French Commissioner Says We're Being Spited Over Brexit

Started by Dynamis, December 22, 2020, 08:30:42 AM

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Good old

Quote from: Sheepy on December 23, 2020, 12:01:29 PM
Which is why I always tell the truth, that I know full well the Westminster party are in it together. They have created all of it between them. Just like they pretend to say something different while actually agreeing.

Precisely. The blame should be shared out equally.


Quote from: Thomas on December 23, 2020, 12:20:16 PM
The sheer audacity of these new labour supporters like good old to try and spin history is unbelievable.

Tony blair , and his antics from 2004 , was one of the biggest enablers of the brexit vote in 2016.

Against mass public approval , especially in england , he flooded england with eastern european cheap labour , going to far as to flood places like poland with adverts beggin them to come , when many of the western european nations refused to allow mass movement form eastern europe .

He pissed the english off big time , and added fuel to the anti european flames which had burned to a lesser degree in england since the seventies.

Its unbelievable , many of the problems we see en masse across the uk in 2020 can be traced back to and laid at the door of tony blair and new labours thirteen years in power.

Why would anyone let these muppets anywhere near the levers of power ever again?
I mean with all this spite flying around for all to see, have they even learnt any lessons from democracy, you wouldn't think so. I can see they will be needing a crash course and the Westminster bus is out of control.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on December 23, 2020, 11:56:01 AM
i havent laughed that hard on this forum for quite a while after reading that spin and utter cac.

Labours worst GE result in history was a mixed bag? The remainers getting humped in england was a mixed bag?

We were told on this very forum never mind elsehwere how remain was going to sweep all aside and stop brexit.

You can argue black is white all day long , but the fact remains remain lost heavily in england.
load of absolute new labour starmer rubbish. Labour itself soul searched after the GE and many high profile mps said clearly that stramers policy on brexit cost them in theri own northern english backyard.

Had corbyn been allowed to give labour an pro brexit stnace , as we all know which is what corbyn was , a brexiter , they might not have won , but would have done better than under starmers misguided pre remain attempt at pulling the wool over everyones eyes in england.

Corbyn isnt to blame , starmers inept tactics and pro remain stance were.
no im not english , nor a brexiter , and scotland was on frances side for much of that history.

The fact remains england wasnt cowed into submission then , and wont be now.

You fifth columinst anglo remainers really are the shit on peoples shoes arent you? Talking about stabbig your own in the back , and being gllefull over every setback your country may face.

You are despicable specimens

All the usual sitting on past results as if they are the blueprint for evermore. Mingled with the blind faith in a hatred of the Labour Party. We English, will not be cowed,  believe it . That is a totally different issue we will not bend to any real threat. Real threat Thomas , coming from a remainer you must know it's never been a real threat.
As far as I'm concerned you are a shit stirrer,. Whether the smell eminates from your shoe or not.
There is no glee at what our country has to contend with, you as ever completely miss the point, Sorrow describes my feelings . Your insults are pure proof of your ignorance man.


Quote from: Sheepy on December 23, 2020, 12:06:45 PM
See even Thomas has noticed. Also happily facilitated by the EU. Which incidentally none of them wanted to give up. But we had to do a little arm twisting.

The sheer audacity of these new labour supporters like good old to try and spin history is unbelievable.

Tony blair , and his antics from 2004 , was one of the biggest enablers of the brexit vote in 2016.

Against mass public approval , especially in england , he flooded england with eastern european cheap labour , going to far as to flood places like poland with adverts beggin them to come , when many of the western european nations refused to allow mass movement form eastern europe .

He pissed the english off big time , and added fuel to the anti european flames which had burned to a lesser degree in england since the seventies.

Its unbelievable , many of the problems we see en masse across the uk in 2020 can be traced back to and laid at the door of tony blair and new labours thirteen years in power.

Why would anyone let these muppets anywhere near the levers of power ever again?

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Baff on December 23, 2020, 11:54:56 AM
Sell them dingies and then provide them with a naval escort half way.
Never stoop as low as the opposition. ;D
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Thomas on December 23, 2020, 12:01:57 PM
Tony blair was the biggest mass importer of cheap foreign labour in modern uk history , what are you talking about?

Keir starmer , should he ever get into power will be exactly the same.

Labour might not directly employ them , but they facilitate their use as we all know.
See even Thomas has noticed. Also happily facilitated by the EU. Which incidentally none of them wanted to give up. But we had to do a little arm twisting.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Thomas on December 23, 2020, 12:01:57 PM
Tony blair was the biggest mass importer of cheap foreign labour in modern uk history , what are you talking about?

In all of UK history.

He quite literally invited more immigration to the UK than everyone else in history combined.
Guiness Book of Records, Tony. Grats.


Quote from: Good old on December 23, 2020, 11:58:17 AM

And does Labour recruit and employ  that mass import ? Would you say that most employers of cheap foreign labour in this country were. Without doubt strong Labour supporters.?

Tony blair was the biggest mass importer of cheap foreign labour in modern uk history , what are you talking about?

Keir starmer , should he ever get into power will be exactly the same.

Labour might not directly employ them , but they facilitate their use as we all know.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on December 23, 2020, 11:58:17 AM

And does Labour recruit and employ  that mass import ? Would you say that most employers of cheap foreign labour in this country were. Without doubt strong Labour supporters.?
Which is why I always tell the truth, that I know full well the Westminster party are in it together. They have created all of it between them. Just like they pretend to say something different while actually agreeing.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Good old on December 23, 2020, 11:58:17 AM

And does Labour recruit and employ  that mass import ? Would you say that most employers of cheap foreign labour in this country were. Without doubt strong Labour supporters.?

I would be unsurprised if they were Blair voters.
Labour at it's strongest ever.

Good old

Quote from: Sheepy on December 23, 2020, 11:52:54 AM
Labour always feed from misery and poverty it isn't rocket science, the more the better as far as they are concerned, even if they have to mass import it.

And does Labour recruit and employ  that mass import ? Would you say that most employers of cheap foreign labour in this country were. Without doubt strong Labour supporters.?


Quote from: Good old on December 23, 2020, 11:47:56 AM

The snap GE result was a mixed bag of opinion .

i havent laughed that hard on this forum for quite a while after reading that spin and utter cac.

Labours worst GE result in history was a mixed bag? The remainers getting humped in england was a mixed bag?

We were told on this very forum never mind elsehwere how remain was going to sweep all aside and stop brexit.

You can argue black is white all day long , but the fact remains remain lost heavily in england.
As expected in the election they didn't want Corbyn, Starmer was only his oily rag in their eyes.

load of absolute new labour starmer rubbish. Labour itself soul searched after the GE and many high profile mps said clearly that stramers policy on brexit cost them in theri own northern english backyard.

Had corbyn been allowed to give labour an pro brexit stnace , as we all know which is what corbyn was , a brexiter , they might not have won , but would have done better than under starmers misguided pre remain attempt at pulling the wool over everyones eyes in england.

Corbyn isnt to blame , starmers inept tactics and pro remain stance were.
Is that the latent dream .?

no im not english , nor a brexiter , and scotland was on frances side for much of that history.

The fact remains england wasnt cowed into submission then , and wont be now.

You fifth columinst anglo remainers really are the shit on peoples shoes arent you? Talking about stabbig your own in the back , and being gllefull over every setback your country may face.

You are despicable specimens
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Sheepy on December 23, 2020, 10:55:05 AM
Prisoners of war, we might have to build camps for them. ;D
Sell them dingies and then provide them with a naval escort half way.


Labour always feed from misery and poverty it isn't rocket science, the more the better as far as they are concerned, even if they have to mass import it.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on December 23, 2020, 10:59:30 AM

The mythical brexiter dissenters , this time disillusioned tories , rears its head again. ;D

I have been hearing about these people  , in all their fabled guises , for the last four and a half years , and how strange is it they never make an appearence at election time. It was only one year ago exactly we were hearing the same anti brexit pish , and how the silent but mythical remain majority , and disillusioned tories , were going to go to the polls and sweep the tories aside.

...and what happened?

The master strategist , sir keir sit o the fence starmer , took labour to their worst election defeat in living memory , and brexiters swept the minority remain support aside like a feckin avalanche!

In typical labour paryty style good old , you insist on parping off the same tired old rhetoric and make believe propaganda expecting a different result!

England spent the best part of 900 years at war or skirmishing with the french. For much of that time , the flow of goods and freedom of movement across the channel was restricted.

Did england starve? Did england cave in? Did england beg for european domination and european law?

From what i can see , these project fear mark three stories are doing nothing but entrenching brexiters views to leave the eu without a deal , rather than having them cave into remainer demands for some deal that gives england/uk a BRINO.

As ever , you labour clowns are on a different planet.

Mythical, you have to be joking, there were  at least 16.5 million anti - Brexit votes at the referendum.  My constituency is overwhelmingly Tory, and along with other strong Tory seats it voted clearly to remain. As expected in the election they didn't want Corbyn, Starmer was only his oily rag in their eyes.
The snap GE result was a mixed bag of opinion . That in the most part was based entirely on the moment. And the moment cried out for a closure on the ridiculous position the referendum had placed our long established parliamentary system.
An oven ready deal, nailed it down. Labour did not want that election , accused of being frit, I remember well. It was only ever going to  be about resolving Brexit for good or bad they new it full well. It will not work next time. People will only want Brexit in large numbers if it is actually not making life more difficult than it is now. A state of affairs you seem to have trouble coming to terms with.
Oh, dear Tom, England , 900 hundred years of fruitless strife for what? I would suggest supremacy. Is that the latent dream .?