French Commissioner Says We're Being Spited Over Brexit

Started by Dynamis, December 22, 2020, 08:30:42 AM

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Quote from: GerryT on December 23, 2020, 01:11:52 AM
The foreign drivers can get a boat to IRL and then a boat to Dunkirk. Or catch a boat to Rotterdam, there are options.

Have you actually checked that is currently possible?
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Good old on December 22, 2020, 11:29:01 AM
This does go to far. Food supplies ,vital supplies. Should not be interfered with. For any reason


Lets just stand back a wee minute and look at this whole picture here good old.

The yookay media , and their eu worshiping sycophants and bad losers in the labour party , and general remoaners , are running around the last few days or so telling the public they will struggle to get what they need for their xmas dinner due to border disruption. We are all going to starve to death if the peking pox doesnae get us first. Armageddon.

Everyone with half a brain knows fine well this is utter bullshit.

Christmas dinner in my house like most others contains seasonal scottish and english food , and our farmers can more than supply us with that food. Supermarkets are the ones who may very well struggle , partly with the amount of foreign rubbish they import at dirt cheap prices , while they reject 4.5 million tons of fruit and veg every year jist because it doesnae look nice in their wee pretty plastic packaging.

Thats why scottish and english farmers for example end up feeding bendy carrots to the cows  that have been rejected.

I will be buying local as much as i can , as often as i can. Scotland can feed fuel and power itself  and still has plenty left to export to england ( and elsewhere), and we know the uk as a whole cannot , its hardly likely england or the wider uk is going to anywhere near starve.

More remoaner bullshit.

1 week to go.

The lefty remoaner vultures are circling as project fear mark three reaches new heights of dribbling bed wetting nonsense , while everyone else digs their heels in and say twos up.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Barry on December 22, 2020, 10:48:58 PM
I'm tackling the thread subject and the OP which is about spite.
Some people would cut off their nose to spite their face. The lorry drivers from Almería have been ringing up to find out what they've done to deserve it.
The French drivers have been contacting their firms and the firms have been saying to Macron, WTF?
There's more EU citizens in those locked down lorries than UK ones Gerry. It's no laughing matter for them!
The foreign drivers can get a boat to IRL and then a boat to Dunkirk. Or catch a boat to Rotterdam, there are options. Alternatively they wait until France and the UK setup the sanitary protocols. Hopefully not much longer. What's caused this, a strong strain of C19. This is going to happen with more countries, getting the reproduction rate down to lower levels is now vital.
An interesting point though, no deal and I can't see any of those lorry drivers looking to come back to the UK, one experience of a lorry park is prob enough for anyone.

Well there's been no evidence of spite, not yet. We've cleared up Barnier, no examples. Guy is laying it out plain and simple and the Commissioner is just telling the truth.

Great expectations, drop the great and it will start making sense


Quote from: GerryT on December 22, 2020, 09:55:53 PMBut fell free to tackle the point made. Barnier being spiteful and something something
I'm tackling the thread subject and the OP which is about spite.
Some people would cut off their nose to spite their face. The lorry drivers from Almería have been ringing up to find out what they've done to deserve it.
The French drivers have been contacting their firms and the firms have been saying to Macron, WTF?
There's more EU citizens in those locked down lorries than UK ones Gerry. It's no laughing matter for them!
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Barry on December 22, 2020, 09:31:15 PM
Of course there is no Guy in the EU who would be spiteful.
The quote was Barnier, spiteful and something something else.

That was wrong.

Now Guy, yes he's outspoken but not what you suggest. Just remember what a no deal brings, massive delays at borders. He's pointing out reality, funny how you cut his twitter post at the start of the video. Do it at the end of the video and his message makes so much more sense.

But fell free to tackle the point made. Barnier being spiteful and something something


Quote from: Barry on December 22, 2020, 09:31:15 PM
Of course there is no Guy in the EU who would be spiteful.
There will penance of course in return at a point as yet undecided, the crew wouldn't expect anything less.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Of course there is no Guy in the EU who would be spiteful.

† The end is nigh †


Quote from: GerryT on December 22, 2020, 09:12:24 PM
Don't deflect, the requirement at the border is to match the shipment paperwork (which governs the value and type of tariff) with whats actually in the shipment. On planet earth the only way to do this is look inside the shipment, count the bits, match this against the paperwork and if it all adds up let the container travel, otherwise it sits there until sorted.
Having a tracking number has zero to do with it.
And hopefully the correctly packaged consignment you might do isn't in a container with some irregular shipments or your goods will get delayed, days, weeks, who knows.
I agreed it doesn't work, you said so. LOL
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on December 22, 2020, 08:25:10 PMWell yes there is that of course it doesn't work, yet I can track my delivery where it is currently and even which number delivery it is on, but then of course if you are just smuggling it isn't so good. Or have longer-term plans.
Don't deflect, the requirement at the border is to match the shipment paperwork (which governs the value and type of tariff) with whats actually in the shipment. On planet earth the only way to do this is look inside the shipment, count the bits, match this against the paperwork and if it all adds up let the container travel, otherwise it sits there until sorted.
Having a tracking number has zero to do with it.
And hopefully the correctly packaged consignment you might do isn't in a container with some irregular shipments or your goods will get delayed, days, weeks, who knows.


Quote from: GerryT on December 22, 2020, 08:05:25 PM
Oh I'm in no doubt what so ever. The UK gave zero thought to Ireland, the UK was made to look at the NI issue and deal with it.

First we had the trust us, that went down like a lead balloon. Then we had the lets agree trade and some tome down the road we'll deal with it, again lead balloon time. Then we had the magic fairy dust technology where a whatyahmacallit was going to examine the inside of a container, checking the contents of each parcel and matching it against paperwork, all done from a hidden yokeamebob camera as the container sped by at 80mph. That really gave us a laugh but we didnt want to be rude and make the UK team feel as dumb as they were.
Eventually the UK came to their senses and agreed to the only known solution to mankind, a border. Which is placed inside the UK, the only country in the world to have one.
The UK got cold feet and tried to renage on its word but came to its senses and here we are.

So yes, im under no illusion.
Well yes there is that of course it doesn't work, yet I can track my delivery where it is currently and even which number delivery it is on, but then of course if you are just smuggling it isn't so good. Or have longer-term plans.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Baff on December 22, 2020, 07:29:42 PM
You overestimate the amount of thought we gave to Ireland.
No one even cares.
Oh I'm in no doubt what so ever. The UK gave zero thought to Ireland, the UK was made to look at the NI issue and deal with it.

First we had the trust us, that went down like a lead balloon. Then we had the lets agree trade and some tome down the road we'll deal with it, again lead balloon time. Then we had the magic fairy dust technology where a whatyahmacallit was going to examine the inside of a container, checking the contents of each parcel and matching it against paperwork, all done from a hidden yokeamebob camera as the container sped by at 80mph. That really gave us a laugh but we didnt want to be rude and make the UK team feel as dumb as they were.
Eventually the UK came to their senses and agreed to the only known solution to mankind, a border. Which is placed inside the UK, the only country in the world to have one.
The UK got cold feet and tried to renage on its word but came to its senses and here we are.

So yes, im under no illusion.


Quote from: GerryT on December 22, 2020, 04:53:12 PM
Yes you def did, because you thought the EU is germany or France and that the EU wouldnt back Ireland.
You overestimate the amount of thought we gave to Ireland.
No one even cares.


Quote from: Barry on December 22, 2020, 05:41:52 PM
That is also UK government spin, with no scientific backing.
Maybe so, time woll tell, but you can't blame countries being careful.


Quote from: GerryT on December 22, 2020, 05:39:12 PMNo more dangerous ?
If its 70% more infectious then that infection rate is exponential. Spreading far faster and causing far more stringent lockdowns and deaths. You have 67k deaths in the UK so far, that could double or treble, would another 100k dead by late Feb be ok. This strain is on a new level of serious danger. No country wants it.
That is also UK government spin, with no scientific backing.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Barry on December 22, 2020, 03:33:55 PM
If the French think they don't already have this new variant in their country, they are kidding themselves. It has been in Kent for 3 months!
The new variant has similar symptoms to the other and the scientists say no more dangerous.
Kent and Calais are virtually joined at the hip.
You might well be correct and this strain could be everywhere. But 40 countries decided to not take the chance and locked down the UK. Thats not a slight on the UK, this or other strains could appear in any country. Whats strange is the UK thinking its being punished.

No more dangerous ????
If its 70% more infectious then that infection rate is exponential. Spreading far faster and causing far more stringent lockdowns and deaths. You have 67k deaths in the UK so far, that could double or treble, would another 100k dead by late Feb be ok. This strain is on a new level of serious danger. No country wants it.