on behalf of the EU, it is nothing new. As for being spiteful as I said part of human nature and I have no idea why that would need explaining. Except maybe why remain are still trying to run the country and the negotiations. Even though I have pointed out it is spiteful.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

patman post

Quote from: Nick on December 22, 2020, 12:55:07 PM
This situation has ZERO to do with Brexit, it is about the virus.
And how will it get worse that borders completely closed?
Just wait til the French farmers start burning stuff, the EU will soon realise that the borders have to open.
So the French aren't making a point over Brexit, they're simply closing their border to keep out "the virus"?
Why then, will the French farmers start burning stuff when there's nothing competitive or infectious getting through to burn?
If the current situation around UK ports and airports has nothing to do with Brexit, it seems to be giving the logistics people ample opportunity to run-through their no-deal scenario strategies...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: Sheepy on December 22, 2020, 11:36:24 AM
Well no we don't want to be in the EU and by now it should be plain to see why. As for spite it is a part of human nature and it might be sad to have no friends but worse having no enemies, a bit of Che for dyno. Who came to a sticky end.
Can you explain how 40 countries have shut their borders to the UK but it's the French that are being spiteful.  Look at the other side of the coin, they don't want the new virius strain.
But france saying they are setting up EU sanitary protocols to allow essential flow to the UK would be mainly ignored in UK press. That doesn't work well with the empire shouting mob


Quote from: Nick on December 22, 2020, 12:55:07 PM
This situation has ZERO to do with Brexit, it is about the virus.
And how will it get worse that borders completely closed?
Just wait til the French farmers start burning stuff, the EU will soon realise that the borders have to open.

It will be about Brexit from January 1st 2021.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: GerryT on December 22, 2020, 12:13:40 PMThats my opinion, and delays will get worse. That's not a wish or request. You can file it under project fear.

This situation has ZERO to do with Brexit, it is about the virus.
And how will it get worse that borders completely closed?
Just wait til the French farmers start burning stuff, the EU will soon realise that the borders have to open.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: patman post on December 22, 2020, 09:18:47 AM
So having left at the end of 2019, the UK should still expect to avail itself of all the benefits of membership...?

That is right.

As said time and again, wonderful country France, Great food, splendid climate, gorgeous women, too good to leave to the French.
Algerie Francais !

patman post

Quote from: T00ts on December 22, 2020, 12:25:39 PM
We are in the transition period nothing has changed yet.
One change:
Some EU countries, like Germany, cannot extradite their citizens using the European Arrest Warrant to countries that are not member states of the EU. Because the UK left the EU on 31 Dec last, these EU countries cannot extradite their citizens to the UK during the implementation/transition period.
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: T00ts on December 22, 2020, 10:55:55 AM
No matter the threats the fact is that until 31st December we are still members and should be treated as such.

What threats


Quote from: Dynamis on December 22, 2020, 10:36:41 AMSo what? They are abusing their position to spite us..

Yes or no?
No their not. They are protecting their own interests. They have no plan to unish the UK, the plan is to protect their citizens. Something 40 other countries are also doing. Just because their action to protect their people is in opposition to UK interests is not a why they are closing borders/travel.

Quote from: Dynamis on December 22, 2020, 10:36:41 AMAnd it isn't mostly run at the behest of France and Germany and other main, founding members..?

You aren't serious?
No its most definitely not. The EU is a rules based organisation, the rules are set by the 27, each member has the same say. The UK was ruled by a monarch and in latter years a PM with sole power, that's not how the EU works, the UK still looks for Macron or Merkel to step in and close the deal. But the more than stupid UK politicians haven't yet figured out that the hired in rep Barnier is the man representing the 27 and it's him and only him that will make the deal. Talking to Macron or Merkel is just that, all talk, zero action will come of it.

Quote from: Dynamis on December 22, 2020, 10:36:41 AMAnd yet the French commissioner admitted they'd do more to help us if not for Brexit.
Yes EU members would do more to look after EU members, funding/special shipping arrangements etc. It's what a club does, helps each other. The UK doesn't want to be part of the club so obviously doesn't want any special treatment. It's why the EU set up a 750billion c19 fund to help recovery, the UK not being part of that is prob also the EU punishing the UK.

Quote from: Dynamis on December 22, 2020, 10:36:41 AMAnd you're taking it out on the average UK citizen who has done nothing to deserve this.

It's like when Russia collectively punished Europe by turning off the gas taps, leaving parts of Europe freezing cold..
Nobody is "taking it out" on the UK, France is putting its people ahead of the UK. It's not a binary choice, in 9 days the UK leaves, a hard brexit was the most likely outcome. Surely the UK has plans for getting foods from all around the world, commonwealth friends... how is one country now such an issue.
I'm sure France will send container ships, just not RoRo, its the movement of people that's a problem,
Quote from: Dynamis on December 22, 2020, 10:36:41 AMNo, it owes us nothing, but it could take the higher ground.

Instead, that xenophobic tit Macron who seems determined to create Fortress Europe MKII, has decided to collectively punish the whole country.

We are suffering even more because of this after we're already suffering enough as it is.
It is taking the higher ground, it's putting it's peoples needs ahead of the UK. The UK can buy from elsewhere. Macron has ZERO to do with this, Macron is the hired help, he does what the 27 countries tells him to do, no more. The UK put itself in this shit hole and it needs to get itself out.
It's not like when Patel suggested that the UK should starve the Irish out of it, that was vindictive and a very ill advised comment considering the history.
If more countries get this "super" version of C19 they will be cut off also.